Enlightenment begins with the consecration of God

Chapter 160 The Treasure of Demonstration

Chapter 160 The Treasure of Demonstration
It is said that years are not counted in the chaos, and the time in this prehistoric time flies by quickly.Before I knew it, a long time passed.

Since Yang Tuo deduced Ziwei Doushu, he also relaxed for a while.I wanted to take a walk in the lower realm, but Xin Huan came to report that there was a demon entrenched in Beiju Luzhou.

These monsters take a nine-headed lion as their king, and they call themselves the Nine-Ling Primordial Saint, with very powerful mana.Many monsters in Beiju Luzhou respect him.

Although these nine lions have always been stable, they have not caused any troubles.However, its influence is getting bigger and bigger, and the monsters under it are also good and bad, and there are many evildoers.

Now it has seriously affected the stability of Beiju Luzhou.Beiju Luzhou was originally sparsely populated, and it was even more difficult to develop after being harmed by demons.

Although Yang Tuo sent Xin Huan to lead the army, they have been exterminating some evil spirits.However, it is limited by Xin Huan's cultivation and the quality of the heavenly soldiers and generals.

It also barely exterminates the monsters below Taiyi, and as for the monsters above Taiyi, as long as they are not too much, they are temporarily let go.

In fact, he was a bit disobedient. After Xin Huanzuo invited Yang Tuo, Yang Tuo dispatched some Xingjun to crusade with him.

Over the years, it can be regarded as fruitful.Under Yang Tuo's management, Beiju Luzhou didn't have any major problems.

But this time Jiuling Yuansheng is not easy to deal with.According to Yang Tuo's memory, although the Jiuling Yuansheng was not cruel, his mana was terrifyingly powerful.

It was so easy to capture Monkey King, it didn't cause any waves at all.At that time, Sun Wukong was already at the level of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

From this point of view, the Jiuling Yuansheng is either a Taiyi Golden Immortal or has stepped into the Dao Realm.

Because at this level of cultivation, there is no great opportunity, and it is basically difficult to make a breakthrough in a short period of time.

If it was the Taiyi Golden Immortal, then Yang Tuo still had to fight.If he has already stepped into Daluo, then Yang Tuo may have a hard time subduing him.

Yang Tuo's focus on going to the lower realms is because he is still a Taiyi True Immortal and has not stepped into the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal. This is somewhat different from his estimate.

It stands to reason that he played 24 solar terms, and his road has long been smooth.When he became Taiyi True Immortal, he also comprehended the way of time movement from the 24 solar terms.

Now he is in charge of theocracy and manages the four seasons.He has already understood his own way, but now he still stays in the realm of Taiyi Zhenxian.

He learned from Ziwei Doushu that there was a problem with the spread of the 24 solar terms.Therefore, he plans to go down to the realm himself, spread the way of solar terms, and prove the fruit of Taiyi Dao early.

Unexpectedly, things like Jiuling Yuansheng happened.It's not a big deal, and it's not a small thing.

Small because it hasn't done much damage yet.Speaking of big, if you don't care about it, I'm afraid it will form a trend that can't be dropped.

When the time comes to deal with it, it will not be so easy.Maybe it will lead to a shocking battle that will affect the entire Beiju Luzhou.

Yang Tuo thought for a while, and then told Xin Huan, "You send someone to investigate first, and see how harmful this Jiuling Yuansheng is."

"Find out how many demons there are and gather under his command." It seems that this kind of force has become a climate, and it is difficult to eradicate it in a hurry.

Yatuo also had to find out the situation first, and then prescribe the right medicine.If it is forcibly conquered, I am afraid it will lead to more serious consequences.

Seeing what the teacher said, Xin Huan quickly bowed and said, "Yes, teacher!"

Yang Tuo instructed again: "This Nine Spirits Yuan's way is profound, and his supernatural powers are astonishing. You need to be careful when you investigate. If you are noticed by him, you may fall into danger!"

Xin Huan replied respectfully: "Disciple, remember the teacher's instruction! You must act carefully."

Immediately Yang Tuo waved his hand and let Xin Huan leave.After Xin Huan left, Yang Tuo began to think about countermeasures.

Jiuling Yuansheng is very powerful, and now there are many demons attached to him.If he attacked by force, even if he could win, the Northern Heavenly Court where he was born would suffer heavy losses.

If it is defeated, it will be even more majestic, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to rule the northern sky.

Yang Tuo thought carefully, and finally decided to wait for Xin Huan to find out all the monsters, and cut out their wings first, so as not to cause them to expand their harm.In the end, it depends on the situation, whether it is to appease or punish, so that there is room for maneuver.

Because of this matter, Yang Tuo couldn't get out of the world for a while.He could only continue to practice and wait for Xin Huan's investigation results.

He thought for a while, then patted the top of his head with his hand, revealing Qingyun, which was the size of an acre.A huge purple Polygonatum odoratum appeared in the clouds above the head.

Above the purple Polygonatum odoratum, countless innate Yimu auras enveloped it, and there was also dense purple air flowing around, shining in all directions. It was the innate spiritual root—the hollow purple Polygonatum odoratum.

Yang Tuo looked at the purple jade bamboo, and then pointed with his hand, the hollow purple jade bamboo was broken from the middle, and a large part fell off.

Yang Tuo caught it with his hands and groped carefully. He planned to refine a treasure of enlightenment from this object to carry his own Dao.

It can also be regarded as integrating one's own Tao and mastering it, and applying what you have learned.In this process, go through it again carefully to see if there are any mistakes or omissions.

The piece of purple jade bamboo in my hand is several feet long, about a foot wide, and has 24 knots, crystal clear and transparent.Streams of warm current flowed from it, as if it had been warm jade for thousands of years.

He threw the piece of purple jade bamboo into the air, and drew with both hands.The three lights of the sun, the moon, and the stars gathered together, and endless brilliance gathered in front of him.

When the brilliance gathered to the limit, there was a bang, and a real fire was born from the infinite brilliance.

This group of real fire, fueled by the three lights of the sun, moon and stars, emits a dreamlike light, and the unique breath of real fire can be felt from a long distance.

This is the true fire of the stars transformed by the three lights, and it is a kind of flame that Yang Tuo only comprehended after taking charge of the stars.

In the great sun, there is the real fire of the sun, and the golden flame of the great sun.In the moonlight of the lunar eclipse, there is also the real fire of the lunar eclipse, the extremely yin purple flame.Then the power of the stars, of course, can also give birth to the real fire of the stars, Ziwei Tianyan.

Yang Tuo placed the hollow purple jade bamboo on top of the flames, and continuously played out various spells in his hands.The purple jade bamboo gradually shrunk, and finally turned into a bamboo pole four or five feet long.

The whole body of the bamboo pole is crystal clear, surrounded by purple air, and there are stars shining.The fire of the stars is like fire but not fire, and this purple jade bamboo stick is tempered by the infinite sun, moon, and stars.

Coupled with the extraordinary nature, although it is jade-like, it is as strong as fine iron.Without losing the spirit of Yimu, it is full of vitality.

The bamboo body, which is several feet high, is reduced to four or five feet long after refining.The bamboo body as thick as a bucket is only a few fingers wide now.

There are still 24 sections, and each section forms its own space, which is the beauty of this innate spiritual root.

I don't know how many tens of thousands of years, just one section grows, but each section contains space, like a newborn small world.

As long as it is cultivated slowly, it is not impossible to form a complete world in the end!
(End of this chapter)

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