Chapter 17 The Return of the Four Heavenly Kings

Yang Tuo and Ziya waited until the middle of the night, when suddenly a bird on the branch spoke: "Master, Master, the disciples are ready, just wait until the next day, and we can make great achievements on the battlefield in one fell swoop."

Jiang Ziya heard the words and said happily: "Good! The strategy of the national teacher has been completed."

Yang Tuo nodded and said, "In this case, we still need to be careful, and don't let him discover the flaw."

Yang Jian replied: "Yes, the disciple will definitely not show his flaws." After speaking, the little bird flew out of Xiqi and went to the business camp.

In the early morning of the next day, Yang Tuo and Ziya were preparing their army for war, when another porter came to report: "There is a Taoist boy outside the door asking to see you."

Seeing this, Yang Tuo couldn't help sighing in his heart: "There are so many disciples of Chanjiao! Several people came to help in a row. Even Chanjiao with a small population has so many disciples. How should the so-called "Ten Thousand Immortals Come to Court" stop teaching?" What a grand occasion!"

Not to mention Yang Tuo's feelings, Ziya asked Daotong to be invited in.As expected, when he saw the person, he had delicate features, outstanding demeanor, and looked like a fairy boy.

Ziya asked, "Where did the fairy boy come from?"

Daotong replied: "I am Huang Tianhua, a disciple of Qingxu Daodezhenjun in Ziyang Cave of Qingfeng Mountain. I am also the eldest son of Wucheng King Huang Feihu. I am ordered by my master to come down the mountain to help my uncle."

Jiang Ziya was also surprised when he heard about it, but he didn't think it was Huang Feihu's eldest son.So they sent someone to call Huang Feihu to come.

As soon as Huang Feihu entered the prime minister's mansion, he saw his own child standing in the lobby.Feeling really surprised in my heart, I asked Tianhua, "Why is the child here?"

Huang Tianhua replied: "Teacher Haierfeng ordered me to go down the mountain to assist King Wu."

Hearing this, Huang Feihu was overjoyed and said: "Now that my son is back and the family is reunited, it is really God's favor that my father and son will not suffer from separation."

At this time, Jiang Ziya said: "I don't want King Wucheng to have a son to come into my sect, what a blessing!"

Regardless of the reunion of King Wu Cheng's family, Yang Tuo and Jiang Ziya led the troops out of the city as planned and headed for the business camp.

In the Yin merchant camp, a scouting horse came to report: "Report to the Marshal, Xiqi has sent troops to attack again."

Hearing the words, the four generals of the Mo family burst into laughter: "I don't want someone from Xiqi to come to die, but I don't know who is here today!"

The four generals also led their troops to the camp, and the two sides met in front of the battle.Mo Lishou stepped forward and said, "I don't know who will come to die today?"

Jiang Ziya turned his head to look at Yang Tuo and said, "Why don't fellow daoists take command today so that we can see all the achievements?"

Yang Tuo nodded and said, "Alright!"

As he spoke, he looked to the left and right and said, "The Prime Minister and I have already made arrangements, and we will defeat the enemy today."

When the generals heard the words, they couldn't help but feel a tingle in their hearts, cheering up, "It seems that today is a fierce battle."

Yang Tuo nodded and said, "Huang Tianhua!"

Huang Tianhua rode out on a jade unicorn.Yang Tuo said: "You have just come to Xiqi, and you haven't made any achievements yet. Today, you will take the lead and face Molishou."

Huang Tianhua Ling Ran said: "I would like to obey the order of the national teacher and general."

After speaking, he slapped the jade unicorn, and the jade unicorn stepped on the wind and cloud, and ran in the air.

As soon as Huang Tianhua came to the front of the formation, he said loudly: "I, Huang Tianhua, come to fight you."

When Mo Lishou saw that there was indeed another strange Taoist boy, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay, it is true that reinforcements have come, but it is another person who is dying."

Without going forward, he wanted to call out "Flower Fox Mink" and eat him again.Mo Lishou called out "Flower Fox Mink" and said, "Go, eat this man."

"Huahu Diao" heard the words and flew towards Xiqi.I don't want to bite off the left hand of the magic ceremony sea when I just got close to the magic ceremony sea.Fortunately, the sea of ​​magic ceremony flashed for a moment, otherwise the leader might be crushed in one bite.

Not only the Yin Shang side was puzzled by this sudden shocking change, but Xiqi's side was also stunned.

Everyone was stunned on the spot, but Yang Tuo would not be in a daze.He shouted again: "Jin Zha, Mu Zha, and Nezha, you three go forward quickly. Capture these four together with Huang Tianhua."

When everyone saw Yang Tuo issuing the order, they also knew that it was the arrangement of the national teacher and the prime minister.Not daring to neglect, the three hurried forward.

Mo Liqing was taken aback when Mo Lishou's "Flower Fox Sable" attacked Mo Lihai, but he was the eldest brother after all, and reacted quickly.A shot stabbed at the "Flower Fox Mink".

"Huahu Diao" dodged and avoided it, and turned into Yang Jian who was devoured a few days ago in a blink of an eye.

As soon as Yang Jian showed his figure, he went to kill Mo Lihai. Mo Lihai lost his arm and was about to end.

Mo Liqing hurriedly sacrificed the magic weapon "White Jade Vajra" and hit Yang Jian.Seeing Mo Liqing offering the magic weapon, Yang Tuo unhurriedly offered the "Hunyuan Umbrella", and said with a smile, "Today, I also ask you to come and taste the 'Hunyuan Umbrella'."

Then, he shook the umbrella, only to see that "white jade vajra cut" made a circle and submerged into the "hunyuan umbrella".

Yang Tuo took the "White Jade Diamond", which made Mo Liqing unable to rescue him in time.Mo Lihai was hit by Yang Jian, hit the head, and the soul was shattered, dead and dao disappeared.

Mo Lishou saw his elder brother being killed, his expression was crazy, he wanted to devour others, and wanted to kill Yang Jian.At this time, Huang Tianhua was riding a jade unicorn, and he was about to kill him, so he had no choice but to raise his whip to block it.

Huang Tianhua strikes with two hammers, Mo Lishou double whips to block, back and forth for several rounds.Mo Lishou wanted to kill Yang Jian, but Huang Tianhua couldn't stop him.The two passed by, Mo Lishou ignored Huang Tianhua and went straight to Yang Jian.

Seeing this, Huang Tianhua straightened up the jade unicorn, and took out a dart from his bosom, which was the "Fire Dragon Standard".Huang Tianhua sacrificed the "Fire Dragon Mark" and went towards Mo Lishou. "Fire Dragon Standard" shot smoke, and the fire flashed, hitting Mo Lishouhou's heart.

Mo Lishou screamed and fell to the ground.Huang Tianhua urged the jade unicorn to chase from behind, and hit Mo Lihai on the back of the head with a hammer, and Mo Lihai turned into a group of dead souls and headed towards Qishan.

Jin Zha, Mu Zha, and Nezha rushed to the front of the formation, Jin Zha and Mu Zha stopped Mo Liqing, and Nezha stopped Mo Lihong.

When Mo Liqing saw two people coming, he hurriedly offered sacrifices to the "Qingyun Sword", but Jin Zha moved faster, and the "Dragon Chasing Stake" turned into a golden light, encircling Mo Liqing, unable to move.

Mu Zha sacrificed the "Wu Hook Sword", and took the name of Mo Liqing with one sword.Mo Lihong was the only one left, Mo Lihong knew that her life would not be safe today, so she calmed down instead.

Seeing Nezha approaching, he didn't dodge and went straight to meet him.Nezha stuck a gun in Mo Lihong's chest, and he didn't dodge when he saw Mo Lihong.Just as surprised in his heart, he suddenly saw Mo Lihong unleash all his mana, and there was a loud bang, and a mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

Nezha saw that Mo Lihong blew himself up, and hurriedly protected his body with "huntian silk".However, he was still blasted tens of feet away, and fell to the ground motionless.

Seeing that the three brothers died, Mo Lihong didn't want to live alone.To show one's ambition by death, and to show brotherhood.

Before he died, he wanted to drag everyone in Xiqi.However, everyone in Xiqi can also be said to have profound Taoism, except for the nearest Nezha who was blown up, the rest of the people were fine.

On Xiqi's side, Jiang Ziya used the "Yuxu Xinghuang Banner" to protect his men and horses.The Yin and Shang side suffered heavy losses, with countless casualties.

Yang Tuo saw that the last Mo Lihai blew himself up and died, and the Yin Shang side suffered heavy losses, so he swung his army forward and killed the Yin Shang soldiers who were still standing there.

All the soldiers in Xiqi are really striving to be the first at this time, for fear of falling behind.The dragon beard and the tiger rushed to the front, waving the boulder in their hands, and went straight into the enemy's line without stopping.Wu Cheng Wang Huang Feihu, General Nan Gongshi followed closely behind.

Xiqi's side is in a state of invincibility, and Chaoge's soldiers and horses are retreating steadily. After a fierce battle, Xiqi wins a big victory, and Chaoge's soldiers and horses escaped with less than [-] people.

(End of this chapter)

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