Enlightenment begins with the consecration of God

Chapter 182 Practicing the Tao, Proving the Tao, and the Fruit of the Tao

Chapter 182 Practicing the Tao, Proving the Tao, and the Fruit of the Tao
After hearing what Lao Tzu said, Yang Tuo seemed to understand something, but also seemed to understand nothing.After thinking for a while, he still thanked him and said, "Thank you, Saint, for your guidance!"

As soon as Lao Tzu saw it, he knew that he still hadn't let go of the doubts in his heart.However, Yang Tuo's luck is quite deep, and he has some blessings, and his future achievements are not bad.

He decided to help him again, and immediately said: "Although I have other things to deal with on this trip to the west, it also has the intention of spreading the Taoism to the west. If you have nothing to do, you can go west with me, and maybe you can get something."

Yang Tuo was overjoyed when he heard the words, what could be more important than following the saints.What's more, with Laozi traveling all the way west, it is not impossible to spread the ways of solar terms, agriculture, and medicine.

Yang Tuo immediately bowed respectfully and said, "Thank you saint for your care!"

Yin Xi who was on the side hurriedly said: "The saint is above, and the disciple is also willing to go west!"

Lao Tzu said: "As a Guan Ling, you may leave lightly."

Yin Xi said anxiously: "The disciple is devoted to the Tao, except for the Tao, there is nothing that cannot be given up!"

Lao Tzu nodded. Although Yin Xi's cultivation base is weak, it is more suitable for him than Yang Tuo.

Lao Tzu then said: "You are just getting started now, and it is time to solidify your foundation and lay the foundation. If you want to go west, you can resign from your official position and practice hard. After three years, you will come to Qingyang Temple in Chengdu, Yizhou to look for it!"

Yin Xi got the sage's permission, he was very happy in his heart, and thanked him again: "Thank you sage, Yin Xi, the sage is great!"

Lao Tzu did not stay too long at Hangu Pass, and after a few days, he led Yang Tuo to continue westward.

Lao Tzu sat on the green ox, while Yang Tuo walked slowly and followed beside him.As for Jin Dasheng, he was sent back to Ziwei Palace by Yang Tuo.

After all, the saint was in front of him, so Yang Tuo couldn't ride his mount anymore, as he was disrespectful to the saint.Now walking slowly and measuring the world with his footsteps, he has a new understanding!
Yang Tuo followed Lao Tzu, seeing Lao Tzu walking all the way, but he got something in his heart.He suddenly understood that his failure to prove Taiyi was not due to a problem with the transmission of solar terms.

But preaching should not be done to others, but one's own way must be done by oneself.As far as the mind is concerned, Yang Tuo has become completely clear about the Dao Taiyi, without any obstacles!
All the way to the west, people kept coming to ask the sage, and the sage would answer them one by one.

Along the way, Yang Tuo also kept passing on the knowledge of solar terms, agriculture, calendar, medicine, medicine, etc. that are of great benefit to the human race.

Lao Tzu nodded when he saw it, and appreciated Yang Tuo's move very much, knowing in his heart that the time for Yang Tuo to become the Taiyi Golden Immortal is not far away.

After another three years, the two have arrived in Yizhou.At this time, Yizhou was not yet a land of abundance, and floods and droughts were very serious.

At this time, Yizhou was known as the state of thousands of rivers, with major rivers as its main source, and there were also many rivers such as Minjiang River, Tuojiang River, Fujiang River, Jialing River, and Chishui River.

There are many rivers, flooding is very serious, and various water monsters are causing trouble.The people of Yizhou can be said to be living in dire straits.

Seeing that the people in Yizhou were living very hard, Lao Tzu stopped in Chengdu immediately to educate all living beings.

Yang Tuo saw the difficulties of the people in Yizhou. Although he did not see anyone who could pass on the "Lunar Calendar", he also spread a lot of knowledge about water conservancy.

I hope that all the people can stand on their own feet, learn from the ambition of King Yu, and control the floods in Yizhou.The people of Yizhou learned Yang Tuo's water conservancy knowledge, and after hundreds of years of struggle, they finally contained the floods slowly.

In the end, Li Bing and his son managed Dujiangyan and cleared the last flood of Minjiang River.From then on, Yizhou was governed and became the land of abundance, where the Kyushu granary was located.

Although the governance of Yizhou benefited from the enlightenment of sages, Yang Tuo taught water conservancy, agriculture, and weather.

But in the end, after hundreds of years and more than [-] generations of struggle by the Yizhou people, the great rule has just been achieved.From this, it can be verified that manpower can change the nature of the world to a certain extent.

But Yang Tuo doesn't know this now, he is busy imparting all kinds of knowledge to the people every day, going to various waters to kill the evil and karmic water monsters.

Busy day by day, he himself doesn't feel much about it, but the people of Yizhou see it in their hearts.

There are people from all over the world who continue to have portraits, set up plaques, and worship him with incense and fire every day, which has repaid his kindness.

Many people of the human race have already discovered that he is a national teacher, and the temples of the national teacher in various parts of Yizhou are also crowded with people and incense.

On this day, Yang Tuo suddenly noticed something, so he stopped at Qingyang Si and sat cross-legged.

He practiced the profound art silently, and suddenly felt that the true spirit in the primordial spirit was shining brightly.This light is the light of wisdom, the light of spirituality, the light of eternity, the light of which is great and eternal.

Yang Tuo's true spirit has never had such a vision, only to see that the true spirit is free from dust and karma.

Bright and round, it echoes with the heaven and the earth constantly.The light shines on the primordial spirit, the sea of ​​consciousness, and even the entire deep body.

The true spirit seems to have broken free from all shackles and returned to its original source, exuding infinite joy.

It is exactly:
I have a pearl, locked in the dust for a long time.

Now the dust is exhausted and light is born, shining through thousands of flowers in the green mountains.

The brilliance of the true spirit illuminates the primordial spirit, making the primordial spirit unprecedentedly clear.

The avenue about the 24 solar terms and the way of time comprehended from the 24 solar terms flow clearly in my heart.

Qing Yun above Yang Tuo's head is constantly evolving various avenues.The three flowers on the top of the head are undulating in the waves.

At this time, the ceiling is constantly swaying, and countless avenues enter and exit in it.A flower bud slowly formed on the smallpox, as if it was gestating something.

Yang Tuo knew that his way of Taiyi had finally been completed, and he had stepped into the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal.In the smallpox above Qingyun, his own Taiyi Dao Fruit is being bred.

When it is conceived and matured, it is the time when one's own Taiyi Golden Immortal is consummated, and this time can be long or short.

But now that it has already started to conceive, it will come to fruition sooner or later.It is only a matter of time before the way of Taiyi is completed.

Yang Tuo did not expect that the realm that had not been moved for decades would suddenly improve.

He already has a clear understanding in his heart, and this practice is also a key step in proving the Tao.In this step, don't give it to others.

You need to come step by step by yourself, not only to practice the Tao, but also to prove the Tao, and to perfect your own soul.

Cultivating the Tao means cultivating the mind, just blindly meditating and practicing Qi, it will not have any effect.That is just the accumulation of mana, and there will be no improvement in realm.

The current vision is exactly the manifestation of Yang Tuo's own perfection.The first is the cleansing of the soul, all the dust on the true spirit has been wiped clean.

The true spirit is spotless and emits immeasurable light.The heart of the Tao is transparent, and it is in harmony with the heaven and the earth.The Tao of Taiyi that I have comprehended is constantly gathering on the smallpox, giving birth to mature fruits.

This fruit is condensed by one's own great way, the embodiment of Taiyi's way, the fruit of nothingness and insubstantiality, but he still exists.

The result is invisible and undetectable, but the person who has the result can understand that it is the embodiment of one's own way of Taiyi.

With the gestation of Dao Fruit, Yang Tuo's whole body's aura has also changed a little, which is a sense of completeness.

(End of this chapter)

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