Chapter 184

Since taking in the two boys, Jinjiao and Yinjiao, there has been a lot of laughter in this Qingyang restaurant.

Seeing that the three-year period has expired, Yin Xi arrived on schedule.Today's Yin Xi, after three years of practice, has a solid foundation.

Seeing that his aptitude, comprehension, and character are all extraordinary, Lao Tzu immediately took him into his family.He also passed on talismans, Taoism and other methods of protecting the Tao.

Yin Xi finally got what he wanted and entered Taiqing's sect.After Yang Tuo and Lao Tzu continued to travel westward, Yin Xi stayed at Qingyang Temple to practice, and finally expanded Qingyang Temple into Qingyang Palace, and stayed there all the time.

Qingyang Palace, as the place where Lao Tzu stayed on his westward journey to educate all living beings, has become an important cultural holy place of Taoism.

Yang Tuo continued westward with Lao Tzu, and the two boys, Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao, also stayed at Qingyang Si.

After crossing Liangjie Mountain, you have left the boundary of Nanfang Buzhou.After passing the Liusha River, we arrived at the Wuzhuang Temple of Wanshou Mountain in Yuanzi, the ancestor town of the Earth Immortal.

After passing Longevity Hill, you will enter the boundary of Xiniu Hezhou.When Lao Tzu and Yang Tuo passed Longevity Mountain, Zhen Yuanzi, known as the same king as the world, had already led a group of disciples outside the mountain to greet them.

Zhen Yuanzi saw in the distance, a young Taoist, leading a green ox. On the broad back of the ox was sitting an old man with white beard and hair.

If it wasn't the Taiqing sage, Lao Tzu, who else could it be?

Zhen Yuanzi took two steps forward, waved the whisk in his hand, and said, "I've met fellow Taoist Taiqing!"

Lao Tzu also got down from the green cow, and said in return: "Zhen Yuanzi, fellow Taoist, you are very polite! The poor road passes through the expensive land, so please stop bothering me!"

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "Where is the fellow daoist, it is my luck that you can come to my Wuzhuang temple!"

Zhen Yuanzi and Lao Tzu are at the same level in the Holy Realm of Hunyuan, but Lao Tzu has already proved the Dao of Hunyuan, but Zhen Yuanzi is still stuck in the stage of proving the Dao.

Zhen Yuanzi is the cultivation base of Hunyuan True Immortal, and Lao Tzu is the cultivation base of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.They are all Hunyuan, although they are superior or inferior, they are in the same realm.

Zhen Yuanzi was very happy with Lao Tzu's arrival. Although he is the ancestor of the earth immortal, he is also a cultivator.

In today's world, apart from Buddhism, there is Taoism.Since Zhen Yuanzi is not a Buddha, he is naturally a Taoist.

Zhen Yuanzi has been on good terms with Sanqing since ancient times.His Longevity Hill is at the junction of Nanfangbuzhou and Xiniuhezhou.

Originally, it didn't matter much, but unexpectedly, the two sages in the west broke through the Taoist sect and set up their own sect.He is the person closest to Buddhism among the Taoists.

The pressure felt is self-evident.Now that Lao Tzu is here, Taoism is spreading to the west, but for him, it is a great blessing.

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "I'm afraid I haven't seen a fellow daoist for thousands of years. Now that a fellow daoist can come to my Wuzhuang Temple, I feel very honored. It's a good time to exchange the Hunyuan Dao fruit with you again!"

Lao Tzu also has a good impression of Zhen Yuan Zi, and said: "It's just a matter of discussing with fellow Taoists!"

After the greetings between the two were over, Yang Tuo stepped forward and saluted, "Dao Yuan has met the Immortal Zhenyuan, I hope the Immortal will prove Hunyuan soon!"

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Yang Tuo, and said: "It turns out that Emperor Ziwei is in person, and Tianzun is so polite!"

Yang Tuo hurriedly said: "I can't be greeted by the Great Immortal, the person here is not the Emperor Ziwei, but a descendant of the human race, with the name Daoyuan!"

Zhen Yuanzi nodded, and said: "Since you are a fellow Taoist, please invite the sage and little friends to my Wuzhuang Temple and rest for now!"

As he spoke, he welcomed the two of them into the Wuzhuang Temple, Yang Tuo followed the saint, and the younger brother entered the cave of Longevity Mountain, the blessed land of Wuzhuang Temple.

I saw a pair of couplets hanging outside the gate, writing: Immortal Immortal Mansion, a family with the same longevity as the sky!

Entering the Wuzhuang Temple, you can see the center of the hall again, with two big characters "Heaven" and "Earth" written on it.This word is full of Dao rhyme, as if it contains infinite wonder.

On the altar under the word "Heaven and Earth", there is a bronze censer. In the censer, there are three pillars of green incense emitting faint green smoke.

Yang Tuo secretly sighed in his heart: Sure enough, he is a great supernatural being who existed at the beginning of the world.The weather in Wuzhuang Temple is really extraordinary.

It's just a little strange that I didn't see the two little Taoist boys Qingfengmingyue.He thought for a while before he understood.

Qingfengmingyue was the two youngest disciples of Zhen Yuanzi, and they were only around thirteen hundred years old when Buddhism was spread eastward.

Thinking about it now, I'm afraid I haven't started yet.But the remaining 46 disciples are all there.

It is a great blessing for this sage to come to Wuzhuang Temple, and when the time comes, he will give a lecture on one or two Dao, which will be enough for all the disciples to enjoy.

Therefore, Zhen Yuanzi called many disciples back to his side, ready to listen to the Dao of Saints.

After everyone was seated, Zhen Yuanzi told his disciples, "Go to the back garden and fetch nine ginseng fruits. I want to entertain two distinguished guests!"

The disciples on the side quickly took orders and left.

Only then did Zhen Yuanzi ask: "Fellow Taoist, what is the important thing for this trip to the west?" The sage is in charge of the way of heaven, every move is full of deep meaning, and he never does useless work.

Now, the Taiqing sage is in the lower realm, traveling from Dongshengshenzhou, Nanfangbuzhou, all the way to Xiniuhezhou, there must be something to do.

Because the sage did not hide his appearance, it meant that it was not impossible to speak to others, so Zhen Yuanzi just asked the question.

Lao Tzu also waved his hand whisk, and replied: "Because the eldest disciple of Junior Brother Tong Tian, ​​Duo Bao was reincarnated in the lower realm, so I came here to save him once!"

Zhen Yuanzi thought for a while when he heard the words, and said: "So that's the case, I don't know if his calamity has ever been consummated?"

Lao Tzu said: "His enlightenment is right in front of his eyes!"

At this time, a group of disciples were carrying three fruit plates covered with a piece of red cloth.The disciples placed three fruit plates in front of Zhenyuanzi, Laozi and Yang Tuo respectively.

Seeing this, Zhen Yuanzi stretched out his hand and said, "You two come from afar, please quench your thirst with a fruit first!" Then he lifted the red cloth in front of him, and saw three fruits on the plate.

This fruit exudes the fragrance of infinite Jiamu Qi, and also emits a light.Yang Tuo took a closer look, but they were all like babies under the full moon.

This is exactly the ginseng fruit, also known as Cao Huan Dan, and its fruit is produced by the ginseng fruit tree.This ginseng fruit tree is the innate first wood spirit root, which contains infinite vitality and wonderful ways.

The ginseng fruit it bears blooms in 3000 years, bears fruit in 3000 years, and matures in another 3000 years. It takes only 1 years to produce [-] fruits.

This fruit is the condensed life essence, although it is in human form, it is a kind of fruit.If a person can smell it, he can live for 360 years; if he eats one, he can live for 7000 years.

This ginseng fruit only gets thirty in 1 years, I don't want to take out nine at once today.But thinking about it, the saint came here, and he couldn't just give one fruit, it would seem a bit stingy.

The saint ate it, but the emperor Ziwei next to him wouldn't eat it?This is also inappropriate.Emperor Ziwei is one of the four emperors, and his status is also extremely noble.

Although Yang Tuo said that he is the Taoist of the human race, Zhen Yuanzi can't pretend that he doesn't know.Since the guest ate it, how could the master Zhen Yuanzi not eat it.

If the host doesn't eat, how can the guest talk.Seeing Zhen Yuanzi's actions, Lao Tzu immediately said, "It's been a long time since I've eaten your fruit, so thank you fellow Taoist Zhen Yuan!"

When Yang Tuo saw Lao Tzu open his mouth, he hurriedly got up to thank him.Seeing that Zhenyuanzi and Laozi each ate a fruit, they started to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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