Chapter 186 Kendo prototype
In the world near Wuzhuang Temple, as Laozi and Zhenyuanzi opened up the Dao, many wonders also appeared.

There are dead trees in spring, stubborn stones nodding, a hundred flowers blooming, and spiritual birds flying.The spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth keeps coming to the Wuzhuang Temple of Longevity Mountain.

Yang Tuo was wandering in the avenue, and the spark of thinking in his heart was bursting out.At Hangu Pass, when Lao Tzu explained the Tao Te Ching and the Golden Dan Dao, Yang Tuo had a spark of inspiration in his heart.

Now, that glimmer of inspiration has popped up again, and with greater clarity.All kinds of things about the way of the earth immortal and the way of the golden core constantly impacted his mind.

A question arose in his heart, where is his "Tao"?He also needs to get out of his own way.

He thought back to everything he had learned, the way of heavenly immortals, the way of golden elixir, the way of good fortune, and now the way of earth immortals.

He also recalled the many methods of later generations, such as alchemy, weapon refining, array, talisman making, spiritual planting, pulse detection, appraising treasures, beast control, insect control, puppet control, medicine, poison, astrology divination and so on.

There are countless people practicing each kind of way, and each kind contains infinite wonders.Yang Tuo tried his best to find the way that suits him from among many methods.

He discovered that the way of talismans and the way of sword immortals are one of the most widely practiced methods.

Even those who don't specialize in this way usually know a few talismans and swordsmanship.Compared with talisman, Yang Tuo is more inclined to swordsmanship.

Every man has a dream of a sword fairy in his heart, driving a flying sword and entering and exiting Qingming.Take people's heads thousands of miles away, slay demons and eliminate demons, and enjoy the world.

This is his inner desire. He thinks about the way of the sword immortal, and he leans into it when he hears the way of the earth immortal and the way of golden core.

Finally, with a flash of inspiration, a rough route vaguely appeared in his mind.

Taking the Dao of the Earth Immortal as a reference, without cultivating the Nascent Soul, a sword embryo formed in the body.Then use the method of Jindan Dao and Bajiu Xuangong to refine it into a Dao sword.

Putting one's own true spirit in the Dao sword, one is to protect, and the other is to strengthen.This sword is probably not much different from Yuanshen, Yuanshen, Jindan, and relics.

With the baptism of Daozhiyin, the rudiment of kendo gradually appeared in Yang Tuo's heart.

He couldn't help showing Qingyun above his head.The Great Dao evolved in Qingyun, and a Dao sword was criss-crossing it back and forth.The sword light is deep, the sword spirit is awe-inspiring, and the sword intent is manifested in the world.

Lao Tzu and Zhen Yuanzi have already noticed the abnormality around Yang Tuo.Lao Tzu was very surprised, he had already overestimated Yang Tuo.

But he still didn't expect that he could vaguely find his way when he was the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Looking at the good fortune above the Qingyun, there is a faint shadow of creating a new road, although it is only a prototype.

But now that there is a framework, it can be gradually improved, and sooner or later, a complete path can be opened up.

He originally thought that Yang Tuo would have the achievements of Da Luo Jinxian, but according to the current situation, it is not impossible to step into Hunyuan.

Zhen Yuanzi's heart even set off a huge wave, he never imagined that a junior in the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal would have such wisdom.

What he admired even more was that with his current level of cultivation, he wanted to create a new path, which was really admirable.

Lao Tzu and Zhen Yuan Zi were already about to stop preaching, seeing this situation, they extended a lot of time.

Although they also understand that with Yang Tuo's current cultivation base, it is impossible to create a new path.

But they still want to see how far he can go.

With the passage of time, the Qingyun above Yang Tuo's head kept changing, and finally exploded and returned to its original appearance.

Lao Tzu and Zhen Yuanzi looked at each other and sighed inwardly.Although this was expected, they still felt a little regretful.

Yang Tuo also opened his eyes at this time, and his eyes were slightly tired.After all, it takes a lot of energy to create a new method.

Even the Hunyuan Wugou body of the Taiyi Golden Immortal felt exhausted.This has not happened for a long time.

He still failed in the end, after all, he did not accumulate enough.Even with references from later generations and several Dafa as references, he still failed.

But it also formed a basic framework in my heart.Just wait for him to accumulate background and increase knowledge, and sooner or later the framework will be perfected.

As Yang Tuo opened his eyes, Laozi and Zhen Yuanzi also stopped preaching.Although Yang Tuo was in that strange state, he also knew that Laozi and Zhenyuanzi had helped him.

He hastily bowed to the two of them and said, "Thank you Saint and Great Immortal Zhenyuan for your cultivation!"

Lao Tzu nodded and said: "This is your own chance, even without us, you will take this step!"

Zhen Yuanzi also said: "It is a blessing to see the sprout of a new path!"

Although the two were a little curious, they didn't ask any questions.With their cultivation bases, just the manifestation of Qingyun above Yang Tuo's head is enough for them to understand a lot.

However, they have all walked out of their own ways, and the ways of others are at most just a reference, not to mention Yang Tuo's way of swordsmanship is far from being successful.

Now it's just a framework, even if the kendo is really successful in the end, it still needs time to test it.

With the end of the powerful preaching of the two Hunyuan Realm, the vision of Longevity Mountain gradually stopped.Afterwards, Laozi and Zhenyuanzi exchanged the way of Hunyuan.

This way of Hunyuan is so profound that Yang Tuo and Zhen Yuanzi's disciples seem to be listening to heavenly scriptures.

Every word they exchanged was heard clearly.If you look at these words separately, you can understand what they mean.

But when you put it together, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Even so, everyone is still trying to write it down.Now the cultivation base is still low, maybe I don't understand.

When the cultivation base is high in the future, maybe there will be some understanding.After all, the opportunity to listen to Hunyuan Daoguo is hard to find in a thousand years, and hard to find in ten thousand years.

The exchange between the two lasted for several days, and finally Lao Tzu stopped talking and said, "Let's stop here this time, I should continue to travel west!"

Zhen Yuanzi said regretfully: "Fellow Daoist Taiqing's Dafa is really extraordinary, and I have benefited a lot this time."

After speaking, he bowed to Lao Tzu and said, "Thank you, Fellow Daoist!"

Lao Tzu said: "It is not advisable to practice hard behind closed doors. Only by communicating with each other and the collision of ideas will new sparks be generated!"

Afterwards, Lao Tzu bid farewell to Zhen Yuan Zi, left Wuzhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain, and continued to walk westward.

Yang Tuo thanked Zhen Yuanzi again, and just followed Lao Tzu to continue westward. His journey is far from over.

After passing Longevity Hill and setting foot on Xiniu Hezhou, what you see is another scene.

It has been said that Xiniu Hezhou is barren, but Yang Tuo doesn't have much impression.However, during this trip, it was discovered that this Xiniu Hezhou is very barren, and many places are extinct.

At a glance, it is either a desert or a Gobi.The mountains and rivers are barren, there is no vegetation, the people's wisdom is not developed, and they are not educated. It is really a barren land!

Compared with Luzhou in Beiju, which is full of monsters and demons, and the outstanding people in Buzhou in Nanbu, they are far inferior.

Not to mention Zhong Ling's handsome Dongsheng Shenzhou, which is a treasure of nature and luck.This Xiniu Hezhou is indeed the most barren land among the four continents.

No wonder Zhunti, who is a sage, often went to the east.How could such a barren land give birth to such outstanding heroes!

(End of this chapter)

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