Enlightenment begins with the consecration of God

Chapter 188 Qiankun map, 1 gasification and 3 clearing

Chapter 188 Qiankun map, three cleans in one breath
After Yang Tuo finished speaking, he offered the golden lotus with both hands, and said: "I would like to present this golden lotus to the sage, so that Daoist Duobao can successfully prove the Tao!"

Lao Tzu was silent for a moment, took Jinlian over, and said: "Duobao seems dangerous, but this is also a test for him. This golden lotus of merit is not yet needed."

He looked at the golden lotus in his hand, and continued: "However, this golden lotus is extremely important. It will be of great help to the purpose of this trip, so I will accept it."

"However, I can't take advantage of you!" Lao Tzu thought for a while, and spread out his right hand, revealing a magic weapon.

This magic weapon is a picture scroll, on which Dao rhyme is permeated, and there is innate energy exuding. Looking at its appearance, it is also an innate spiritual treasure.

I just heard Lao Tzu say: "This is the map of the universe, which contains the universe and its mysteries are endless. Maybe you can use it in the future. How about using it to exchange your golden lotus of merit?"

Yang Tuo was taken aback for a moment, and said: "The disciple is willing to give the golden lotus to the sage. There is no need for a magic weapon in exchange. Please take the sage back!"

Lao Tzu smiled and said: "Although you have intentions, I can't do that. This thing is closely related to many treasures, so there can't be too many entanglements of cause and effect!"

As he said that, he threw the map of Qiankun to Yang Tuo, and Yang Tuo had no choice but to take it. He didn't really want the map of Qiankun, but what he wanted was the Flame Flag of Lidi in the South.

Although the map of heaven and earth is mysterious, it is a top-level innate spiritual treasure.But the flame flag from the ground is a treasure of defense. Once it is sacrificed, it is almost invincible.

However, what kind of treasure will Lao Tzu exchange for, he has no choice.He didn't plan to exchange any treasures, as long as the sage could accept them, it would be of great benefit to him.

However, the sage decided to exchange the map of heaven and earth, so he had no choice but to accept it.The karma of the saint is not easy to connect, whether you owe the saint or the saint owes you.

Lao Tzu is willing to exchange treasures in exchange to end the cause and effect, but it is also a good thing.Yang Tuo took the map of Qiankun and looked at it. Generally speaking, he still made money.

Although the golden lotus of merit is good, it is not complete, only a small part.This Qiankun map is a complete innate spiritual treasure, no matter how you look at it, he has earned it.

But the sage doesn't think so. The value of a treasure, apart from its own value, is mainly based on its effect on those who need it.

In Lao Tzu's view, although the golden lotus of merit is incomplete, it means more to him.Although the universe diagram is complete, it has less effect on Yang Tuo.

So he continued: "You can make one more request." Yang Tuo was also taken aback when he heard that, he didn't expect the saint to be so fond of this virtuous golden lotus.

Of course, although the sage could make another request, Yang Tuo knew it well, and it was better not to mention another Xiantian Lingbao.

Since the sage opened his mouth, he wanted to completely end this karma.Yang Tuo had to think again, this request should not be too much, lest the saint would not like it.

But it can't be too casual, it seems that the saint's request is too cheap.Yang Tuo was silent for a while, and finally said: "Please teach me the method of turning three cleans into one breath!"

This request was just right when Yang Tuo thought about it.It doesn't seem random, and it doesn't do any harm to the saint.

Moreover, this method of qi transforming the three cleanses is a remarkable method.The avatar created by Lao Tzu can fight against the Master Tongtian.

Master Tongtian is a saint, and Lao Tzu's avatar can fight against a saint, even if it is only a few rounds, I am afraid that he must have the realm of the Primordial Saint Realm.

After listening to Yang Tuo's request, Laozi opened his mouth slowly, explaining the wonderful method of transforming the three cleans into one breath.

These two people, Jiao Xue, didn't care about the endless sky demon that filled the void.After Lao Tzu finished teaching, Yang Tuo quickly got up and saluted, and said, "Thank you sage for giving me the Dharma!"

He originally thought that Qi Hua San Qing was just a method of cultivating avatars, and his incarnation of Emperor Ziwei also had some flaws.

I wanted to sacrifice the incarnation of Emperor Ziwei again after obtaining this method.

But I didn't know until I taught it.This method is not an ordinary avatar method, but the most orthodox method of proving the Tao with the three corpses.

The three corpses testify that it is the method of beheading thoughts to separate one's own good thoughts, evil thoughts, and obsessions from the body so that they will not affect the original mind.

Only the original heart can realize the Dao in the purest state.Ultimately comprehend the origin of the Dao, prove the Dao and become holy.

As Yang Tuo comprehended this method, he suddenly understood that perhaps Lao Tzu was not the most successful person in practicing this method.

Pan Gu is the No. 1 one-qi transformation of the three cleans, and the three people he differentiated, all of them are Hunyuan, I am afraid that is the most perfect method of the one-qi transformation of the three cleans.

Of course Yang Tuo didn't think he could reach that level, but it shouldn't be a problem to create three avatars with great mana.

This incarnation is different from ordinary avatars. The incarnation formed by the gasification of Sanqing can exist forever, cultivate by oneself, and will not be restricted by the strength of the main body and many other advantages.

Ordinary avatars, like Wukong's monkey hair, are transformed with mana, and when the mana is exhausted, they will disappear.

Not to mention that Yang Tuo has obtained another Dafa, Taoist Duobao, Bo Xun saw all the demons and his three daughters, but they couldn't stop him from becoming enlightened, so he decided to take action himself.

These extraterrestrial demons are just a ray of projection, and it is difficult for their bodies to enter this prehistoric world.

Otherwise, how could Taoist Duobao resist with only six years of practice.The projections of these extraterrestrial demons do not have much mana.

All they can do is destroy their Dao Xin, as long as their Dao Xin is damaged, they can rely on that flaw to parasitize in their bodies.

In the end, it absorbs mana and grows stronger, and finally controls it and replaces it.

Although today's Duobao doesn't have much magic power, his heart is complete and there is no flaw, so that he can sit peacefully among hundreds of millions of heavenly demons.

Heavenly demons are invisible and qualityless, come and go without a trace, very difficult to deal with, and are the number one enemy of practitioners.

Bo Xun rode a war elephant and slowly approached Taoist Duobao. Although he was also a ray of projection, he was the master of the world of desire, so he should not be underestimated.

Sitting on the back of the war elephant, Bo Xun looks solemn.As he approached, the demons around him continued to dissipate, and finally all disappeared into the void.

It is as if a Buddha came from nothingness, and all demonic obstacles could not hide his figure.

Bo Xun spoke slowly, his voice was majestic, like a dragon singing from heaven.

"Do you wish to help sentient beings transcend?"

Bo Xun's question seemed ordinary, but it implied a trap. As long as Taoist Duobao had such a heart, he was still in the realm of desire, and all creatures in the realm of desire were under his jurisdiction.

Daoist Duobao focused on meditation, contemplating the original mind of the universe and life with great wisdom, and entered a state of "understanding" or "awakening", reaching a state of "neither knowing satisfaction nor disappointment".

In this state, he has transcended the world of desire and is not under the jurisdiction of the demon king Bo Xun.When he saw Bo Xun asking questions, he didn't answer, but just sat in lotus position, meditating quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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