Enlightenment begins with the consecration of God

Chapter 191 The truth comes true, but the way of the sword is difficult

Chapter 191 The truth comes true, but the way of the sword is difficult

With the departure of Emperor Ziwei, the scene returned to tranquility.Yang Tuo began to comprehend the six-character mantra again, and he wanted to use this as a reference to perfect the Taoist nine-character mantra.

He knows the nine-character mantra.They are: Lin, Bing, Dou, Zhe, Jie, Array, Column, Front, and Line.

When the incarnation of Emperor Ziwei took Zhenwu as his apprentice, he had already used the word "Lin".

Although he has the memory of later generations, he also has the six-character mantra as a reference.But it is not a simple matter to perfect the complete nine-character mantra.

This nine-character mantra is also called Liujia Secret Wish.Every nine characters should always be consecrated, and they are omnipresent.

These nine characters seem simple, but they contain infinite wonders.It is useless to just know the nine characters of later generations, and it also contains infinite mysteries in it.

For example, the word "Lin" represents the stability of body and mind, expressing the will to remain calm and not confused, and to show a strong will.

There are also matching handprints and mantras, which need to be used together to arouse the power of heaven and earth.

He still had some checkpoints that he hadn't yet penetrated, but now that the saint is by his side, it is the best time.

This nine-character mantra is, after all, a unique skill of the Taoist sect, and its creation is also beneficial to the development of the Taoist sect. Presumably the sage will not refuse it!

Yang Tuo used the knowledge of later generations as a reference, combined with the six-character mantra, and gradually perfected the nine-character mantra.

If you encounter a difficult pass, you can ask Lao Tzu for advice.Seeing that he has played new tricks, Lao Tzu is also quite curious.

I also want to know what he will come up with in the end.When Yang Tuo came to ask for advice, he didn't refuse.

During this process, time flies by quickly.Yang Tuo perfects a formula every three to four years.

It took another thirty years before he basically perfected the nine-character mantra.

The word "Lin" represents will, so it goes without saying.

The character "bing" represents vitality, the character "dou" represents fighting spirit, the character "zhe" represents power, "all" represents control, "array" represents induction, "column" represents time and space, and "front" represents time and space. "Represents elements, and "Xing" represents practice.

When the nine-character mantra was completed, Laozi also gave it a relatively high evaluation.These nine words can not only protect the way, but also practice.

Not only can you practice by yourself, ordinary people can also practice.As long as you recite the mantra sincerely, there will be a response.

Even ordinary people without the slightest amount of mana can cultivate supernatural powers as long as they have a firm will and sincerely chant mantras.

When Yang Tuo completed the nine-character mantra, it was only more than [-] years since Taoist Duobao turned to Buddhism.

Yang Tuo had only a short time to practice Taoism, and he didn't want to miss the moment when Sakyamuni became enlightened.I had no choice but to take this opportunity to sort out my practice slowly.

When the nine-character mantra was basically perfected, he turned his goal to the way of swords that he had comprehended in the Wuzhuang Temple of Longevity Mountain.

Speaking of the way of swordsmanship, there are quite a few powerful swordsmen in this prehistoric age.Although they are all powerful, they are still somewhat different from the way of the sword.

The most famous ones are the Master Tongtian, Patriarch Styx, and Holy Emperor Xuanyuan.

Among them, the leader of Tongtian has four innate swords.The Immortal Execution Sword, Immortal Killing Sword, Immortal Absolute Sword, and Immortal Trapping Sword are infinitely powerful.Its treasure of proving the way is a Qingping sword.

However, even so, Master Tongtian was not born as a sword cultivator.Like Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi, he has walked the way of immortals, and he has cultivated the way of immortals.

Using the four images to become enlightened, he also practiced formation, although he used the sword, it had nothing to do with the way of the sword.In his hands, the sword is no different from a knife and gun, it is just a magical weapon, a magic weapon.

Besides, the Styx leader, when he was born, there were two swords Yuan Tu and A Bi coming out of him.These two precious swords are also innate, and they are the ultimate treasures for killing.

However, the leader of Styx is not a person in the way of the sword. He became enlightened by the sea of ​​blood, and his cultivation is killing and creation, which is the way of life and death, which is far from the way of the sword.

Then there is the Holy Emperor Xuanyuan, a Xuanyuan sword, although it belongs to the acquired, it is also the treasure of enlightenment, the treasure of enlightenment, and it is also a sword of the holy way.

The sword body is engraved with the sun, moon and stars on one side, and mountains, rivers and trees on the other side.On the hilt of the sword is a book on the art of farming and animal husbandry, and on the other hand a book on the strategy of unifying the four seas.

Its sword, which contains infinite power, is the divine sword for killing demons and demons, the holy sword for enlightening all living beings, and is the symbol of the prehistoric human race.

Even so, Xuanyuan Shenghuang is not a sword cultivator. The Holy Emperor walks the way of the emperor, the way of conquest, although he uses a sword, he is not a person in the way of the sword.

Now Yang Tuo wants to perfect the framework of swordsmanship formed in Wuzhuang Temple and make it a method of cultivating Taoism.

This method is cultivated like a Dao sword. This sword is like the golden elixir of the primordial spirit, and it is the foundation of practice.Although this method may not be able to achieve Hunyuan, it is also a good path.

Supplemented by the art of kendo killing, it is used as a way to protect the way.Maybe break new ground.

Yang Tuo divides kendo into: nourishing essence, training qi, keeping spirit, sword essence, sword fetus, sword baby, sword soul, and dao sword.

Among them, nourishing the essence is also taking good care of the body and laying the foundation for spiritual practice.

Practicing qi is to absorb the qi of the five elements of the earth with the method of exhalation, which is similar to Zhen Yuanzi's way of earth immortals.

However, because it is to form a sword fetus, not a Yuanying, it will be the master of the Western Taiyi Gengjin Qi, but it is also the way to complete the five elements.

Take metal to generate water, water to generate wood, wood to generate fire, fire to generate earth, and earth to generate metal.Mainly gold, taking the killing spirit of Gengjin in the West.

Geng gold is the gold of pure yang, vigorous and chilling.Geng metal carries evil spirits, it gets water to make it clear, and gets fire to make it sharp.If the soil is moist, it will grow; if the soil is dry, it will be brittle.

After practicing qi, the mana has a murderous aura, sharp and vigorous.Then keep the spirit, contemplate a divine sword, and take the sword's meaning and integrate it into the mana.

Then cultivate into Jianyuan, which is different from ordinary mana and is extremely aggressive.Refining the sword essence until it is hard and soft, and then using the method of five energies towards the origin, form a sword embryo in the middle dantian.

Once the sword fetus is [-]%, one will embark on the path of swordsmanship.The formation of the sword embryo and the condensing of the sword infant will achieve the way of Sanxian.

When the sword baby is strengthened and refined into a sword soul, it will become the way of a true immortal, and finally the sword soul will be perfected to become a dao sword, and then it will become the way of a golden immortal.

In addition to protecting the true spirit, this Dao sword is also slightly different from Yuanshen, Yuanying, and Jindan.

Compared with the methods of Yuanshen, Yuanying, Jindan, and relics, Daojian also has a certain degree of offensiveness.

But this sword is the foundation of immortality after all, and no one will easily use it against the enemy.However, refining a natal flying sword and combining it with a Dao sword possesses a power far exceeding that of ordinary methods.

Yuanshen, Yuanying, Jindan, and relics may all be able to control flying swords, but the resulting power varies in size.

Daojian was born following the Dao of the Sword, and was born with the way of killing and cutting.With the combination of Dao Sword and Flying Sword, the power must be far more than one plus one equals two.

However, Dao sword is so powerful, but it also has the flaw of being rigid and easy to break, and unable to change.For the cultivation of supernatural powers and spells, the difficulty is far higher than that of Yuanshen and Yuanying.

However, Yang Tuo encountered a problem at the beginning of his perfection.Western Gengjin's sharpness is too sharp, and the mana it refines can cause too much damage to the meridians.

The strength of the general meridians may be unbearable.Yang Tuo had to find a way to increase the process of warming and nourishing meridians during the process of nourishing essence.

This is equivalent to adding an additional realm of warming after nourishing the essence.But overall, it's not a big problem.

(End of this chapter)

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