Chapter 196 Closing
With Manjusri, Samantabhadra, and Cihang stepping into the realm of Daluo one after another, this nascent Dacheng Buddhism is already full of talents.

In the end, even though Cihang claimed to be Avalokiteshvara, Sakyamuni did not refuse.When Avalokitesvara stepped into Da Luo, this big drama came to an end temporarily.

Now there are nine people in the field, three are Hunyuan Sanxian, one is Daluo Jinxian, and four are Daluo Sanxian.Only Yang Tuo is still at the level of Taiyi Jinxian.

Seeing him envy for a while, but his chance has been handed over to Taoist Lu Ya, but he is also envious.

Of the four Da Luo Sanxians, only the remaining grandsons became Buddhas by virtue of their own abilities.Manjusri, Puxian, and Cihang all relied on the power of oaths.

Although they have become Buddhas, they can only be called Bodhisattvas before fulfilling their vows.

However, because they have entered Daluo, the three of them are far beyond the ordinary Bodhisattva status, and are respected by the world as the "Three Great Masters".

At this time, Sakyamuni looked at Kong Xuan again. Kong Xuan was originally the Daluo Jinxian. If he was regarded as a Buddha, it would be feasible.

However, after all, he was forcibly converted by Sakyamuni, and he was born in the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. No one has considered this.

Now, everything has been decided, and Kong Xuan, as a huge help, of course cannot be easily given up.

Sakyamuni thought for a while, and then said: "Kong Xuan, you hindered me from becoming enlightened, and I didn't want to forgive you. But the Buddhas interceded for you, and I came out of your belly. I will now call you the Peacock Buddha Mother." , above the Buddhas!"

Since Kong Xuan was forcibly reduced, he gave up all unrealistic ideas.Now, after hearing what Shakyamuni said, he immediately replied: "Thank you Buddha, Namo Shakyamuni Buddha!"

With Kong Xuan's identity confirmed, today's Dacheng Buddhism includes: Sakyamuni Buddha, Lantern Buddha, Great Sun Tathagata, Peacock Buddha Mother, Fearing Sun Buddha, Manjusri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.

Sakyamuni looked at the crowd, and then said: "Since we have established a religion, we should establish a Buddhist country to educate all living beings. I will establish the Daleiyin Temple in the center of Hezhou, Xiniu, as the central whirling world!"

The Western Paradise established by Amitabha Buddha is located on the west side of Hezhou in Xiniu, which is the land of the extreme west.

In order to preach better, Sakyamuni established the Buddhist kingdom in the middle of Xiniu Hezhou, which is the central pure land of Posa.

From a geographical point of view, the Central Posuo Pure Land is in front of the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.If the Western world wants to preach, it must go through the Pure Land of Posa.

This central whirling pure land has become a barrier between Buddha and Tao.The dispute between Buddhism and Taoism has been transformed into a sectarian dispute between Dacheng Buddhism and Xiaocheng Buddhism within Buddhism.

Sakyamuni then led the crowd to leave to establish his own Buddhist kingdom.Before leaving, he extended an invitation to Yang Tuo.

Shakyamuni said to Yang Tuo: "The poor monks have achieved today, thanks to your honor. After we establish the Buddhist kingdom, please come to participate in the Dharma meeting!"

Hearing this, Yang Tuo returned a salute and said, "Thank you for your invitation, Your Majesty, the poor will definitely go."

After Sakyamuni and others left, Yang Tuo was the only one left in the field.Yang Tuo thought to himself, the puja that Shakyamuni invited him to attend was the "Ullambana Basin Festival".

Without thinking too much, the drama of turning a tiger into a Buddha has finally come to an end.Even if there are some follow-ups, it has nothing to do with him.

During this journey westward, he gained a lot.

First of all, I got Lao Tzu's moral mantra, Jin Dan Dao, and I got the Taiyi Dao Fruit, and I was bestowed with the Dao name by Lao Tzu.

Secondly, after understanding the way of earth immortals, I have a deeper understanding of the cultivation of earth immortals.Combined with the Jindan Dao and other methods, I have comprehended some swordsmanship.

The most important thing is to get rid of the golden lotus of merit, this hot potato.Lao Tzu exchanged the map of heaven and earth for the golden lotus of merit. Although it is not as good as the Southern Lidi Yanguang Banner, it is still a good spiritual treasure.

Although Lao Tzu didn't say it clearly, since he took over the third-grade golden lotus of merit, he also took over Yang Tuo's cause and effect about the golden lotus of merit.

Yang Tuo also learned a great method of transforming the three cleanses with one breath, which is the most orthodox method for the three corpses to prove the Tao, and it is much better than the general method of beheading corpses.

After the reincarnation of one qi and three qings, the incarnation of Emperor Ziwei broke through the barriers in one fell swoop, and became the real emperor of heaven, the supreme god of Daluo Jinxian.

With the help of the sage, he perfected the nine-character mantra.This nine-character mantra has great magic power, and it is also a method of practice, and it may also be a good path.

It's just a pity that he lost the opportunity to step into Hunyuan.I missed this opportunity, and I don't know if there will be a chance to step into Hunyuan.

However, according to Yang Tuo's guess, if he accepts the Buddha's honor, he may lose his connection with Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian forever.

Even if there is another saint in the Buddhist sect when immeasurable kalpas are approaching, it will not be him.

It can only be produced among Sakyamuni Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, and Medicine Master Guangwang Buddha, and even the ancient Buddha Dideng has no chance to get involved.

In his memory, Maitreya Buddha will become the ancestor of all Buddhas in the future star calamity, which is probably also the method of Amitabha Buddha and Zhunti Buddha Mother.

Since the Taiqing sage was able to become a Buddha with Daoist Daoist of Many Treasures and establish Dacheng Buddhism, he will get half of the luck of Buddhism.

As the masters of Buddhism, Amitabha Buddha and Zhunti Buddha Mother, how could they not respond.Maitreya Buddha took over the position of Sakyamuni Buddha as the Patriarch of all Buddhas in the midst of the star calamity, I am afraid it is the means of the two saints.

As for the Lapis Lazuli Light King Buddha, he became the lord of the Eastern Lapis Lazuli World, closer to the Nanfangbu Continent than the Central Posa Pure Land.

With these two moves, there is every chance to regain control of Buddhism.Although Yang Tuo knew the development of some things.

Just like Laozi transforming into a Buddha, even if you know it, you can't stop it, let alone change it.If you are not sanctified, you are not even qualified to play chess after all.

Then there is Shakyamuni Buddha. As long as he can hold the power of Buddhism and prosper Buddhism, he may have the opportunity to take the last step before the immeasurable kalpas come.

Although it is only a glimmer of hope, it is far stronger than countless people in Hunyuan.Most of the great supernatural beings in the Hunyuan Saint Realm couldn't even see this chance to prove Hunyuan.

With these three people present, it is almost impossible for the Ancient Buddha of Dieng Deng and Da Ri Tathagata to stand out.

Even if they step into Hunyuan, they have almost no chance to prove the way.For them, they almost gave up the opportunity to prove the Hunyuan, and then stepped into the realm of Hunyuan.

Between one gain and one loss, it is really hard to figure out.Yang Tuo was thinking about this, so he couldn't make up his mind just now.

But Yang Tuo didn't know so much about Ran Deng and Lu Ya.Many of them involve the plans of saints, not prophets and foresight, and they will not be aware of it at all.

Yang Tuo used the position of Buddha to end the karma with Taoist Lu Ya.Although he has some regrets, he will never regret it.

He lost the opportunity to step into Hunyuan, but he also retained the hope of proving Hunyuan.Even if this hope is so insignificant, it also gives him great motivation.

Maybe in the future, when he can't step into Hunyuan, he will regret it.But now, he is still full of hope for himself.

Now that he has reached this point in his practice, he hopes that he can go and see the scenery where the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is.

With his back to the setting sun, Yang Tuo walked towards the east step by step.His figure, under the shadow of the setting sun, seemed longer and longer.

The sun was setting, but he was facing east.He will cross the boundless darkness, face the new rising sun, and walk on the golden road that belongs to him.

(End of this chapter)

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