Chapter 2 The Dharma of Ziya
Because Jiang Ziya didn't want to accept Yang Tuo as his apprentice, Yang Tuo had nothing to do at this time.I had to figure it out silently to see if there was any other way.

After several days of thinking, Yang Tuo finally thought of a solution.Since the right way is not working, then you have to do something else.

Another day later, counting the time when Jiang Ziya came home, Yang Tuo came to Jiang Ziya's house before Jiang Ziya came home.

"咚咚咚" knocked on the door, and saw the door open, a woman about sixty years old, stretched out her head, saw a young man standing at the door, smiling all over her face, and asked, "Who are you?" , I don't know what's the matter?"

Yang Tuo knew that this person was Jiang Ziya's wife, Mrs. Ma, so he replied: "Disciple Yang Tuo, I want to talk to Mr. Jiang!"

Ma Shi said: "He went out in the morning, and he hasn't come back yet, what do you want to do with him?"

Yang Tuo said: "I want to worship Mr. Jiang as a teacher. A few days ago, Mr. Jiang never agreed. Today, I bring the family heirloom left by my ancestors to offer, hoping to become Mr. Jiang's disciple."

When Mrs. Ma heard this, she was stunned, and said in her heart: "Is there anyone who wants to worship that dead old man as a teacher? That dead old man can't do anything. Recently, when he went to Chaoge to open the Mingguan, not many people came." Bringing the treasures handed down by the ancestors, I came to worship the teacher, and I was immediately enthusiastic.Then he said: "He thinks he will come back soon, why don't you wait for him in the courtyard!"

Yang Tuo bowed and said, "So, I'm sorry to bother you, what's your name, madam?"

Ma said: "I am Jiang Ziya's wife, you can call me Mrs. Ma."

Yang Tuo said again: "The disciple has seen Madam!"

Then Yang Tuo followed Mrs. Ma to the courtyard and waited for Jiang Ziya.Yang Tuo said: "I have begged Mr. Jiang several times, but Mr. Jiang has not agreed. Today I brought the family heirloom with me. I hope Mr. will appreciate my sincerity and accept me as a disciple!"

With that said, Yang Tuo took out his own glass.This glass was used by Yang Tuo to drink water when he was studying at school.On the way back to his dormitory, he fell into this world of gods, with nothing but clothes, a few useless things, and this drinking cup.Now a few months have passed, the clothes have been damaged, and some small items have been exchanged for money and food, and a place to live and work.The only thing left at this time is this glass, which is his only connection with the future.Now, in order to learn from his master, he had no choice but to use this glass as an ancestral treasure.

Yang Tuo said: "This is my ancestral treasure. It's called a crystal glass cup." Then he handed over the glass, and then said: "I hope my wife will help me persuade Mr. so that I can enter the family. I am grateful Endless!"

Ma Shi took the glass and saw that it was transparent and flawless, and it shone brightly when facing the sun, he thought: "It really is a treasure with extraordinary value!"

"Jiang Ziya is an idiot, such a treasure, so what if he accepts an apprentice!" After thinking about it, he said, "Don't worry, I will definitely persuade him to accept you."

When Yang Tuo saw that Mrs. Ma was greedy for money, he was overjoyed when he knew that the plan had come true. He said to Mrs. Ma, "Thank you, madam!"

After a while, Jiang Ziya came home and saw his wife and Yang Tuo in the courtyard, so he knew that Yang Tuo had come to visit his teacher again, so he said: "I have already said, you and I have no relationship between master and apprentice, so why force it?"

Yang Tuo bowed and said: "I sincerely worship the teacher, and I am persevering. I hope that the master will be merciful and accept me!" As he spoke, he looked at Mrs. Ma, and Mrs. Ma saw this and said, "Ziya, you see this child is so sincere, so I will accept you!" Let him go, I also think he is very good!"

Jiang Ziya shook his head and said: "It's true, but he and I really don't have the fate of master and apprentice!"

Seeing that Jiang Ziya still didn't let go, Yang Tuo looked at Ma Shi again.Madam Ma saw that Jiang Ziya didn't accept it, and the treasure he got was about to fly away, and he felt displeased immediately, and said: "Why is there a fate, no fate, I see this child is not bad, besides, I have already accepted his gift of apprenticeship, Today, you have to take it if you take it, or you have to take it if you don’t take it." After finishing speaking, he snorted.

Jiang Ziya was taken aback when he heard the words, and said: "You return the gift of apprenticeship to him! I really can't accept it." Hearing this, Mrs. Ma thought to himself: "This crystal glass cup is such a treasure, how can it be returned?" So he said: "No, I've already accepted the apprenticeship gift, you can figure it out yourself!"

Jiang Ziya persuaded again and again, but Ma just shook his head.Seeing this, Jiang Ziya had no choice but to bow down to the ground when he saw Yang Tuo.I thought in my heart that this son is so sincere, I might as well pass on some methods to him, so that he will return to his origin in the future, which is also a good fate.So he sighed and said: "Get up, you and I are not destined to be masters and apprentices, but now that the old woman has accepted your family heirloom, I will pass on some Taoism to you in return, our fellow Taoists Comparing, seeking the same way, do you think it is good?"

Yang Tuo heard the words, "After so much trouble, I still don't want to accept me as a disciple. I only teach some rudiments of Taoism. How can I have a day of immortality and Taoism?" He felt a little regretful in his heart.

Seeing that Yang Tuo didn't answer, Jiang Ziya knew what was on his mind.So he said: "Although there is an apprentice in my destiny, it is not you. The destiny cannot be violated. If you don't want to, then go away!"

Seeing that Jiang Ziya said he was dead, Yang Tuo had no choice but to finally learn some Taoism. With the foundation to settle down, there will always be other ways in the future. As long as he can cultivate the way of immortality, nothing else matters.So he replied: "I am willing, I am willing, the boy thanked the Taoist priest!"

Jiang Ziya received three salutes from Yang Tuo, asked him to stand up, and said: "Don't worry, although you are not my disciple, since I have accepted you, I will teach you with all my heart!"

Yang Tuo felt relieved when he heard this.At this time, Madam Ma saw that Jiang Ziya accepted Yang Tuo, knowing that the crystal glass cup could not escape, she was also happy in her heart, and she couldn't help but feel better about Jiang Ziya.

Ma Shi said: "Now everyone is happy, you can talk slowly here, and I will cook." Ma said and left.

Yang Tuo was standing next to Jiang Ziya at this time, a little at a loss.Jiang Ziya said: "Since I have accepted you, I will teach you the method today. What do you want to learn?"

Knowing the important point, Yang Tuo said, "I have admired the way of immortality since I was a child, and I hope that the Taoist master can teach me the law of longevity."

Jiang Ziya smiled and said: "Is it easy to become an immortal? I entered Yuanshi Tianzun's sect and practiced Taoism in Kunlun Mountain for [-] years, but I haven't achieved longevity. How dare you think about it!"

After hearing this, Yang Tuo didn't answer, but just smiled.

Seeing this, Jiang Ziya didn't say much, and said: "In this case, I will teach you the method. As for whether you can become a fairy or not, it depends on yourself."

As he spoke, he sat down beside him, and began to explain the immortal way in detail: "Immortals are divided into five classes, namely heaven, earth, human, god, and ghost.

However, among these five classes, ghosts and immortals are one of the five immortals.The yin is detached, the gods are unknown, the ghosts have no surnames, and the three mountains have no names.Even if one does not enter reincarnation, it is difficult to return to Pengying, and one will end up with nothing to return to. This is the lowest vehicle of cultivation.

Immortals are in charge of the power of heaven and earth, worshiped by the audience, and cultivate the power of incense and fire.However, since it is here, it must be limited by this.It can be said that success is also incense, and failure is also incense.One day, if no one worships and is abandoned by all living beings, he will surely fall to the altar.

Immortals enter the Tao with martial arts, cultivate the qi and blood golden elixir, and become holy in the flesh.Although he is not good at comprehending the secrets of the heavens, nor is he good at cultivating the Tao, but his divine power can shake the heavens and the earth, and his combat power is astonishing.

There are also the two immortals of heaven and earth, the heavenly immortals, who absorb the aura of heaven and earth, invade the essence of the sun and the moon, absorb the light and aura of heaven, and cultivate the primordial spirit.Earth Immortals inhale the energy of the five elements of the earth, and cultivate Nascent Soul.While the sky is clear and the earth is turbid, the immortals of the heavens always reside above the nine heavens, and the immortals of the earth often live beside the mountains and rivers! "

However, among these immortals, only heavenly immortals are the way, which can directly prove Hunyuan.Although the rest can live forever, none of them can prove Hunyuan in the end.

Jiang Ziya went on to say: "And I, who obtained the true biography of Yuanshi Tianzun, followed the righteous way of the immortals. Just because you don't come under my Yuxu sect, I can't teach you Yuxu's method, Yuanshi Baolu."

"However, in the past, the Taoist ancestor became Taoist. He preached the Dao in Zixiao Palace and passed it on to the world. Naturally, there are Taoism passed down. There are many casual cultivators in the world, and they practice this method more often."

"A practitioner of the Tao must first nourish the essence, train the qi, and preserve the spirit, and then reconcile the dragon and the tiger, catch the hurdles and fill them out, and finally the five qi are at the root, and the three flowers are gathered at the top. The way for us to wait for the gods is that the five qi are at the top, In the place of Zifu, the primordial spirit becomes Sanxian, which is Sanshu, and does not enter the true stream. At this time, the primordial spirit is pure yin, and it is also called the yin god. When the primordial spirit is born from the negative yang, a little pure is born in the primordial spirit. Yang Qi, at this time, can be called a true immortal, a pure Yang true immortal, and when the primordial spirit is perfected and transformed into a Yang god, then it can be called a golden immortal, an immortal golden immortal. Above these three, there is Taiyi Realm, Da Luo Realm, and Hunyuan Realm. Master Yuanshi Tianzun is the Hunyuan Da Luo Golden Immortal Realm, also known as a saint."

Following Jiang Ziya's explanation, Yang Tuo gradually gained some understanding of cultivating immortals and practicing Qi.

Until the evening, the moon above the starry sky.After Yang Tuo sorted out the knowledge in his mind, he found that Jiang Ziya had already returned to the house, and he was the only one still in the courtyard.Yang Tuochu was very excited when he got the teaching, so he sat on the ground in the courtyard and began to practice regardless of the venue.

People have three dantians, upper, middle and lower. Although they can all store mana, they have a little emphasis.Among them, the lower dantian practice essence, the middle pubic region practice qi, and the upper pubic region practice spirit.

Yang Tuo adjusted his breathing according to the method, and slowly calmed down. With each breath, he was slowly adjusting his body. This is nourishing essence, which is intended to forge the foundation, lay the foundation, and prepare for the second step of Qi training.

Yang Tuo slowly adjusted his body between exhalations and inhalations, making up for the shortfall in his body over the past few days.

When Yang Tuo woke up, it was already late at night. Seeing that the house was closed, he thought that Jiang Ziya and his wife had already rested and didn't want to disturb him, so he bowed to thank Jiang Ziya for his kindness in teaching.Then he sat down to practice again. Jiang Ziya, who was meditating in the bedroom, slowly opened his eyes, nodded slightly, and fell into meditation again.

On the second day, Jiang Ziya asked Yang Tuo to move in with him so that he could teach nearby.Yang Tuo readily agreed and moved here without any luggage, and lived in the side room in Jiang Ziya's courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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