Chapter 20 Named Disciple
Seeing Xin Huan rushing towards him, Yang Tuo unhurriedly held up the "Hunyuan Umbrella", shook the umbrella, and saw that Xin Huan had turned into a villain and was taken in.

The three people at the foot of the mountain saw that Xin Huan was captured just as soon as they met each other, they couldn't help being terrified and inexplicable, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

Yang Tuo released Xin Huan again.Xin Huan seemed to be in a dream, as if nothing had happened.

After being stunned for a moment, he raised his hammer and rushed towards Yang Tuo.

Yang Tuo turned the "Hunyuan Umbrella" in his hand a few times, and suddenly the sky became dark and the universe turned upside down.Xin Huan's whole body became limp and fell to the ground.

Seeing Xin Huan fall down, Yang Tuo stepped forward and asked, "Are you convinced?"

Xin Huan didn't know that this person is a real expert, but he still insisted on saying: "You just rely on the sharpness of the magic weapon. You have a lot of skills. My brother Tao Rong also has the magic weapon. I'm afraid you will lose if you see it."

Yang Tuo didn't say anything, so he replied: "I'll go with you to meet your brother's magic weapon, okay?"

Xin Huan said bitterly: "I'm afraid you won't be able to hold on for a while, and your face will be dull."

Yang Tuo smiled and said, "No problem."

Seeing this, Xin Huan quickly spread his wings and jumped down.He said to the three brothers: "The Taoist magic weapon is powerful, I am not his opponent. But I will lead him down the mountain, and the fourth brother will capture him with the magic weapon."

After Tao Rong heard this, his expression froze. Just now he also saw the power of the Taoist magic weapon, but the sky was dark and the sun and the moon were dark.He immediately lost confidence in his magic weapon.

Now that Xin Huan said to lead the Taoist down the mountain and let him capture him, isn't that harmful?But looking at the eyes of the brothers, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree.

At this time, Yang Tuo cast Earth Dun and fell from the sky.The four people in Huanghuashan couldn't help beating drums in their hearts, and they wanted to turn around and run away.

However, the people around them still gave them some courage.At this time Tao Rong stepped forward, took out the "Jufeng Banner" and shook it again and again.In an instant, sand and stones were flying, dust was flying, and the sky was dark.It seems that the momentum is not small.

Seeing this, Yang Tuo was prepared for a long time, and still used the "Hunyuan Umbrella" to deal with it, and did not open it, but only used mana. The "Fixed Wind Bead" inlaid on the "Hunyuan Umbrella" shines brightly, and in an instant, the wind stops and the stone stops.Above the sky, the wind is light and the clouds are light, a peaceful scene.

Tao Rong shook the magic weapon again and again, but there was no slight change.At this time, Yang Tuo said to Xin Huan again: "This time, are you convinced?"

Seeing this, Xin Huan bowed down and said: "The Taoist priest has profound magical powers and invincible supernatural powers. I will be convinced."

Yang Tuo looked at the four of them, all of them had meager mana, but they were heretics and not true.

Yang Tuo said to Xin Huan: "I see that you have visions or blessings in your body. I want to accept you as my named disciple to teach Taoism and see the effect. If you have achievements, you can also be included in the door wall. You Would you like to?"

The four of Xin Huan are trembling, walking on thin ice.I don't want to, but the peaks and turns are turning, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright.A great good thing, hit the top of the head.Immediately paid respects and said: "Student is willing, disciple is willing. Disciple Xin Huan, pay homage to teacher."

Because of her ugly appearance, Xin Huan has always been disliked by others, so she fell into the grass in Huanghua Mountain.I don't want to have a Taoist master accept him as a disciple today, even though he is only a registered disciple, he has never had any good luck.

A feeling of being valued and paid attention spontaneously arises.

Yang Tuo received the great gift from Xin Huan, helped him up, and said: "In that case, you can go with me as a teacher."

Only then did Xin Huan think about coming and going with the teacher. Looking at the three brothers in front of him, Xin Huan gritted his teeth and said: "Teacher is merciful, my three brothers also have the heart of Taoism. I don't dare to extravagantly hope to be able to join the teacher's school, but I beg the teacher to take it with me, and call one or two."

After saying that, he knelt down again, and the other three people also hurriedly bowed to him when they saw this: "Teacher, be merciful!"

Yang Tuo sighed: "How difficult it is to be a fairy!" He couldn't help but think of the scene when he wanted to worship Jiang Ziya as his teacher, but was not accepted.

He couldn't help but replied: "I have something important to do, so I don't want to stay for a long time. I am the teacher of the Xiqi State. If you follow as you wish, you can go to the prime minister's residence in Xiqi. Yan is recruited by the teacher, and the prime minister will arrange for it."

After all, without waiting for everyone to reply, he drove away again.Seeing what the teacher said, Xin Huan hurriedly bid farewell to the three brothers and agreed to meet each other in Xiqi.He spread his wings and followed.

When Deng Zhong and the other three saw Xin Huan leaving, they were filled with envy.But I and others also have a way out, go to Xiqi, even if you can't become immortals and attain the Tao, you can still enjoy the wealth and honor in the world.

Saying that, the three of them dismissed a group of minions, and those who were willing to follow them went to Xiqi together.Those who don't want to distribute money and food, and find their own way out.Then the three of them headed towards Xiqi with those who were willing to follow.

Yang Tuo's acquisition of the four generals of Huanghua Mountain can firstly increase the strength of Xiqi's side, and secondly, it can weaken the strength of Wen Taishi's Western Expedition.Kill two birds with one stone, why not do it!
A few days later, Yang Tuo led Xin Huan to Wuyi Mountain.Xin Huan saw that Wuyi Mountain was majestic and beautiful, far from being comparable to Huanghua Mountain.He praised in his heart: "It really deserves to be the residence of the Immortals!"

When Yang Tuo brought Xin Huan into the Zhenshenghua Xuantian, Xin Huan realized how shallow he was. Compared with this cave, Wuyi Mountain outside was nothing.

In the cave, sealwort and poria cocos can be seen everywhere.Ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum can be found everywhere.Cranes dance, spirit fish play, and spirit springs and waterfalls are dotted among them, making it a fairyland on earth.

This is the second time for Yang Tuo to come here, and it is still so shocking.When I entered here for the first time, I was busy retreating and practicing, and I didn't walk around to look around.

This retreat is over, so you must take a good look around this truly sublimated mysterious cave.

Already at the door of the house, Yang Tuo is not in a hurry anymore, an anxious state of mind is not conducive to practice.

With Xin Huan, he walked slowly towards the cave.Along the way, you can enjoy various beautiful scenery and feel the harmony and beauty of nature.

No matter how beautiful the journey is, there will be an end, Yang Tuo returns to this nominal residence after a long absence.In the place where Yang Tuo stayed, this nominal real residence, on the contrary, he stayed for the shortest time.

How mysterious is the fate of the world.

Yang Tuo stepped into the cave, and the simple cave was exactly the same as when he left, without even a speck of dust or dirt.The beauty of avoiding dust can be seen from this.

If there is such a way to avoid dust in the future, I don’t know how many couples will cry with joy, and how many domestic companies will go bankrupt because of it.

It's useless to think too much, I stayed for a long time in this ancient time.Memories about modern times are less and less remembered.I don’t know if I am integrated into the present, or I have thrown away the past.

Yang Tuo sat cross-legged on the futon, and Xin Huan stood aside respectfully.Yang Tuo said, "Sit."

Xin Huan hurriedly sat cross-legged on the ground.Yang Tuo said again: "As a teacher, I will go back to the mountain this time, and I will practice in seclusion for a period of time. Before that, I will teach you the way to enter the Tao."

"You follow the Dharma, practice carefully, don't
aggressive. " After finishing speaking, he taught Xin Huan the method of nourishing essence, practicing Qi, and preserving spirit.

After Xin Huan wrote down one by one, let him find a place to practice hard.

Yang Tuo sorted it out, arranged a few formations, and started the most important practice since time travel.

This is an opportunity to completely change your life.From then on, he embarked on the road of longevity and stepped into the door of asking.

(End of this chapter)

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