Chapter 29
After everyone was seated, Jiang Ziya introduced Yang Tuo to the newcomers.All the immortals also returned the gifts one by one.

At this time, Guangchengzi said: "We are waiting for the members of the Yuxu sect to gather in Xiqi now. We still need to let the members of the Jiejiao know that we will come to break the formation."

As he spoke, Qingyun appeared on the top, and in the Qingyun were thousands of golden lamps and pearls hanging from necklaces.The rest of the immortals also showed Qingyun, or thousands of golden lamps, or pearls with shell leaves, or white lotuses in necklaces, all of which are different.

Various visions appeared in Qingyun, shining brightly.Seeing this, Yang Tuo also showed Qing Yun on top.The five colors of Qingyun circulate, and there are waves of three colors of gold, silver, and purple, which come and go endlessly.

The vision in Qingyun is the manifestation of his own Dao fruit.Yang Tuo showed gold, silver, and purple waves because Yang Tuo built the foundation with the three kinds of divine water of sunlight, moonlight, and starlight, and entered the Tao with the divine water of the three lights.Hence the vision.

The rest of the twelve golden immortals are all like this.Dao rhyme flows in Qingyun.All the immortals exchanged ideas outside the city of Xiqi, in front of the enemy's formation.

The so-called Tao is invisible and difficult to express in words.This Qingyun is the best expression of Dao Fruit.

Everyone didn't shy away from Yang Tuo, and showed off their avenues one after another.The Qingyun above Yang Tuo's head also changed constantly following the path of the crowd.

The Twelve Golden Immortals often exchange ideas.This time, it was just for everyone to see their own progress and the comprehension of other brothers and sisters.

Among the Twelve Golden Immortals, there are not many harvests.However, Yang Tuo has gained a lot, and it is the first time that he feels other people's way so intuitively.In the way of others, you should prove your own way.

Discovering one's own deficiencies and flaws, improving one's own path, can avoid many detours.

Guangchengzi and others saw Yang Tuo topping Qingyun.Knowing that its cultivation base is not high, but as shown by Qingyun's manifestation, its foundation is very solid, and there is hope for further progress.

Everyone's perception of Yang Tuo has improved a lot, and they are no longer just regarded as Xiqi Guoshi.It is a Taoist friend who can communicate with oneself.

Everyone celebrates the manifestation of the cloud, which is colorful and illuminates the universe.In the Yin merchant camp, Shi Tianjun and Wen Taishi also found that Xiqi had many helpers.Judging by its cultivation, it is not low.

Wen Taishi said to the heavenly monarchs: "Now that Xiqi has come to help, what should we do?"

All the heavenly monarchs have serious faces, but they are very confident in their formation.Qin Tianjun said: "All the immortals of Yuxu have come to the mortal world. After these days of operation, the power of our formation has increased a bit."

"Now, it's time to compete with Chanjiao. Seeing a male and female will show my true nature." All the heavenly kings praised after hearing this: "It should be so!"

Hearing that the grand master was full of confidence when he saw the heavenly monarchs, he gradually relaxed.

At this time, Qin Tianjun said to Grand Master Wen: "You can send people to Xiqi to make a war letter, and make an appointment to come and break the formation."

Hearing the words of the grand master, he immediately ordered people to go to Xiqi to fight.

On the Yin and Shang side, they are ready for a big battle.On Xiqi's side, Yang Tuo is still immersed in countless avenues.Avenues of avenues unfolded in front of his eyes and sank into his heart and lungs.

In his eyes, apart from "Tao", there is nothing else.Jiang Ziya watched enviously from the sidelines, and wished he could replace him with his body.

a long time……

It wasn't until a deer blew that Yang Tuo came back to his senses.The crowd that has been harvested this time is simply unimaginable.

Yang Tuo got up and bowed to everyone: "Thank you, fellow Taoists, for your support!"

Everyone nodded one after another, and then looked in the direction of the Luming.I saw a group of people crossing the deer and riding the cloud, coming straight to Lu Peng.

When all the immortals saw this Taoist, they all stood up to greet him.The Taoist rode a deer to Lu Peng, and all the immortals said: "I have seen my uncle."

This Taoist is the Lantern Taoist of Yuanjue Cave on Lingjiu Mountain.This person's seniority is extremely high, although he is involved in teaching, he is commensurate with Yuanshi Tianzun's Taoist friends.Just because Taoist ancestors taught the world at the beginning, this Taoist burning lamp is also one of the virtues of the three thousand people who listened to Taoism in Zixiao Palace.

Even though he was involved in teaching, he was unwilling to lower his status and be with the second generation of disciples.So Yuanshi Tianzun respected him as the deputy leader, and was listed with himself.

All the people welcomed the Taoist burning lamp into the Lupeng and respected him on the seat.

Jiang Ziya got up and said: "The teacher is here in Xiqi, and the disciples are very grateful. Now, no one is in charge of the overall situation, so please ask the teacher to lead me to break the formation."

Taoist Ran Deng said: "I'm here to do it for Ziya." Taoist Ran Deng was not polite, and said bluntly that he wanted to be the master.

Seeing this, Yang Tuo immediately didn't like Ran Deng much.The rest of the people were also unhappy.

This lamp did not ask the other immortals what they thought, and made the decision directly.Although Ran Deng has a high seniority, it stands to reason that he should be the master.But he didn't ask a single question, as if he didn't pay attention to everyone at all, it's strange that everyone is in a good mood.

Everyone fell silent at once.After a while, three Taoists, Manjusri, Puxian, and Cihang stood up and said, "It's just right for my uncle to do it for me."

This broke the embarrassment of everyone.Seeing Ran Deng's behavior style, Yang Tuo thought he was not too good at teaching, so it's no wonder he turned to Buddhism.

Ran Deng saw that no one objected, so he wanted to discuss with everyone about breaking the formation.At this time, Nezha came to report, saying that someone from Yin Shang came to fight.

Jiang Ziya looked at Taoist Ran Deng, and Ran Deng said unceremoniously: "Take the challenge!"

Ziya obeyed.After reading the letter of war, Ran Deng said: "Reply to Lord Shitian, and we will fight in three days!"

The Yin and Shang parties got a reply, and everyone returned to their own formations and waited for them.Xiqi lost the initial interest, and everyone remained silent.

Seeing this, Ran Deng didn't care.So he said: "In the past three days, I will explain the way of this formation to you."

Everyone can't help themselves.

The way of burning lamps is far above the crowd, and has reached the pinnacle of the Daluo Jinxian. It is only one step away from entering the realm of Hunyuan.

Yang Tuo knew that Taoist Ran Deng's opportunity was outside Xiqi City.It is the "Dinghai Pearl" in the hands of Zhao Gongming in the Luofu Cave of Mount Emei.But now Zhao Gongming has not yet come out of the mountain.

Taoist Ran Deng also vaguely felt that his opportunity was here, so he came to Xiqi.Otherwise, with Ran Deng's cultivation base, he wouldn't have come to the muddy water of Fengshen.

Although Ran Deng is not liked by everyone, he is a veteran monk after all.His cultivation should not be underestimated, and he entered the Tao early, so he has seen a lot of formations.

Burning lamps and preaching, although there are no hype, golden lotus springs from the ground.But it is also a great sound, and the elephant is invisible.Explained a lot of knowledge about formations in simple terms.

Educating a group of second-generation disciples, although there are gains, but not much, after all, with the teaching of Yuanshi Tianzun, there is no lack of knowledge and ability.

However, the three generations of disciples have indeed gained a lot.After all, the three generations of disciples practiced the Tao for a short period of time, and a lot of knowledge has not yet been imparted.In addition, Ran Deng has a high level of Taoism, and his knowledge is wider than that of his own master.

In addition to a group of three-generation disciples, Yang Tuo also gained a lot.He has already formed a basic understanding of the formation in his heart and constructed a complete framework.

The so-called formations are nothing more than based on Hunyuan, Taiji, Liangyi, Sancai, Sixiang, Five Elements, Liuhe, Seven Stars, Eight Trigrams, and Nine Palaces, and rely on various offensive methods such as earth, water, fire, wind, and thunder. A method of using the power of heaven and earth for oneself.

Its main purpose is to use the power of heaven and earth for its own use, to enhance the various means that already exist.Whether it is attack, defense, sleepiness, confusion, concealment, etc., there is no difference.

(End of this chapter)

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