Chapter 31

Although Ten Heavenly Monarchs are ten people, they are like relatives.They have been practicing Taoism together for thousands of years, and they have been close to each other for a long time.

Now, in just a few moments, the two Heavenly Monarchs have been damaged, and the rest of the people are also heartbroken.However, explaining the teaching of the immortals, the mana is powerful, and the Taoism is profound.To take revenge, there is no chance of victory.He had to be ruthless in silence, intending to use his own formation to kill more disciples of Chanjiao and avenge the two heavenly rulers Qin and Zhao.

Another Taishi Wen said: "We have only seen two battles today, and we will lose two friends, so I am afraid it is not good!"

There is a "wind roar formation" Dong Tianjun said: "Although there are disasters, I am not afraid. Now that I have just lost two friends, I am afraid, it will not only make people laugh. Besides, I intercept the teaching with loyalty. First of all, even if you die, you will not lose my loyalty!"

The rest of the Heavenly Sovereigns also praised them one after another: "Don't regret even if you die!"

Hearing the words of the Grand Master, he didn't feel moved.This is my interception, and they are all people who value righteousness and commit suicide.His heart is also unabated, and he wants to live and die with all the heavenly kings.

Dong Tianjun said to the crowd again: "Fellow Daoists, watch me defeat the enemy!" After speaking, he quickly stepped forward and said loudly: "I will teach Tianjun Dong Quan, and now I set up a 'wind roar', please explain the teaching. Friends teach me!"

Daoist Burning Lamp looked at everyone left and right.

Now, Yang Tuo can understand.Although the lantern did not say it, it was someone who was looking for a sacrifice formation.

The first two times, someone invited them to join the battle, but everyone is not a fool. Once the number of times is more, how can everyone not understand.

If no one volunteers to join the battle later, I'm afraid it will be the point.No wonder he preached to the crowd as soon as the lantern came, and said that he was so kind, but he should be here if he didn't want to.Yang Tuo also reacted, "I heard his words, I am afraid that I will pay with my life."

Yang Tuo calculated in his heart.

Of course, Ran Deng did not know that some people would join in the middle.He had just come to Xiqi, and he was afraid that he would count the people who sacrificed to the formation. "Ten Absolute Arrays" is afraid that ten people from the Immortal Dao will come to sacrifice to the formation.

"Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Nezha, Huang Tianhua, Yang Jian, Lei Zhenzi, Han Dulong, Xue Eihu, there are only eight people, Jiang Ziya and the twelve golden immortals will definitely not be able to sacrifice. After all, that's enough for ten people.

Fortunately, there is a Deng Hua sacrifice formation, and Xiqi can save one person from death.Yang Tuo recalled the people in the sacrifice formation, but he could not guarantee that the one who died less would be himself.

Although a few people will come to die by themselves, what if they don't come?
The most important thing is that now there is one less Cao Bao.Cao Bao's position always has to be taken over by someone, and Yang Tuo has obtained the "fallen treasure money" from Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao, and he is afraid that he will pay it back here!
Between the disciple of Chanjiao and an outsider like him, you don't need to think about how to choose the lamp.

Yang Tuo's sense of crisis has risen sharply.Even King Wu was unavoidable to go to the "Ten Absolutes", and he himself, the national teacher of Xiqi, could not be spared.

Yang Tuo thought about it in his heart, if he waited for the lamp to light up, he was afraid that it would be dangerous.It's better to choose a certain team by yourself. As long as you break through for a while, you won't be able to order again, right?

Among the "Top Ten Arrays", only this "Wind Roar Array" Yang Tuo had some confidence.After all, his "Hunyuan Umbrella" is inlaid with a "Dingfengzhu".

However, in the "Ten Absolute Arrays", only Taoist Lu Ya broke the "Flame Array" and no one sacrificed to the formation.The rest are as strong as Guangchengzi, and they all need someone to sacrifice.Yang Tuo couldn't guarantee that if no one sacrificed the formation, he would be able to break the "Wind Roar Formation".

But now there is no choice, if Ran Deng chooses him to sacrifice, this "Wind Roar" Yang Tuo still has a chance to win.If it was someone else who sacrificed to the formation, then he would invite himself to break the formation.

When someone sacrifices to the formation, the probability of breaking the "wind roar formation" increases greatly.If you don't start, wait until the formation behind, I'm afraid you will only die.

But there is still a problem, he must not borrow the "Ding Fengzhu" to break the "Wind Roar Array".One is that he already has the "Dingfengzhu", and he definitely can't borrow it again; secondly, if he borrows the "Dingfengzhu", then it will be his turn to break the "Wind Roar Array"?

This created a problem. In order to break the "Wind Roar Formation", one must not borrow the "Ding Fengzhu".Then, Fang Bi and Fang Xiang, two people who will sacrifice to the formation, will be missing.Who will take the top in the end, this is the question.

Yang Tuo was still thinking about it, and seeing that no one was willing to take part in the battle, it was also his expectation.So he called out, "Xue Eihu, you go and explore this formation."

When Xue Eihu heard this, he immediately broke out in a cold sweat.Now everyone can see that this breaking formation needs someone to sacrifice the formation.Of course no one wants to die.I don't want to light the lamp directly, because I can't escape if I want to.

Not only did Xue Eihu die, but the rest of the three generations of Chanjiao disciples were also apprehensive.After all, the Twelve Golden Immortals and Jiang Ziya couldn't make sacrifices, everyone could see that.So it can only be chosen among the three generations of disciples.

Before Han Dulong died, he had already offended Daoxing Tianzun.Lighting also knows that offending one person is better than offending two.So he chose Xue Eihu again.

Xue Eihu had no choice but to look at his teacher.However, Daoxing Tianzun's face was ashen, and although it was ugly, he did not speak.Xue Eihu knew that this catastrophe was inevitable, so he let go of his burden.

I saw Xue Eihu walking with tigers and tigers, Qi Yu proudly walking towards the "Wind Roar Formation", this is the glory of dying.Xue Eihu shouted: "Dong Quan, I will teach Xue Eihu to come to meet you."

After all, he didn't stop, he entered the "Wind Roar Formation" and died.

Dong Tianjun saw Xue Eihu entering the battle.On the high platform, shake the black flag in your hand.Immediately, a black wind swept up in the formation, and thousands of soldiers, swords, spears, swords, and halberds all rushed towards Xue Eihu.

Hearing a loud bang, Xue Eihu had already been chopped into pieces and died unexpectedly.

All three generations of disciples felt the same way and sighed.Daoxing Tianzun also covered his face with a sleeved robe and could not bear to look directly.

Ran Deng remained expressionless and asked the crowd, "Which fellow Daoist would you like to break this 'wind roar'?"

At that time, the Great Master Lingbao said: "This formation is ferocious, and once it is launched, thousands of people will come together, and it will be difficult to resist. I have a friend who is practicing in the Eight Treasures Yunguang Cave of Jiuding Tiecha Mountain. Treasure 'Dingfengzhu'. If you can borrow this bead, this formation will be easily broken!"

After Ran Deng heard it, he couldn't help but say, "If that's the case, it's up to you to borrow the treasure, hurry up and come back."

Master Lingbao was about to take orders when Yang Tuo quickly stepped forward and said, "Brother Dao, why bother, I also have a 'Dingfengzhu' in my hand, why don't I break this 'wind roar'."

Saying that, Yang Tuo looked at Daoist Ran Deng.Ran Deng heard that Yang Tuo also had "Dingfengzhu", and he didn't care much, so he said: "If that's the case, it's up to you to break this formation."

After Yang Tuo took the order, he said to Jiang Ziya, "Brother Dao, I need to borrow your 'Xinghuangqi'."

Jiang Ziya didn't care either, and hurriedly handed the "Xinghuang Flag" to Yang Tuo, and then said, "Fellow Daoist, be careful!"

Yang Tuo replied: "If there is a Taoist brother 'Xinghuangqi', there must be nothing wrong." The rest of the immortals saw that Yang Tuo borrowed the "Xinghuangqi" and knew that this formation would be broken.

Although Yang Tuo's cultivation level is not as good as them, but he has the innate spiritual treasure "Yuxu Xinghuangqi" in hand, which is foolproof.

(End of this chapter)

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