Chapter 37 Nail Head Seven Arrows
No one in Xiqi dared to go out to fight, only Zhao Gongming showed off his might outside.

A group of people were at their wit's end, and Nezha came in and reported: "There is a person who wants to see you."

When Ran Deng heard the words, he was overjoyed, coming this season, could it be that reinforcements came.So he ordered: "Please come in quickly."

Nezha invited the Taoist to enter the tent, only to see that the Taoist was an immortal, dressed in a red shirt.Ran Deng and all the immortals could not recognize this person.Ran Deng smiled and said: "I don't know which famous mountain it is? Where is the Taoist friend from the cave?"

The Taoist replied: "The poor Taoist is Lu Ya, a Sanren from West Kunlun. Now I heard that all Taoist friends are trapped in the Luofu Cave of Mount Emei, Zhao Gongming, so I came here to help."

Everyone heard the words, although they were happy, but Zhao Gongming was very powerful, afraid that this scattered person would lose his life in vain because he didn't know the severity.Chi Jingzi said: "Friends of Taoism, I will appreciate it. However, Mr. Zhao has already attained the Tao during the reign of Emperor Ming. Now that he has entered the realm of the Daluo Jinxian, and has the magic weapon 'Golden Jiaoscissor' in his hand, he is even more difficult to defeat. I don't know what Taoism you have to defeat that Zhao Gongming?"

Lu Ya heard the words and said with a smile: "Then Mr. Zhao learned the Tao during the reign of the Emperor Ming, what is the Tao! Although the poor Taoist is an undisciplined person, he does not join the teachings of the public. However, I learned the Tao very early, and I have already practiced the Tao at the beginning of the chaos. Then Zhao Gongming only knows how to rely on Taoism and Lingbao to fight fiercely, so how can he know my methods. So, I will go meet him for a while, and then I will know who is superior!"

Everyone saw that he spoke very loudly, and what he said was outrageous, but they didn't quite believe it.However, seeing that he was full of confidence and dared to face Zhao Gongming, he still had some ability.So they left Lu Peng one after another to watch the battle.

At this time, Zhao Gongming was shouting outside.Suddenly, a strange Taoist came out from the Xiqi camp.Then he asked, "Who is here?"

Lu Ya replied, "You won't recognize me even if I tell you my name. I am Lu Ya, a Sanren from West Kunlun. I have come to Xiqi to surrender to you."

When Zhao Gongming heard the words, he was furious: "You are a monster, but your skills are not great, but your tone is not small. Let me see how you surrender to me!"

Zhao Gongming urges the tiger to come forward, lifts the whip and beats.Lu Ya greeted each other with swords, and the two of them fought for less than ten rounds, each of them knew in their hearts that their cultivation levels were equal, and they were both Daluo Jinxians.Seeing that it was difficult to win against this man, Zhao Gongming couldn't help offering "Golden Jiao Scissors".

The "Golden Flood Dragon Scissors" turned into two long rainbows and cut towards Lu Ya.Seeing this, Lu Ya didn't dare to be negligent, and turned into a long rainbow, which disappeared in an instant.

Seeing that Lu Ya had escaped, Zhao Gongming was furious.However, seeing that Ran Deng and all the Jinxians who explained and taught were waiting in full force, they also knew that there would be no good fruit for a forced attack, so they had to retreat to Chengtang camp.

When Zhao Gongming retreated, Taoist Lu Ya returned to Lupeng with another long rainbow.Everyone saw that although Lu Ya was not Zhao Gongming's opponent, he was not bad either.It was almost impossible to tell the winner between the two, but Zhao Gongming relied on the power of the magic weapon.However, Lu Ya can retreat completely, which is extraordinary.

All the people came forward to greet them.Lu Ya said to the crowd: "This Zhao Gongming is really powerful. If we face the enemy head-on, I am afraid there is no chance of winning. However, I have a countermeasure. As long as some of you are willing to implement this strategy, Zhao Gongming will have nothing to worry about."

Ran Deng asked: "I don't know what countermeasures you have?"

Lu Ya said: "I have a book called 'The Book of Seven Arrows on Nailheads'. This book is an ancient rare treasure, and it contains secret techniques. Just follow this book, and Zhao Gongming will die in less than a month."

All the golden immortals were overjoyed when they heard the words, and they said one after another: "Quickly ask fellow Taoists to quickly cast spells to break Gongming!"

Lu Ya shook his head and said: "This method has a drawback, I really can't use it."

Ran Deng asked, "What's the problem?"

Lu Ya said: "This secret technique is a technique of sacrificing one's life. It is a method of cursing, fighting in the air. Then Zhao Gongming is the Daluo Jinxian, who is immortal. It is difficult for ordinary people to curse. Only those with great luck can succeed if they spend their own luck and suppress Zhao Gongming's luck."

Everyone was silent when they heard the words, their own luck is so important, if they want to consume each other with Zhao Gongming, they will suffer a lot.After all, Zhao Gongming is the Daluo Jinxian, and his luck is not low.Another student of Jiejiao, with the protection of Jiejiao's luck, who can have a deeper luck than him, there is not much to talk about.

If the person who casts the spell has insufficient luck, he may be cursed back.

Ran Deng was silent for a moment and said: "Zi Ya, why don't you perform this technique!"

Jiang Ziya's face darkened when he heard the words, and he let himself do the damage to his luck.It is difficult to become a fairy in the first place, but if you lose your luck, you may not be able to become a fairy in the next life, right?
Seeing Jiang Ziya's unwilling expression, Ran Deng said, "Among all the people here, you have the most luck. You are a disciple of Chanjiao, and you have the luck of Chanjiao; you are also the Prime Minister of Xiqi, and you have a family The blessing of luck; the most important thing is that you are the host of the Conferred God, and you have your own luck. If you use it, it will be foolproof!"

When Jiang Ziya saw that Ran Deng mentioned this, all the senior brothers were also eagerly looking forward to it, and they couldn't agree whether they wanted to or not.So he handed over the task.Received the "Nailhead Seven Arrows Book" from Lu Ya.

Jiang Ziya opened the letter, which recorded the specific requirements and details of casting the spell.Jiang Ziya ordered 3000 troops to go to Qishan.

Jiang Ziya chose to cast spells on Mount Qi, but it was because of the "Phoenix Ming Qishan". This Mount Qi can be regarded as a place of profound luck, and he cast spells here, hoping to lose a little bit of luck.

Jiang Ziya set up camp on Qishan Mountain and built a high platform in the camp.A grass figurine was tied up on the high platform, with the words "Zhao Gongming" written on it, a lamp was lit on the grass figurine's head, and a lamp was lit under the feet.

Ziya wears his hair and wields a sword, walks on the gangster and fights with steps, and seals with calligraphy and symbols. He worships three times a day, four or five days in a row.Scratching Zhao Gongming's ears and cheeks, he couldn't calm down.

After more than ten days in a row, Zhao Gongming finally couldn't resist and passed out.When the Grand Master and the four Heavenly Kings heard the news, they were shocked.How could this Zhao Gong, who had already passed out in the Daluo Jinxian realm, pass out?

Seeing this, Yao Tianjun from the "Falling Soul Formation" was puzzled, because the "Falling Soul Formation" is best at worshiping people's souls, and is also very familiar with various symptoms.Seeing Zhao Gongming's appearance like this, he said to Wen Taishi, "Brother Gongming, it seems that someone has cast a spell and is cursed."

Hearing the grand master's words, he was shocked and angry.Can't help but anxiously said: "What should I do?"

Yao Tianjun comforted: "Grand Master, don't worry, this method of cursing takes a long time. Now it seems that there is no serious problem, as long as we snatch back the medium that cursed Daoist Gong Ming, the disease will resolve itself!"

After Wen Taishi finished listening, he was about to leave in a hurry.Yao Tianjun hurriedly said: "Teacher, don't be reckless. We should first send someone to investigate Xiqi's movement, see if there is any discovery, and then make a plan. If you go out in such a hurry, you may get nothing, and it will easily make Xiqi alert. "

It's easy to talk about it, so that Grand Master Wen can be appeased.Hearing that the grand master sent people to inquire about the news, someone reported back: "Ten days ago, Jiang Shang led 3000 people to camp in Qishan." I'm afraid it's Jiang Shang who messed up what happened to brother Dao Zhao."

Yao Tianjun nodded and said, "But there is a possibility!"

Wen Taishi said: "In this case, the old man will go to get back the media."

Yao Tianjun said: "No, Grand Master is the commander-in-chief of an army, so don't go out lightly. Grand Master may be discovered by Xi Qi if he goes here. The four of us must guard the formation separately, and Xi Qi must not be alerted. It is better to let Gongming Daoist The two apprentices, Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi, will go secretly, Xiqi will succeed if he is unprepared."

Grand Master Wen saw that Yao Tianjun's arrangement was very appropriate, so he nodded and agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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