Chapter 398 The Choice of Houtu
After Yang Tuo got out of the range of the Twelve Capitals Tianshensha formation, the Zhoutian Xingdou formation in the sky gradually stopped functioning.

Emperor Ziwei didn't want to use this large formation casually. Although the large formation is strong, it is related to the operation of the entire prehistoric world. A little carelessness may lead to catastrophe.

After Bai Qi vented, he also knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion, and he was developing in a direction that was not conducive to the Wu clan.

After he stopped the formation of the gods and gods in the twelve capitals, the mighty Pangu real body was re-differentiated into twelve golden men and twelve witch generals.

There is no need for Bai Qiming to say, all the generals understand that the situation is serious, and a witch general Tuo asked Bai Qi: "Now the situation is unfavorable, how should we deal with it?"

Bai Qi thought about it, and came to this point, he had already offended the human race, so it would not be of any benefit to stop here.

If he gave up at this point, all the previous preparations would be in vain, and he was really unwilling to do so.

As the saying goes, there is no turning back when you open the bow, and the relationship with the human race can no longer return to the past.He made up his mind suddenly, and decided to fight again.

Success is good, even if he fails, he has no regrets.

Thinking of this, Bai Qi didn't hesitate, he said to the twelve witch generals: "Everyone, we haven't failed yet."

"I also invite you to go to the political meeting with me. We need to speed up and expand the sphere of influence as much as possible before the counterattack of the human race comes!"

"In the name of human kings, we occupy part of the luck of the human race. To rule the world with righteousness, even if the human race fights back, it is impossible to ignore it and let the three emperors directly attack."

"As long as we can defeat the counterattack of the human race, we still have a chance. As long as we can control the human race, we still have hope."

Listening to what Bai Qi said, all the witches had different expressions for a moment, and they all calculated their own odds in their hearts.

Obviously the situation is not as easy as Bai Qi said, but as Bai Qi said, they are not completely without chance of winning.

Thinking of this, all the witches nodded, agreed with Bai Qi's statement, and planned to fight again.

After all, the Wu Clan is not as powerful as it used to be. If they don't fight, they may have no hope of rising.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Qi and the Twelve Witch Generals came to Qin Palace to discuss the next plan with Ying Zheng.

While they sent troops to attack the remaining countries in Nanfang Buzhou, the twelve witch generals selected people with strong blood of the witch clan to train them into soldiers according to their respective tribes.

After Yang Tuo came to the nether world, he first identified the direction.He used the Netherworld Token to open the passage to the Underworld, but he didn't know where he was leading.

After identifying the direction, he didn't stop for a moment, and hurried towards the direction of the six reincarnations.

Not long after, Yang Tuo once again came to the depths of the Six Paths of Samsara, where Empress Houtu lived.

But this time, the mood is completely different from the last time.Yang Tuo no longer has any thoughts of observing the six realms of reincarnation, he only hopes that Empress Houtu can give him an explanation.

When Yang Tuo stepped into the Houtu Palace, he looked at the Empress Houtu sitting on the cloud platform.

He still respects Empress Empress very much, but he is urgent in his heart, and before Empress Empress can speak, he has already opened his mouth to ask for responsibility.

"Your Majesty, Yang Tuo and Your Majesty have agreed to give the Witch Clan a human king, which is a good thing between the two clans."

"But now, the friendship between the Wu clan and our clan is like nothing, and they wantonly slaughtered the people of the human clan."

"Dare to ask my mother, why is the witch race like this? Is it because you want to give up the friendship that has been established with the human race for hundreds of millions of years?"

Because it is related to the human race, and because of him, Yang Tuo's words are a bit disrespectful.

Empress Houtu is the most virtuous person under Empress Nuwa, no matter who she is, she should be respected under any circumstances.

What's more, the mercy of the Tu Niangniang in the future, and the matter of the Wu Clan, will definitely not be what she hopes.

But Yang Tuo's Dao Xin, which has been practiced for hundreds of years, still can't calm down when he thinks of the dead souls of the human race above Xianyang City.

Empress Houtu obviously also understood what happened. Under Yang Tuo's series of questioning, she did not blame Yang Tuo for his disrespect, but could not help but smile wryly.

"Fellow Daoist, calm down, it's all my fault. My witch clan doesn't want to split with the human race, so I will definitely give an explanation to fellow Daoist, please rest for a while!"

Listening to Empress Houtu, Yang Tuo also suppressed the anger in his heart. He looked at Empress Houtu, wanting to know how she planned to deal with it.

Empress Houtu didn't hesitate, she thought for a while, and then called out: "Yu!"

At this time, a burly man with a height of nearly ten feet came out and replied, "Yu has seen your mother!"

"You go to the human world and bring me back to see me!" Empress Houtu ordered.

Hearing the words, the great witch called Feather responded immediately: "I will obey your mother's decree!"

He didn't stop after he finished speaking, and went straight out of the main hall, heading towards the human world.

Then Tu Niangniang just said to Yang Tuo at this time: "Fellow Daoist, please rest for a while, wait for 'Qi' to return, I have my own opinion."

Seeing that Empress Houtu said so, Yang Tuo couldn't say much.Just meditate silently and deduce the development of the situation by the way.

Empress Houtu sent someone to call Bai Qi, and she had already responded. He couldn't let Empress Houtu go there herself.

As time passed so slowly, Yang Tuo didn't say anything more, since Empress Houtu had something to say, he had no choice but to believe it.

After a long time, Yu Fang returned to the main hall, but he was still alone and did not see 'Qi'.

Yang Tuo's complexion couldn't help but sink, and he thought: "The matter is really not that easy to solve!"

Empress Houtu obviously also understood this point, she didn't wait for Yu to answer, her complexion sank, and she asked: "Where did you start?"

Yu hurriedly saluted and replied: "Yu is ashamed, I couldn't bring it back. He is guilty, but he can't go back now. When the dust settles, he should go back to the underworld, and then plead guilty to the empress!"

After hearing this, Empress Houtu didn't blame Yu too much.Although Yu and Qi are both great witches, Qi still has many helpers.

If he is unwilling to return, even Yu has nothing to do.

Empress Houtu murmured to herself: "He is going to bring the Wu Clan into a place of eternal doom!"

At this moment, Yang Tuo calmed down instead, since things were like this, how bad it could be.

He was no longer impatient, and slowly asked: "Your Majesty, what should I do now?"

After hearing the words, Empress Hou Tu paused for a while, then relaxed, and said, "That's the case."

As she spoke, she paused, then turned her gaze to Yu, and then said, "Yu, you lead three thousand clansmen, and bring Qi Yuzheng and the others back together."

Immediately afterwards, Tu Niangniang added another sentence: "If they don't obey, they can use force!"

Empress Houtu also made up her mind at this time, since she couldn't listen to her, she couldn't let her lead the Wu clan into the abyss.

For the future of the Wu clan, if Qi does not obey the decree, she has no choice but to reluctantly give up.Although it is a pity, after all, the existence of the Da Luo level is a very important member of any race.

But in the current situation, if the race is not given an explanation, the matter will not be good.

"Qi" doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, but she understands that today's Wu Clan is far from the opponent of the Human Clan.

Not to mention the possible existence behind the human race, only the three holy emperors of Huoyun Cave are an insurmountable obstacle.

She couldn't let the Wu clan go further and further down the wrong path.The luck that has been accumulated with great difficulty is exhausted.

Seeing that Yu led the order to leave, Yang Tuo also stood up, ready to return to the human world.As long as it is not for the support of Empress Houtu, although the witches of Qin are strong, they will eventually be resolved.

(End of this chapter)

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