Enlightenment begins with the consecration of God

Chapter 402 Liu Ji leaves Pei County

Chapter 402 Liu Ji leaves Pei County

Xiao He's exclamation obviously alarmed everyone.Everyone was chatting in full swing, listening to Liu Ji bragging.

However, Xiao He's voice attracted their attention.It's just that everyone was a little puzzled, and their eyes were full of doubts.

Seeing this, Xiao He hurriedly explained to the crowd: "Look, everyone, this is not a wild dragon, but a domestic dragon! If you kill it now, if its master knows, disaster will not be far away!"

Following Xiao He's guidance, everyone looked at the dragon's horn.I saw some mysterious runes painted on its unicorn.

These runes are weird in shape and seem to be messy, but they imply regularity. If you stare at them for a long time, you will feel a little dizzy.

No one can understand the meaning of these runes, but judging from their appearance, I am afraid that they are not naturally generated.

Naturally formed lines may not be without magic.But whether it is artificial or not, the number of people can still tell.

The unicorn of the dragon, like the reverse scale of the dragon, is a very important existence.The dragon horn may be more important than Nilin, because the horn is also related to the dragon.

If the dragon's horn is damaged, if you want to evolve into a real dragon, there will be many twists and turns.

Therefore, the dragon horn of this flood dragon will not be easily controlled by people.There are runes painted on the unicorn, which is enough to show that this dragon is not a wild dragon.

Although everyone had guessed, they didn't know this pattern after all, so they looked at Xiao He.Xiao He has read a lot of poetry and books, and he is the most knowledgeable person among all the people.

If anyone can recognize this pattern, Xiao He is the only one among them.

Seeing everyone's eyes, Xiao He sighed, and then explained: "This is the witch pattern! It is similar to the divine pattern used by gods, the dao pattern used by Taoism, and the demon pattern used by monsters."

"The current court's martial arts are outstanding, and it has the tendency to dominate the world. It is even heard that there are many people from the Wu clan who serve in the court."

"It is rumored that the people of the Wu Clan are better at playing with dragons and snakes. The dragon's horn is painted with witch patterns, so it must be raised by the Wu Clan."

"If Liu Ji kills him today, how could his master give up, and he will come to seek revenge at that time. The Wu clan is powerful, and with the help of the imperial army, I am afraid it will be difficult."

When everyone heard Xiao He's words, their hearts sank.Whether it is the witch clan seeking revenge, or the imperial army arresting them, it is a great disaster.

After Liu Ji heard this, the joy brought by the dragon slaying all disappeared at this moment, and his heart couldn't hide his sorrow.

Although he got a magic weapon, but he wanted to use it to fight against the imperial court, that was absolutely impossible.No matter how powerful this magical weapon is, it is impossible to withstand the court's thunderous blow.

Everyone was silent, only the heartless Fan Kui said: "Since it is a dragon with an owner, we will quietly bury it as if there is no such thing."

Although Fan Kuai was vulgar, he also knew the serious consequences.Seeing that no one spoke, he spoke just now.

Xia Houying shook her head and said: "It's late, Liu Ji carried the dragon's head on his shoulders and walked in the downtown area. Everyone saw it with their own eyes. I'm afraid it's hard to hide it."

Everyone chattered and offered advice one after another.Liu Ji had already calmed down at this time, knowing that this matter could not be covered up.

He raised the clay bowl in his hand, drank the wine in it, and then said: "Brothers, don't worry about me."

"Left and right just killed an evil dragon, why should I be afraid? Besides, the situation was critical at that time, either it died or I died!"

"Don't say that I don't know its owner, even if I know, it's a life-and-death situation. Kill it, kill it. The world is so big, why don't I, Liu Ji, have a place to live?"

"Brothers, don't worry. Even if the master knows about it, it will take some time to find him. Now, please celebrate this dragon slaying achievement for me!"

"As for other things, let's talk about it tomorrow!" Liu Ji understood the seriousness of the matter, but he didn't care, and said quite grandly.

Everyone also felt that it was reasonable, knowing that it would be useless to talk too much, so they kept silent and just had a good drink with Liu Ji.

It's just a happy drinking game, and there is no more excitement at the beginning.Although everyone was pushing glasses and changing glasses, they all looked very preoccupied.

Finally, Liu Ji saw that it was getting late, so he got up and said goodbye to everyone: "It's about time, I should go too!"

"I wanted to be happy with all the brothers, but the current situation may not allow it."

"This time, I don't know when we will see you again!" Although Liu Ji has great ambitions, being with all the brothers is also a joy.

Now, something happened and he had to leave Pei County and go far away.It's just this time, I don't know when I can see everyone again.

Liu Ji's calm mood was also a little turbulent for a while.Fortunately, his reputation for slaying dragons has spread. He went out and wandered around, wanting to gain some fame, but he was not afraid that no one would accept him.

And everyone also understood Liu Ji's thoughts, don't be afraid that they will not meet again in a short time, the scene was a little melancholy for a while.

At this moment, Fan Kui slapped the wine bowl in his hand on the desk, and the loud sound attracted everyone's attention.

He said in a low voice: "It's not about life and death, why are you acting like a woman!"

As he spoke, he wiped away the still-dried wine stains on his lips, and continued: "My Fan Kuai is in Pei County, but I'm just a dog slaughterer, so it doesn't make much sense to stay here."

"Brother Ji wants to go out and venture out, but Fan Kuai is not talented, but he has also practiced a few martial arts. Although martial arts may not be brilliant, he still has the ability to protect himself."

"I want to go out with my brother, I don't know if my brother is willing to accept it?" Fan Kui said, looking at Liu Ji.

Liu Ji was also taken aback when he heard the words. Although he said he was going out for a walk, it was not an ordinary tour after all, and most likely he had to avoid the pursuit of officers and soldiers.

Unexpectedly, under such circumstances, there are still people willing to work with him, and he was very moved.

But Liu Ji thought about it, shook his head, and said: "This trip, the future is unknown, and the witch clan is worried about it. The pursuit of soldiers is too dangerous."

"How about waiting for me to find a place to stay, and then invite my brother to go and enjoy the wealth together?" After Liu Ji finished speaking, he looked at Fan Kui.

Although he was thinking about Fan Kui, Fan Kui didn't appreciate it, he stood up against the case, his face was full of anger, and he said loudly: "I don't want Fan Kui to be a rich man in my brother's heart, and I can't share weal and woe."

"If I can't share weal and woe, how can I have the face to enjoy some kind of wealth. Forget it, since my elder brother looks down on me who can only butcher dogs, Fan Kui can't force it. If so, I will leave first!" Fan Kui said. He got up and wanted to leave.

Liu Ji's original intention was that he didn't want his brother to suffer together, but Fan Kuai's words made it difficult for him to say anything to refuse.

If he refuses Fan Kuai, he is afraid that he will not agree to invite him in the future, and even his brother will not be able to do it.

Liu Ji got up quickly, stopped Fan Kui, and explained: "Your brother misunderstood him as a brother. It's not because Ji looked down on you, but he really didn't want you to sleep with me. The future is unknown!"

But Fan Kui said indifferently: "I, Fan Kui, am not a rich man, so I can't bear any hardships."

"Elder brother can eat, so can I, Fan Kuai. As long as elder brother becomes rich, don't forget about me, Fan Kui."

Seeing what Fan Kuai said, if Liu Ji refused again, he would really be incapable of being a human being.He hastily expressed his opinion: "Okay! Good brother! Gou Fugui, don't forget each other!"

Although Fan Kuai was vulgar, he was not a fool.Liu Ji has the ability to slay dragons, and he will surely make a breakthrough here.

As the saying goes: icing on the cake is worse than giving charcoal in the snow.If you can't work hard together, how can you enjoy the great wealth that day.

Seeing that Liu Ji agreed, he stopped talking.The words of the two were also heard in the ears of everyone, and there were some changes in their hearts.

It's just that many people have families, so such an important decision cannot be made in a hurry.

In the end, only Xia Houying expressed his willingness to go out with Liu Ji and Fan Kui.But Liu Ji looked at Xiao He, he knew that among all the people, Xiao He was the most talented, and with Xiao He's help, he would definitely be able to accomplish great things.

However, Xiao He turned a blind eye to Liu Ji's gaze, unlike Liu Ji and Fan Kui, he was not burdened by his family and could leave whenever he wanted.

He still has his mother in the church, and has no brothers or sisters. If he leaves, who can take care of his mother until her death.

He understood Liu Ji's meaning, but he couldn't agree, so he just pretended not to see it.

Seeing this, Liu Ji couldn't force it, after saying goodbye to everyone.So he, Fan Kuai and Xia Houying packed up their luggage and left Peixian overnight.

This time, the sky is high and the sea is wide, just as the dragon enters the sea and the tiger runs deep into the mountains, a hurricane sweeping across Nanbuzhou is about to blow.

(End of this chapter)

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