Enlightenment begins with the consecration of God

Chapter 42 The Eight Trigrams Purple Ribbon Fairy Clothes

Chapter 42 Gossip Purple Ribbon Fairy Clothes
Regardless of what happened in the "Red Water Formation", everyone outside the formation only saw five colors of light flashing, and a stream of light flew away.Yang Tuo stepped out of the formation holding the "Hunyuan Umbrella".

After Yang Tuo left the formation, he still used the "Hunyuan Umbrella" to take away the "Red Water Formation" formation.After this battle, Yang Tuo already had three formations in his hands.After Yang Tuo figured it out, there should be a qualitative improvement in the cultivation base of the array.

Yang Tuo walked to Lu Peng, and said to Ran Deng: "Tuo Xing did not disgrace his life, and now he has broken the 'red water array'."

Seeing this, Ran Deng was also very surprised.Yang Tuo's cultivation base in the Realm of Immortal Realm actually broke through a complete Ten Absolute Formation without anyone offering sacrifices to the Formation.This greatly exceeded Ran Deng's expectations.

But since Yang Tuo had already broken the formation, it was not easy for Ran Deng to say anything.Yang Tuo immediately returned to the Xiqi State Teacher's Mansion on the grounds of excessive consumption of mana.

Among the Chengtang camp, only Zhang Shao and Zhang Tianjun of the "Red Sand Formation" are left.

Although Zhang Tianjun had already prepared in his heart, but at this moment, he was still very sad.

Ten Tianjun has been cultivating on Jinao Island for thousands of years, and his feelings are not insignificant.Now that the nine people are dead, Zhang Tianjun suddenly feels empty in his heart.

Zhang Tianjun looked at the sky and said: "Grand Master, when will I return? If I don't come back soon, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on!" Zhang Tianjun is not afraid of death, but only afraid of his own death, which will affect Zhao Gongming and Cheng Tang's soldiers.

Zhang Tianjun picked up a cup of wine, spilled it on the ground, and said: "All fellow Taoists, tomorrow, I will come to accompany you!"

On the second day, Zhang Tianjun launched the "Red Sand Formation", he didn't say much, just waiting for someone from Xiqi to break the formation.

Ran Deng looked at the "Red Sand Formation", which was slightly different from the other nine formations.According to the three talents of heaven, earth and people, the array is divided into three qi in the middle, and three buckets of red sand are hidden in it. It looks like red sand, but it is covered with sharp blades.If people or immortals rush into this formation, the wind and thunder will transport them, and the flying sand will hurt them, and their bones will be turned into powder immediately.Even if there are gods and Buddhas, there is no escape from this.

Ran Deng's face was heavy, and he said to the immortals: "This formation is fierce, and you must use your energy to transport the strong and blessed people, first vent the evil and evil spirits in the formation. Otherwise, this formation will be difficult to break!"

Guang Chengzi asked, "Who are you talking about?"

Ran Deng replied: "It must be King Wu. King Wu is the holy lord, the source of blessings is thick. He is also the king of people, and he is protected by the luck of the race. It is appropriate to break this formation!"

Guang Chengzi said: "I wait for people from other places, so I don't want to speak clearly with King Wu, for fear that there will be differences. Ziya is still practicing in Qishan, and he will never come back. Thinking about it, I have to find Yang Tuo, the national teacher, and let him come forward to invite King Wu , just right."

When Ran Deng heard the words, he nodded and said, "It has to be like this!" So the immortals sent people to invite Yang Tuo again.

Although Yang Tuo was not happy in his heart, he had no choice but to go because of the invitation of the immortals.He didn't want to break the formation anymore, but the burning lamp seemed to be staring at him, so he couldn't avoid it at all.

When Yang Tuo came to Lupeng, he first bowed to everyone and said, "I have met you fellow Taoists!" Everyone also returned the bow one by one.

Ran Deng said to Yang Tuo: "Today's 'Red Sand Formation' needs a person with good fortune to break the formation, and also needs the help of friends."

Yang Tuo thought: "I'm not a lucky person, you should go to King Wu!"

Yang Tuo said to Ran Deng, "I don't know how to help?"

"Now, in Xiqi, only King Wu is the lucky one. We hope that my little friend can go and speak to King Wu, and ask King Wu to come and help break the formation."

Although Yang Tuo knew what had happened, he still refused: "Although King Wu is a holy master, how can a mortal be able to resist this vicious formation? This is absolutely impossible!"

Ran Deng said again: "There will be twists and turns, but there will be no serious harm. Of course, someone needs to support it."

Yang Tuo asked again, "I don't know who is protecting my king to break this formation."

Ran Deng looked at the crowd and said: "You still need to accompany me in person." Ran Deng knew that it would take a hundred days to break through the red sand formation.The immortals didn't want to fall into the formation either.

Yang Tuo shook his head and said, "How can I protect King Wu? If something goes wrong, it's too late for regret."

Ran Deng reminded: "Didn't my little friend just break the red water array? Why can't it work?"

Yang Tuo said to Ran Deng: "I only have a Hunyuan Umbrella, how can I protect two people?"

Seeing that Yang Tuo was unwilling, all the immortals were helpless.Yang Tuo also had a lot of credit, so he couldn't force him too much.But none of the immortals is willing to join the battle.

Both Ran Deng and Twelve Golden Immortals are careful people, and they will never enter the formation if no one offers sacrifices.

In the end, Guang Chengzi said: "Fellow Daoist, I have a piece of 'Eight Diagrams Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes', which can be given to Fellow Daoist. In this way, Fellow Daoist will have two magic weapons to protect himself. It should be no problem to protect Fellow Daoist and King Wu."

When Yang Tuo heard this, he was very different.This Guang Chengzi is really generous, although he still has a "Sweeping Cloud Clothes", but this "Eight Diagrams Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes" is also a spiritual treasure after all, he actually gave it away like this, it really is rich and powerful.

Yang Tuo was also very emotional, he didn't have a real defensive magic weapon, and the "Hunyuan Umbrella" was not a pure defensive magic weapon.It is an all-round magic weapon, which can attack, defend, and have auxiliary functions.

However, there are many functions, and every aspect is definitely not top-notch.It can only be said that it can be used when there is no defensive magic weapon.If you really encounter an attacking treasure, then the "Hunyuan Umbrella" may not be of much use.

But this "Eight Trigram Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes" is different, it is worn on the body, and it is purely a defensive treasure.Not afraid of sneak attacks, the defense ability is also very good.Isn't there one piece of red sperm? Yang Tuo's eyes have been hot for a long time.

Yang Tuo thought about it, hesitating.He also wanted the fairy clothes, but was afraid that the red sand array would be too dangerous.

Seeing that Yang Tuo was hesitant, Guang Chengzi actually increased his price.He said to Yang Tuo: "I am willing to send two more white lotuses to protect my body with fellow Taoists, so that nothing will go wrong." As he said this, two white lotuses appeared beside him, emitting a misty blue light.

Yang Tuo saw that this was not the kind of white lotus that they stepped on every time they entered the battle.It seems that they have two flowers in each hand, which is not a rare commodity.

But this is not unusual and it is also for everyone in Yuxu Palace.This white lotus is produced in Yuxu Palace, and it is also a kind of spiritual root, which grows in abundance in the lotus pond.The immortals of Yuxu collected white lotus from the lotus pond and refined it into a magic weapon for body protection.For outsiders, it is also a first-class good thing.

Seeing that Guang Chengzi was so generous, Yang Tuo immediately overwhelmed the bottom line in his mind.He thought again, Lei Zhenzi and Nezha had no magic weapon for defense, and there was no problem protecting King Wu.I have many spiritual treasures, so I think there should be no problem.

Yang Tuo said to Guang Chengzi: "The friendliness of Daoists is unacceptable. But for King Wu's safety, Xiaodao is ashamed to accept it!"

After speaking, he took the three treasures from Guang Chengzi, and then went to Xiqi Palace.Yang Tuo wanted to discuss with King Wu, after all, King Wu was the ruler of a country, so he couldn't move lightly.If there is a mistake, it will be lost forever.

(End of this chapter)

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