Chapter 48
Jiang Ziya felt very happy after hearing Yang Tuo's strategy.Then he said to Yang Tuo: "In this case, how about the national division commanding this battle?"

Yang Tuo heard the words and said: "The prime minister can also command!"

Jiang Ziya said: "This plan is made by the national teacher. I think that there is no national teacher who is comprehensive. The national teacher should not refuse!"

Yang Tuo thought for a while and said: "Since this is the case, I will overstep! I hope that the world will be stabilized as soon as possible, and the people in the world will be peaceful!"

Jiang Ziya nodded upon hearing this.Yang Tuo said again: "Since the strategy has been decided, it should be sooner rather than later. I will send troops tomorrow to compete with Grand Master Wen."

The second day, early morning.Yang Tuo and Jiang Ziya summoned a group of soldiers to discuss matters.Yang Tuo said: "This battle has been going on for a long time. Now that we have broken the enemy's formation, we summoned everyone to come today. We want to send troops to wipe out the Chengtang camp and restore peace to the people of Xiqi."

All the soldiers replied in unison: "I would like to obey the order of the national division!"

Yang Tuo immediately said: "Huang Feihu, Nan Gongshi, Ji Shugan, Xin Jia, Xin Mian, Tai Dian, Hong Yao, Wu Ji."

Several people came out one after another and said, "Yes!"

Yang Tuo said: "You wait for eight people, lead an army each, and surround Chengtang Daying camp from all directions!"

The generals replied: "The last general takes orders, and obeys the orders of the national teacher!"

Yang Tuo said again: "Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Nezha, Yang Jian, you and others led a team of troops. After the camp of Chengtang, they sang Chaoge songs to cheer up the enemy's morale."

Four people also came out to receive orders.

Yang Tuo shouted again: "Xin Huan, Tao Rong, Deng Zhong, Zhang Jie. The four of you, lead the army as the main force, and attack Chengtang camp."

Everyone obeyed the order, Yang Tuo said to Jiang Ziya: "Brother Dao, you and I have to resist the monks in Chengtang camp!"

Jiang Ziya said: "It should be so!" Immediately, Jiang Ziya killed Dong Quan and Dong Tianjun who were hanging to sacrifice the flag.All the troops went out of the camp and went straight to the commercial camp.

In the Chengtang camp, Wen Taishi was sighing.Before Chaoge's reinforcements arrived, even Deng Jiugong at Sanshanguan was still mobilizing troops, horses, food and grass.Suddenly, I heard a gunshot from Zhouying, and the sound of shouting and killing shook the nine heavens.A soldier came to report: "Xiqi has raised up all the troops and killed our army!"

Hearing that the grand master hurriedly raised his army to meet him.Yang Tuo said to Xin Huan: "If there is a big battle, you will fly into the commercial camp and burn the food and grass."

Xin Huan said: "Student obeys!" Then he flapped his wings and flew towards the sky.

In this battle, Yang Tuo let Huanghuashan's four generals be the main force.One is that Yang Jian and others' cultivation bases have been eliminated, and they are in a weak state.The second is that the people in Huanghua Mountain have voted for Xiqi, and they have not made any contribution, which is not enough to convince the public.

As the main force this time, although it is the hardest job.But once it succeeds, its credit is naturally the greatest.

Hearing that the grand master urged Mo Qilin to rush over.Jiang Ziya rode on his own and stepped forward to meet him.Both of them use whips, Jiang Ziya uses the magic whip, and Wen Zhong uses the male and female double whips.

One person rides a black unicorn, the other rides four different faces, you come and go.Hearing that the grand master has a high cultivation level, and Prime Minister Jiang's magic weapon is exquisite, the two sides were evenly matched for a while.

In the Chengtang camp, Han Zhixian saw the two sides fighting, so he opened the "wind bag".The black wind blew up, and Xiqi's army was blown up and down, unable to stand, unable to open their eyes.

Seeing that he was about to be unable to resist, Yang Tuo sacrificed the "Hunyuan Umbrella", on which the wind beads were fixed, shining brightly.In an instant, Heifeng was stopped. The "wind bag" doesn't do anything.

Seeing this, Jiang Ziya urged Sibuxiang to distance himself from Wen Taishi.Sacrifice the "God Whip", and with one stroke, Immortal Hanzhi was sent to the list of gods!

Seeing that Immortal Hanzhi died, Yang Tuo took the "Hunyuan Umbrella".He also asked Tao Rong to say: "Sacrifice the magic weapon to gather the wind flags and disrupt the formation of Yin and Shang!"

Tao Rong heard the words and waved the "Wind Gathering Banner". For a while, sand and stones flew, dust and dust were scattered, and the sky was dark and the earth was dark. "

This time, changing Yin and Shang soldiers was untenable and unable to open their eyes.Seeing this, Deng Zhong and Zhang Jie quickly led the army to attack, killing the Yin and Shang army and retreating steadily.

The Yin and Shang army couldn't resist, and wanted to retreat back to the camp. Unexpectedly, at this time, the camp suddenly burst into flames.All the soldiers took a closer look, but it was the place where food was stored.

The raging fire not only burned the rations of the soldiers, but also burned the last morale of the Yin and Shang soldiers.

At this time, there was a faint singing sound.That familiar tone, as if a family member is asking why they haven't come back yet.Among them are the concerns of parents, the yearning of children, and the expectations of wives.

It was Yang Jian and the others who were singing nearby with their troops.This familiar tune echoed constantly in this chaotic battlefield.More and more soldiers stopped their chaotic steps and listened to the call of home.

Fairy Caiyun in the camp felt bad when she saw this.Busily flew towards the place where the singing came from, trying to stop this scheming.

When Fairy Caiyun killed her, someone from Xiqi's side had already greeted her.It was Nezha, who stepped on the "Hot Wheel" and held the "Fire Point Gun" to stop Fairy Caiyun.

In a battle between the two, Nezha had lost his mana in the "Yellow River Array". Although he had practiced for more than two months and had the assistance of "Sanguang Shenshui", he had already recovered a lot.

But after all, the time is still short, not even a drop of "Sanguang Shenshui" has been refined.Relying on her cultivation, Caiyun Fairy can only fight Nezha with parry.

As soon as the people below saw it, Jin Zha and Mu Zha came to help.The three brothers resisted Fairy Caiyun together, this might be the brightest moment in Fairy Caiyun's life.

A single battle against Jinzha, Muzha, and Nezha.Fairy Caiyun now has a higher level of cultivation than the three of them, but each of the three brothers has supernatural powers, especially Nezha, who has three heads and eight arms and holds eight magical weapons.For a while, there was a faint tendency to reverse the situation.

Although the cultivation bases of the three are not high, their magic weapons are astonishing.In the end, Fairy Caiyun was locked by the "Dragon Chasing Pile", unable to move.Mu Zha sacrificed the "Wu Hook Sword" and took the head of Cai Yun Fairy.Only a little spirit went to Qishan.

Seeing that the Shang army was retreating, Yang Tuo hurriedly ordered Huang Feihu, Nan Gongshi, Ji Shuqian, Xin Jia, Xin Mian, Tai Dian, Hong Yao, Wu Ji and others to besiege from all directions.Cheng Tang's army was immediately defeated and defeated.

I heard that the grand master saw that the army was defeated, and the soldiers had no heart to fight.They had no choice but to gather some soldiers and horses, break out of the siege, and flee in the direction of Qishan.

Hearing that the grand master was defeated and retreated to Qishan Mountain, he counted the troops and found that there were only more than [-] people.The grand master asked the left and right: "Where does this road lead to?"

You Jili said: "I report to the grand master, this road leads to Jiameng Pass."

The grand master said: "It's just right. I'll return to Jiameng Pass and fight again."

All the troops followed the order, but the army was newly defeated and the food and grass were insufficient, so the journey along the way was difficult.

The army marched to Taohualing, and suddenly heard someone shouting on the mountain: "This road is blocked, please go to another place!"

Wen Taishi took a closer look and saw a yellow banner on the mountain, under which was Guangchengzi.

Wen Taishi said: "Guang Chengzi, your cultivation base has been cut, and now one person wants to stop my army, it's wishful thinking!"

After finishing speaking, he urged Mo Qilin to kill Guang Chengzi.Guang Chengzi knew that his cultivation was insufficient, so he didn't want to resist.Following the sacrifice, the "Fantian Seal" was raised, and the "Fantian Seal" turned into a mountain in the air, and smashed towards Wen Taishi.

When the grand master saw this seal, he knew how powerful it was, so he hurriedly drove Mo Qilin and fled.Guangchengzi heard that Zhong led the army to flee back, but he didn't stop him.After all, the cultivation base is not high now, and the consequences of fighting together are unpredictable.

(End of this chapter)

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