Chapter 50

Not mentioning all the affairs of Xiqi, Feiyun Cave in Jialong Mountain was afraid that after his grandson returned to the cave, he would see his disciples doing nothing in the mountains.

He also thought of the situation of his junior brother Jiang Ziya in Xiqi. Now that all the twelve golden immortals have returned, although the four third-generation disciples stayed in Xiqi, they are still in the stage of recovering their cultivation.

Afraid to leave Sun Xin said: "Jiang Shang is now in Xiqi, I am afraid that no one can use it. Although my disciple, although not very good-looking, after all, he has practiced Taoism for many years and has a whole body of skills. Why don't you let him go down the mountain and help Ziya? Tooth through this stage where no one is available."

Fearing that Liusun made a decision in his heart, he shouted: "Tu Xingsun, come see me quickly!"

Tu Xingsun, who was playing in the mountains, suddenly heard the teacher's shouting in his ears.Knowing that it is the teacher returning to the mountain, he is calling him.

Tu Xingsun hurriedly performed the "earth travel technique" and walked towards the mountain gate.In less than a moment, Tu Xingsun emerged from the entrance of the cave.

Tu Xingsun quickly entered the cave, and bowed to Fear Liusun: "I have seen the teacher, I am late, I hope the teacher will forgive me!"

Seeing that Tu Xingsun was very polite, Fear Liusun nodded and said, "Get up!"

Tu Xingsun asked, "I don't know what instructions the teacher has for recruiting disciples?"

Afraid to stay behind, Sun said: "I came back from Xiqi for my teacher. Now, your uncle Jiang is short of manpower. You go down the mountain to find your uncle, and listen to his orders. Don't act rashly!"

Tu Xingsun said: "Disciple will follow the teacher's instruction!"

Fear Liusun thought for a while and said: "Now go down the mountain, I will give you the 'immortal binding rope' as a teacher." He said that three golden ropes flew out from the cuffs.

Tu Xingsun took over the "immortal-binding rope" and was about to bid farewell and go down the mountain.Fearing to leave grandson, he said again: "Bring a few more pots of elixir."

Tu Xingsun received the teacher's decree, packed up and went to Xiqi.Halfway through the journey, I met a Taoist riding a black panther.

The Taoist is exactly Shen Gongbao who made friends everywhere and caused trouble for Jiang Ziya.Although Shen Gongbao met this person, although he was no more than four feet tall, he was a cultivator, so he didn't care.

There are so many strange people and strange things in this world, as long as you have the ability, who cares what you look like.

Shen Gongbao said hello and asked, "That boy, where are you going?"

Seeing a Taoist riding a black panther talking to him, Tu Xingsun hurriedly asked, "Who is the Taoist priest and where did he come from?"

Shen Gongbao dismounted from his mount and said, "I am Shen Gongbao from the Eastern Sea."

Tu Xingsun heard that he was a member of the elucidation of teachings, so he put down his guard immediately, bowed and said: "Uncle Master, my disciple Jialongshan Feiyun Cave is afraid to stay under Sun's sect, and now I am ordered by the teacher to go to Xiqi to help Jiang Ziya's Master Uncle .”

Shen Gongbao heard that he was going to help Jiang Ziya, so what can he do.After thinking about it, he said: "It turned out that I was afraid of keeping Senior Brother Sun's disciple. Uncle, I just came from Xiqi, and there was nothing wrong with Ziya. You must have nothing to do here. Why don't you go to Chaoge with Uncle and me?" Look, this Chaoge is a royal city, and the weather must be unusual."

This Tusun has practiced Taoism for a hundred years, and now he has just received his teacher's order to go down the mountain. Although he wants to go around, but after all, the teacher is very dignified and dare not disobey the teacher's order.

So he said to Shen Gongbao: "Thank you for your kindness, uncle, but the teacher told me to go to Xiqi quickly. I dare not violate it."

Shen Gongbao saw that Tu Xingsun was a little bit tempted, but he didn't dare to disobey his teacher's order.He couldn't help laughing and said: "What's so difficult about this, when the time comes, my uncle will intercede for you, I'm afraid that if Senior Brother Sun finds out, I'm sure he won't blame him!"

Tu Xingsun heard the words, although his heart was moved, he still shook his head and said: "It's not because the disciples don't want to, it really can't, thank you for your kindness!"

Shen Gongbao saw that Tu Xingsun could not be moved, so he changed his strategy and said, "Since you don't want to, then forget it. Originally, I had to go to Sanshan Pass on this trip. I heard that Deng Jiugong, the general soldier of Sanshan Pass, wanted to give his daughter Looking for a good son-in-law. Deng Chanyu was born with a beautiful face and a handsome appearance, and there are many people asking for marriage. I see that you are a disciple of senior brother Sun who is afraid of leaving you behind. I must have some skills. I want to introduce you to Deng Jiugong. But you are not free. That’s okay, it’s a pity.”

When Tu Xingsun heard it, it was worth it.He was born short and was not seen by others.The dream is to be able to marry a beautiful wife.Now that I heard that the daughter of the General Soldier of Sanshanguan was born beautiful, I couldn't be tempted.

I thought to myself, I'll go to Xiqi later, it doesn't matter if I think about it, the teacher can't know.If this Deng Chanyu married someone else, wouldn't she have missed her whole life.

Tu Xingsun couldn't help but said: "Is what Master Uncle said true?"

When Shen Gongbao saw that Tu Xingsun was tempted, he couldn't help but said: "Would I still lie to you? Then Deng Chanyu was really beautiful. Now it's the age to get married!"

When Tu Xingsun heard this, he was overjoyed, and hurriedly bowed and said, "Disciple is willing to go, willing to go!"

Seeing this, Shen Gongbao couldn't help but smiled slightly, and said to himself: "Since you have entered my shell, how can you escape from my palm?"

Shen Gongbao deliberately said: "Have you thought about it? Don't you still have the teacher's explanation to do?"

Tu Xingsun said embarrassingly: "Student has made up his mind, and the teacher's explanation will not be done until the disciple marries Deng Chanyu. I think the teacher will not blame him."

Shen Gongbao nodded, and then led Tu Xingsun to Sanshan Pass.

Deng Jiugong, the general soldier of Sanshanguan, has been very anxious since he received the general order from the Grand Master.However, these three mountain passes are the gates guarding the south.

This Nan Bohou had been rebelling for a long time, and Deng Jiugong did not dare to leave lightly.He had to wait for the imperial court to send a new general officer before he could lead the troops to rescue Wen Taishi.

However, before the court's new commander-in-chief received news that the grand master had died in battle.Deng Jiugong was also full of emotion.The efficiency of this imperial court is getting lower and lower. Today, most of the eight hundred princes in the world have turned against each other.

This world of Tang Dynasty is already on the verge of collapse. I don't want King Zhou to still be so neglected in state affairs.If someone had been sent to guard Sanshan Pass earlier, he might have been able to rescue Grand Master Wen, so that Yin Shang would not lose another pillar of the country.

After King Zhou received the news of Taishi's death, he ordered him to lead the army to attack Xiqi.He rectified his troops at Sanshan Pass, and only waited for Kong Xuan, the new general of the imperial court, to lead his troops to take over the defense, and then he would lead his troops to the expedition.So much so that I have been so busy recently.

At this time, Chen Jiugong was in the mansion, and a soldier reported: "General Qi, there is a Taoist who calls himself Shen Gongbao and is asking for an audience outside the door."

When Deng Jiugong heard that it was Shen Gongbao, he cheered up and said, "Please come in!"

After a while, Shen Gongbao led Tu Xingsun into the mansion.Deng Jiugong said: "Daoist Shen, why are you free to come to me today?"

It is said that Shen Gongbao really has a wide range of friends, whether it is the Jiejiao Jinxian or the Yin and Shang generals, he can talk to each other.I have to say that this is also a skill.

Shen Gongbao said: "I heard that the marshal has been in some difficulties recently, so I am here to help you!"

When Deng Jiugong heard this, he couldn't help being overjoyed: "The Taoist priest will help you as you wish, so it's absolutely safe!"

Shen Gongbao shook his head and said: "It's not convenient for a poor Taoist to make a move, but I have a nephew who has practiced Taoism for a hundred years and has some Taoist skills. I think he can help the Marshal."

Deng Jiugong was already a little disappointed when he heard that it was not Shen Gongbao.But I heard that his nephew has practiced Taoism for a hundred years, so he has some skills.Can not help but gave birth to some hope.

(End of this chapter)

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