Chapter 67
I don't know how long it took, Yang Tuo finally stopped the magic formula in his hand.Looking at the array map floating in front of him, he made no secret of his joy.

Although this pattern is still based on the original pattern, it has also added a lot of its own ideas, and there have been obvious changes.

This shows that Yang Tuo also has certain attainments above the formation technique.The formation in front of him may not reach the level of the "Nine Curves Yellow River Formation", but it is also much stronger than the previous single "Ten Absolute Formation".

After thinking silently for a long time, he finally decided to name this formation "Three Absolutes".In order to show that it is the combination of the three of the ten unique formations.

Since then, Yang Tuo has completed all the goals of this stage.In addition to breaking through the threshold of becoming an immortal last time, it was the first time that she had been in pure retreat for such a long time.

Yang Tuo got up and left the customs, walked to the courtyard, and saw a person standing in the courtyard, but it was Feather Wing Immortal.Seeing the teacher leaving the customs, Yu Yixian hurriedly said: "I have seen the master, congratulations to the master for successfully leaving the customs."

Yang Tuo nodded and said: "Yes, looking at your current aura, I think you have perfected the foundation!"

Feather Wing Fairy replied: "Thanks to the teacher's teaching!"

Yang Tuo said, "Come with me, let's meet Brother Ziya."

Then he led Feather Wing Immortal towards the Prime Minister's mansion.Ever since Yu Yixian learned the "Three Light Cave Mysterious Transformation Secret Art", he has been retreating to complete the foundation.Now is the first time to wander in this Xiqi.

This Xiqi City is somewhat different from many cities in the world.The city is full of vitality and a sense of prosperity, which is a sign of great prosperity.

Yang Tuo led Feather Wing Immortal to the Prime Minister's Mansion, and Jiang Ziya hurriedly went out to welcome Yang Tuo into the mansion.

Jiang Ziya said, "Daoist fellow has been in retreat for more than a year this time, how will you gain?"

Yang Tuo couldn't help laughing and said, "But there are some gains. Now I have entered the realm of golden immortals!"

Hearing this, Jiang Ziya was also happy for Yang Tuo: "I don't want you to have reached this point in just over ten years. Although I expected it, I didn't want it to happen so quickly!"

Yang Tuo sighed: "Thanks to the Daoist brother who brought me into the door that day, otherwise I would be still wasting my time in the world!"

Jiang Ziya said with a smile: "I just started a head, even without me, Daoist friends will definitely be able to enter the Dao." Jiang Ziya still thinks that this Yang Tuo is the reincarnation of a great power, otherwise he would not cultivate so fast.

Yu Yixian listened to the conversation between the two, and understood that her teacher had only been practicing Taoism for ten years, and she was in the same realm as herself.Sure enough, it is very extraordinary, but he is not at a loss.

Yang Tuo said to Ziya: "I've been in retreat during this period of time, my brother has worked hard. I don't know how the situation will change now?"

Jiang Ziya thought for a while and said, "The world is becoming more and more turbulent now. But Cheng Tang is recuperating, and I, Xiqi, have recovered a lot."

Yang Tuo asked again, "Is there a tendency for Cheng Tang to raise troops to attack?"

Jiang Ziya thought for a while and said, "There is no discovery in this regard for the time being."

After a pause, Jiang Ziya understood that Yang Tuo asked, maybe he has something to do.So he asked, "What do you want to do?"

Yang Tuo waved his hand and said, "It's not a big deal. If Xiqi doesn't have a big deal, I plan to go out."

Jiang Ziya nodded and said: "It seems that there has been no change in the near future, but I think that soon, King Zhou will be unable to hold back and send troops to attack."

Yang Tuo nodded and said, "Then I'll go back quickly!"

After he said that, he introduced Jiang Ziya, the great disciple who started the mountain, to Jiang Ziya.Yang Tuo said to Yuyi Immortal: "You need to treat each other with the courtesy of your elders, and you must not lose your courtesy."

Yu Yixian bowed and said: "Yes, the disciple understands." After saying this, she bowed to Jiang Ziya: "Disciple Yu Yi, I have seen the Taoist priest!"

Jiang Ziya nodded and said in his heart, "I'm afraid that this disciple is carved by the golden-winged Dapeng. I don't want this little daoist friend. The disciples accepted today are all like this." Thinking about it, he sighed again in his heart.I don't want him, the direct descendant of Kunlun, to still roll around in the red dust.

Yang Tuo chatted with Jiang Ziya for a while before leaving.

Yu Yixian said to Yang Tuo: "Master, where are we going?"

Yang Tuo replied: "I have just certified Jinxian today, and there are still two Taoist boys in my family. I know that there are two people in Qipanshan who are related to me, and I want to bring them into my family!"

Feather Wing Immortal nodded and said, "This disciple understands." After speaking, she revealed her true body, and a huge golden-winged Dapeng eagle appeared above Xiqi.

The people in the city and a group of civil and military people were all panicked.After a while, I didn't see any movement from the giant statue, and I remembered that there were still national teachers and prime ministers in the city, and I was relieved.

Feather Wing Fairy showed her true body and said: "Please come up, Master Camel, I will go!"

Yang Tuo said: "No, you and I are masters and apprentices, and not mounts, so there's no need for that." Yang Tuo brought Feather Wing Immortal, not for use as mounts.But to get along with each other more and to enhance the relationship between master and apprentice.

However, Yu Yixian said: "Master and I have the grace of preaching, the disciple is just a trip to Master Huo, why not! The disciple is not ashamed of it, but it is proud of being able to come to Master, I hope Master will not refuse. , with all the disciples' will!"

Seeing the sincerity of Yu Yixian's words, Yang Tuo couldn't refuse it any longer.Immediately, it rose into the air and landed on Dapeng's back.This golden-winged Dapeng is incomparably huge, and its back is like a plain, even if a city sits on it, it is not too crowded.

Dapeng flapped his wings and controlled the wind, and the people of Xiqi didn't feel much influence, so Dapeng rose into the air.

The so-called:
On the same day, Dapeng rose from the wind and lifted up to 90,000 miles.

If the wind breaks down, it will still be able to shake the water.

This golden-winged Dapeng eagle not only flies high, but also extremely fast. One pair of wings is [-] miles, and two wings can surpass Sun Wukong's somersault cloud.

Among the Three Realms, there is probably only the Golden Crow's rainbow-turning technique, which can surpass the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle in speed.

Standing on the back of Peng, Yang Tuo looked at this world, and he felt a sense of pride in his heart, wanting to see this wonderful world.Go to the end of the sky, the corner of the sea, and take a look at this prehistoric world, where there are countless living beings.

The golden-winged Dapeng was carved above the sky, and with a soft cry, it headed towards Qipan Mountain.

However, Yang Tuo said to Yu Yixian: "Your real body is too large, a little conspicuous, and a little smaller."

After hearing the teacher's words, Feather Wing Immortal shrank, becoming the size of an ordinary Dapeng bird.

This ancient mythical beast is really extraordinary, and the "big and small" is simply its innate supernatural power, which is naturally imprinted on the body.

You only need to move your mind, you can make it as big or small as you want.The Feather Wing Immortal became the size of an ordinary Dapeng bird.

Yang Tuo stood on it, just like an ordinary fairy family traveling, and it was no longer so conspicuous in this world.After all, riding a Peng and riding a crane is also a trend today.

Many immortals and gods in the world are like this.

With the speed of Dapeng, he found the direction and came to Qipan Mountain in an instant.

This Qipan Mountain is not a famous mountain or river.It will take some effort for Yang Tuo to find it.

However, Feiyi Xian has been practicing Taoism for a long time, and he knows a lot of places. Dapeng has sharp eyes and can see the scene in front of him from afar.

Therefore, in less than a moment, the two came to this Qipan Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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