Chapter 69 The South China Sea
After accepting the entry of Gao Ming Gao Jue, this Qipan Mountain will have nothing to do.

When I came to Qipan Mountain this time, I also thought that I would accept Gao Ming Gaojue, and this Xuanyuan Temple would not be burned down.

After all, it is Xuanyuan Huangdi's temple, and Yang Tuo still wants to keep it as far as he can.

After seeing the teacher accepting the two boys, Yu Yixian asked, "Master, now that Qipanshan is over, where are we going next?"

Yang Tuo thought for a while and said, "Since they've all come out, I'm not in a hurry to go back. Xiqi shouldn't have any major issues recently."

Yang Tuo looked at the horizon and continued, "We enter the East China Sea from here, then turn to the South China Sea, and then return to Xiqi."

Yang Tuo also thought that he has been in this world for more than ten years, and has been running around for the cultivation of the Tao, never stopping to take a good look at this world.

This ancient prehistoric world is incomparably vast.The Yin, Shang, Xiqi and other places are just an inconspicuous corner of this vast world.

Yang Tuo rose up from the clouds, bringing two boys with Feather Wing Fairy by his side.

Because I wanted to know more about the situation in this world, I wasn't in a hurry for this trip, so I stopped Feather Wing Fairy's plan to travel with her real body.

The four of them walked to the East China Sea, and along the way, Yang Tuo was no longer in a hurry, and finally saw the magic of this world.

All kinds of exotic flowers and plants, rare birds and animals.There are many who can be named, and those who cannot be named.

Even above the East China Sea, I saw a giant kun with a huge body, almost comparable to the golden-winged Dapeng eagle, but I don't know if he would turn into a Dapeng.

There is also the ancient dragon whale whose size is not inferior to the giant kun.These creatures, even the four sea dragons, would not dare to offend easily.

This East China Sea has been very rich since ancient times, and there are countless treasures in heaven and earth.There are also overseas immortal islands, countless.

Among them, the most famous ones are Penglai, Abbot, Yingzhou and Jinao Island, where the leader of Tongtian is located.

Feather Wing Xian wanted to invite the teacher to visit his cave on Penglai Island, but Yang Tuo refused.Although this East China Sea is vast, it is also the base camp for the interception.

Although Yang Tuo had no grudge against Jijiao, he was still a man of Xiqi after all.If there is a conflict with someone who intercepts the teaching, I am afraid it will not be beautiful.

Nowadays, most of the people who intercept the teaching are closing the cave and reciting the Huang Ting quietly.But there are always people wandering outside, and Yang Tuo doesn't want to stay too much in this East China Sea.

Or wait until the end of the conferred gods, after the interception and retreat, and then come to the East China Sea, it is not just how you want to go.

Yang Tuo briefly strolled in the East China Sea, but without going too deep, he led the three to the South China Sea.

The scenery of the South China Sea is indeed different from that of the East China Sea.The South China Sea is not as unique as the East China Sea, with abundant products, but it also has a different flavor.

There are also many immortal islands in the South China Sea, but they are not as famous as the East China Sea.The four of them wandered around in the South China Sea, and when they came across an island of interest, they went down to check it out.

In ancient times, it was indeed rich in spiritual energy, and even an inconspicuous island would have some exotic flowers and fruits on it.

However, at the level of Yang Tuo and Feather Wing Fairy, most of the exotic flowers and fruits can only be tasted. At most, adding a little mana will not be of great use.

However, the two boys, Gao Ming and Gao Jue, gained a lot.They grew up in a small place in Qipan Mountain. When have they seen so many treasures, they can't hold them with both hands.

It was Yang Tuo who couldn't see it, and gave the two of them a storage bag, which ended their funny journey.

The four of them walked all the way, and they were quite happy.Sometimes I go to the island to play, and sometimes I go to the bottom of the sea to play.

Yang Tuo is mainly searching the seabed.Although Feather Wing Immortals are highly cultivated, they are birds after all, and they don't like the bottom of the sea very much.

The two Taoist boys, although very curious, have low mana.Yang Tuo was holding a Primordial Umbrella and strolling in the sea.

There are blood-red corals and strange shellfish.Starfish, jellyfish and all kinds of strange swimming fish are eye-opening.

Occasionally encounter some monsters that have become spirits, but also avoid Yang Tuo and his party from a distance.If he didn't even have the eyesight, he would have disappeared into the vast sea early.

Although the sea is beautiful, it is also full of crises. Those who can survive have their own set of rules.

When he was in the East China Sea, Yang Tuo did not go to sea to play because of his concern for intercepting the people in the teaching.The East China Sea is said to be much more beautiful than the South China Sea.

In this South China Sea, there are not so many concerns, as long as some ancient monsters are not provoked.The biggest force in the South China Sea is the Dragon Palace in the South China Sea.

Although the current Dragon Palace is still the master of the world, it has long lost the power of the ancient times.

Although Yang Tuo didn't want to offend, he wasn't too afraid.I went all the way without any trouble.

After all, the sea is boundless and vast. If it is not for a purposeful search, it is difficult to see anyone at ordinary times.

Even the titular Lord of the Sea, the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas can only manage a very small area.

In addition to having all kinds of great supernatural powers, living in the land, the more important thing is that the sea is too wide, and it is really impossible to manage.

On this day, the four stayed on an unnamed island.Yang Tuo thought that the time to come out was not too short, and he planned to return to Xiqi.

Although during this period of time, Gao Ming and Gao Jue will also be asked to use their supernatural powers to check the current situation of Xiqi.

If not, how could he play in the South China Sea with such peace of mind.It is true that he has been practicing Dao for a long time, and he has not relaxed much.

It does not conform to the way of civil and military affairs, and it is a principle of relaxation.Yang Tuo's spirit is too tense. Although he has a high cultivation base, he is also prone to misgivings.

This trip, relax your mind, is also what it should be.

At this time, Yang Tuo remembered something.

After being consecrated as a god, Daoist Cihang from Luojia Cave in Naputuo Mountain abandoned his way to become a Buddha and changed his place of worship.It seems to have moved to this South China Sea Purple Bamboo Forest.

Speaking of this South China Sea Purple Bamboo Forest, no one will know about it in future generations.Yang Tuo used to be very longing for it.

Now that he has come to the South China Sea, Daoist Cihang has not moved to the Purple Bamboo Forest.However, he was thinking about it, and he wanted to go to the Purple Bamboo Forest to satisfy his previous wish.

Yang Tuo said to Gao Ming: "Children, take a look at the nearby islands, there is an immortal island where purple bamboo grows!"

Gao Ming got the order and hurriedly responded: "Yes, sir!"

Speaking of Gao Ming, he used his magical powers and looked around.

Having said that, the two of Gao Ming and Gao Jue are really easy to use. Although their magical powers have no fighting power, they can reduce a lot of trouble.

If Yang Tuo came by himself to find the Purple Bamboo Forest, it would be extremely difficult, and it was purely by luck.

This Gao Ming is different, first look in all directions, where is the situation, it is clear at a glance.There will be absolutely no wrong way.

Gao Mingchao looked around and said to Yang Tuo, "Master, I haven't found the immortal island with purple bamboo."

Yang Tuo nodded, knowing in his heart that the South China Sea is so wide, how could the Purple Bamboo Forest be so coincidentally by his side.

Therefore, after listening to Gao Ming's words, he didn't care, and immediately said: "Then let's continue to investigate in another place."

With a goal in mind, Yang Tuo would ask Gao Ming to investigate at intervals.But so far nothing has been gained.

(End of this chapter)

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