Chapter 74
Above Qingyun today, there are only these three treasures, and even the Qiankun Bow is no longer placed in it.

The three innate things each exude innate rhythm.Yuanshen sinks into it, as if swimming in the avenues.

In the days that followed, Yang Tuo was realizing the beauty of this innate spiritual treasure.The hollow purple yuba, each of its bamboo joints contains a space.

As expected, it is known as the hollow, the innate Dao rhyme in this purple jade bamboo is also mostly spatial.In general, this is a spiritual root in space.

Time passed so slowly, until one day, Gao Ming came to report: "Master, I observed that Chaoge is raising an army to attack Xiqi!"

Yang Tuo slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed. This time, he used Ziyuzhu to confirm each other with Ding Haizhu, and from Ding Haizhu, he realized the "Self-fixation Technique".

This Dinghaizhu is really a space-like spiritual treasure, and the innate Dao rhyme in it is somewhat similar to the Dao rhyme in Ziyuzhu.

He also practiced Guishui Shenlei to make up for his weakness of not being able to thunder.Taking the Yimu Shenlei in the great formation as a reference, and using the Guishui Shenlei as the basis to deduce it, I practiced the Yimu Shenlei.

Now the Five Elements Divine Thunder, has won the second.As long as there is time in the future, it is natural to slowly deduce the remaining three divine thunders.

Now that Cheng Tang wants to attack Xiqi again, it is time for everyone to go back.

Before that, though, he had one more thing to do.It is in addition to the Yimu Great Array, relying on the South China Sea, and then deploying the Guishui Great Array, so as to make up for the shortcomings of the Yimu Great Array and cover the entire immortal island.

Since then, water and wood have been living together, and even if the "hollow purple jade bamboo" is missing, the power of the great formation will continue unabated.

After the arrangement was completed, two green lotuses were taken from the lotus pond.This Qinglian can also be regarded as a kind of spiritual root, and Yang Tuo bestowed it on Gaoming Gaojue.

Let them follow the white lotus for body protection and make them into the green lotus for body protection.Even if it is not as good as the white lotus of Yuxu Palace, it is also a kind of protective magic weapon.

Yang Tuo was most satisfied with the purple bamboo forest and the lotus pond. With these two places, the disciples in the future would not be short of materials for refining magic weapons.

Yang Tuo led a few people to return to Xiqi by escaping light.

Escape light fell in Jiang Ziya's Prime Minister's Mansion.

Jiang Ziya saw that there was an escape light falling, and hurriedly came out to check. Seeing that it was Yang Tuo, he couldn't help but say, "It's not a short time for fellow Daoist to go."

Yang Tuo smiled and said: "Isn't this back!"

Ziya said: "I have received the report of visiting the Malays. King Zhou has sent the Hou Suhu of Jizhou to come to attack."

Yang Tuo said: "With the current strength of Xiqi, no matter who comes, you are not afraid, just be careful of those left-handed people who help each other!"

Jiang Ziya also felt reasonable, when he found that there were two more people behind Yang Tuo.

Yang Tuo saw Jiang Ziya looking over and said, "This is my trip this time, and I have received two Taoist boys, called Gao Ming and Gao Jue."

Gao Ming and Gao Jue hurriedly stepped forward and said, "I have seen Mr. Jiang!"

Jiang Ziya saw these two Taoist boys, with clear eyebrows, red lips and white teeth, and they looked very good.Let's look at the boy in my own family. It's really maddening.

Seeing Jiang Ziya's appearance, Yang Tuo couldn't help but laugh for a while.Although he has also accepted disciples, he still feels that it is easier to be with Jiang Ziya.

The two chatted for a long time before Yang Tuo left and returned to the National Teacher's Mansion.

Xiqi is ready for a big battle.Over there, Hou Suhu of Jizhou led an army out of the five passes, joined Zhang Shan who was defeated and retreated to Sishui Pass, led an army of 15, and headed towards Xiqi.

Xiqi's visit to the horse is also reported every day, and there is basically no chance for the two sides to win by surprise.

On this day, Hu Hu led a large army to camp outside Xiqi City.Jiang Ziya was also busy gathering the generals to prepare for the battle.

Jiang Ziya asked Huang Feihu: "I heard that Su Hu is good at using soldiers, and King Wucheng thinks he knows about this person. Please tell me what's going on!"

Huang Feihu said: "Su Hu's people are upright by nature, and they are not flatterers. When King Zhou wanted to force Daji, his people even went out of court. Although he was named Guozhang, he was like water and fire with King Zhou."

Yang Tuo heard the words and said, "If that's the case, why don't you ask Wucheng Wang Xiu to write a letter to persuade him to surrender. If the two sides stop their troops, they won't be ruined."

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he also felt that it was reasonable. If he could persuade Su Hu to surrender, it would be better than the other, and Xiqi would be better than Chengtang sooner or later.

Then he looked at Huang Feihu, seeing this, Huang Feihu quickly replied, "I'm willing to give it a try!"

Immediately, a letter was sent on the spot, and it was handed over to the youngest son Huang Tianxiang and sent to Su Hu in Chengtang Camp.

Su Hu received Huang Feihu's letter and was very moved.He was dissatisfied with King Zhou and had long wanted to surrender to Xiqi.

However, this time, he was not the only one who called the shots, but Zhang Shan also followed, which was very inconvenient.

Immediately, Hu Hu replied with a letter to explain.In his words, as long as Zhang Shan is broken, he can lead his troops to surrender.

Huang Feihu received a reply from Huo Su, and hurriedly reported to Jiang Ziya.When Jiang Ziya got the news, he couldn't, he just waited until Zhang Shan was broken.

Su Hu was stationed outside Xiqi City and remained silent for several days.

On this day, in the commander's tent, Zhang Shan stood up and said, "Marshal, I've been waiting under this Xiqi City for a long time. I don't know when to fight?"

Su Hu said: "Xiqi is well prepared, and it is hard to win. I don't know if General Zhang has a good strategy?"

Zhang Shan followed Deng Jiugong to fight against Xiqi. He also won first and then lost. Naturally, he knew how powerful Xiqi was.

Seeing Su Hu coming to ask, he didn't dare to hide it, so he told Xiqi's situation again, and said, "The last general was defeated in the previous battle, and he has been forgiven by the king, so naturally he has to fight the enemy bravely. However, Xiqi is strong, and more needs to be done. prepare!"

I don't want to, but his words annoyed someone.This person is the general of Su Hu's department and the general of Jizhou grain governor Zheng Lun.

This Zheng Lun once took Duer Zhenren as his teacher, studied Taoism devoutly, studied the Fa earnestly, and was deeply loved by Duer Zhenren.

So, the real Duer gave him the "two qi in the orifice".He hummed his nose, and the sound was like the ringing of a bell, emitting two white rays of light, which sucked people's souls.

With this trick, Zheng Lun defeated many opponents.Now that Zhang Shan can only say that Xiqi is powerful, how can he be convinced.

This is also because Zheng Lun has too little knowledge, and only thinks that his "two qi in the aperture" is so powerful that it is difficult to have a rival.

After listening to Zhang Shan's words, he immediately came out and said: "General Zhang's words are bad, how can you only say that Xiqi is invincible, and there will be no fierce generals in the soup?"

Said, looked at Su Hu and said, "Marshal, the last general is willing to fight and make contributions to the country!"

Su Hu listened to Zheng Lun's words, his face darkened, and he was about to return to Xiqi.This subordinate general is busy playing, no matter who wins or loses, I'm afraid it won't look good.

However, since Zheng Lun asked to fight, it was not easy to refuse in front of Zhang Shan, so he had to say: "General Zheng has this confidence, so you can fight. However, since General Zhang said Xiqi's situation, General Zheng needs to be more careful. "

Although Su Hu wanted to return to Xiqi, he didn't want his generals to die in vain, so he still gave some orders.

Zheng Lun took the order and left the camp.Riding a flaming-eyed beast with a demon-subduing pestle in hand, he went to the city to invite battle.

Jiang Ziya saw that Chengtang was fighting, and said to everyone, "Who wants to fight this person?"

Looking at the fiery-eyed and golden-eyed beast under Zheng Lun's crotch, Huang Feihu finally came out and said, "It's better to ride the five-color divine bull from the last general, and go to fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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