Chapter 85
Luo Xuan tried his best to stop a few people.But after a long time, I'm afraid it's not good.

Luo Xuan had no choice but to retreat in the direction of Cheng Tang's army.Luo Xuan fought and retreated, and Yang Jian and others were in hot pursuit.

On the other side, Nezha faced Liu Huan and replaced Jiang Ziya.Liu Huan was Nezha's opponent, and he was quickly killed in a tragic state.

Fortunately, Hong Jin rescued him. Hong Jin is good at Qimen Dunjia and throws a flag.The flag fell to the ground and turned into a portal, and Hong Jin hurriedly led Liu Huan into it.

Nezha and the others hurriedly chased in, but there was nowhere to see Hong Jin and others.Hong Jin had already changed the flag gate and went to another direction.

Luo Xuan also withstood the siege of several people and retreated into the army.Yang Jian, Wei Hu and the others did not want to kill too many ordinary soldiers, so they had to give up their pursuit.

The two sides fought a battle, which ended in Xiqi's great victory.Cheng Tang's army suffered heavy losses, and several generals were also lost.

Luo Xuan also felt that it was difficult to speak alone.The people in Xiqi were very difficult to deal with. His cultivation was so profound that he was almost surrounded and killed on the spot.

There was no good way for everyone to close the camp for a while.

At this time, Guangchengzi in Taoyuan Cave of Jiuxian Mountain was silently exercising his primordial spirit in the cave, and suddenly his heart moved, and he thought to himself: "Ziya is afraid that he is about to attack the merchants. In this case, I will help him!"

So he called: "Yinjiao disciple!"

Yin Jiao, who was in the apse, heard the teacher's call, and hurried to the front hall, saluting, "Teacher, this disciple is here, I don't know what the teacher asked me to tell me?"

Guangchengzi said: "Now that the Eastern Expedition in the Western Zhou Dynasty is imminent, it is time for you to take revenge for your mother. You can go down the mountain and help your uncle Jiang Ziya, and cut them into soup together to achieve success!"

Yin Jiao hurriedly worshipped: "If the disciple had not been saved by the teacher, he would have died in Chaoge. The father listened to the slander and killed his wife and executed his son. Disappointed!"

Seeing Yin Jiao's sincere words, Guangchengzi was satisfied, and immediately said: "Go to the Lion Cliff outside Taoyuan Cave, look for a weapon, and teach you some Taoism for the teacher. Hello, go down the mountain!"

Yin Jiao led the order out of the cave and went to the Lion Cliff to find weapons.On the south bank of Baishi Bridge, I strayed into Yidongfu.

There are seven or eight immortal beans in the cave. The mist of the immortal beans rises, and the treasure is hazy. At first sight, you know that they are not ordinary things.

Yin Jiao was delighted to see it, and hurriedly took a step forward, thinking, "I don't want me to have this fortune!" He picked up one, and after eating it, he felt warm all over and the taste was very sweet.

Can't help but divide two by three and five, and eat them all together.Just about to get out of the hole, continue to look for weapons.

Suddenly, I felt the heat flow in my body, and my mana increased sharply.Then the bones all over his body crackled, and a hand grew out of his back.

But in a short while, two heads and four arms grew.But he got the magical power of three heads and six arms.

When Yin Jiao saw his appearance, he was startled and ran back to Taoyuan Cave.

When Guangchengzi saw Yin Jiao's appearance, he couldn't help but smile: "Good! Good! Good!" He sighed three times in a row.

Then he said: "I don't want you to have this kind of good fortune. If you go down the mountain now, you will be safe!"

As he said that, he took out a Fangtian painted halberd and gave it to Yinjiao.He also handed over all the treasures of Zhendong, the Heavenly Seal, the Falling Soul Bell, and the male and female swords to Yinjiao.

Finally, before going down the mountain in Yinjiao, he said: "You must not go against your teacher's orders and do something to help Zhou and abuse. Otherwise, you will suffer catastrophe, and it will be too late to regret it!"

Yin Jiao bowed and said: "Follow the teacher's teaching, and the disciple will not dare to forget!"

After speaking, he left Jiuxian Mountain and flew to Xiqi.

Not long after Yin Jiao left Jiuxian Mountain, he received two generals Wenliang and Ma Shan in Bailong Mountain.Then he led the crowd to Xiqi.

I don't want to meet Shen Gongbao again on the way, this Shen Gongbao is a bad star, and there are people who are unlucky wherever he goes.

Shen Gongbao rode a black tiger, saw a group of people, and led the army to the west.I didn't feel a little curious, so I fell from the sky.

Shen Gongbao blocked the way of the army, and all the minions could not move.Yin Jiao hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Who is the Taoist priest? Why are you blocking my way?"

Shen Gongbao saw the Taoist asking questions, so he replied: "I am teaching Shen Gongbao, and I saw you leading the army to the west. Now that the war is breaking out in Xiqi, everyone is not in a hurry to hide, why do you still go?"

Seeing that Yin Jiao was a person who taught himself, he said: "I am Yin Jiao, a disciple of Taoyuan Cave in Jiuxian Mountain, and I pay my respects to my uncle!"

Yin Jiao saluted, and then said again: "I'm going to Xiqi now, on the order of my teacher, to help my uncle Jiang Ziya in the crusade against Cheng Tang!"

Shen Gongbao heard the words, and his heart surged with anger, but his face was still calm.He said casually, "Oh, it turns out to be Senior Brother Guangchengzi's disciple!"

Then he rolled his eyes, thinking in his heart, how to coax him away, and never ask him to help Jiang Ziya.

Shen Gongbao's mind turned, and a flash of light flashed, this person was called Yin Jiao.This Yin surname is not something ordinary people can have.So he asked, "I heard your surname is Yin, why don't you?"

When Yin Jiao saw that Shen Gongbao was his uncle, he did not hide it, and immediately replied: "This disciple is the direct son of King Zhou, because King Zhou listened to the words of the bewitching woman and wanted to kill me and my brother Yin Hong. Fortunately, at a critical juncture, With the help of the teacher, I only escaped my life!"

Shen Gongbao heard the words, his heart was overjoyed, but his face showed surprise, and said: "It turns out that it is Your Highness, it is too late to come down!"

Yin Jiao looked at Shen Gongbao with a shocked expression on his face, not knowing it was intentional.He couldn't help but ask, "Why did the uncle say this?"

Shen Gongbao then sighed: "I didn't want to say it, but you are my nephew after all. I can't bear you to be so confused and go to Xiqi."

Seeing his words, Yin Jiao felt even more inexplicable in his heart, and quickly asked, "Please also ask the uncle to speak clearly!"

Shen Gongbao thought to himself: "It's done!" Immediately, he looked like he was struggling, and finally said: "A few days ago, I met the Second Highness Yin Hong, and he also led the army to Xiqi. I didn't want to hear about it later, but he died in In Xiqi City!"

Shen Gongbao said it with sincerity and sincerity, but Yin Jiao was shocked when he heard the words, and said, "Why is this so?"

Shen Gongbao took the opportunity to add fuel and vinegar, and said that Yin Jiao was furious and angry.Angrily said: "It's really unreasonable!"

Saying that, he cupped his hands to Shen Gongbao and said, "Thank you, uncle, for telling me!" After speaking, he angrily led the troops towards Xiqixing.

Seeing this, Shen Gongbao thought: "It's done again! Jiang Ziya, you don't look down on me, and I won't make you feel better. Let's see how you deal with it this time!"

Yin Jiao got the news of Shen Gongbao, and rushed to Xiqi with a large army.

At this time, the Chengtang army had just been defeated and was resting in the camp.Yin Jiao saw the appearance of his own horse and knew that he must not avenge his younger brother.

So he led the army to the Chengtang camp, and asked Jiang Ziya why with the help of the Chengtang army.

In the camp, Hong Jinwen hurried out of the camp to see that someone led troops to help.

Hong Jin said: "I don't know who came to help?"

Yin Jiao said: "I am the direct son of King Zhou, so is His Highness Yin Jiao! Today I will lead troops to avenge my brother."

Hong Jin also knew about the Second Highness Yin Hong, and it was Yin Hong who lost the battle.Only then did King Zhou send him to attack Xiqi, and he didn't want His Highness to come to help again!
Everyone Zhengchou was not Xiqi's rival, and they were overjoyed to see Yin Jiao now.Busy to welcome Yin Jiao into the camp, please take your seat.

(End of this chapter)

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