Chapter 9 Fighting Zhang Guifang
It is said that Zhang Guifang led [-] troops at Qinglongguan, attacked Xiqi, and set up camp outside the south gate.Send vanguard official Feng Lin to challenge under the city of Xiqi.

Everyone in Xiqi is discussing the military situation at the residence of Prime Minister Jiang Ziya.Someone came to report, "Report to the Prime Minister, Zhang Guifang led people to drown outside the city!"

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help being furious: "You good thief, how dare you deceive me that there is no one in Xiqi?"

Jiang Ziya and Yang Tuo looked at each other when they saw the anger of the crowd.Jiang Ziya then said: "Since Zhang Guifang came to fight, let's go out of the city to watch his army!"

Immediately, all the people filed out to the south gate and set up a battle.I saw its banners covering the sun, the flags and drums facing each other, the military appearance neat and mighty.

At this time, Huang Feihu said to the crowd: "Zhang Guifang is a leftist, especially good at summoning people's souls, just calling people's names, they will fall from their horses, it's very strange!"

After everyone listens, they will be very serious if they don't accept it.From time to time, Feng Lin, a vanguard official, stepped forward and drowned in the battle, "The Xiqi rebels have not surrendered early, and the army has broken through the city. It is too late to regret!"

After hearing this, everyone was furious.Jiang Ziya said to everyone, "Who would like to see this first battle?"

One of the generals in Xiqi's formation, called Ji Shugan, has a fiery temper, and he was already furious after hearing Feng Lin's big words.Hearing Jiang Ziya's question, he replied loudly: "The last general is willing to go!"

After all, without waiting for Ziya to respond, he rushed forward on his horse.Yang Tuo felt bad when he saw Uncle Ji go out to fight.Dui Ziya said: "Chao Ge is a man who is good at heretic sorcery. I am afraid that His Highness will make mistakes. I will fight against His Highness!"

Jiang Ziya replied: "That's fine!"

Yang Tuo drove forward and saw Ji Shugan fighting fiercely with Feng Lin.The guns come and go, the intensity is extraordinary.But for twenty or thirty rounds, Feng Lin was no match.

Seeing Feng Lin pull his horse and leave, Uncle Ji yelled: "Don't leave, thief!"

Then the horse chased after him, and Yang Tuo knew it was wrong when he saw it.Shouted: "Your Highness, be careful of the opponent's sorcery!"

Then, Yang Tuo galloped his horse.

I saw Feng Lin fleeing in front, and suddenly turned around, spit out a black smoke from his mouth, turned into a net, and a red bead in the net, the size of a bowl, hit Uncle Ji straight in the face!
When Uncle Ji saw the other party's sorcery, he was horrified on the spot, "My life is over!"

When Yang Tuo saw that something was wrong, he took his time and pinched the seal with his hand, and waved his sword finger.I saw the purple and blue swords flying up into the air behind the back, flying straight towards Feng Lin.

In an instant, a sword blocked Hong Zhu's front, and a sword shot towards Feng Lin.When Feng Lin saw the flying sword coming, he quickly turned over and fell off his horse, and fled towards Daying.

Seeing Xiqi's side, Zhang Guifang ran out of a group of people and used the flying sword to kill Feng Lin.Zhang Guifang was furious: "How dare you bully the few with more!"

He galloped out of the battle and went straight to the Xiqi camp.On Xiqi's side, Zhang Guifang came out, and Huang Feihu and Nan Gongshi stepped forward to help.

Yang Tuo's two swords flew out, rushing back and forth in the air, and Feng Lin couldn't hold himself on the ground.But Yang Tuo is not a sword fairy after all, Feijian's flexibility is too poor, Feng Lin has not been defeated for a while, but only in an instant.

But over there, Zhang Guifang went out to battle, although Huang Feihu and Nan Gongshi were temporarily hostile, but Yang Tuo was still extremely vigilant towards Zhang Guifang.Just because Zhang Guifang's "soul-invoking technique" is very weird, and people nowadays can't protect themselves with treasure.Lest something be lost.

This time he returned home in a big defeat in his first battle, and it was embarrassing.So he straightened his horse forward, turned his right hand over, and held a gentian bright silver transformed from a sky-shattering arrow in his hand.

Feng Lin was struggling to move left and right, struggling to avoid the attacks of the two flying swords.Yang Tuo drove his horse forward, took advantage of his unpreparedness, and shot him in the back, and Feng Lin passed out on the spot.

Yang Tuo didn't stop, and sent flying swords to kill Zhang Guifang.Zhang Guifang is also a veteran, with six eyes and ears.Seeing that the Taoist knocked Feng Lin down with a single shot, he shot at him again.

For a while, he didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly shouted: "Huang Feihu hasn't laid the cow yet, when will it be!" Huang Feihu suddenly fell down the cow.

Seeing Wucheng King Huang Feihu fall from the "Five-Color Divine Bull", Nangong hurriedly rode forward to resist Zhang Guifang. Seeing this, Zhang Guifang shouted, "Nangongshi has not dismounted yet, when will it be!"

Nangong Shi also fell off the horse. Fortunately, at this time, Yang Tuofei's sword struck, making Zhang Guifang have to turn over and dodge.

It's a long story, but it only took a moment for Ji Shugan, who came out first, to react.Seeing the national teacher approaching, he knocked Feng Lin to the ground a few times, and then went to kill Zhang Guifang.

Uncle Ji, who had seen the two men's heretical sorcery, knew that he couldn't get in the way, so he hurriedly caught Feng Lin and returned to the formation.

At this time, Yang Tuo was living against Zhang Guifang, and Jiang Ziya ordered people to snatch Huang Feihu and Nangong Shi back from their horses.

Yang Tuo and Zhang Guifang were fighting at the same place, with gun shadows flying in their hands, not daring to be distracted, for fear that Zhang Guifang would have time to use the "soul calling technique".

Yang Tuo didn't have a magic weapon to defend against soul attacks at this time, so he didn't dare to try Zhang Guifang's spells.The two fought together, Zhang Guifang couldn't attack for a long time, seeing that Xiqi's side was about to move again, she quickly turned her horse's head and fled back to the main formation.

Yang Tuo has been directing Ziqing's two swords to attack Zhang Guifang, making Zhang Guifang not free.After Zhang Guifang returned to the army, Yang Tuo took back the magic sword.

Yang Tuo returned to the main formation, and retreated to Xiqi with the others. Zhang Guifang's Taoism was strange, and he could not win easily.

In the prime minister's mansion, everyone was silent when they were seated.It was previously heard that Zhang Guifang was good at heresy and sorcery, but everyone didn't take it seriously. Now that all the generals went to battle one after another, they were all almost killed by sorcery. Fortunately, the national teacher rescued them in time.

Especially Ji Shugan, No.12 son of King Wen.Ji Shuqian's life and death are only in an instant, if Yang Tuo hadn't rescued him, he might have died on the spot.

There is no good way for everyone to discuss matters in the prime minister's mansion.Jiang Ziya saw that no one was paying attention, so he decided to hang up the "free card" first, and no longer play easily.If Yang Tuo hadn't been present today, the three generals might have been lost.

The first battle suffered heavy losses, and King Wu might not be able to explain it to him.So I decided to hang up the "free battle card" first, and if I had no more ideas, I went to Kunlun Mountain for help.

Seeing this, Yang Tuo didn't say much. In fact, he still has a stupid way, which is to send someone to lead Zhang Guifang to fight, then he hides aside and shoots Zhang Guifang with Qiankun Bow and arrows. Zhang Guifang should not be spared.

However, he knew that Nezha would come down the mountain to help soon.Nezha is born of a lotus flower, so he is not afraid of such soul-shattering sorcery.Secondly, he was unwilling to expose the information about the Qiankun Bow so early, so that the enemies later would be prepared.

It is said that Xiqi is discussing affairs in the prime minister's mansion here, and Zhang Guifang is also calling all the generals to discuss affairs when he returns to the camp.Zhang Guifang asked everyone: "Who is this Taoist who is fighting today? We lost Feng Lin."

Someone said: "According to the situation, he is Xiqi's national teacher, named Yang Tuo, and he is also a Taoist."

Zhang Guifang looked around and said: "I lost the opportunity today, and Yang Tuo took the upper hand. Let's wait until tomorrow, call him to fight, the first strike is the best, let the spell catch Yang Tuo first, and we will surely defeat Xiqi!"

When all the generals heard the words, they all said yes again and again.

Not to mention that both sides have their own calculations, they both want to make proper preparations and defeat the enemy in a single battle!
The real Taiyi in the Golden Light Cave of Qianyuan Mountain sits on a jade bed and silently transports the primordial spirit.Sudden whim, I knew the reason.Send Nezha down the mountain to help Ziya!
Xiqi hung up the "exemption card", and Zhang Guifang saw that Xiqi refused to fight outside the city, but he was helpless.Moreover, Xiqi has a large number of people, and it is difficult to win in a hurry, so he sent people back to Chaoge for help!

In a few days, I saw a boy, stepping on a hot wheel, wearing a hunting silk, and holding a pointed gun, falling directly in front of the gate of Jiang Ziya's mansion.Someone reported into the mansion: "There is a boy at the door, who descended from the sky and asked to see him outside!"

Jiang Ziya hurriedly ordered someone to invite him in.Jiang Ziya was surprised when he saw Daotong Daogu, who was not like ordinary people, so he asked, "Where did Daotong come from?"

Nezha bowed and replied: "The disciple came from the Golden Light Cave of Qianyuan Mountain, and was ordered by Master Taiyi Zhenren to come to Xiqi to listen to his uncle's orders and help Zhou conquer merchants."

Jiang Ziya was overjoyed when he heard the words: "I don't want to be trapped in Zhang Guifang's 'soul-destroying' recently, and it is difficult to make progress, so I came to help today." So he called everyone and went to the "Mianzhanbai".

Outside the city, Zhang Guifang saw that Xiqi had withdrawn the "free battle card", so he led a large army to the city, sent people to fight, and asked Yang Tuo to come out to fight.Yang Tuo knew that Zhang Guifang had already made preparations, and going out of the city would definitely not please him!So he said to the crowd: "Zhang Guifang is very rampant, who dares to fight? Just lure him to fight, so I can take Zhang Guifang by force and break the siege of Xiqi!"

Seeing Zhang Guifang's powerful sorcery, everyone thought to themselves that they had no chance of winning. Suddenly they heard something from the national teacher, and they didn't wait for everyone to react.I saw a group of children coming out from behind Jiang Ziya, saying: "I am Nezha, a disciple of Taiyi Zhenren in Jinguang Cave of Qianyuan Mountain, and I would like to capture Zhang Guifang."

Everyone saw a little boy going to battle, and they didn't know what supernatural powers Tong had, so they looked at Jiang Ziya. It knows the name, and be careful!"

Nezha heard the words, and said to Ziya, "Yes, I would like to follow Master's instruction."

Then I saw Nezha jumping up, stepping on the wind fire wheel, carrying a pointed gun in his hand, and going to kill the merchant camp.

Zhang Guifang was drowning in battle in front of the battle, when she saw a young general stepping on a fire wheel and flying towards him, she knew that he was a cultivator, so she might not be easy to deal with.So he asked: "Who is here, please report your name!"

When Nezha heard the words, he remembered that his uncle had told him not to reveal his name.But who is Nezha, the Lord who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, how could he put Zhang Guifang, a heretical monk, in his eyes.

Nezha replied: "I am Li Nezha in the Jinguang Cave of Qianyuan Mountain! The enemy general An dares to invade our borders, so why don't you come down early, or you may become a powder later."

Zhang Guifang was furious when she heard the words: "Little Taoist boy, don't dare to be rampant, let me take you!"

As he said that, Ting rushed forward and grabbed Nezha.Seeing this, Nezha didn't say much, and raised his gun to fight.The two of you come and go, fighting endlessly.

But after more than ten rounds, Zhang Guifang saw that Nezha was difficult to deal with, and feared that Xiqi's Yang Tuo would kill him.So first cast spells, in order to win quickly.

Zhang Guifang reined in his horse and shouted, "Nezha hasn't got off the wheel yet, when will he wait?"

When Nezha heard about it, he ignored it and went straight to kill Zhang Guifang.Seeing that the other party didn't respond, Zhang Guifang was taken aback: "Since the teacher taught me the technique, it has never failed. Why doesn't it work today?"

So he hurriedly shouted again: "Nezha is still in the wheel, when will it be!" In a hurry, he shouted three times, but Nezha didn't waver.

(End of this chapter)

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