Chapter 1
Southern Xinjiang, Qingmao Mountain.

Behind the lush Qingmao Mountain, there is an amazing waterfall.

The waterfall is as high as a thousand feet, pouring down from the top of Qingmao Mountain, and falling heavily at the foot of the mountain, forming a wide deep pool.

The deep pool is secluded.

The pool water spreads all the way along the Lishui River, passing through flowers and flowers for several miles, and then passing through bamboo forests for ten miles, before finally sinking into the broad and majestic Huanglong River.

And beside the deep pool, on the bank of the Lishui River, there is a large water village near the mountains and rivers.It is Baijiazhai, one of the three top forces dominating Qingmao Mountain.

Bai Family Ancestral Hall.

The annual Enlightenment Ceremony has ended.

The clan meeting ended, and the head of the Bai family led a group of elders out of the solemn hall.

Walking to the corridor, the solemn atmosphere of the old family room gradually dissipated.

All the elders looked relaxed, and the voice of discussion gradually sounded.

"Time flies so fast, another year has passed!"

"The enlightenment results of this year's class are really not ideal, the best is only [-]% of the girls."

"There are only three students with second-class qualifications, and the other two second-class students have no more than sixty-five percent of the Kongqiao Yuanhai!"

"I think this Enlightenment Ceremony is barely acceptable."

"Seventy-eight percent, at least it's considered a fake first-class qualification."

"Although it's not as good as the amazing and talented young patriarch when he opened his mind two years ago, the situation is undoubtedly much better than the previous two."

"It's a coincidence that I know this girl too, and her good winemaking skills often arouse my greed. I have long planned to hire her family for my grandson, and this time I got the hang of it. Can you Don't grab it!"

"Bai Jiawei, you are making trouble for me. You are not afraid that your sick grandson will have a short life because of the beauty of that girl!"


"Bai Gouqin, what are you talking about!"

The two elders got into a fight together, causing the other elders to shake their heads secretly.

There are a total of 54 qualified people in Baijiazhai this year.

There are three people in the B class, 16 people in the C class, and 37 people in the D class.

Among them, the one with the best aptitude is a woman named Bai Xianyu, whose aperture is as high as [-]%, which is close to the first class.

Bai Xianyu, a female lover, is skilled in her manners, and she was born extremely beautiful at the age of fourteen. It can be seen that she is a beauty embryo.

His father is a rank two peak Gu master who has retired.

He has opened more than a dozen wine shops and seven restaurants in Baijiazhai, and is the top three wealthy businessmen in the Baijiazhai wine industry.

It is worth mentioning that the grandfather of Bai Xianyu's Long Yu Shangbin the year before last was a Rank [-] Dao Refining Gu Master.

The family background is profound. Although it has begun to decline, there are still very deep connections in Baijiazhai.

The most wonderful thing is that this woman is the only daughter in the family.

His elder brothers and sisters have all died, and any teenager who can marry this girl is expected to inherit the family property and connections.

Not to mention getting a beautiful partner with strong qualifications.

As far as wealth and connections are concerned, at least 40 years of struggle can be saved.

Regardless of status or aptitude, this woman is definitely the best match in the past three years.

Therefore, Bai Xianyu attracted all the old people who were not ashamed to talk about it as soon as he opened his mind.

Even the head of the Bai family couldn't help thinking when he heard the words of the elders behind him.

"This woman has a beautiful appearance and excellent aptitude. Her temperament and Ning Bing complement each other perfectly, so she can be a good match for Ning Bing."

"Especially, this girl's father is connected with the contacts left by Elder Bai Enpei who died the year before last, which is a rare political resource."

"If Ning Bing can marry this woman and inherit this woman's lineage, it will be more stable to inherit the position of patriarch in the future."

In the mind of the head of the Bai family, Bai Ningbing's aptitude is extremely outstanding, and there is no dispute about inheriting the position of the head of the family.

The only shortcoming is that although Bai Ningbing is outstanding, she is too young, has a somewhat arrogant personality, can't help but act a little willfully, and does not appear to be willful and sophisticated in dealing with others.

However, this is not a problem in the eyes of the head of the Bai family.

People do not frivolously despise young people.

As a Tianjiao, one should have the disposition and arrogance of a Tianjiao.

For Bai Ningbing who has achieved rank three at the young age of 17, not only the head of the Bai family, but all the elders are also very indulgent and doting.

"It's just that if you want to be a good leader, you only need talent."

"Bai Ningbing has been an orphan since he was a child, and besides me who took him in, he has almost no other contacts."

"If you can marry Bai Xianyu, not to mention inheriting the help of Bai Xianyu's family connections, just neutralize your personality, and the situation of leading the Bai family village in the future will be much better."

"Bai Xianyu managed her shop in an orderly manner at a young age, which shows that she is a woman who manages the house well."

"If there is a chance, I will talk to this girl and her parents."

"Ning Bing is the hope of the Bai family's rise."

"I believe that with this woman's temperament, she must understand the righteousness and be willing to sacrifice for the rise of the Bai family."

"Besides, my family's Ning Bing has a handsome appearance, an outstanding temperament, and extremely outstanding aptitude. Is there another man in Baijiazhai who can match him? Maybe I don't need to match him, this woman has already secretly committed to him."

As the young master of the Bai family who led the rise of the Bai family.

The head of the Bai family had already paved the way for Bai Ningbing to inherit the position of patriarch.

Bai Xianyu is just one of them.

However, at this moment, Bai Xianyu didn't know that he was only fourteen or fifteen years old, and so many people already missed him.

Bai Xianyu, who finished the Enlightenment Hall, was still a little excited at the moment.

"Seventy-eight percent, already very close to first-class qualifications. It can be said that, except for the fact that the time and location of the journey are a little closer to the protagonist, in terms of qualifications, the start is almost perfect!"

Seventy-eight percent of qualifications.

Although it is not as eye-catching as the first-class aptitude, it still has the potential to achieve rank four.

As long as you become a rank four Gu master.

Basically, you can have the ability to travel the five domains.

"Although the memory of the previous life is almost forgotten, I still remember the key secrets and important people."

"Come on, Xianyu, you must be worthy of this rare journey through time."

Recalling the gradually blurred memories in his mind, Bai Xianyu secretly cheered himself up.

"Miss, this way, this way!"

Just after leaving the ancestral hall, Bai Xianyu saw a little girl in white linen clothes and a filial hat standing on the side of the road, waving to him constantly.

It was Bai Xianyu's maid, Yuanyang.

Beside her, followed by two tall and strong men wearing the same costumes.It was the slaves raised by Bai Xianyu's mansion, Ah San and Ah Si.

These two tall men were wearing red and green brocade robes inside, white linen clothes outside, and a filial hat made of white cloth. They parked majestically by the side of the road with a delicate carriage wrapped in white silk.

Seeing Bai Xianyu approaching gracefully in a filial robe, the two men hurriedly put away the arrogance on their faces, and respectfully said: "Miss!"


Lightly pointing the head, with the help of Ah San and Ah Si, Bai Xianyu put her hand on the hand of the mandarin duck who had already rushed into the carriage, and gently stepped onto the carriage.


Hearing Bai Xianyu's cold voice from inside the carriage, the two slaves hurriedly said respectfully: "Yes, Miss!"

After finishing speaking, Ah San and Ah Si hurriedly drove the white horse towards the direction of Baifu.

Inside the carriage.

Yuanyang rubbed Bai Xianyu's shoulders skillfully, and asked curiously, "Miss, how did you get enlightened?"

Holding the book in his hand, Bai Xianyusu casually said, "It's not bad, [-]% to [-]%, grade B aptitude, it's the highest aptitude in this Enlightenment Ceremony."

"Class B qualification!"

The little girl's mouth opened wide.

A startled look.

As Bai Xianyu's personal maid, Yuanyang naturally understands the meaning of second-class qualifications.

Possessing a second-class qualification, Bai Xianyu can be said to have a bright future in Baijiazhai.

(Yuanyang: My master has the money of a grandma!)
"Congratulations Miss, Miss He Xi!"

Yuanyang happily said: "Miss' qualifications are so good! Master and Madam will be very happy if they know about it!"

When Bai Xianyu heard this, he didn't stop flipping through the book, and said calmly, "Maybe, I hope the good news of my enlightenment can dilute the sadness of my fifth brother's sacrifice in my father and mother's heart!"

Yuanyang's happy expression gradually dissipated when he heard that, as if there was a soy sauce bottle hanging on his face, he was a little unhappy.

Bai Xianyu's father is named Bai Miaocai.

60 years old this year, he is a rank two peak Gu master.

Except for his original wife, Bai Chi, who is not much different in age and is also at the peak of the second rank.

Bai Miaocai also married two concubines with foreign surnames.

One is Bai Xianyu's second mother, the 47-year-old Song Yaner, the maid of the former wife Bai Chi.And one is Bai Xianyu's biological mother, Lu Qiaoqiao, who is only 32 years old.At present, in Bai Xianyu's family, besides his old father Bai Miaocai, there are only his second mother, Song Yan'er, and his biological mother, Lu Qiaoqiao.As for the aunt Bai Chi, after the death of Bai Xianyu's fourth brother, she passed away because of too much sadness.

And Bai Xianyu, the thirteenth child at home, is the youngest, and is nicknamed the thirteenth younger sister by the neighbors.

Above Bai Xianyu, there are eight older brothers and four older sisters. Unfortunately, in the cruel living environment of the Gu world, Bai Xianyu's eight older brothers and four older sisters have passed away successively.

Even the fifth brother, who died last, died on duty two days ago when he encountered a beast while exploring the wolf's lair.

However, compared to other older brothers and sisters, Fifth Brother had the best luck. He died at the age of 27 and left behind a four-year-old niece.

The other brothers and sisters like Bai Xianyu basically died young, some even died at the age of fifteen or sixteen, and even the latest died at the age of 23.

It can be said that he came naked and left naked, leaving no trace of this world.

However, this is not possible.

Who told Baijiazhai to encourage sacrifice!

Under the pressure of righteousness, there is another one who dares not to obey!

Even Bai Xianyu, as a time traveler, can't guarantee that he can live past 20 years old.

(End of this chapter)

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