Chapter 10

A weak cry sounded.

Bai Axiu put her arms around Bai Xianyu who was sobbing with her head down, and comforted her softly with a gentle face.

"It's okay, Xianyu!"

"With me here, this boy Shangshu dare not!"

On the side, Bai Shangshu took a look at Bai Axiu's Gu master's clothes, which represented the powerful force of Baijiazhai, knowing that today might not be a good day, so he snorted coldly and left without saying a word.

After he knew about it, he would face his grandpa's censure.

However, Bai Shangshu didn't care.

Since childhood, he has been used to being arrogant.No matter what happened, his grandfather would help him settle it.Although what he did this time was a bit too much and went against grandpa's wishes, but as long as he acted like a baby in front of grandpa, he would be locked up for a few days at most.

The school will start soon, no matter what, his grandfather will not punish him too severely.

However, Bai Shangshu was still secretly annoyed.

In the past, he thought that taking down Bai Xianyu was a sure thing, so he wasn't in such a hurry.

Unexpectedly, the cooked duck was about to fly now.

However, Bai Shangshu is still confident in taking down Bai Xianyu.

"Bai Xianyu and I are students of the same class, and we will have opportunities to meet each other later. I don't believe that you can protect her every time."

Recalling Bai Xianyu's delicate and beautiful face.

There was a trace of fire in Bai Shangshu's eyes.

"The dessert is here, Master Shangshu, why are you leaving!"

Yuanyang held the dessert, and before she finished speaking, she saw Baishang Shushu leave in a huff.

A bad premonition rose in Yuanyang's heart, and he quickly picked up the dessert and ran towards the hall.

Not long after, Yuanyang saw Bai Axiu walking towards her.

Bai Axiu's face can only be regarded as delicate and handsome, but her capable Rank [-] Gu Master costume makes her look heroic and vigorous, and she walks vigorously every step of the way.

Seeing Bai Axiu, Yuanyang's heart tightened, and she hurriedly bowed and said, "Lord Bai Axiu!"

Bai Axiu smiled lightly, and said, "Yuanyang, don't be too polite. Your lady has already gone back to her room to sleep, and she asked me to tell you to put the dessert back in the kitchen before you can go back to the room to rest!"

"Okay, Master Bai Axiu!"

The mandarin duck bowed in response, carrying the plate and walking towards the kitchen.

After realizing that Bai Axiu had walked out of the gate, Yuanyang stopped immediately, turned around with the tray and ran towards the hall.

Why did Bai Shangshu leave angrily, and why did Bai Axiu appear suddenly.

She is in a hurry.

There is a faint ominous premonition in my heart.

It always feels like something big is going to happen.

However, when Yuanyang ran to the hall, he found that the lights in the hall had already been extinguished.

After taking a breath, Yuanyang had no time to relax.

Busily turned around and ran to Bai Xianyu's Yiqingjiang upstairs.

When they came to the side of the building, Yuanyang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the lights in Bai Xianyu's room, and Bai Xianyu was reading a book in the room.

"Miss, are you alright!"

Bai Xianyu said: "I'm going to sleep right away, you should go to rest early!"

"Yeah!" Yuanyang nodded with a smile, and left in peace.

Relying on Qingjiangshan Building.

Bai Xianyu watched the mandarin duck leave quietly, with a trace of complicated eyes.

If it is said that Baijiazhai has someone he cares about.

In addition to cheap mother, it is undoubtedly her.

Unfortunately, Baijiazhai is doomed to be destroyed.

And Bai Xianyu was also determined to follow the path of the devil.

The fate of the cheap mother and the mandarin duck has long been doomed.


Sighing lightly, Bai Xianyu turned to look at the pineapple table in the center of the room.

I saw a cage carefully woven with green straw ropes on the table.

Inside the grass cage was a silkworm baby with white jade luster and a pair of strange little wings.

It is the wine bug.

This wine worm was Bai Axiu's compensation for her, and it was also considered as an apology and hush money.

Looking at this Gu worm, Bai Xianyu thought for a while, and said:

"Bai Gouqin is very powerful, you can't compete with him."

"However, I really didn't expect that guy Bai Shangshu to be so impatient. If Bai Axiu wasn't there, I guess I would have to show off my skills, and I might even offend Bai Gouqi's lineage."

Bai Xianyu's eyes dimmed, recalling the previous scene.

Bai Shangshu left angrily, and then heard Bai Axiu say: "He has already left, ghost girl, you don't need to act any more!"

As soon as Bai Axiu finished speaking, Bai Xianyu stopped crying, touched his nose, and said, "You are indeed the number one detective expert in the Bai family. After all, you can't hide this little trick from you!"

Bai Axiu smiled lightly, tapped Bai Xianyu's forehead, and said, "You bastard girl, I guess I didn't come out, I'm afraid you're going to beat that brat hard!"

"That kid still doesn't know how powerful you are!"

"As the daughter of Bai Miaocai who can wander among the many forces of the Bai family and cleverly take advantage of the balance of all forces to cling to the inheritance of the fourth turn, I know that you, little girl, are definitely not simple!"

"Ghost girl, tell the truth."

"I used to really like you, and I was expecting you to marry my family's Shangshu and be my niece and daughter-in-law!"


Bai Xianyu looked at Bai Axiu with a smile that was not a smile, and faintly felt that he had grasped a certain point, playing with it: "He is so impatient this time, presumably there has been some kind of change that made him have to do this. Because of this Due to the accident, the elders of the Zhantang family, and even you will not support him. For this reason, you even gave up the action of meddling in the fourth-rank inheritance of my family."

Bai Axiu laughed and said, "You are really smart!"

"However, you don't need to test me, I don't need to say more about this, someone will tell you later!"

"All right!"

Bai Xianyu nodded, clearly unable to ask anything, said: "This time, your nephew has caused me a lot of trouble, you don't think it's so simple and forget it!"

"Although your Baizhanzhuang lineage is powerful, but you are both women, you should be very clear that women love to hold grudges."

"Bai Shangshu forced me to keep it a secret for senior Bai Gouqin's sake, but if that ignorant slave happens to see it and tell it, then I can't be blamed!"

"You, it's really useless to get up early!"

Bai Axiu sighed softly, took out a Gu worm and handed it to Bai Xianyu, saying: "I originally bought this Gu worm last year for Shang Shu, so let's take it as your apology now!"

"Miss Xianyu, please spare my nephew this time!"

This Gu worm is as crystal clear as jade, with a pair of fluttering little wings on its back, shaped like a white silkworm baby.

It is the first turn to cherish the wine worm.

Looking at the wine worm, Bai Xianyu showed a trace of satisfaction, and chuckled softly: "What can I do, a weak little girl, besides agreeing, what else can I do!"

"However, I hope this is the last time, otherwise I won't be so kind!"


Reaching a consensus among smart people, Bai Axiu was very happy about it, and said with a smile, "I promise this is the last time!"

The memory disappeared like water, and Bai Xianyu's mind returned.

Looking at this beautiful Gu worm imprisoned in a grass cage, Bai Xianyu smiled contemptuously.

"This matter has been revealed, how is it possible!"

"It's just that I'm weak now. When I become stronger, I'll have to scrape off the fat of your lineage again!"

Anyway, there is no use of Poison Oath Gu.

Bai Xianyu was already thinking about how to accidentally leak this matter in the future and continue to squeeze it.

As for leaving no evidence or anything.

The wine worm is the best evidence.

Although the Gu worms in Baijiazhai were not registered.

But the fact that Bai Axiu bought Jiu Chong was known to many people last year.

Why is the wine worm not in Bai Shangshu's hands, but in Bai Xianyu's?

This is the biggest doubt.

At that time, some inside story will be revealed, this wine worm is the best evidence for Bai Axiu to keep her mouth shut.

Besides, this is a fact.

As for whether this behavior of repeated extortion is shameless.

Bai Xianyu, a top student who graduated from the Ideological and Moral Training Course of Daai Xianzun, said that these are all basic operations.

"However, I didn't expect to get the wine worm so early."

"It seems that I'm lucky. I plan to wait until April when the Jia's caravan comes to Qingmao Mountain to buy it!"

Putting the wine worm into a wine jar, Bai Xianyu planned to refine the wine worm after refining the natal Gu.

Although the use of wine worms as natal Gu can be regarded as an upper-middle level in Laomo's evaluation.

But that's the old devil.

He has the synthesis Gu formula for the wine worm from rank one to rank four, and even besides this route, there is also a synthesis route for Menghan butterfly and moon invitation Gu.

Bai Xianyu didn't have the secret recipe for refining the wine worm, at most it was a four-flavored wine worm. Although the wine worm was good, Bai Xianyu didn't have the idea of ​​making it a natal Gu.

(End of this chapter)

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