Chapter 147 Destiny

"Xianyu, I knew you would be here, hehe!"

Bai Xianyu had just stepped out of the tent when she saw Mingzhu trotting over panting.

She stopped in front of Bai Xianyu, bent down and supported her knees for a while, and then patted her chest for a long time. After adjusting for a while, she breathed smoothly.

Seeing her distressed appearance, Bai Xianyu felt a little warmth in her heart, and said with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "I made you worry, friend!"

"Huh, it's okay!"

Mingzhu took a few breaths, waved her hands and said cheerfully: "Where is the mandarin duck, how is that girl!"

"Come on, let's talk about it here!"

Bai Xianyu took Mingzhu's jade hand, led her to a nearby teahouse, and said, "Xiao Er, serve tea, a pot of good sour plum tea, and two bamboo cups by the way!"

"Okay, a pot of good sour plum tea, with two bamboo cups!" But the waiter at the tea shop walked away with a pot of sour plum tea and two long bamboo cups. He came over and said with joy on his face: "Laile, guest officer, please enjoy the tea and bamboo cup you want!"


Bai Xianyu nodded calmly, took the cup, and filled the pot with two full cups of sour plum tea.

Handing one of the cups to Mingzhu, Bai Xianyu said slightly reproachfully: "Mingzhu, it's so hot, why are you running so fiercely? Are you not afraid of heatstroke? If you get heatstroke, it will delay your schedule. Forget it, let's go first." Have a sip of tea and talk!"


Mingzhu nodded softly, took the teacup, narrowed her eyes, and drank it down in one gulp.

After that, she asked Bai Xianyu for another cup.

After drinking a cup and a half of cold sour plum tea, the scorching heat accumulated in her body immediately dissipated a lot.The whole complexion has improved significantly, and the breath after strenuous exercise has also calmed down.

Seeing this, Bai Xianyu smiled, and selectively told Mingzhu about the mandarin duck.

Best, Bai Xianyu said in shame: "Hey, in the end I don't know why that girl Yuanyang wanted to kill the parrot."

"That's fine."

"The girl Yuanyang is not in a very good mood, she blames herself very much, and even wants to die."

"I doubt very much, she may be suffering from a mental illness. Hey, there is no way, I can only temporarily seal her memory with Memory Gu. What happens after that depends on whether she can untangle her heart. Hey, I hope Teacher Shi Gong can help me untie this girl!"

Speaking of this, a trace of sadness appeared in Bai Xianyu's eyes.

Mingzhu put down the half-empty sour plum teacup, breathed a long sigh of relief, and said worriedly: "Hey, I didn't expect the girl Yuanyang to kill people. And the person she killed was a parrot. Xianyu, what are you going to do in the future?" ?”

"Now, I'm a little worried about you. You have such a gentle temper, if Yinzhu and I leave too, just like Jinzhu's slutty, I'll be thankful if I don't bother you!"


Bai Xianyu covered her mouth, smiled with her eyes bent like crescent moons, and said, "Mingzhu, I didn't expect that you, who are always a lady, would speak ill of people behind their backs. If Jin Zhu knows what you just said, be careful that she tears it up." your mouth."

"Well, you Xianyu, I'm worried about you, what a heartless bastard!"

After scolding, Mingzhu stood up, threw Bai Xianyu down, and attacked Bai Xianyu's slender waist with both hands, trying to make Bai Xianyu look good.

"Don't, don't, I'm ticklish, stop, Mingzhu, stop, you are no longer like Jinzhu, ah, please, please, Mingzhu, please!"

Bai Xianyu's tears were about to fall out of her smile, and she kept begging for forgiveness in soft voices, but Mingzhu ignored her at all.

Before the real parting, she no longer wants to be a good girl in the eyes of others.

She wants to be bold.

At the last moment, she wanted to release her playful nature a little bit, and have a good time with her friends.

There are many people watching around.

They all used critical eyes, watching the young action movies performed by the two little beauties in front of them, and felt that the movements were very irregular.

Being surrounded by them, Mingzhu and Xianyu were indeed a little unaware.However, the two of them were about to leave, but they couldn't care about other people's thoughts.After a while, the worries about parting in their hearts gradually dissipated, and they sat back on the stool again.

"Hey, this farewell, we don't know when we will meet again!" With a slight sigh, Mingzhu took out a Xiao Gu, put it on the warm and sexy red lips, and played it softly.

As for Bai Xianyu, when he heard this familiar tune, he couldn't help but take out two chopsticks that were worn smooth and old.

While tapping the chopsticks lightly, he hummed in harmony.

This song is called Never Forget.

It was written by Mingzhu based on a song hummed by Bai Xianyu when Bai Xianyu and Mingzhu went boating together in Lishui.

The melody is gentle, graceful and ethereal.

Witness the friendship formed between the two since childhood.

The song Bai Xianyu hums is adapted from Nineteenth Sister Gan—if the next life is still a repetition of this life.Simple numerals are also a song that expresses the meaning of Bai Xianyu's parting.

A song that witnesses friendship.

A tune that tells you not to worry.

The tunes of the two are compatible and their feelings are connected, which immediately makes the artistic conception of this song even higher.

The beautiful and moving melody attracted many people from the caravan to stop and watch.

There are young people and there are elders.

There are sirs and there are ladies.

They stopped beside Bai Xianyu and listened to the singing, and each of them couldn't help recalling the hometown in their memory, the relatives and friends in the hometown, and the friends they met during the business trip, feeling deeply saddened.

Of course, there are also some lucky ones who don't understand the song.

They were on the sidelines, applauding happily for this beautiful song.

In particular, Bai Xianyu and Mingzhu are both good-looking people, and they attract quite a lot of such people.

Among them, some would throw out some broken yuan stones as a reward.

Of course, there are also a lot of naughty fun people, who will spoil the atmosphere with witty words such as kissing each other.

Among the crowd watching, Mingzhu felt a little embarrassed, blushing shyly.

However, when she saw that Bai Xianyu was acting as if nothing had happened, she stabilized her position and, together with Bai Xianyu, completed the song thoroughly.

After a long time, the song ends.

Finally it was time to say goodbye.

Seeing that the crowd did not disperse and were still urging the two to sing the next song, Mingzhu silently pressed Xiao Gu down.

"Xianyu, there is one thing. After thinking about it, I decided to tell you."

"you say!"

"Xianyu, I just came out of your house. I heard that my aunt was so angry that she passed out after she learned that you took the mandarin duck away!"

"Mother!" Bai Xianyu's hands trembled, and she burst into tears, "I'm such an unfilial daughter!"

"Hey, Xianyu, how can I blame you for this!" Mingzhu pressed Bai Xianyu's hand and said in relief: "Mandarin ducks kill parrots. To be honest, this happened too suddenly. In terms of position, it is also difficult to make a choice, and it is already great that you can do this!"

After all, Mingzhu continued: "Xianyu, let's let go of the farewell party we agreed on earlier. You can take care of Auntie at ease, and we may have a chance to meet again in the future. I will also help you to tell Yinzhu explain!"

Bai Xianyu apologized: "I'm sorry, because of my family affairs, I couldn't even attend the last farewell party between you and Yinzhu. I'm really sorry!"

"It's okay!" Mingzhu smiled lightly, and said freely: "Friendship is the most important thing. As the saying goes, the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. You and I are both like-minded people, so why let these vulgar etiquette pollute the relationship between you and me?" friendship!"

"Hahaha, reasonable!"

Bai Xianyu smiled lightly, got up and was about to leave.

At this moment, Mingzhu took out a Gu worm, handed it to Bai Xianyu, and said: "Xianyu, you have already given me a gift, and this Gu worm is my gift to you in return."

"This Gu is called Water Sound Gu. Although it's only a rank one Gu, the price is very cheap. It's far inferior to the Strength Gu and Frost Sleeve Gu you gave me, but it's still one of the things I gave you. My heart. I found it after searching for a long time. Xianyu, since you want to go all the way in the waterway, then, I hope this water sound Gu can help you. If you are tired during cultivation, listen to Listen to the crisp sound of water released by this Gu, believe in yourself, you will be able to wear water through a stone!"

"En!" Bai Xianyu put the Gu worm away, and said proudly: "I will not let this Gu be ashamed!"

"Hee hee!" Mingzhu laughed, and said foolishly, "This is your real appearance!"

"So sassy!"

"Sure enough, I knew it, this is how I looked when I first saw you!"

"Xianyu, you have to work hard!"

"You are the woman I want to be the most in my heart."

"It must be alive and rustling!"

"Live people like a legend, live both songs and tears."

"I hope that one day I can hear legends about you in a corner of southern Xinjiang. I want to write poems and biographies for you!"

"Haha!" Bai Xianyu smiled lightly and said, "Yes!"

The two looked at each other for the last time, smiled at each other, with a tacit understanding, turned their backs to each other, turned and left.

One forward light, one backlight.

The attitude is decisive and firm.

Each went to a different fate.

(End of this chapter)

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