Chapter 15
"Look, look, it's Bai Shangshu, the only male student among the three second-class students in our class."

I saw Bai Shangshu leading a group of servants coming majestically, which immediately attracted the attention of many young girls.

The girl in red looked excitedly.

It was that enlightenment that gave Bai Shangshu a look.

It was only then that she realized that Yushu facing the wind, romantic and suave, is not an adjective that only exists on paper.

Looking at this handsome young man, the girl in red frantically sells to the other girls beside her like Amway idols.

Unexpectedly, the girl who was traveling with her took a look at Bai Shangshu, showing a hint of disdain, and said, "Bai Shangshu? Hmph, he's just a domineering villain relying on his old background!"

"Young Master Evil?" The girl in red asked suspiciously, "Why haven't I heard of it!"

"On the contrary, in my eyes, he is very handsome, and he looks very heroic at first glance, he is my favorite type!"


The girl who was traveling with her curled her lips in disdain, and said, "Sister, you'd better keep your voice down, if he hears you, you'll be done!"

The girl in red couldn't believe it: "Are you trying to scare me? You don't think you like him too, so you purposely spoke ill of him in front of me. How come I haven't heard of him as a young man?"

The girl who was traveling with her laughed and said, "I didn't lie to you. He is indeed a famous villain in Baijiazhai. It's just that the notoriety has been suppressed by the backstage. Those of you who live far away from the inner village don't know about it."

"Have you heard of Shopkeeper Tong of Yuelai Inn? Her niece Mo Xiaobei was bullied by him."

"I heard that after Bai Shangshu played with Mo Xiaobei, he stopped talking to her, and even refused to accept a concubine, saying that she was no more than a servant of a mortal, and it was her future husband's luck to favor her."

"The poor girl is as beautiful as a flower, she couldn't bear this humiliation, so she hanged herself with a four-foot hemp rope late at night."

"For those who are good-looking, it's enough to knock their faces. If you are too involved, it will be very painful when you know that they are beautiful and jaded."

"Ah!" The red-clothed girl was startled, doubtful, "Does the Gu masters in your inner village not care about this kind of thing?"

The girl in red was very curious.

She is a member of the Bai family living in Waizhai.

For Nei Zhai, some are unfamiliar.

The girl in the same company said: "What do you care! It's just a mortal with a foreign surname. It is said that shopkeeper Tong went to Baizhanzhuang to cry for an explanation after the incident, but Bai Shangshu became angry when he heard about it, and spent 100 yuan directly The high price of the stone bought her all, and now she is still in Baizhan Village as a human pig!"

"Ah, it's too miserable!"

The girl in red covered her lips, it was really hard for her innocent to accept such a thing.

I thought that the human pig was just a legend written in a book.

In this regard, the girl who was traveling with her seemed to be used to it, and said with a sneer: "What's the matter? Sister, remember, the fate of mortals is not fate, they and us are two different levels of race. The same race is fine. Well, at most, I will pay some primeval stones to the slave owners behind."

Speaking of this, the girl continued: "Don't look at those guards so majestic, if you dare to do this in front of me, I will kill them to sacrifice Gu after I graduate!"

The girl in red sweated profusely when she heard this, and her eyes widened. She felt that this girl who was traveling with her was really bold, and she was afraid that she was a very capable person. She couldn't help saying: "Sister, you are so domineering. I don't know how to call it. I want to talk to you in the future." mix!"

"Good talk!"

But seeing this ordinary-looking, flat-chested freckled girl in a luxurious robe, she smiled faintly.

Open the folding fan lightly, revealing the fan surface depicting the faces of dozens of beauties.

The little girl showed a trace of arrogance that did not match her ordinary appearance, and said: "Sister, my name is Bai Qi, and you will be mine from now on. If you are bullied, just report my name. If the other side still bullies you, just tell me. I led hundreds of slaves to kill him violently!"

"Ah, Bai, Bai Qi!"

"The daughter of the patriarch, the second female student among the three second-class students, the second highest in aptitude, as high as [-]%, the most notorious and vicious girl in Baijiazhai."

"You, you, you are Bai Qi, an extremely vicious girl!"

This handsome red-clothed girl is no longer the cute and naive person she was before, with trembling lips, stammering, and looking at Bai Qi with great fear.

There is no other reason.

Bai Qi's notoriety is so notorious that even the head of the Bai family can't suppress it.

If it is said that Bai Shangshu only occasionally bullies mortals once or twice every ten days and half a month.

Then Bai Qi is bullying the Gu Master every day.

Many beautiful female Gu masters in Baijiazhai have been murdered by her, including some old concubines.

It's not easy for the recruited person to say anything about her, but it can only be regarded as a little girl's prank.

Even so, there are still many people who feel as uncomfortable as eating flies.

This kind of thing is just the smallest kind of evil that Bai Qi does, and the big ones are simply outrageous and too numerous to describe.

It can be said.

Bai Qi's notoriety is widely spread in Baijiazhai, and everyone knows it.

"No wonder, no wonder I have no impression of her."

"She is the patriarch's concubine's daughter, so she has the privilege of being enlightened alone, and she was enlightened alone two days before the enlightenment ceremony."

"I didn't expect her to be the one talking to me, then I'm not on a pirate ship, ah, it's hard!"

Seeing the girl's frightened appearance, Bai Qi smiled skillfully and said, "Remember, you will be my man from now on."

"Except for paying the protection fee every month, you can do whatever I say in the future. If not, hehe!"


The fan was opened, revealing a hideous and terrifying skull on the other side.

"Yeah!" The girl was so frightened that she kept nodding her head like a chicken chopping rice, and hurriedly said, "Bai Lisu remembers it!"

Seeing this, Bai Qi smiled complacently, and immediately looked for the next little girl who could be easily subdued.

She planned the easy ones and then the hard ones.Implement the mediocre plan to encircle the elite.From female to male, all students in this class are unified.Turn them into a political force for him and Bai Ningbing to compete for the mating rights of Baijiazhai.

"Before I deal with Bai Ningbing, I'll take that guy Bai Shangshu first."

"This guy's qualifications are not as good as mine, his background is not as good as mine, and his evil deeds are not as good as mine, but he can barely be an appetizer before I deal with Bai Ningbing!"

At this moment, Bai Qi had already thought of several ways to concoct Bai Shangshu in his mind.

"Hmph, stinky daddy, it's a good idea to give the Baijiazhai to Bai Ningbing!"

Thinking of Bai Ningbing's handsome face, Bai Qi's eyes turned red, with a hint of sullenness and jealousy, he gritted his teeth and said:

"See if I don't take the fiancée prepared for you by the stinky daddy first, and give you a good-looking antler!"

Think about this.

Bai Qi secretly glanced at Bai Xianyu.

"There is such a good-looking beauty, whose appearance is not inferior to those three triplet wives who just came in. In terms of temperament, she is even better than those triplet wives."

Looking at Bai Xianyu, Bai Qi was immediately attracted by this elegant and refined temperament like a lotus.

(Antlers, in Baijiazhai, mean the same as a green hat, and the inspiration was taken from Russia. Book friends with Russian friends remember not to give people antlers, otherwise they will not know what happened if they were beaten violently by the fighting nation.)
(End of this chapter)

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