Chapter 154
No one paid attention to Bai Ningbing's laughter, everyone's eyes were on Baimang.

"The situation is already obvious!"

"It should be the Baimang thief calling for the thief!"

"Such a powerful design, such a vicious scheming, such a ruthless heart!"

"It seems that Bai Miaocai should have been killed by Bai Mang. Then he will blame Bai Xianyu. If this plan succeeds, take them lightly, Bai Mang is very scheming!"

"Otherwise, how could he be the head of the Foreign Affairs Office!"

"Why is he targeting Young Master Xianyu so much? He is usually very targeted. I remember that the patriarch once suggested that Young Master Xianyu should succeed him as the elder of the family, and that time Baimang yelled the most fiercely."

"What else can I do, I'm afraid that Bai Xianyu will settle accounts after autumn!"

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"This matter starts with Bai Enpei, the beginning of the grudge between their two lines, the details are as follows."

"So that's the case, so this is the reason why Bai Mang plotted against Bai Miaocai's father and daughter. I said, how could Bai Mang keep targeting Bai Xianyu and the others!"

Accompanied by the whispers of the elders around, the grievances between Bai Enpei's line and Bai Mang's line were gradually revealed.

Now, there is also a motive for killing.

For a moment, everyone believed in the parrot's words and looked at Baimang warily.

Watching this scene, the parrot secretly let out a sigh of relief.

She is indeed dead.

Unfortunately, she is not Bai Xianyu's death room, but Yuanyang's death room.

Back in time a few days ago.

That day, Bai Xianyu entered Bai Miaocai's room, and used ventriloquist to imitate Bai Miaocai's voice.

She and Yuanyang both recognized the voice.

Thinking of this.

The memory of the parrot couldn't help but fluctuate back to the Lishui boat that day.

That day, Yuanyang asked her to go for a swim in Lishui, and she agreed by accident.

As soon as Xiaozhou arrived in the center of the river, he heard Yuanyang Ruo have a deep meaning: "Sister Parrot, you also heard it that day!"

The parrot naturally heard it, but he dared not admit it, but said: "What did you hear, I don't understand what you mean!"

"Sister Parrot, is it useful to deceive yourself?"

Yuanyang looked at Lishui and said to himself: "If you want others to not know, you must do nothing yourself!"

"That day, you heard what Miss said! You must have guessed in your heart!"

"Miss has always blamed the master."

"Maybe other people don't know about this matter, but how can my wife and our sisters who serve their mother and daughter not know about it! You want to bury this matter in your heart. But unfortunately, this matter has lingered in the You and I are pregnant, it is so easy to forget. If you talked in your sleep that day, you know how much influence you will have on the young lady. "

The parrot sighed softly, agreeing with Yuanyang's words.

Although Bai Xianyu was very gentle, both of them knew the fierceness in the young lady, and both felt that their guesses should be true in all likelihood.

Thinking of this, she said frankly: "Ms.'s ventriloquist is not perfect. That day, in addition to hearing her ventriloquism, I also heard her hesitation and struggle in her ventriloquism."

"As for why this is so, I have some guesses in my heart."

"My wife treats me like my own daughter, my life is my wife's life. Yuanyang, you are right, I can't harm my wife's daughter because of myself, so tell me what to do!"

Yuanyang took a deep breath and said, "You and I both have to die, only the dead can keep secrets!"

The parrot trembled, thinking of Lu Qiaoqiao who had always taken good care of her, she couldn't help crying: "Yuanyang, you are right. Only death can keep this secret. Therefore, you invited me to die with me on a shipwreck." Is it?"

Yuanyang nodded, but shook her head again.

She smiled and said with tears in her eyes: "Sister Parrot, I'm really happy that you can sacrifice your life for righteousness like me."

"It's just that death is not an easy matter! You and I can both swim, so death like this will definitely arouse suspicion."

"I don't need to talk about your position in the hearts of the madam. If you and I die, the madam and the miss will definitely investigate. If the death of the master is also exposed, once it is associated with someone who cares, maybe the truth will be discovered. Those who know that Miss can ventriloquist, such as Miss Mingzhu, Miss Qinger, they may even make up their minds that Miss is trying to kill us."

The parrot was stunned, and asked: "Then what do you say, you know more than me when you accompany the young lady to read books all the time!"

Yuanyang pondered for a moment, then said: "Well, let me beat you to death, and say that I beat you to death because of a quarrel. In this way, Madam will probably beat me to death too. In this way, we are both dead. In fact, you are better than I am older and stronger than me, so it stands to reason that if we quarrel, it would be more reasonable for you to kill me. It's just that you still have grandpa, if you beat me to death, I'm afraid Miss will blame your grandpa."

The parrot pondered for a moment, took a deep breath, sighed up to the sky, and decided to die: "It makes sense, you can do it!"

Yuanyang shook her head and said, "Wait, I still think it's wrong!"

The parrot was speechless, and complained: "I let you beat me to death, what's wrong with you!"

Yuanyang said: "What if someone still thinks about the matter of the master? I heard that the Xiangsheng Hall can talk to ghosts. What if someone looks for you and my ghosts in the past few days!"


The parrot was speechless, and said directly: "Then just plant the suspect!"

"That's right!" Yuanyang's eyes lit up, and he said, "Sister Parrot, you are too smart, come on, let's make a total calculation, how will we collude confession after we both die!"

"Yuanyang, you are so smart, with such a design, Miss will be blamed for killing her father!"

The past dissipated like water.

The soul of the parrot secretly glanced at the Qiaoyan Tower not far away, where Mrs. Lu Qiaoqiao treated her like a daughter.

But at this time, Bai Mang said: "Hehe, don't think that I am so easy to be designed, I still have evidence!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone couldn't help but be silent.

Baimang smiled coldly, took out a ladybug-like Gu insect with compound eyes of a fly, and said: "Hmph, rank three Gu master, how can you allow me and other mortals to plan like this!"

"Speaking of which, I'm lucky!"

"Because I seldom use soul path Gu worms, I don't know what effect the soul path Gu worms borrowed from Xiangshengtang have. Can the soul-trapping worms hold souls?"

"So, I prepared a photo-recording Gu to record in advance. I thought this Gu was useless, but I didn't expect it to be my evidence!"

"It's my fate!"

As soon as Baimang's words fell, he began to activate the video recording Gu to release the image of talking with the parrot.

I saw that under the urging of Baiyin Zhenyuan.

The compound eyes of the Photo Preserving Voice Gu shoot a strange light towards the ground from the compound eyes like ordinary flies.

In the strange light, an image gradually appeared.

This is Lishui!

On the Lishui, Baimang was driving a small boat, urging the soul-calling Gu along the way.

In the sound of soul calling, dots of blue light spots emerged, and the souls of fish and shrimp emerged from them.

Seeing this scene, the parrot's heart trembled, she was terrified, she didn't know that the Gu Master had such a method at all.

Sure enough, it didn't take long.

He saw her figure emerging from the blue light.

Under the miraculous effect of Tongyou Gu, she and Baimang gradually began to communicate.

In the video, Bai Mang said with a dignified expression: "Girl, this old man is Bai Mang from the Foreign Affairs Office of Baijiazhai. He came here today to investigate the truth of your death. If you have any grievances, please tell me!"

"It's a mandarin duck!" The parrot sternly said, "It's a mandarin duck who wants to kill me!"

"Yuanyang knows that I can hear the news that the lady killed the master, and she wants to kill me to silence it!"

"Oh! Bai Xianyu wants to kill Bai Miaocai!" Bai Mang's eyes lit up and he said, "What's going on here?"

But the parrot said: "My lord, the details are here!"

In it, the parrot expressed its guess about Bai Xianyu's matter, and also made an appointment with Baimang to testify.After that, it was Bai Mang who placed the parrot in the soul restraining Gu.

And the image of Recording Voice Gu also stops here.

Seeing this scene, all the elders couldn't help looking at the parrot angrily.

This is very different from what she said before.

This lowly maidservant dared to play with so many of them in his hands, he deserved to be killed!

Facing the ferocious eyes of the elders, the parrot's face turned pale instantly.

Bai Mang snorted coldly, and said: "Baby maid, I didn't expect that! The power of a Gu master is beyond the imagination of a mortal like you. As long as a Gu insect is used well, it is enough to turn the situation around."

(End of this chapter)

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