Chapter 158 Fighting Gu
The two had a long-standing enmity, and now they had a quarrel, and no one else could say anything after starting the Gu fighting process.

They can only find an open space to watch this Gu fighting meeting.

Duanchou slope.

This is a small hillside in Baifu.

It is the place where people usually exercise with Bai Xianyu, and it is usually here for running and boxing.

At this moment, this place became the place where Bai Xianyu and Baimang fought Gu.

Bai Jiaping stood in the middle of the battlefield, and couldn't bear to say: "Dou Gu must be executed with the consent of both parties. Is it really necessary for you to go this far?"

"The hatred of humiliating one's father is irreconcilable."

"I have made up my mind, and it is hard to suppress my murderous intent."


Bai Jiaping sighed softly, and was about to announce the start.

Baimang smiled slyly and said, "Wait!"

"Oh, did you give up?"

"Old thief Baimang, are you afraid of me?"

Facing the questions from Bai Jiaping and Bai Xianyu, Bai Mang smiled lightly and said, "Bai Xianyu, I will be afraid of you! The old man has eaten more salt than you have eaten!"

"However, since you dare to fight against me, you probably think that you have a good chance of winning by defeating me. Unfortunately, I have a hidden card!" At this time, I only heard Bai Mang say: "Bai Gouqin, you owe me a favor." It's time to pay back! Those three Gu worms, you can lend me this time!"


Bai Gouqi sighed quietly, and said with a miserable expression: "I knew you were not in favor, this time it's unlucky!"

Even so, Bai Gouqi still kept his word and lent out his Armor Gu, Injury Gu and Taunt Gu.

Seeing this scene, Bai Xianyu's eyes turned cold, and he stared at Bai Gouqin firmly.

Bai Gouqi didn't dare to look at Bai Xianyu, but his expression became more miserable.

This is a favor he owed a long time ago.

Now, it's debt collection time.


Holding the three Gu worms tightly, Baimang laughed wildly, and said to himself: "Bai Xianyu, I didn't expect that."

"The old man still has a hole card."

"I have found out what happened to you this morning. I know it can be very powerful, but unfortunately, you seem to be unable to break through the defense of this Gu worm. Now, I am invincible. You just run away, Flee to the sky, wait for your real energy to activate the Butterfly Wing Gu to run out, and die!"

"Of course, you can also leave, but according to the family rules, those who escape from the Gu Fighting Conference will be regarded as traitors, and your Baifu will be ransacked and beheaded!"

"Once the war starts, you don't think you can use up my true energy! I advise you to give up, it's not bad to be a turtle obediently."

"very good!"

Bai Xianyu smiled happily.

There was no trace of murderous intent in the bright blue eyes, and there were also beautiful white teeth that were neat and tidy.

Looking at the confident Baimang, Bai Xianyu praised: "As expected of a person who can occupy the position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for so long, he does have means, unlike ordinary villains who are brainless. An opponent like you will die on my behalf." It's not an insult to me!"

On the side, all the family elders secretly sighed in their hearts for Baimang's scheming.Of course, it was Bai Xianyu's youthful vigor that made him sigh even more.Obviously he could give up, but he worked so hard to avenge his father's humiliation.

"Haha, crazy!" Bai Mang laughed, and said with confidence: "Master Patriarch, you can announce the start!"

Seeing that both of them had made up their mind to kill, Bai Mang couldn't say anything more.With Baimang announcing the start, Baimang called out the big snake with blue scales, stepped on the python, held a trident, and laughed loudly: "Bai Xianyu, die now!"

After finishing speaking, he rushed towards Bai Xianyu aggressively.

However, facing the menacing Baimang, Bai Xianyu remained calm.

I only heard Bai Xianyu whispering softly: "Bai Mang, do you know? It may be very difficult to crack a Gu worm, but it is not necessary to crack a Gu worm to kill people. What is the secret of killing?" Someone with a high status like you can understand!"

"Haha, it's already this moment, don't be crazy, what can you do to me, let's use your Butterfly Wing Gu to escape in embarrassment, and see if you can use your ice needle and water arrow to consume my true essence in the air .”

Baimang laughed wildly, and drove the big snake with green scales to kill Bai Xianyu.

At this time, Bai Xianyu gently stretched out his left hand, put the palm flat on his mouth, and said: "This is a method I modified based on someone's ultimate move, it's called Lengfeng!"

After all, the stream came to Bai Xianyu's palm, turning into water mist and vapor.As for Bai Xianyu, he blew lightly at Baimang and launched a killer move brazenly.

Stream Gu, water cold Gu, fogging Gu, whirlwind Gu, whirl heel Gu.

Ultimate move - cold wind.

With one mind and five functions, the five gus play.

I saw a water-absorbing tornado blowing out from Bai Xianyu's mouth.

Twenty percent of the pale silver real yuan evaporated in an instant.

A cold wind blows from Bai Xianyu's mouth.

Rolling faster and faster, getting bigger and bigger,

Finally, it turned into a tornado more than ten feet wide, sweeping up the rushing white light.

Look at this familiar scene.

Everyone in Baijiazhai couldn't help feeling very familiar.

Bai Ningbing couldn't help but snorted coldly, looking at Bai Xianyu's ultimate move with an ugly expression.

That's right.

Bai Xianyu's ultimate move was adapted from his Ice Blade Storm and the cold current that Bai Shigong had not yet created.

Moreover, judging by its power, it was much stronger than Bai Ningbing's Ice Blade Storm.


Bai Xianyu's ultimate move was not like Bai Ningbing's way of letting the ice blade kill the enemy.

Instead, the cold wind directly blows people up and rolls them to death.

I saw that the green-scaled snake and Baimang were both rolled up by this water-absorbing tornado and flew high into the sky.

The cold wind and icy water droplets slapped on their bodies.

Not long after, the green scale snake was frozen to death.

Baimang gritted his teeth, tried his best to activate the armor Gu defense, and resisted with difficulty.

I saw that under the intensive attack of the water droplets and cold wind, the armor of the stacking armor Gu was broken one by one.

The power of Bai Xianyu's ultimate move can only be considered good, and Bai Mang is confident that he can resist it with the armor-stacking Gu.

But soon, Bai Mang discovered something more difficult than resisting the ultimate move.

Bai Xianyu's ultimate move is not strong in lethality, but in its ability to trap people.

He was swept up by the wind and couldn't move at all.

It didn't take long for him to feel the real danger coming.

He can't breathe.

The air around him was so intense that he couldn't breathe.

Besides that, these air currents are also very cold.

Very cold, as cold as ice.

These airflows were swept together with water droplets, mist, and water vapor. Once he breathed, this airflow would freeze all the way down the trachea until it hurt his lungs.

Bai Xianyu didn't talk big, killing this person doesn't have to break the opponent's defense Gu.

This is a sinister killer move that is different from the conventional one.

Bai Mang's face turned red from being suppressed, and he was suffocated.

After a long time, the wind stopped.

He and the big snake with green scales fell to the ground lightly.

Both of them can die.

One was cold to death, and the other was suffocated to death.

Seeing this scene, all the family elders couldn't help trembling, looking at Bai Xianyu's figure in fear.

Baimang is at the peak of the third rank after all.

He is a three-rank master second only to Bai Jiawei and Bai Gouqin.

He actually lost to Bai Xianyu with only one move, even with the stacking armor Gu.

Bai Gouqin looked at this scene with the most broken mind.

He has always been proud of his defense, even the Beast King dared to resist.

But today, Bai Xianyu told him that stacked armor can only be beaten.

Bai Jiaping's expression was also complicated.

Bai Xianyu was really amazing.

Stunning like a monster.

Some time ago, he had heard that Bai Xianyu would use Bai Ningbing's ultimate move.At that time, he thought it was Bai Ningbing who shared it with Bai Xianyu, and he was very happy about it for a long time.From now on, it seems that Bai Xianyu created that ultimate move himself.

Bai Ningbing is excellent, and so is Bai Xianyu.

But the two of them seem to have no intention of peeing together.

For a while, Bai Jiaping couldn't help but worry about gains and losses.


Looking at Baimang's corpse, Bai Xianyu snorted coldly, turned around and walked towards Bai Miaocai's corpse, angrily said: "Everyone, please leave, forgive Bai Xianyu for not sending me off!"

At this moment, Bai Xianyu felt a cold wind blowing behind him, and instinctively called out the ice blade to slash back.

"Go to hell!" Bai Mang's hair was disheveled, and he stabbed Bai Xianyu with a trident in his hand.

Ice Blade is only Rank [-] Gu.

It shatters at the touch of a trident.

Although the Water Armor Gu is rank three, it belongs to the water channel and is restrained by the Water Dividing Trident.

I saw the trident in Baimang's hand cut off the ice blade, separated the water armor, pierced Bai Xianyu fiercely, put it on the ground, and laughed wildly: "Smelly girl, this old man is the elder of the Baijiazhai family, and his ability to hold his breath is the best in the world. The next time you rolled over!"

"Whirring whirring!"

Bai Xianyu grabbed the head handle of the water dividing halberd with difficulty, and kicked Baimang away with a fierce kick.

Feeling the sharp pain in the chest, and the force of the shock on the leg bones.

Bai Xianyu looked at Baimang with a dazed gaze, and smiled softly, "Hehehehe, I underestimated you."

In just a moment, Bai Xianyu quickly analyzed what Baimang had done before.

At that time, Bai Mang knew that he couldn't resist the cold wind at all, so he gave up all defenses, gritted his teeth and used his body to fight against the cold wind, betting that Bai Xianyu would stop urging the ultimate move.

He had used ice muscle Gu to improve his body, so Bai Xianyu made a mistake in his judgment, thinking that he would be killed by the cold wind, so he didn't activate his ultimate move.

He fell to the ground, recovered his form secretly, and launched a sneak attack on Bai Xianyu when Bai Xianyu relaxed.

As expected of a person who tried in vain to raise a fourth force in Baijiazhai, he still did not give up hope in the face of desperation, and almost made a comeback with his quick wit and ruthlessness.

If it wasn't for Bai Xianyu's instinct for fighting, and his body was transformed with ice muscle Gu, he might have died in his hands.

"Don't even think about urging the ultimate move!"

But Bai Mang was kicked away by Bai Xianyu, shouted angrily, and quickly rushed towards Bai Xianyu with disheveled hair.

He knew that Bai Xianyu's ultimate move was terrible.

Even though his body was injured by Bai Xianyu's freezing, he didn't dare to give Bai Xianyu a chance to activate his ultimate move.


Bai Xianyu smiled softly, and the stream slammed together, slapping herself to the sky.

Looking at Baimang's gnashing of teeth, Bai Xianyu didn't seem to feel the severe pain of being blown away by the stream Gu.

Looking at Baimang with blurred eyes, he smiled softly and said softly: "Hehehehe, this time, you have no chance!"

Behind Bai Xianyu, the swallow's wings spread out, hovering in the air a little strangely.At the same time, he urged the master of the nine needles in the jade hand to rejuvenate, and inserted several ice needles into his body for treatment.

Bai Mang naturally wouldn't allow Bai Xianyu to recover from his chest injury, but his long-distance attack Gu insects only had Snowball Gu.

Although this Gu is powerful, but its speed is not fast, and its size is huge, it is okay to deal with wild beasts, but it seems a bit powerless to deal with Gu masters.

Either dodged by Bai Xianyu or smashed into pieces by the stream, Baimang couldn't hurt Bai Xianyu with all his strength.


Seeing that Bai Xianyu had recovered from his injury, he smiled lightly at Baimang and said, "Your opponent is interesting, maybe I will remember some time!"

After all, the cold wind blew again, and Baimang died.

(End of this chapter)

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