Chapter 17

The person guarding the warehouse of the school is a Gu master.

A young man of about 27 or so.

He is tall and strong, with a hint of Baijiazhai's unique femininity on his face.

Wearing a blue military uniform, he looked very capable.

On his head, he wore a dark green headband.Short jacket on the upper body, long trousers on the lower body, and bamboo straw shoes on the feet.

There is also a blue belt around the waist.

There is a bronze medal engraved with the word "一" on the belt.

He is a peak Gu master.

Seeing Bai Xianyu's arrival, the Gu Master's eyes flashed with astonishment, but that's all.

As a person who has been struggling in society for several years, his delusion has long been smoothed out by the cruel reality.Even though Bai Xianyu's appearance surprised him, he was very self-aware.

He glanced at Bai Xianyu indifferently and said casually, "Is the school girl here to get the clothes?"

Bai Xianyu nodded, looked at the young Gu Master with clear eyes, and said: "Brother, little sister Bai Xianyu, Grandpa Shi Gong asked me to come here to pick up clothes. Besides, there is also the No. 13 dormitory key."

"Grandpa Shigong, the place number is No. 13! This girl is not simple!"

The young Gu master thought to himself.

Can be called Grandpa Baishigong, the noble old man.

This woman is either blood related to Baishi Palace or gets along very close.

Just because of this, the young Gu master decided not to offend the girl in front of him.

As for No. 13, the dormitory of the school is divided into three levels: heaven, earth and people.

The human-level dormitory is an ordinary multi-person dormitory, which can accommodate four people. It is usually the residence of students with qualifications such as C and D.

On the prefecture level, it is a luxurious single room.Only Class B students and Class A students are eligible to stay.

The school only has fifteen prefecture-level dormitories.

As for the sky level, it is a separate small courtyard.

This is no longer a residence for students, it is a resting place for some high-level family members to visit here.

It can be said that the girl in front of me turned out to be a second-class student who had a good relationship with the elders of the school.

The young man glanced at Bai Xianyu unexpectedly, the indifference on his face subsided slightly, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

Smart people don't need to be more aggressive.

The young Gu Master said in a friendly manner: "Clan sister, come with me! There are a lot of clothes here. You see, the size is written on the cabinet, you can choose the one you like."

"By the way, my name is Bai Shuanghan."

"You can just call me Bai Shuanghan. I opened my own shop next to the school. If I have a chance, I can bring my friends to visit. I won't kill you on purpose."

Bai Xianyu said inwardly, but still smiled, and said sweetly: "Thank you, Brother Shuanghan!"

A moment of communication.

Bai Xianyu took the clothes and keys, bid farewell to Bai Shuanghan and walked to the No. 13 dormitory.

Land No. 13 is between a row of dormitories.

After Bai Xianyu came here, he found a tall willow growing outside his dormitory.

It's a pity that it's already the end of March, and the poplar flowers have already fallen, so I don't have the blessing to enjoy the beautiful scenery of catkins flying.

Bai Xianyu led Yuanyang and the others to tidy up the dormitory.

Ah San and Ah Si are all good at doing housework, and with the help of mandarin ducks, the dormitory is cleaned up in a short time.

"Go and rest under the willow tree first! I can handle the rest by myself, and I'll go home with you when I'm done!"

"Yes, miss!"

Ah San Ah Si bowed and left.

As for the mandarin ducks, the little girl looked as if she had fallen out of favor, with a soy sauce bottle hanging from the corner of her mouth, she said aggrievedly: "Miss, what about me, do I want to go out too?"

Bai Xianyu touched the little girl's head, and said dotingly: "You have to watch them two guys, this place is no better than Baifu, these two rough guys are not watching me, I'm afraid that something will happen to them, only You can reassure me just by looking at it."

"I'm going to take care of our girls' things, it's not convenient for the two of them to look at them."

"Don't worry, I'll fix it soon and go out to find you!"

Hearing what Bai Xianyu said, the little girl's face improved a lot, and she said, "Okay, Miss, I will take good care of them, and I will never let them leave the willow tree for five meters!"

Seeing the little girl go out, Bai Xianyu breathed a sigh of relief, lying on the bed, and began to think about the news he got today.

"The old devil is enlightened."

"Class C qualification, the same class as mine, but I don't know whether he was born 500 years ago or Spring Autumn Cicada was reborn."

"If it was 500 years ago, I would have left with the caravan before Bai Ningbing blew himself up, went to the East China Sea to hide my identity, practiced the Time Dao and Wisdom Dao silently without affecting the chance of the original work, and waited for the opportunity to refine Spring Autumn Cicada in advance or find Spring Autumn Cicada to activate it. It is a means of retaining memory in time to prepare for the next life."

"If Spring Autumn Cicada is reborn, then I don't have time to worry about it. I must seize the opportunity to grow as soon as possible, and cut off the Supreme Immortal Fetus Gu under the eyes of God and His Majesty to deal with the great changes in the Five Realms."

"As for the human race, fate, God's will, venerable, outer domain, what does this have to do with me!"

Bai Xianyu is clear.

Don't worry about the fate of the Venerable.

Without strength, oneself in this world is nothing more than a mass of bubbles that will disappear at some point.Only those who have power are qualified to talk about the fate of the venerable.

"Under the circumstances of the old devil's situation, I have to worry about the relationship between the three sisters of the Bai family. Only they can provide me with the old devil's information."

Bai Xianyu's eyes flickered, revealing a trace of coldness.

Ever since she decided to walk alone in the devil's way, Bai Xianyu has the consciousness to abandon everything except herself.

Even if it's a mandarin duck, even if it's Lu Qiaoqiao, Bai Xianyu can at most help out a little without affecting her.

As for the triplets.

Indeed, Bai Xianyu really regarded them as good girlfriends and good friends.

But so what?
It's a beautiful feeling, but only good.For a true devil, this kind of emotion has no meaning except to disturb the practice.

"Being enchanted is not an easy task!"

"But the taste after being enchanted is always fascinating!"

Bai Xianyu stretched out her jade hand, took a greedy breath of air, was intoxicated for a moment, sat up and thought about Bai Shangshu.

"This guy really sees me as a cargo!"

"Forget it, I will bear with you for a while for the sake of the plan to squeeze Baizhanzhuang in the future."

"Besides Bai Shangshu, that woman is also difficult to deal with."

Bai Xianyu naturally noticed the freckled flat-chested girl.

This girl who had never seen her before was easily associated with her identity by Bai Xianyu, who had been prepared for a long time.

The extremely vicious and fierce girl-Bai Qi.

Bai Xianyu has heard about Bai Qi's evil deeds, and it is indeed difficult to deal with them.

"However, taking advantage of the situation, the three Jinzhu sisters may not be able to protect themselves. They really can't handle it. The worst thing is to give up their appearance and her hypocrisy." Bai Xianyu's eyes showed a hint of ruthlessness towards herself, and said quietly: "Those who make big things, don't care Little section, what's the matter with mere girls!"

There is no sign of self, no sign of human beings, no sign of sentient beings, and no sign of life.

Pink skull, bones and flesh.

On the way of seeking the Tao, Bai Xianyu has long since awakened.

When necessary, it is to remove the uterus, cut off the organs, sacrifice to ugly and stupid beggars, pretend to be crazy, eat shit and urine, or even use Yin Yang Reincarnation Gu to transform into a man, Bai Xianyu is not too hard-hearted.

Mere hue.

However, the mist in the secluded mountain and the light of the water in the Liquan spring are just embellishments for people's ambitions.

Bai Xianyu has already found out, so what a pity.

"I sincerely say what I say!"

Bai Xianyu clenched her hands tightly, a flame burning in her eyes.

At this moment, a sad bird song suddenly came from outside the house.

"Go back quickly, go back quickly."

Bai Xianyu opened the door and looked up.

I saw the mandarin duck holding a bamboo pole and constantly dancing, trying to drive away a cuckoo flying near the willow tree.

Ah San Ah Si at the side sat blankly, not only did not stop, but also watched the little girl mess around.

Bai Xianyu's face darkened, and she said expressionlessly, "What's going on?"

"Ah, miss!"

Ah San and Ah Si hurriedly stood up straight as if they had been caught, not daring to say a word.

And the little girl Yuanyang.

She didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at all, so she stopped, looked at Bai Xianyu eagerly and said, "Miss, come and help, this blood-crying bird is the one that used to call when queuing up, it's going to put the egg born in the nest of the sparrow."

"If this stinky bird succeeds, all the eggs in the brood will be killed by this stinky bird!"

"Blood Crying Bird!"

Bai Xianyu was slightly silent.

Only then noticed this cuckoo.

"March is indeed the breeding season for cuckoos."

Bai Xianyu is familiar with the classics, so he naturally knows that this is a parasitic bird of the Rhododendron family that likes doves to occupy the nests of magpies.

The spawning period is from March to July.

They like to check the egg laying situation of other birds, and then lay their own eggs in other birds' nests on the same day.

A nest of eggs.

This blood cry bird will also be very clever to swallow an egg in the nest of other birds.

As for the other eggs, it doesn't care, because after fourteen days or so, when its chicks hatch, they will finish what they haven't done.

Its cubs will push out the cubs and eggs of other birds in the same nest, smash them to death, and then pretend to be the cubs of other birds with peace of mind, waiting to be fed.

The Bloodcrow is a notorious parasitic bird.

In the previous life, Zigui, Cuckoo was also a bird with this habit.

There are many stories about the bloodcrowing bird in southern Xinjiang, most of which are not good stories.

This is a nasty bird.

While its mournful song resonates with many poets, on the mortal level of less exposed cultures, the bird is inherently associated with evil.

Some ignorant mortals even rumored that this kind of bird would spread evil spirits and bring bad luck to those around them.

The mandarin ducks have followed Bai Xianyu for a long time, and their ears and eyes are fascinated. They have a certain level of cultural background, and with their childlike disposition, they naturally hate this parasitic bird.

Seeing this pestilent bird appear next to my young lady's dormitory, it's still tolerable, I have to drive it away.

"Bloodcrowing Bird, what's the difference between it and myself?"

Listen to the mournful cry of this blood-weeper.

Bai Xianyu didn't expect that the first time she felt empathy would be a bird.

But yes.

The Bloodcrow parasitizes other bird nests, and Bai Xianyu himself parasitizes Baifu, Baijiazhai, and even southern Xinjiang and the world.

After thinking for a while, Bai Xianyu said: "Mandarin duck, forget it, if you drive it away, it will also parasitize other bird's nests."

"As for killing it, the blood songbird is a rarity, so I can't bear to kill it! At worst, when its cub hatches, I will take it out and raise it myself."

"Don't worry, this brood of colorful sparrows is fine."

After hearing this, Yuanyang dissatisfied and said: "Miss, you are kind-hearted and compassionate, and you don't know that people in this world are sinister. This blood-screaming bird is worse than the bad guys among birds, it is a super evil bird!"

"Maybe there is something evil about it! If it lays eggs in other places, it's fine, I don't bother with Yuanyang. But if it wants to harm my lady in the girls' dormitory, Yuanyang will never let it succeed! Don't say Let the lady raise it, even if it is within one kilometer, I will not let it get close to the lady."

After all, the little girl drove the blood-crying bird even harder.

However, this bird's nest has been observed for a long time by this blood-screaming bird, and it is impossible to give up easily, it is also very persistent.

Looking at the mandarin duck who was loyal to him and tried his best to swing the stick, Bai Xianyu said expressionlessly: "But I want to raise it!"


Yuanyang was so pissed off by his young lady that she was speechless, with tears in her eyes.

Her miss has never teased her before!


Seeing this, Ah San and Ah Si also showed unbearable eyes.


Bai Xianyu sighed softly, approached the mandarin duck, hugged the little girl into her arms, and said softly: "Little girl, every creature has its own unique living habits, and it cannot be blamed for its way of life. I know you're doing it for my own good, but it's definitely not something evil, can you believe me?"

"If you still don't feel at ease, at worst, I won't keep it. I'll bring this bird out for others to keep. That's all right!"

"Yuanyang is good, don't cry, don't cry!"

Bai Xianyu coaxed her baby girl after coaxing her for a long time.

She looked at her young lady and compromised: "Miss can keep it if you want, but I must supervise it, sleep with me every night, let me keep an eye on it, and don't let it harm anyone."

"Okay, okay!" Bai Xianyu smiled lightly, scratched the little girl's nose, and said, "I let you stare at it, are you satisfied?"


The little girl hummed proudly.

Only then did he give up, laughing through tears.

She wiped away her tears, and said coyly: "Miss, miss, am I very useless, crying again like this!"

Bai Xianyu smiled lightly and said, "No, it's very cute!"

The little girl blushed, and she wanted to bury herself in Bai Xianyu's arms shyly. When she saw the tear stains on Bai Xianyu's chest, she couldn't help but said anxiously: "Ah, miss, I stained your clothes!"

Bai Xianyu touched the little girl's head with a smile, and said with a smile: "Hehehe, it's okay, let's go, let's go home!"

(End of this chapter)

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