Chapter 170 September
Time flies.

Before we knew it, it was September.

September is late autumn.

Except for the evergreen bamboos and pines and cypresses, the plants are still green.

On Qingmao Mountain, many other trees are already mixed with red and yellow, and some of them are hung with numerous fruits to attract people's appetite.

Due to seasonal reasons, some plants near Qingmao Mountain have begun to wither.

Affected by the environment, the number of small animal hordes and remnant wolves around Qingmao Mountain began to increase seasonally.

The danger of ordinary Gu masters outside the stronghold has greatly increased.

The beast tide became more and more dangerous, and the strength of the Gu masters dispatched from Baijiazhai began to grow stronger.

But even this couldn't kill the arrogance of the beast.

As time beats toward winter day by day, the animal hordes gradually become more and more frequent.

In this context, as in previous years, the elders in Baijiazhai began to discuss how to unite the other two forces to form the Qingmao Allied Forces to fight against the wolf tide.

In Baijiazhai, Baimang has always been in charge of handling the matter of going to Gu Yue's clan and Xiongjiazhai as envoys.

Baimang died, and this matter fell on Bai Tushan.

Yes, as a newly promoted family elder in the past two years, Bai Tushan was very lucky to take over Baimang's position and become the powerful elder in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

During the recent period, all the elders in Baijiazhai are discussing the matter of making an alliance.

Although the Qingmao Clan and the Gu Yue Clan have declined, they are still the Qingmao Lord in name.

According to common sense, this time it was still hosted by the Qingmao Clan.

As for Baijiazhai and Xiongjiazhai, they need to send special envoys to the Gu Yue clan to discuss the alliance.

Baitu Shanben intended to let Bai Chongshui take charge of this matter.

However, because of his masculinity, Bai Chongshui ruined many male Gu masters from other cottages.

And compared to the rough-looking Xiong family, the thin and handsome Gu Yue family is obviously more popular with her.

In the Qingmao Clan, she has too many sufferers.

And not only men, but also many female Gu masters who were forcibly adopted by her as boyfriends also hated her to the bone.

This time it's joining forces with other forces, so it's not good for her to go on a mission.

Affected by this, Baitushan's plan did not pass the resolution of the clan council.

But Bai Jiawei proposed to let Bai Bingji go on an envoy.

Bai Bingji is the successor of the medicine hall lineage.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this mission is a gold-plated mission.

Whoever leads the team to Gu Yue's village means that whoever is the No. 1 rank two Gu master in Baijiazhai.

This name is not small, and it will have considerable political weight in the future.

Therefore, the elders of the other two factions were not very willing to let him get this opportunity.

Some family elders even used the fact that Bai Bingji was defeated by Gu Yueqingshu in the alliance last year as an excuse to stop them.

Although Bai Bing has refined the Rhinestone Gu, which can be called the second-rank top grade Gu, his combat power has greatly increased.

But Gu Yue Qingshu's combat power is also much stronger than before.

If Bai Bingji presides over this mission, he will inevitably lose face if he meets Gu Yue Qingshu.

Several family elders had a tussle with Bai Jiawei.

In the end, Bai Bingji's chance to go on a diplomatic mission was snatched away by these old foxes.

This gold-plated opportunity, every elder wants to get involved.The several forces have been entangled for a long time, and they have not reached a consensus by arguing with each other.

Bai Xianyu also got involved.

He wanted to use the influence of his status as the young master and the connections he had accumulated from helping people refine Gu to win this gold-plating task into the hands of an older cousin in his lineage.

But a pity.

This task was finally decided by Bai Jiaping, and was obtained by one of Bai Xuemei's juniors.

It can be regarded as Bai Jiaping's win over Bai Mang's family.

In the past few days, Bai Xianyu and Bai Jiaping also proposed that they want to visit other cottages.

Unfortunately, these proposals were rejected by Bai Jiaping.

Bai Xianyu has great potential, and Bai Jiaping doesn't want Bai Xianyu to take risks.

Even if Bai Xianyu showed the Breath Containment Gu and makeup skills, he would not be able to hide his identity and visit other cottages.

At last.

Bai Xianyu still demonstrated some flying skills, saying that he could draw the topographic map of the Gu Yue clan before he was recognized.

This time, another meeting ended.

Bai Xianyu came out and walked towards the library alone.

"Leader, wait!"

Bai Xianyu turned his head to look.

Seeing Bai Caiwei in white clothes chasing after her.

Bai Xianyu couldn't help asking curiously: "Caiwei, what's wrong?"

Bai Caiwei hesitated for a while, but still chose to say: "The team leader, Bai Zhangkuang died, did you know the news?"

"Is Bai Zhangkuang dead too?"

Bai Xianyu looked sad, but his mind was running wildly, desperately trying to figure out who this person was.

But a pity.

After graduation, Bai Xianyu has too many things to do.

Especially the projected battlefield involved a lot of Bai Xianyu's energy.

Bai Xianyu really couldn't remember who this classmate named Bai Zhangkuang was.

After all, in Bai Xianyu's perception.Classmates are just classmates.

Seeing Bai Xianyu's sad expression, Bai Caiwei couldn't help but sighed quietly, and added in her head: "Boss, it seems that although you rejected his pursuit, you don't care about him at all!"


Bai Xianyu squeezed out a tear, and said with red eyes: "We are both clansmen, how could I not care about him!"

"It's just that, compared to my personal feelings, I have already decided to dedicate my whole life to the family."

"The meaning of my life is to practice for the rise of the family."

"Other than this, other emotions are burdensome."

"I only hope that I can be like the water of the Li River. Wash away the muddy and messy riverbed, so that the younger generation of the family can swim in a cleaner riverbed."

"On this road, sacrifice is inevitable."

"However, I believe that after my death, my soul will reunite with the heroic spirits of Baijiazhai at the Gate of Life and Death."

"When the time comes, I would like to drink a bowl of requiem water with them, and be a member of the Bai family in the next life."


Hearing Bai Xianyu's nonsense.Bai Caiwei was moved to tears, and the emotion of sacrificing for the family was surging in her heart.

"All right!"

Bai Xianyu forced a smile.

Patting Bai Caiwei on the shoulder, Bai Xianyu comforted her softly: "Okay, Caiwei, don't cry, we should be proud of Bai Zhangkuang's sacrifice, how can we cry? Get over it quickly. Please cheer up Only then can we continue to contribute to the family business!"

"Well, team leader!" Bai Caiwei nodded solemnly, and left with an extremely serious expression.

Seeing the back of Bai Caiwei leaving, Bai Xianyu turned around silently and walked towards the library.

During this period of time, Bai Xianyu researched water heat Gu, and his research on water impermanence was much stronger.

During the recent period, Bai Xianyu has been adjusting the temperature change of the water impermanence.

He intends to make his waterway ultimate move have the ability to switch between cold and hot temperatures at any time.

Just as Bai Xianyu was thinking about how to improve his ultimate move, Bai Caiwei ran over again, panting coquettishly, "Whoa, whoa, boss, wait!"

The corner of Bai Xianyu's mouth twitched, and said, "What's the matter, Caiwei?"

After Bai Caiwei adjusted her shortness of breath, she said, "Boss, I almost forgot. This is what Bai Zhangkuang teammates asked me to give to you. From what they said, it seems that Bai Zhangkuang wanted to give you this before he died. .”

After all, Bai Caiwei took out a gold hairpin and handed it to Bai Xianyu.

After receiving the golden hairpin, Bai Xianyu remained silent.

Before that, Bai Xianyu thought his gift would be something more valuable!

Like Gu worms or something.Even Bai Xianyu, a rank one Gu bug, wouldn't dislike it.

I didn't expect it to be a golden hairpin.

Gold is not very valuable, like this kind of gold hairpin, one primordial stone can make three new ones.

However, Bai Xianyu still showed a very moved appearance, put away the golden hairpin cherishing the matter, and was moved: "Although I don't like him, I am very moved by this feeling. I promise, this golden hairpin will I will definitely keep it safe!"


Bai Caiwei nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Leader, I'm leaving, don't cry! This is what you said, be optimistic, so that you can work hard to contribute to the family."

"Yeah!" Bai Xianyu smiled, and couldn't hide the want to cry behind the smile.

However, Bai Caiwei left very satisfied with Bai Xianyu's expression.She even thought to herself: "The team leader is a very nostalgic person!"

(End of this chapter)

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