Chapter 179 The Patriarchs
Lake Heart Pavilion.

Bai Jiaping stood by the pavilion with his hands behind his back, calmly looking at the blooming jade lotus in the pool.

I saw the jade lotus flowers in the pool made of jade, crystal clear all over, like colorless colored glass, shining mottled and shining under the light, which is really beautiful.

At this moment, a burly and strong man came forward and said, "Brother Jiaping, are you looking for me?"

The person who came was Baitu Mountain.

"Well!" Bai Jiaping said: "I can't make up my mind about one thing, and I want to hear your opinion!"

As soon as this remark came out, Bai Tushan suddenly said in amazement: "Brother Jiaping, in our village, I dare not say who is the most scheming, but when it comes to making decisions, it is definitely you who are the most courageous, brother, how can you be decisive?" What can't be done?"

"Ha ha!"

Bai Jiaping gave a wry smile, and suddenly asked, "Tu Shan, do you know the origin of our family?"

Bai Tushan said: "I only heard that they migrated from the outside world. As for where they migrated from, I don't know?"

After all, Bai Tushan also revealed his dark history and said: "Brother Jiaping, I am not afraid of your jokes. When I was young, I used to look through the materials and wanted to find my roots and ancestors. But unfortunately, I have tried hard and couldn't find it There are only a few words related to it. Now, I have let go of this matter, is there some secret in it?"


I saw Bai Jiaping nodded, and said sadly: "There is indeed a secret in it!"

"It stands to reason that this matter can only be told to those who have reached the age of 60 but are still willing to stay in the family."

Speaking of this, Bai Jiaping couldn't help but think of Bai Shigong.

In fact, simply reaching the age of 60 is not enough.

There is still a test to pass, that is, the test of being betrayed by the family and still being loyal to the family.

Once, he was very optimistic about Baishigong, and thought that this secret could be shared with him.

Sending Bai Shigong down was actually a test given to him by Bai Jiaping.If Bai Shigong passed the test, Bai Jiaping would tell him about it.

But it's a pity that although Bai Shigong loved his family, he chose to leave without even thinking of being wronged for the family.

Then, this secret can only have nothing to do with Baishi Gong.

But this time, there was an accident.

I saw Bai Jiaping said with a complicated expression: "This time, I encountered a problem that is really difficult to make a decision. I would like to ask you to refer to it, so I will tell you the secret!"

Facing Bai Tushan's expectant gaze, Bai Jiaping was silent for a moment, gritted his teeth, and said, "The secret is that our family is the descendants of the immortals!"

"The Remnants of the Immortals!"

Hearing this, Bai Tushan was shocked, and his face was full of disbelief.

Bai Tushan never imagined that this ethereal word could be related to the little Baijiazhai.

"Ha ha!"

"Yes, you heard that right!"

"We are the descendants of the immortals!"

After all, Bai Jiaping continued: "According to the anecdote passed down from generation to generation in the Bai family."

"2000 years ago, our Bai family lived in the blessed land of immortals and enjoyed the glory of immortals!"

"It was a carefree environment!"

"It's just that one day, the immortal came to our ancestor and said that he had offended many Gu Immortals outside. These enemies are uniting with each other recently, trying to create an irresistible and terrifying murder for him."

"In order to ensure that the blood of the family can survive this catastrophe, he placed some of the clan members in Qingmao Mountain, which is now the Baijiazhai."

"As for him, he will deal with the murder alone!"

"He promised that if he escaped the murder, he would take us back to the blessed land and continue to enjoy the blessings. If he could not escape the murder, he would also wash away all his memories before he died, leaving no trace of us to the hostile immortals. message."

Speaking of this, Bai Jiaping choked sadly: "At the time of parting, he gave our ancestors a law of ascension to immortality and a token. He said, if he can't come back alive, let us ascend to immortality ourselves. Fairy Queen, return to the original clan land with tokens, and inherit the wealth hidden in the sky!"

After all, Bai Jiaping had a sad face.

This fairy has not come back for 2000 years, the consequences can be imagined.

"The wealth hidden in the sky!"

Bai Tushan revealed a hint of longing, and muttered: "So, this is the origin of our family!"

"So, big brother Jiaping, our family now has the method to become an immortal?"

"Oh, it's hard to say!"

Bai Jiaping saw that he had finished speaking, so he continued: "There will be disasters in the promotion of immortals!"

"Calamity?" Bai Tushan asked suspiciously, "What is a calamity?"

"It is said that ascension to immortality will trigger changes in the world, thus brewing disasters!"

Bai Jiaping's eyes were gloomy, and he said eloquently: "In the existing books of our Bai family, it is recorded that in the thousand years after the death of the immortal in our Bai family village, seven top rank five Gu masters who were determined to hit the realm of Gu immortals were promoted to immortals. stories, but all of their Ascension results, without exception, ended in failure!"

Speaking of this, Bai Jiaping continued: "Do you know Liuyan Mountain?"


Bai Tushan nodded and said, "It is said that the magma erupted 700 years ago and turned the entire mountain into a glazed appearance. Could it be that?"

He thought of a terrible guess!
It's just that this is too unbelievable!

A whole mountain, how is this possible?

"That's right!"

But Bai Jiaping nodded in affirmation and said: "That mountain is the trace left by our Baijiazhai 300 years after the death of the immortal, the first rank five peak Gu master failed to attack the realm of Gu immortals. This is the mighty power of calamity! It easily turned the entire mountain into a glazed form."


Bai Tushan gasped, he couldn't imagine that the catastrophe of ascending to immortality would be so terrifying.

Without waiting for Bai Tushan to ask questions, Bai Jiaping continued: "Since that time, our Baijiazhai has been promoted outside every time. But without exception, they all ended in failure. As for the last immortal promotion The protagonist of the story is the protagonist who brewed the Huanhua Tribulation——His father, Patriarch Baisi of Baicaocao."

"This! Could it be that?" Bai Tushan suddenly had another guess in his heart.

"Yes!" Bai Jiaping said with a wry smile: "Senior Baicaocao's temperament has changed a lot because he watched his father's ascension to immortality disaster. However, there are also secrets in it!"

Bai Tushan asked curiously, "What secret?"

Bai Jiaping sighed quietly, but still said: "Senior Baicaozao is not a cruel murderer, the reason why he became like this is actually for the Baijiazhai!"

"For Baijiazhai?"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Tushan became more and more puzzled.

He knew the patriarch.

The protagonist of Huanhuajie.

It was he who severely injured the vitality of the Bai family village and cut off the inheritance. Since his generation, the family has become weaker and weaker.

In the Baijiazhai, none of the clansmen who knew about this incident wanted to dig him out and flog his corpse.

So notorious.

When he was in power, he was even overthrown by the clansmen.

His original intention turned out to be for Baijiazhai.


Bai Jiaping gazed leisurely into the distance, and narrated an old story.

Ever since Baicaocao knew about the catastrophe of ascending to immortality, he began to think about how to survive the terrifying disaster of ascending to immortality.

And he also thought of an idea.

"As for what the idea is, just follow me!" After finishing speaking, Bai Jiaping led Baitu Mountain to the center of the lake pavilion.

I saw Bai Jiaping a row of faucets and handrails.

Immediately, the mechanism started, and with the sound of Kakaka, the middle of the lake pavilion suddenly sank.A handful of Gu worms flew out of it, forming a small Gu formation in an instant.A mysterious light appeared and enveloped the two of them.In an instant, the two were teleported to an ice storage.

"This is the teleportation array!"

Bai Tushan said in surprise.

When he was about to ask in detail, suddenly, he saw an even more astonishing scene.

I saw that in front of him were dozens of coffin-sized ice cubes.

Among the ice cubes, the corpses of old people were sealed.

These corpses, even though they were frozen, still exuded a terrifying aura that made Bai Tushan's heart palpitate.

"This, this is the former patriarch, this is the former former patriarch!" Bai Tushan was dumbfounded, and said in disbelief: "This, these are the past patriarchs of our Baijiazhai?"


Bai Jiaping nodded, and said with a complicated expression: "This is the plan of senior Bai Caocao!"

"By watching Senior Baisi's ascension to Immortal Disaster, Senior Bai Caocao discovered that compared to the world, the power of the individual is too small."

"He has been thinking hard about the way to overcome the catastrophe."

"Since other people can successfully cross the tribulation, it must be possible to successfully cross the tribulation."

"But the power of the disaster is not something that mortals can survive."

"Later, when he was reading the article about Freedom Gu passed on by the Human Race, he suddenly had an inspiration."

"Since the Featherman can defeat the ancestors who are stronger than them through the strength of unity, can he survive the catastrophe through the strength of unity?"

"Since the strength of one person is not enough, can the strength of many people be enough? With the strength of many people, can one person conquer the sky and successfully cross the catastrophe?"

"Aware of the power of unity, he resolutely turned to the way of slavery, and devoted himself to researching the method of gathering the strength of everyone to overcome the catastrophe."

"And this is his achievement!"

"He plans that all patriarchs after him will preserve their bodies with the method of ice sleep when they are dying. After spending 2000 years and accumulating hundreds of corpses of rank four Gu masters, wait for another preparation A descendant of the Bai family who ascended to immortality."

"As soon as this clansman who wants to ascend to immortality appears, they can take out all their corpses and refine them into zombies."

"The corpse of a rank four Gu master can be refined into a blue body comparable to the king of beasts."

"As long as the catastrophe is not particularly weird, the combination of hundreds of blue guns is enough to protect the people from the catastrophe!"

"And for this trick, he named him Liezu Liezong!"

"I see!"

Bai Tushan nodded, and suddenly said: "So, this is the secret of that patriarch's research on zombies!"

Thinking of this, Bai Tushan said excitedly: "Then brother, there is a reason for that patriarch to snatch the clan's wives and concubines?"

"Ahem! Yes, of course, but it's a secret!" Bai Jiaping said.

However, Bai Tushan didn't know that Bai Jiaping was also beating drums in his heart at this moment.

A good wife should be considered a reason!
He shook his head, determined to suppress this matter, and he would not say anything to anyone except the next patriarch and the elders who passed on the skills.

Rape near kill.If it weren't for this reason, the Huanhua Tribulation would not have been so tragic.

"Cough cough!"

Bai Jiaping coughed lightly, and said, "Anyway, this is the secret of our Baijiazhai. Don't reveal it, or I'll make you look good!"

Bai Tushan scratched his head, and said with a stern face: "Brother Jiaping, can you still not trust my words?"

After all, Bai Tushan asked curiously: "Brother Jiaping, what about the secret method of ascending to immortality? Is there the secret method of ascending to immortality?"

"Oh, it's gone!" Bai Jiaping sighed quietly: "It has been lost since the Huanhua Tribulation. Only the patriarch and the elders of the family know about these core contents. With the Huanhua Tribulation, these details are gone!"

"This!" Bai Tushan didn't dare to say: "Is there no trace of immortality at all?"

Bai Jiaping said: "No, apart from the token, all I know about becoming an immortal is that there will be disasters and catastrophes."

"I don't know anything else."

"I don't even know the form of the disaster."

"All I know is that our ancestors in Baijiazhai failed to ascend to immortality seven times before 1000 years ago!"

"Shengxian, it's difficult!"

Speaking of this, Bai Jiaping said: "Okay, the situation is almost the same, it's time for you to help me refer!"

"Oh, what's the matter?"

Bai Tushan was very curious.

What is the undecidable matter that has made Bai Jiaping entangled until now.

"Here! Let's take a look at this thing first!"

After all, Bai Jiaping took out a dossier and threw it to Bai Tushan, saying: "I've been struggling with this matter since July, so much so that it's September and I haven't made a decision yet!"


Looking at this dossier, Bai Tushan was shocked.

Without it, because this scroll is filled with all kinds of deeds that Bai Xianyu has done.

Suspected of being inherited by a Gu master but not informing the family.

Harm the villagers, use mortal babies to refine Gu, suspected to be refining Dao stealing Gu worms.

Concealing the deeds of the demonic gu masters, and killing or capturing the demonic gu masters for refining Gu can help people advance to rank three.

After helping outsiders to open their minds, they will kill and refine Gu, and the Gu insects are the same as above.

Inheritance of Baishigong who is greedy for ink.

Secretly hoarding supplies and preparing to run away.

One by one, each piece was placed before Bai Tushan's eyes.

He couldn't believe it: "Bai Xianyu did this?"

He knew that this girl was very ruthless.

He killed his brother before he realized it.

But I didn't expect that this girl could be so vicious, so cruel, and so treacherous.

The most important thing is that she can still pretend to be soft and timid on the surface.


Bai Jiaping nodded and said: "If you want people not to know, you have to do nothing! If I didn't have a reversion Gu on my hand, I can see what happened in the past, I wouldn't know that this girl is so amazing!"

Speaking of which.

Bai Jiaping couldn't help but think of the results of his investigation when Bai Xianyu was locked up in July.

The girl Bai Xianyu.

Excellent beyond his surprise.

He has hidden a lot about Bai Xianyu in the dossier.

Through retracement Gu, he was fortunate enough to retrace the process of the girl's deduction of several Gu recipes in Bai Xianyu's room.

Hidden Scale Gu, Sneak Attack Gu, Strength Gu, Unbelief Gu, Seven Fragrant Wine Bug, Human and Animal Burial Gu.

Not to mention the ingenuity of these Gu formulas, the talent that surpasses the Dao refining masters is hard for him to imagine.

In addition, this girl seems to have a natural talent for using Gu.

No matter what kind of Gu, as long as it is in her hands, she only needs to open and close her eyes to master it perfectly, and even use them to conceive killing moves.

Water is impermanent, needles are hidden in the cotton, and nine needles are in the jade hand. He watched these killer moves slowly take shape from the draft.

She is just too good.

The best ones are even better than Bai Ningbing, Bai Jiaping is really reluctant to take down Bai Xianyu like this.

If not, he wouldn't have struggled for so long.

To tell the truth.

If it weren't for the fear that Bai Xianyu would be like the white grass trough, bringing another catastrophe to Baijiazhai.

He even had the idea of ​​giving up Bai Ningbing and letting Bai Xianyu be the patriarch.

This girl is really outstanding.

Thinking of this, Bai Jiaping couldn't help but think of how he felt when he secretly tried those killer moves.

Except for the impermanent form of water and the ultimate move of Lianwu which are too difficult to control, he has mastered the jade hand nine needles, cold wind and Mianli hidden needles.

This has already mastered three ultimate moves, it is perfect, and there is still a lot of room for growth.

On the basis of Bai Xianyu, he even raised these three ultimate moves to the fourth rank level.

With these three killer moves, he has the confidence to defeat the Patriarch of any of the other two cottages.

To be honest, he even felt that with this young girl's talent, she could even help her family dominate Qingmao Mountain after completing rank four.

this girl.

It should be the kind of person who can ascend to immortality in the legend.

If he has been raising this girl for a while, he probably won't be the girl's opponent.

After Bai Xianyu left Jinghu, he went to Jinghu again.

I have personally witnessed the madness of Bai Xianyu's practice.

That crazy state.

To be honest, he was really a little scared!
Especially after watching Bai Xianyu's calculation of the Gu recipe of the Rank [-] human and animal burial Gu.

Even though he was rank four, he still felt a kind of fear towards this girl.

You must know that rank four human and animal burial Gu requires a rank three virgin gu master to be the Gu material.

As for the young girl, if he guessed correctly, what she needs should be a Rank [-] human and animal burial Gu.

To research this Gu worm.

How much murder is the girl going to do!

Thinking of this, Bai Jiaping was afraid that Baijiazhai would be implicated and destroyed by this girl.

(End of this chapter)

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