Chapter 20 Birth Gu

After Zhang Tieniu registered the selected Gu worms for the students who came out, he looked up at Bai Xianyu who had already lined up in front of him, and said, "Next!"

"Then I will enter first!" Bai Xianyu said: "After you get the Gu worms, come to my dormitory, and we will talk in detail."

"Go quickly, remember to come out early!"


"Xianyu, good luck!"

The three sisters responded one by one, and Jin Zhu even pushed Bai Xianyu forward, signaling Bai Xianyu to move faster.

Seeing that Jin Zhu was more anxious than himself.

Bai Xianyu smiled slightly.

Smiling and nodding to Zhang Tieniu at the side, he walked gracefully into the Gu room like an orchid in an empty valley.

I saw that the walls of the Gu room were made into partitions, and the embedded squares were next to each other.

The grids are big and small, the big ones are no bigger than a casserole, and the smaller ones are no bigger than a fist.There are all kinds of utensils placed in the dense lattice, some are gray stone pots, some are green jade plates, some are delicate straw cages, and some are pottery stoves.

Gu worms of various shapes are filled in these containers.

Some are silent, and some are very lively.

Make various noises such as creaking, rattling, rustling and so on.

There is also a shallow pool in the center of the room, in which is the unique Gu worm stream Gu of Baijiazhai Gu masters.

Taking a look at the Gu room, Bai Xianyu didn't browse too much, and walked directly to the central pool without hesitation.

Yes, Bai Xianyu had already thought about the process of queuing.

Just choose stream Gu as natal Gu.

The so-called natal Gu is the first Gu refined by a Gu master.The practice of intercourse with life is very mysterious.

The biggest advantage of natal Gu over non-natal Gu is that it will not be destroyed after refining.

In addition, natal Gu also has an important relationship with the school of ascending immortals.

It is precisely because of this that Bai Xianyu did not refine the wine worm.

Reaching into the water pool with Xiu's hand, Bai Xianyu patiently selected among them until she saw a better-looking Gu.

"Just it!"

I saw that the size of the white stone in his hand is suitable, the surface is smooth and clean, the color is like white jade, and its appearance is considered top-notch among all stream Gu.

Holding the stream Gu in the palm of his hand, without looking at the other Gu insects, Bai Xianyu chose to leave directly.As for whether there is Cleansing Gu in the Gu house, Shuotu Gu and Jade Skin Gu don't care.

Stream Gu.

It was Bai Xianyu's best choice after thinking about it.

In fact, Dao refining is the best among the four options.

But before refining Dao creates some powerful ultimate moves, the lethality of refining Dao is limited.

Practicing Dao, the early combat power will be very weak.

It is impossible for Bai Xianyu to major in this kind of Gu Dao with little combat power.

Wooden path is the next choice.

It's just that although Wood Dao is strong, the first-rank Jade Skin Gu only has defensive ability.This is inconsistent with Bai Xianyu, who has a projected battlefield and is in urgent need of combat power.

Moreover, Jade Leaf Gu has not been refined together, and Jade Skin Gu itself does not match Wood Dao, it belongs to Earth Dao Gu.

It's fine if there is no projection battlefield. It's not that Bai Xianyu can't bear to have only defensive means.But since there is a projection battlefield, it is natural not to choose a Gu that only has defensive power.

As for dirt roads.

In terms of combat power, there is nothing to say.

His family's three ways of water, wood and soil are inherited. Although the earth way can only be used for three turns, its pure combat power may be the strongest of the three ways.

It's just that it is troublesome to feed Shuotu Gu, the food is alluvial gold, which is a kind of food that needs to rely on the village.

Baijiazhai has a department in charge of panning gold in Huanglongjiang, but the production of alluvial gold is limited.

Raising Gu is like raising a lover.

Raising a lover is for enjoyment. If it is troublesome to raise, even if the lover is still alive, it is recommended to change it.

Bai Xianyu's ambition is to get out of Baijiazhai, which means that Bai Xianyu will not choose the dirt road.

As for the other dozen or so options, you can only use the second rank, which may be a good choice for the C-level qualification and the D-level qualification, but it is suspected of wasting the B-level qualification on Bai Xianyu.

Therefore, Bai Xianyu's best choice is Stream Gu.

The advantage of Stream Gu is that its upper limit is high.

The disadvantage is that it is difficult to master, and the abilities are too mediocre.

Bai Xianyu has a projection battlefield, and the proficiency in mastering stream Gu in two or three days is estimated to be at the level of others in one or two years.

The difficulty of mastering stream Gu is not a problem for Bai Xianyu.

Stream Gu has many functions, but each function is a bit mediocre compared to specialized Gu, but this mediocre comprehensive ability is exactly what Bai Xianyu needs.

As for the food of Stream Gu, it is nothing more than fine sand.

Compared with alluvial gold, I don't know how much more convenient it is to obtain materials.

Without wasting time checking other Gu insects, Bai Xianyu picked up the stream Gu and left.

As soon as he left the Gu room, he heard Zhang Tieniu say: "Student, just register and select the Gu worms and then you can go home!"

Bai Xianyu nodded, and told Zhang Tieniu about the stream Gu.

After that, Bai Xianyu greeted the three sisters and left first.

Not long after, Jin Zhu Ming Zhu came one after another.

Jin Zhu chose the flame Gu.

Flame Gu feeds on oil, consumes less real energy, and has limited lethality. It is generally used for lighting or as a fire source.

Jin Zhu intends to take care of the warehouse, and choosing the Flame Gu will make it easier to count the goods at night in the future.

And the flame Gu will also be useful for cooking in the future.

Spreading the Flame Gu in his palm, Jin Zhu said: "Xianyu, Xianyu, I chose the Flame Gu, how about I show you the Fire Control Technique in the evening!"

After finishing speaking, Jin Zhu snapped his fingers, as if a ball of flames would appear between his fingers.


Bai Xianyu shook his head helplessly, originally he wanted to praise Jin Zhu for choosing well, but it turned out that you chose randomly.

As for Mingzhu, she didn't say anything, she silently took a fertile soil Gu and let the two of them look at it.

The Gu worm she chose is Fertile Soil Gu, this Gu can fertilize the land, and it is a commonly used Gu worm for producing Gu masters.

Food is fire soil or dung water.

Needless to say, manure water.

Fire soil is the land that has been buried with plant ash for two months. It is an artificial fertilizer used by mortal farmers to enrich the land.

Seeing the Fertile Soil Gu, Jin Zhu laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Mingzhu, you actually chose a Gu insect that feeds on dung water, I am so laughable! Let those little snakeskins in the school know what's in their hearts. The little fairies actually fed Gu with dung water, I can't imagine their expressions."

"Just laugh!"

Mingzhu looked at it very much, and said: "I just want to use it to grow some flowers and plants, what others think has nothing to do with me."

Mingzhu people are as indifferent as chrysanthemums, happy to know their fate, don't care about honor, disgrace and interests, and live the most casual life.

She played with the fertile soil Gu in her hand contentedly, completely ignoring her sister's sneer, and was already thinking about what kind of flowers to plant in her mind.

Bai Xianyu stood aside, pursing her lips and chuckling.

I thought in my heart, if I hadn't seen the ancient world, I hadn't experienced this special childhood.

Maybe, I am another pearl.

Jinzhu was bored, and said: "Oh, why is that girl Yinzhu still not coming, is it so difficult to choose!"

When Mingzhu heard this, there was also a hint of worry in her eyes.

Bai Xianyu said: "Yinzhu decides the strength of cultivation temporarily. I didn't prepare at all before, so it's not easy to choose. It takes time to check the Gu worms, and it takes time to make a decision."

Yinzhu is indeed not a good choice for Gu worms.

Because there are a lot of precious Gu worms in the Gu house.

There are Black Boar Gu and White Boar Gu which increase strength permanently, and there is also Jade Skin Gu which is the most precious among Skin Gu.

If only that's the case.

There is also a Gu that Yinzhu was craving for very much before—Thinking Gu.

Thinking Gu can help the brain to think about problems.

Yinzhu was very eager before.

Yinzhu's original plan was to rely on the power of the family to be the think tank of the family's decision-makers.In the future, marry the elder or patriarch in power, and be his good wife who advises and advises.

It's just that the Thinking Gu is too rare, Bai Yinzhu never expected to meet this Gu.Coupled with being teased by Bai Xianyu, he also had the idea of ​​​​cultivating strength.But at this moment, looking at this thought gushing Gu that is much more precious than the wine worm, Yin Zhu found that she really couldn't refuse.

Yinzhu struggled repeatedly in her heart, thinking about the past, present and future in her mind.

It wasn't until Zhang Tieniu urged him five times impatiently, and even the students behind him booed impatiently, that Bai Yinzhu finally made a decision.

She gritted her teeth and left decisively with the white boar Gu.

"Xianyu, you won!"

"Compared to being a vassal of other people, I still prefer to have power myself."

"In Ren Zu's biography, Ren Zu chose power over strength and wisdom. I think I already understand the reason why he chose it!"

As for buying Hog Gu after choosing Chung Thought Gu, Yin Zhu didn't even think about it.

Hog Gu can be encountered but not sought after, if you give up, you may not be able to meet it if you are chosen by others.

Thinking Gu can help to think, and it is indeed very precious, but at this stage, Thinking Gu doesn't add a single bit of power.

(End of this chapter)

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