Chapter 22

Relying on Qingjiangshan Building.

Bai Xianyu opened the wine cabinet and put the two jars of sealed sweet-scented osmanthus wine into the wine cabinet, then nodded in satisfaction.

"I didn't expect my wine shop to be able to research sweet wine other than honey wine. Although it is not as good as the golden honey wine from Xiongjiazhai, it can barely be used for refining gu. This is a surprise, it can save me a lot of money. Less effort."

Looking at the white grain wine, bitter shell wine, and sweet-scented osmanthus brewed in the wine cabinet, Bai Xianyu nodded in satisfaction.

"You don't have to worry about sweet wine, now you need sour wine!"

"Next month is the season of yellow plums. Maybe I can prepare the first-class red bayberries in advance to brew by myself. Otherwise, if I miss this time, it will be troublesome to get sour wine. Maybe I won't have the chance until next year."

According to his current qualification resources, Bai Xianyu is sure that he will be promoted to the second rank this year.

In order not to slow down his practice, Bai Xianyu had no choice but to prepare the ingredients for the Siweijiuworm in advance.Now, except for a wine worm and a sour wine, most of the refining materials have been collected.

"It's just that good sour plums are hard to find."

Bai Xianyu had a headache.

Sour plums are very common in southern Xinjiang. They are grown in Xiongjiazhai and Guyueshanzhai, but not in Baijiazhai.

Baijiazhai is on the backlit side of Qingmao Mountain, and behind it is the cliff waterfall of Qingmaohou Mountain.

Although they also rely on mountains to eat mountains, but this mountain is not Qingmao Mountain, there are many barren mountains near Qingmao Mountain.

Therefore, it is not easy for Bai Xianyu to get good fresh sour plums.

But Bai Xianyu is not in a hurry, the girl is full of confidence in whether she can get the sour wine.

"Under heavy rewards, there must be brave men."

"Maybe someone in Baijiazhai is greedy to plant a bayberry or two, and there may be wild bayberry near Baijiazhai."

"As long as I am willing to pay a considerable amount of primordial stones, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs assigns a mission that requires Yangmei, it may not be impossible to get it."

"It's really not possible, I can still ask the three sisters of Jinzhu. With their relationship, it is also possible to ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to help purchase some when they go to Guyue Village and Xiongjia Village to perform diplomatic missions."

"And I can wait for the caravan. As a common fruit in southern Xinjiang, bayberry is not uncommon in caravans. Maybe there will be ready-made bayberry wine."

"It doesn't matter if there is no bayberry, there is more than one kind of sour wine in the world."

As a master brewer, Bai Xianyu naturally has his own methods.

After closing and locking the wine cabinet, Bai Xianyu sat cross-legged on the bed, took out the stream Gu, sank into the aperture, and began to refine his first Gu worm.

His mind sank into the aperture, and the scene of his own aperture Yuanhai instantly appeared in Bai Xianyu's mind.

The orifice is entrusted in the body, mysterious and unusual, infinitely large and infinitely small.

Outside the aperture is a layer of light film.

The white light film gives people a very thin feeling, but it actually supports the aperture.

In the aperture, there is a sea of ​​true essence.

The sea water is bronze in color, the sea surface is as calm as a mirror, the water level is almost [-]% of the volume of the aperture, corresponding to Bai Xianyu's Gu Master qualification of [-]% to [-]%.

This is the bronze primordial sea of ​​a rank one Gu master, every drop of seawater is true essence.

The primordial essence of a rank one Gu master is emerald green.

Based on what he had learned, Bai Xianyu dispatched a trace of emerald green primordial energy to fly out of the aperture from the calm primordial sea, and poured into the stream Gu in his hand.

I saw the stream gu in his hand bursting into white light, struggling in Bai Xianyu's hands, resisting the invasion of emerald green essence.

"Gu is the essence of heaven and earth, the code of the Dao, and the carrier of the law. It is also a living being, born free and unrestrained, with its own will. Now I want to refine it, to erase its will, and it senses this crisis. It is natural to resist."

The process of refining stream Gu is very difficult.

Not only do you have to hold the vibrating Gu worms, but you also need to mobilize your true energy to fight against the natural will of the eroding stream Gu.

It took Bai Xianyu a long time to infect a trace of his own color on this smooth white stone.

This is a touch of green, stained on the white stone, which looks a bit out of place.

However, looking at the green, Bai Xianyu was very happy, and thought to himself: "Why does it feel like forcing a good family!"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the invasion has been successful, now it's time to imprint my marks all over its body."

With a twitch in his heart, Bai Xianyu began to use his strength, constantly mobilizing his true energy to invade Baishi.

At the same time, Bai Xianyu's face began to turn pale.

True Yuan is a symbol of the Gu Master's energy and spirit, if the True Yuan is consumed, the Gu Master will become weak.

As the true energy continued to decline, Bai Xianyu felt weak as if his meridians had been pulled out.

However, Bai Xianyu had long been used to this feeling, so he ignored it and insisted on dispatching the real essence to refine the Gu worms.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Bai Xianyu's aperture Yuanhai was exhausted that he had no choice but to stop.

"Seventy-eight percent true essence, one-eighth refined!"

"Although the true essence is a bit wasted because of the lack of proficiency, the result is already very good!"

"I don't know what's going on with Bai Qi and Bai Shangshu. They both have a second Gu worm, the wine worm. The green true essence extracted with the help of the wine worm must have been refined by now!"

Although Bai Xianyu had no intention of competing with them, he was still in a depressed mood.

The road of practice is slow step by step.


Sighing lightly, Bai Xianyu poured out a glass of bitter wine and took a sip, thinking to himself, "Compared to Bai Ningbing, Hei Loulan, and Fang Laomo who used the flesh and blood reunion Gu to practice, Bai Qi Baishangshu's cultivation speed is nothing compared to that."

"It's just refining the wine worm a few days ago, and I'm going to be jealous, so I can't be jealous of the speed of other people's practice!

After washing his face, Bai Xianyu regained his fighting spirit.

No longer thinking about anything else, he took out a primeval stone, intending to devote all his attention to refining stream Gu.

While Bai Xianyu was refining Gu worms, a guest came to the school.

Tianzi No. [-] room.

A middle-aged man in his 40s, dressed in Chinese clothes, sits in the bamboo pavilion in the courtyard, admiring the lotus leaves in the pond in the courtyard with great interest on a rainy day.

The old master Baishi stood behind him, and reported to him the situation of the crowd's selection of Gu with a respectful face.

This person.

It was Bai Jiaping, the only Rank [-] Gu Master in the village, the patriarch of Baijiazhai, and one of the three masters of Qingmao.

Holding the dossier in his hand, Bai Shigong said without even looking at it for a moment: "Master Patriarch, the Gu chosen by the lady this time is the Frost Gu, which can make the stream Gu's attack carry icy frost energy."

"This girl!"

"I didn't expect that I put a lot of treasure Gu in the Gu room, and she still chose this one!"

Bai Jiaping sighed helplessly.

He naturally knew why Bai Qi chose this Gu.

This is Bai Ningbing's practice route, she wants to prove that she is no worse than Bai Ningbing.

Bai Shigong said with a smile: "Miss has high ambitions, this is a good thing!"

"hope so!"

Bai Jiaping didn't want to say more, and said, "By the way, what's the situation with Bai Shangshu and Bai Xianyu?"

Bai Shigong rolled his eyes, and said: "Bai Shangshu chose Fire Qi Gu, which should be an auxiliary Gu worm selected to match the Flying Sword Gu passed down to him by his father. As for Bai Xianyu, it's nothing special, it's just our Bai family." The village's unique stream Gu!"

Bai Jiaping nodded, and commented: "Flying Sword Gu's attack is sharp, even surpassing Moonlight Gu."

"It's a pity that our Baijiazhai has no inheritance of swordsmanship, so we can't carry it forward."

"It's great that Bai Wanjian can figure out his own understanding and form a system by himself. I hope that Bai Shangshu can build on his foundation one step further. If he can create a relatively mature set for Baijiazhai The Kendo system, even if it cannot be widely spread among the tribe, it is still a deterrent trump card against foreign enemies."

"As for Bai Shangshu, Shi Gong remember to mention more!"

Bai Shigong respectfully said: "Master Patriarch, I understand!"

Bai Shigong is actually quite curious about kendo.

"As for Bai Xianyu?"

Bai Jiaping frowned, and asked in doubt: "Why didn't she choose to cleanse and practice Gu? The three true biography of the Bai Mansion, refining Dao is undoubtedly the best choice with the best prospects. Even Bai Miaowa's wooden way and Bai Yanque's soil way are not bad. , why did she only choose stream Gu!"

For Bai Xianyu.

Bai Jiaping wanted her to marry Bai Ningbing.

In addition to Bai Xianyu's suitable temperament and potential, Dao refining is also an important bonus item.

When the time comes, wait until the battle strength of the two is formed.

Bai Ningbing was in charge of fighting, and Bai Xianyu was in charge of assisting.

One outside and one inside.

One domineering and one domineering.

Bai Ningbing offends others, and Bai Xianyu wins them over.

With husband and wife joining hands, the rise of Baijiazhai is just around the corner.

But unexpectedly, Bai Xianyu chose stream Gu.

Stream Gu is the mainstream of Baijiazhai, its potential is much stronger than the other three, and it can even be cultivated to rank five.But compared to Dao refining, it undoubtedly lost that feature.Although it can be done concurrently, it is still inevitable to have some small regrets.

"I do not know either!"

Bai Shigong shook his head, wondering why his family patriarch paid so much attention to Bai Xianyu.

He took out a photo Gu and said: "Master Patriarch, here is the image of Bai Xianyu taking the Gu, do you want to watch it?"

"En!" Bai Jiaping nodded lightly.

I saw Baishigong urging the Gu worms, and a scene of this year's students taking Gu worms suddenly appeared on the top of the stone pavilion.The two looked down one by one, and soon saw Bai Xianyu.

Unlike the other students who were struggling with which Gu to choose, Bai Xianyu came lightly, with a clear goal, to go straight for the stream Gu, without hesitation at all, and without being attracted by other Gu.Obviously, choosing stream Gu was a decision this woman had considered for a long time.

"Weird!" Bai Shigong exclaimed: "Bai Miao Frog and Bai Yanque are the two with the highest achievements among the five sparrows of Bai Enpei's lineage. He is not tempted at all, he doesn't even have the desire to see if there are these three kinds of Gu worms!"

Bai Jiaping nodded, he also doubted Bai Xianyu's decisiveness in choosing stream Gu.

One must know that the Cleansing and Training Gu is very precious, its value is higher than that of the Liquor Bug and Hog Gu.

This is what he put in the Gu room on purpose.

Unexpectedly, Bai Xianyu didn't even look at it.

However, everyone has their own pursuits, and it is not easy for him to force Bai Xianyu to practice Taoism.

After a moment of silence, Bai Jiaping said: "Mr. Shi, I'll let you go first to cleanse the Gu. I have the opportunity to guide and guide this girl. If she can switch to cultivation, it will undoubtedly be a blessing to the Bai family village."

Bai Shigong said: "Master Patriarch, this is no problem. It's just that I really don't know why you are so fond of this girl, and you care more about this girl than other young ladies who are also second-class qualifications!"

Bai Shigong was a little suspicious of whether Bai Xianyu was Bai Jiaping's illegitimate daughter. After all, Lu Qiaoqiao was really good-looking, and Bai Xianyu's qualifications were much higher than her brothers and sisters.

If Bai Xianyu was really Bai Jiaping's illegitimate daughter, it would be reasonable for Bai Jiaping to care so much.

Baishigong will naturally take more care of him.

What's more, he also likes this girl quite a lot.

Regarding Bai Shigong's thoughts, Bai Jiaping naturally didn't know, after thinking for a while, he said truthfully: "I want Ning Bing to marry this woman!"

"Regardless of her aptitude and temperament, this woman is a good match for Ning Bing."

"If you get married with Ning Bing, the Bai Family Village will definitely rise!"

Speaking of this, Bai Jiaping's eyes showed a trace of fanaticism.

Obviously, the rise of the Bai family is his obsession.


Bai Shigong's mouth opened wide.

The news startled him.

He knew very well that his uncle Bai Jiawei's purpose was to make Bai Xianyu his granddaughter-in-law.

For this reason, he even turned against his former friend Bai Gouqin.

Unexpectedly, the patriarch actually came to snatch Bai Ningbing's marriage in person.

No wonder!
No wonder the uncle and the sick nephew were in such a bad mood some time ago.

It turned out that they had already been lightly drunk by the patriarch.

It's no wonder that Uncle and Gou Qin show signs of reconciliation, that's why.

Everything is clear.

Bai Shigong said: "What about the young lady? I always thought that the patriarch wanted the young lady to marry the young patriarch!"

"As for Qi'er!" Bai Jiaping sighed and said, "Her temperament is not suitable!"

"I want her to marry far away outside Qingmao Mountain!"

"This, isn't this too sorry for Miss?" Baishi said fairly.

Bai Jiaping said with red eyes: "That's why I still let her mess around! And that parent really doesn't love their children! However, all of this has to be compromised for the rise of Baijiazhai."

"Our Bai family shouldn't shrink back in this small corner of Qingmao Mountain. One day, our Bai family will return to our ancestral land!"

"Everything, for the rise of the Bai family!"

Looking at the enthusiasm in the eyes of the head of his family, Bai Shigong also solemnly said: "Everything is for the rise of the Bai family!"

(End of this chapter)

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