The demon girl was born in Qingmao Mountain

Chapter 27 Seeing the villain, Yun Hu is happy?

Chapter 27 Seeing the villain, Yun Hu is happy?
Bai Miao came out after seeing Sanshu off.

He looked at the backs of the three girls going away, and said: "Yu'er, they are Baimang's granddaughters, don't get too close to them."


Bai Xianyu wondered, "Why, father!"

Bai Miaocai said: "Do you still remember the Qizhen Pavilion in our family two years ago?"

Bai Xianyu nodded and said: "Naturally, I remember that this is the shop where our family used to sell Gu worms. I used to go there often! But hasn't this shop been sold out in the past two years? What's the matter, father."

Bai Miaocai said: "It is Baimang who goes to the shop at a low price, so you understand!"

Bai Xianyu was silent for a while, seeming to understand something, and said: "I don't want to bear the grievances of the older generation."

Bai Miaocai sighed, "But how can the grievances be left to others!"

Bai Xianyu was silent when he heard the words.

If you don't want to bear grievances and grievances, there will be no such thing as cutting grass and roots in this world, let alone so much helplessness.

Bai Miao sighed, and said: "Yu'er, you are indeed smart, and I don't want to force you. Take care of this matter yourself! Just like you choose the stream Gu, how you handle the relationship with the three of them is up to you !"

"However, you have to remember. That guy Baimang will never be soft-hearted to you just because you have a good relationship with the three of them."

"He has coveted your grandfather's inheritance for too long."

"Although they haven't made trouble yet, it's just that they haven't distributed the benefits well. It's not that the fat is missing."

"As your cultivation level improves, their pressure will increase and the consensus will be reached faster. Maybe they will use some disgraceful means. In the past two years, your two elder brothers died It's so strange, I even suspect that the deaths of your fifth brother and starling may have something to do with them."

Bai Xianyu said: "This is nothing but a conjecture without evidence!"

When Bai Miao heard this, she sighed: "Yes, there is no evidence! Besides, it is impossible for the family to investigate several of their elders just because of my two Gu Masters whose cultivation level is less than rank three!"

After all, Bai Miao seemed to be ten years older.

He hunched his back and left tremblingly.

Bai Xianyu stood quietly at the door, watching the three daughters of Jinzhu leave calmly.

Until Sanshu's figure disappeared.

Bai Xianyu turned around slowly, her eyes were flat, she looked at the direction where Bai Miaocai left, and said to herself, "Father, you are indeed old, I already knew about this!"

"Even Brother Wu was killed by me."

Bai Xianyu's eyes were gloomy.

In fact, there is one more thing pressing on my heart.

That is, the fifth sister-in-law and the starling had a love affair, but in the end it was the fifth brother who married the fifth sister-in-law.

Although Bai Xianyu had no evidence, he could guess that myna's death was probably related to the lustful fifth brother.

Bai Xianyu's vision is much better than Bai Miaocai's.

Her fifth brother and starling are not qualified enough, and the second rank is already top-notch, so she really doesn't deserve to be schemed against by those elders.

"The grievances are ridiculous, and the hatred is the most boring. But get out of the cage and pursue happiness!"

With a slight smile, Bai Xianyu's eyes brightened again.

Holding up the oil-paper umbrella, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he walked slowly towards Yiqing Jiangshan Building while enjoying the rain.Although the small body has not grown up, it is already graceful and charming.

If you haven't seen the ancient world.

Maybe he will become an Avenger himself.

Continuing the grievances of the previous generation, she approached Sanshu with false affection, and suddenly turned against Bai Mang at a critical moment.

But how big the mind is, the world is as small as it is.

Baijiazhai is just a temporary residence for Bai Xianyu, and Sanshu is just a passer-by in life.

Bai Xianyu's goal has not changed from beginning to end, and that is to leave Qingmao Mountain alive.

Just when Bai Xianyu walked near the Yiqing Jiangshan Building.

The rain stopped.

Bai Xianyu looked up at the sky.

I saw a trace of the sun's shadow appearing in the thin clouds.

A ray of sunlight shone down from the thin clouds, and fell on the Lishui not far away, printing out spots of light.

Looking at this ray of sunlight, the smile on the corner of Bai Xianyu's mouth gradually widened, and because of his excitement, he stopped refining wine worms.

He closed the oiled paper umbrella and put it aside, mobilized his true energy, and started to practice stream Gu.

The method of controlling stream Gu has long been engraved in Bai Xianyu's heart, although there are some gaps between theory and reality, she has gradually figured it out.

Because of the stop of the rain, some students who planned to live on campus also started to transport things to the school.

Among them, Bai Qi and Bai Shangshu were the first to refine Gu worms, so they were the first to carry out this step.

It just so happened that the two met at the school gate ingeniously.

The same notoriety, the same maverick, and the same powerful forces behind the Baijiazhai.

Even with the same B-level qualifications, they also have three Gu worms, and even the second Gu worm owned by the two is also a wine worm.

The situation is so similar, but they should be confidantes, but the two of them don't like it anyway.

"Yo, isn't this Baishangshu?"

"Dangtang Zhantang's family loves grandson, and he even moved to live in the school!"

"Could it be that your house also has a disgusting cockroach?"

Bai Shangshu looked at Bai Qi indifferently, and said, "Bai Qi, what do you want to do? Have I offended you? Why have you been against me since the beginning of school!"

Bai Qi shook his fan lightly, revealing a picture of a beauty, sneered, looked at the nail polish on the other hand, and said in an unusual tone: "It turns out that when you bully someone, it depends on whether the other person offends you or not." you?"

"No wonder the notoriety is so small!"

With an expression of understanding, Bai Qi clapped his hands with a fan, very chic.

"Unlike me, I bully whoever I want to bully!"

"very good!"

Bai Shangshu snorted coldly, his heart was on fire.

"I've always been the only one who bullies people, and this is the first time someone pushed my nose on my face!"

Bai Qi smiled, like a baby flower blooming.

She looked at Bai Shangshu with disgust, as if facing a fly, and said indifferently: "Then you have to pay attention in the future, you will be bullied more and more times."

"After all, no matter how domineering a small crab is in the stinky ditch, it is just a small crab in the Lishui."

Speaking of this, Bai Qi spat frivolously and mocked: "Crab, you little beast!"


Bai Shangshu snorted coldly, furious in his heart.

Looking at Bai Qi with a confident look.

Bai Shangshu couldn't help but focus on an elder who came with her.

He knew that Bai Qi was deliberately provoking him to make a move.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Bai Shangshu smiled ferociously at Bai Qi, and said: "The crabs that run rampant in the stinking ditch are really annoying. However, I am in a good mood today, so I don't care about you."

After finishing speaking, Bai Shangshu turned around and walked towards the school, furiously said: "Punisher, let's go!"

"Yes, Master!"

The housekeeper, Chen Xing, shrank his sweaty head, respectfully, and the servant leading the load followed closely behind.

Seeing Bai Shangshu walking away, Bai Qi closed his fan rather annoyed, and said, "I knew that such a simple taunt was useless to you, you were lucky to escape this time, and it will definitely not be so easy next time." !"

Beside Bai Qi, the elder who escorted her here looked at this little ancestor and felt a little headache.

"Oh, forget it, I will trouble that fellow Baishigong in the future!"

Thinking of this, the old man's mood instantly improved a lot, and he said to the servant who was moving things with a smile on his face, "Let's go, move things in quickly!"

The servant next to him didn't know why the elder's mood suddenly became so good, but he respectfully said, "Yes, sir!"

(End of this chapter)

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