The demon girl was born in Qingmao Mountain

Chapter 30 Rapidly Improve Proficiency

Chapter 30 Rapidly Improve Proficiency
Ah Kuang is a strange beast with a body like a dog-like beast, with slender and powerful limbs and a thick dog tail, but its body is like a hedgehog, covered with long gray and black hair, with a head like a pangolin. There is a row of dense fine teeth.

Its eyes showed a hint of agility, and it looked at Bai Xianyu. Obviously, this state was reset by this beast that had already opened its wisdom.

"Refreshed projection!"

Bai Xianyu's expression tightened.

This means that this beast has the experience accumulated in the projection battlefield before it was refreshed.

"This strange beast is not easy to deal with!"

Bai Xianyu thought to himself.

At this moment, the system prompts: "Ding, the preparation is over, and the first fight begins!"

Hearing this, Bai Xianyu immediately mobilized a horse, holding a short sword, and rushed towards the strange beast.

As a veteran of the projection battlefield, the strange beast is not as simple as those projections that have not been refreshed.

It was very experienced, knew the first temptation, and also attacked Bai Xianyu to try to find out Bai Xianyu's attack method.

During the temptation of fighting with one man and one beast, Bai Xianyu discovered that the body of this strange beast was very flexible.No matter how swiftly he swings the knife, he will be dodged by it.This strange beast is like a civet playing with the green snake, no matter how vicious its own attack is, it can dodge flexibly.

"In this case!"

Bai Xianyu's heart skipped a beat, and she decided to use a dirty trick.


Holding the dagger in his hand, Bai Xianyu lowered his body and stabbed fiercely at the lower body of the strange beast.

Seeing that the empty door on Bai Xianyu's back was wide open, the strange beast's eyes lit up, and without thinking too much, it jumped directly at Bai Xianyu's back.

Just as it jumped into the air, Bai Xianyu thought to himself: "It's now!"

Bai Xianyu turned over, pulled out a flying sword from his waist with the other hand, and threw it at the strange beast.

Bai Xianyu threw hard and urgently, and the flying sword shot at the strange beast with the sound of breaking through the air.

It was the first time that Yi Beast encountered this kind of attack, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes, and he couldn't dodge it in the air, but the experience accumulated in hundreds of battles made him shrink his body instinctively, narrowly dodging Bai Xianyu's flying sword .

"So flexible, what a pity!"

Looking at this scene, even Bai Xianyu couldn't help secretly praising the flexibility of this strange beast.

Bai Xianyu tried this kind of attack three more times, but unfortunately this strange beast has experience, except for the first unexpected attack, which successfully cut off a few stray hairs, it has never succeeded.

On the contrary, the fighting attack of this strange beast easily hit Bai Xianyu's horse training to induce the stream Gu to relieve, and the emerald green essence in Bai Xianyu's body was continuously consumed.

Fortunately, the degree of consumption is not severe.

Obviously, this strange beast is not good at strength, and the sharpness of its claws and teeth is average.


Bai Xianyu looked at this strange beast, and felt a little bit about the means of this strange beast in his heart. He secretly said: "This is a strange beast with quick nerves and quick movements. If it was before, I really can't do anything about it. But , now!"

Bai Xianyu looked at the stream Gu surrounding her body.

The strange beast also looked at Bai Xianyu.

It has developed wisdom, although its spirituality is not as good as that of a human, but it has also figured out the attack method of the prey in front of it.

It seemed that except for the strange horse that was wrapped around the prey and could resist its attack, only the dagger and the three remaining flying swords around his waist were threatening to him.

One man and one beast fought together again.

This time, the alien beast's offensive has been strengthened a lot, and its agile maneuvering ability allows it to completely take the initiative in the battle.

Under its attack, Bai Xianyu was forced to throw flying swords to make a rescue.

"It's now!"

After Bai Xianyu threw the third flying sword, the strange beast's eyes lit up, and it approached Bai Xianyu fiercely, nimbly biting Bai Xianyu's sword-holding hand.

Bai Xianyu was in pain, but his expression was very happy.

"I won!"

Bai Xianyu smiled lightly, hugged the strange beast directly, and at the same time urged the horses to strangle the strange beast, and strangled the strange beast to death.

Looking at this strange beast, Bai Xianyu gasped violently: "Huh, huh, good guy, this thing is actually poisonous!"

With the end of the first battle, the white light came on, and Bai Xianyu appeared outside the battle circle, and his condition was completely restored.

It's now time for a 3 minute break.

Looking at the strange beast who looked at him with dissatisfaction, Bai Xianyu smiled triumphantly, with mocking eyes.


The strange beast was very annoyed.

It underestimated that horse training.

Unexpectedly, in addition to defending against attacks, that horse can also actively attack.

Looking at the strange beast, Bai Xianyu secretly said: "My control over the stream Gu is not flexible enough, and I can't take the initiative to attack. Next, I won't be able to win so easily after it is prepared."

The next battle did not exceed Bai Xianyu's expectations.

With the help of the strange beast's ignorance of stream Gu, Bai Xianyu won two more games.

After that, the strange beast figured out the characteristics of the stream Gu.

For example, after the attack method, attack range, and attack speed, it will be more difficult for Bai Xianyu to win.

Slowly, after the strange beast even figured out that returning the stream Gu requires a certain amount of energy to last for a certain period of time, Bai Xianyu never beat this strange beast again.

The final result was six wins out of ten.

The last three defeats were continuous. If it continued, Bai Xianyu would lose without winning.

"What a nimble little guy. This is the first time I have encountered such a nimble opponent. There is nothing I can do about it. Fortunately, it has a bad brain, otherwise I wouldn't have won so many times."

Bai Xianyu admired and recognized the strength of this strange beast. At the same time, he was also a little dissatisfied with Gu Dao.

"Unfortunately, this is the characteristic of the Gu Dao. Its strength depends on the Gu insects. It is too rigid. Even if the Gu master uses Gu to focus on it, the stream Gu can be regarded as a very flexible type of Gu insect, but it is still quickly figured out. characteristic."

"There are too few Gu worms because it is easy for people to figure out their characteristics. I should strive to get more Gu worms."

Bai Xianyu decided that after this time, he must hurry up to refine the wine worm Gu.

Completely absorbing the perception of a strange beast, Bai Xianyu gave up binding it.

Although it is strong, the foundation of its strength reflects its nerves and flexible body, which cannot give Bai Xianyu more insights.

After that, Bai Xianyu continued to challenge the next opponent.

There are dragon-like snakes, winged dogs, scaled dog-like creatures, and octopus-like sea creatures.

With Bai Xianyu's possession of Gu worms, the strength of the opponent he encountered also increased by a level, and his appearance became more and more strange.

It is worth mentioning that Bai Xianyu met a humanoid creature today.

He is a dwarf devil.

He was wearing a leather skirt and his hair was a mess.The pupils of the eyes were small and glowing red, leaving only the whites of the eyes.The nose is collapsed, leaving two bone holes, like the legendary upturned nose.The mouth is even more densely covered with fangs, and the corners of the mouth are split, reaching behind the ears.

When he saw Bai Xianyu, he wanted to bite Bai Xianyu's neck. His movements were very flexible, and he could even release an explosive fireball after chanting a spell for a while.When he didn't understand his state, Bai Xianyu was killed by him twice. After he figured out his state, he was no longer Bai Xianyu's opponent. He had never lost except for one mistake. After that, he never beat Bai Xianyu again.

The result of the battle was seven victories out of ten.

It is worth mentioning that his blood is a little green and very fishy, ​​and it is more stinky than the blood of beasts.

In this way, under the tempering of these opponents, Bai Xianyu's mastery of stream Gu became more and more profound, and his proficiency improved by leaps and bounds. Moreover, because of the improvement of the opponent's strength, Bai Xianyu gained a deeper understanding after victory.

(End of this chapter)

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