Chapter 38
Bai Shangshu still came to school.

His face was pale, his injuries hadn't healed, although he had been healed by a medical Gu master, he was still very weak.

He was also unlucky this time.

Because he couldn't understand Bai Qi, he took the initiative to find Bai Qi.

Unexpectedly, as a girl, Bai Qi could fight better than him.

Moreover, relying on her identity as the daughter of the patriarch, she did not attack lightly or severely, and severely injured him with three punches and two legs.

Back home, because he couldn't win against women, he was scolded by his irritable father as a waste.

It's just worn down.

Fortunately, his sister-in-law Bai Axiu loves him dearly.

He invited a medical Gu master friend to treat him, otherwise the situation would be difficult.

But what he never expected was that his good brother Bai Zhangkuang actually made an appointment with Bai Qi to fight Xiaoshulin in order to help him avenge him.

Just vomited blood sadly.

If he went, he would probably be beaten up again by Bai Qi.

But if you don't go, you're not showing morality.

They made an appointment because you were beaten so badly.

If you don't go because you are afraid of being beaten, what will others think of you?

If you don't talk about loyalty, why should they mess with you.

Just relying on your second-class qualifications?

Or your family background.

Compared with qualifications and background, Bai Qi is even better.

People in the arena involuntarily.

Bai Shangshu could only sign up for the challenge with tears in his eyes, sharing joys and sorrows with his good brothers.

No one knows Bai Shangshu's distress.

At this moment, Baishigong has already started giving lectures.

As for why this group of students in his class had several noses and swollen faces, Bai Shigong naturally knew what was going on.

However, he didn't pay attention to it, as if nothing happened, as usual, explaining the lesson on his own.

In class, those students who had fought were still full of anxiety.

Now relax.

Some smart teenagers even saw the attitude of the senior management of Baijiazhai, that is, they would not care if the matter did not become a big issue.

Shiraishi's course is very exciting, and the explanation is also very fast.

Not long after, under the reluctance of the students, he finished talking about today's content.

When class was about to end, he suddenly said, "Bai Xianyu!"

"Here!" Bai Xianyu stood up.

I saw Bai Shigong took out a white bag, handed it to Bai Xianyu, and said: "Bai Xianyu, you are the first Gu master in the family to advance to rank one intermediate."

"This is your reward!"

"30 yuan yuan stone, please keep it."

As soon as Mr. Baishi's voice fell, a stone stirred up a thousand waves!

"What the elder said just now, I didn't hear clearly!"

"It seems that Bai Xianyu has advanced to the intermediate stage?"

"It's a lie, although Bai Xianyu's aptitude is the first in our class, but Bai Qi and Bai Shangshu have wine bugs, it turns out that Bai Xianyu is the first to be promoted to the middle rank!"

"Master Jia won't lie, Bai Xianyu has definitely confirmed that he is a rank one mid-level Gu Master."

"My God, this is too fast, Bai Qi and Bai Shangshu have not advanced yet!"

Bai Shangshu knew that Bai Xianyu also had wine worms.

This has long been expected.

I just didn't expect Bai Xianyu to advance to the middle rank so quickly, and I was really shocked.

As for Bai Qi, she was completely taken aback.

She always thought that the school was a duo between her and Bai Shangshu. Although Bai Xianyu had better aptitude than her, this aptitude was not enough to make up for the role of Jiu Chong.

Because of this, when she gathered more forces against Bai Ningbing in order to build her power, she would always target Bai Shangshu.

Just to suppress him.

Unexpectedly, Bai Xianyu suddenly emerged and won the first place.

Bai Xianyu was indifferent to everyone's amazement.

After weighing the primordial stone, Bai Xianyu raised his head to look at Baishigong suspiciously.

But Bai Shigong smiled and said: "That's right, student Bai Xianyu, there is also me personally rewarding you!"

Bai Xianyu smiled wryly and said, "Blessed by the elders, I dare not resign!"

Picking up the bag, Bai Xianyu didn't check it, and went back to his seat to watch.

In the bag, in addition to the 30 yuan stones awarded by the school, there are also 20 yuan stones given by Baishigong.

Among them, there was even a Gu worm.

"This Gu seems to be a cleansing Gu!"

Startled, Bai Xianyu looked up at Bai Shigong.

But Bai Shigong nodded to himself with a smile.

No matter how horrified Bai Xianyu was, she still showed a hint of gratitude.

Seeing this, Mr. Baishi stroked his beard in satisfaction.

It can be regarded as the completion of the task assigned to him by the patriarch.

Seeing that everyone started talking about Bai Xianyu's becoming a first-rank intermediate, Bai Shi was fair: "Bai Xianyu, you are the first to become a first-rank intermediate, and you will be the team leader from now on!"

Bai Xianyu stood up and said, "Okay, my lord!"

Bai Shigong said: "Very well, the rest of you have to work hard, and there are still two sub-leader positions. It depends on who of you will become a first-rank intermediate first. As for Bai Xianyu, you have become the leader, and every time you Zhou can receive a subsidy of ten primordial stones."

Bai Xianyu said: "Thank you, old man!"

Bai Shigong said: "Okay, I'll announce the dismissal of the get out of class, you go to the martial arts field for boxing and kicking lessons by yourself!"

After class, everyone was a little absent-minded.

A lot has happened these days.

First, Bai Qi and Bai Shangshu fought.

Afterwards, news broke out that Bai Xianyu had become a first-rank intermediate.

Originally, Bai Qi, Bai Shangshu and the two of them planned to study boxing kung fu seriously in the future, so as to avenge their hatred later.

But the fact that Bai Xianyu became an intermediate rank instantly diluted their enthusiasm, and hit them so badly that they were not very interested in class.

Gu master Gu master.

No matter how good you learn boxing and kick kung fu, it can't compare to a Gu master's cultivation level.

On the way to the Martial Arts Field, Jin Zhu hugged Bai Xianyu directly, and said, "Okay, Xianyu, you have changed to the intermediate level, and you didn't tell us in advance!"

Bai Xianyu had actually forgotten about it, but she still quibbled: "I planned to tell you after school, but I didn't expect the old man to reveal it in advance."

Hearing this, Jin Zhu had no choice but to say: "Okay, I'll forgive you this time, but next time you become a high-level rank one, you must tell us first!"

Bai Xianyu smiled and said, "Next time!"

Mingzhu also said, "Congratulations!"

Bai Xianyu said: "Hey, thank you!"

On the side, Yinzhu asked curiously: "Xianyu, why is your cultivation speed so fast? Do you have wine worms too?"

Bai Xianyu nodded and took out the wine worm.

The eyes of the three women all lit up.

"Is this the wine worm? It's so beautiful!"

Jin Zhu showed a bit of surprise, and then said regretfully: "It's a pity that Liquor Worm needs to help refine the true essence all the time, otherwise it can be shared with the white boar Gu in cultivation."

this time.

She also borrowed the white boar Gu to warm and nourish her strength.

White Boar Gu can emit white light, and those who are illuminated by the white light will increase their strength.

This process is long.

Gu masters should be irradiated by this Gu for a quarter of an hour at most every day, otherwise it will hurt the Gu master and the effect will be greatly reduced.

It takes several months of uninterrupted nurturing for the Gu Master to increase the power of a pig.

This Gu worm is more than enough to support the four of Bai Xianyu in one day.

Jin Zhu enjoyed the benefits of the white boar Gu, so naturally he thought that the wine worm could also have this effect.

Yinzhu was not so greedy, and said, "Xianyu, when you reach the peak of your cultivation, can you lend us the wine worm!"

Bai Xianyu smiled lightly and said, "Of course!"

Yin Zhu nodded gratefully and said, "Thank you!"

As for Mingzhu, he said: "You said that wine worms can refine true energy. When we choose the second Gu, can we choose Gu that requires more true energy to refine, like stream Gu?"

As soon as Mingzhu finished speaking, both Jinzhu and Yinzhu's eyes lit up, obviously they also had this plan.

Immediately, several people started discussing and began to improve the previous plan.

During the conversation, several people went to the martial arts arena again and started the boxing and kicking kung fu class.

As for Bai Xianyu, he borrowed Yinzhu's white boar Gu to give himself another quarter of an hour's strength between lectures.

Afterwards, Bai Xianyu began to refine Gu worms.

Bai Xianyu is a mid-level rank one, and the green primordial essence can be naturally produced in the aperture, and under the action of the wine worm, the green primeval essence becomes the dark green primeval energy that can only be possessed by a high-ranking rank.

With the benefit of the dark green true essence, Bai Xianyu refined more than half of the refining Gu with [-]% of his true essence.With the help of primordial stones, it didn't take long to successfully refine the refining Gu.

The speed is so fast, it is a world of difference compared to the emerald green essence.

During free time, Bai Xianyu even went back to the dormitory and successfully refined the sleeve frost Gu.

Since then, Bai Xianyu has had four Gu worms.

(End of this chapter)

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