Chapter 41

The fifth day of May, the Meiyu Festival.

The Meiyu Festival is a unique festival in Baijiazhai.

On this day in history hundreds of years ago, the ancestors of the Bai family bravely trekked to the southern border and came to Qingmao Mountain.

After arriving at Qingmao Mountain, the ancestors of the Bai family discovered a Yuanquan near Qingmaozu Waterfall.

Seeing Yuanquan, the ancestors of the Bai family were overjoyed.Based on this Yuanquan, it is stationed here.Fight against the sky, fight against people.After going through all kinds of dangers, he opened up the foundation of Baijiazhai in Qingmao Mountain.

The day when Yuanquan was discovered was the season of the yellow plum blossoms, and it was raining. To commemorate this day, it was named Meiyu Festival.

Therefore, every Meiyu Festival, the busy Baijiazhai people will stop their work and get together to slaughter livestock, supplemented by fine wine, and pay homage to their ancestors.

Some clansmen with rich net worth will even hold a big banquet in the restaurant, slaughter the beast king, and entertain all relatives and friends.

On the rainy day.

Even the school gave everyone a half-day off, so that the students could share the joy with their families.

Zuixianlou is the largest restaurant in Baijiazhai.

Bai Jiaping, head of the Bai family, hosted a banquet here for more than 60 elders from Baijiazhai.

Whether it is an elder in power like Bai Jiawei, Bai Gouqin and Baimang, or an idle elder like Bai Shigong Bai Tushan.

At this moment, they are all gathered in Zuixianlou.

Let's celebrate this festival together.

Beside them, each family elder also brought one or two outstanding juniors here to increase their knowledge.

Such as Baibingji, Baishangshu, Baiqi, Baiheshui and others are impressively listed.

As for the three Jinzhu sisters, Ding and other aptitudes, they have limited achievements and are not qualified.

The elders of the Baimang family brought their cousins ​​to the meeting.

However, no matter who the many young and handsome people in Baijiazhai are, they have all lost their usual arrogance when they came here, and each of them has become extremely well-behaved.

Even if he is as naughty as Bai Qi, he is doing nothing to save his father's face at this moment.

In the center of the restaurant, Bai Jiaping stood on a high platform, reciting a sacrificial oration solemnly.

Basically, it is to praise the great achievements of the predecessors, and to tell some achievements of the family after he took office.

After a long time, after reading the sacrificial oration, Bai Jiaping said: "My elders, the banquet has officially started. From now on, everyone should relax and have a hearty chat!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Jiaping also walked down the high platform, looking for some elders who were usually stationed in other places to have a heart-to-heart talk.

Seeing this, all the elders relaxed their minds and chatted while drinking.

The old family said to Bai Axiu, the new family member: "Congratulations, Bai Axiu, who has advanced to the third rank at the age of less than 30, is extremely talented, and is expected to even reach the fourth rank in the future."

Bai Axiu smiled modestly: "Haha, there, there!"

"Compared to the young patriarch, my cultivation speed is far behind. It is estimated that I have to wait until I am in my 60s or [-]s to reach Rank [-]. Who knows if I will die in the wolf tide early that day!"

On the side, Bai Tushan also approached Bai Wanjian.

"Brother Wan Jian, I got a new Gu recently, are you interested in competing!"

Bai Wanjian laughed boldly: "Of course!"

Not far away, other elders also began to exchange cups.

"Brother Hetu, you guard the ferry of the Lijiang River and often receive some merchant ships sailing on the Huanglong River. It seems that you are living a happy life!"

Bai Hetu complained, "That's so good!"

"These merchant ships are in a hurry, and they are just replenishing some supplies at the ferry."

"The merchant ships are driven by those big forces, and a little bad hospitality can easily arouse their anger."

"I'm also doing things with my tail between my legs to create a little income for the family!"

In the hall, many elders gathered to chat with each other.

Even Bai Jiawei and Bai Gouqin, who once fell out because of competing for Bai Enpei's old relics, gradually began to let go of their prejudices and began to communicate.

After all, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests, and if they lose the possibility of competing for the true teaching of refining the Dao, the two will lose their reason to continue fighting.

In the hall, apart from the elders in Baijiazhai, there are also many elders like Baihetu stationed in other places, all gathered together at this moment, and kept talking about their respective situations.

As for Bai Jiajunyan, who has already suffered from Bai Chongshui, he also took this opportunity to gather and talk here.

In a lively sound.

But there was a figure standing alone at the window.

He quietly looked at the street scene downstairs of Zuixian, his demeanor was incompatible with the people in the restaurant

He is a handsome boy in white clothes.

White clothes and black hair, plain hand holding a jug of water, standing alone by the window drinking.

He is Bai Ningbing, the young patriarch of Baijiazhai.

When Bai Ningbing was at the second rank of cultivation, he alone defeated and beheaded the elder of the Waizhai family whose cultivation was as high as the third rank.Now, not long after he was 17 years old, he has already completed the third revolution.

He is the well-deserved number one genius of Qingmao Mountain, and he has changed the political situation of Qingmao Mountain by himself.

He is highly expected by the people of Baijiazhai, and he is a symbol of the rise of Baijiazhai.Even Bai Jiawei and Bai Gouqin, who were greedy for Dao refining inheritance, were willing to give in for him when they heard his name.

However, such a person feels a little irritated by the excitement of the crowd.

He couldn't figure out why.

He didn't want to disturb the banquet of Patriarch Bai Jiaping, who had been kind to him, so he stood alone at the window and drank clear water quietly.

His eyes skipped the busy street, and suddenly, he saw a very interesting person.

This is a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old.

Wearing a light-colored dress representing the identity of a Gu master student.

Absolutely beautiful, elegant and dusty.

Standing alone in the vast sea of ​​people, her unique temperament is like an elegant budding green lotus, which is unforgettable for people to see.

Bai Ningbing looked at the girl in front of him, and seemed to sense some kind of aura of the same kind.


He couldn't tell what the feeling was.

I just feel that this girl who seems out of place with her surroundings is inexplicably similar to herself.

"What is she doing!"

Bai Ningbing looked curiously.

The black pupils instantly turned azure blue.

Suddenly, he saw clearly.

The place where the girl was sitting was a porridge shop.

Many mortal servants surrounded the porridge shop, looking at the girl with respect, admiration, and love.They also said some words that Bai Ningbing couldn't understand.

And the girl, together with the maids beside her, gently served porridge to these mortal servants.

He suddenly became curious about the girl's name.

He said to the person closest to him: "You, come here!"

Bai Bingji was talking with a few clan brothers.

Hearing Bai Ningbing's words at this moment, he had no choice but to get over it.

"Young patriarch?"

Bai Bing showed a trace of doubt and said respectfully.

Bai Ningbing pointed to the girl below and said, "Go down and find out the girl's name!"


Bai Bingji was stunned for a moment, turned his head to look, and suddenly his mind was shocked, he only felt that there were mixed feelings in his heart.

"Young patriarch, I know this girl!"


Bai Ningbing showed a hint of interest: "Tell me!"

Looking at the interested Bai Ningbing, Bai Bingji only felt a tightness in his chest.

But looking at Bai Ningbing's interested eyes, he didn't dare to spoil the young patriarch's interest.

Sighing, he had no choice but to introduce to Bai Ningbing the situation of the girl he once had a crush on.

"This girl's name is Bai Xianyu, the granddaughter of the late Bai Enpei's family, and the young owner of seven restaurants including Furong Pavilion and Qianqiu Building."

"She has been fond of reading and practicing calligraphy since she was a child, and she likes to collect poems and songs. Every two months, she and a few like-minded friends hold a poetry meeting called Overturning Water and Liushang on the banks of the Lishui River."

"Besides, she is kind and kind. Before she became enlightened, she would give porridge and do charity near Furong Pavilion almost every night."

Speaking of which.

Bai Bingji can no longer hide his feelings for Bai Xianyu.

He fell in love with this kind girl just because he saw Bai Xianyu's good deeds.

In the past, he would come here from time to time, hiding in the dark and quietly admiring Bai Xianyu's behavior.

However, with Bai Xianyu's enlightenment, the people who served porridge were replaced by a few domestic slaves who behaved arrogantly.

Bai Xianyu didn't come back, and neither did he.

"Bai Xianyu?" Bai Ningbing touched her head and said, "I seem to have heard of this name before!"

"Oh, I remembered, she is the girl who raises the Bloodbird in the same class as Qimei!"

Bai Ningbing had heard of Bai Xianyu.

The news of Bai Xianyu's breeding of the blood-singing bird was widely circulated a month ago.

Regarding this matter, everyone in the cottage has various attitudes.

The benevolent see benevolence, and the wise see wisdom.

"It was her!"

"Sure enough, the forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds!"

Bai Ningbing sneered, and suddenly lost interest.

He has the least disdain for kindness and kindness.

He thought it was funny that he thought this girl was the same as him just now.


Bai Bing wanted to refute for his sweetheart, but he didn't dare to look at Bai Ningbing.

On the contrary, because of Bai Ningbing's disdainful sneer at Bai Xianyu, he was secretly relieved deep in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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