Chapter 49 Bronze Relic Gu

six days later.

Baifu, leaning on Qingjiang Mountain Tower.

Bai Xianyu was wearing a silk pajamas embroidered with hibiscus, propped up her head, and lay lazily on her side on the bed.

Under the snow-white and silky pajamas, the girl's youthful and slender figure is truly moving.

On the incense bed, Bai Xianyu squinted her eyes and kept pinching the center of her brows, soothing the trace of fatigue at the crescent eyebrows.

She just came back from the projection battlefield.

Bai Xianyu didn't go to the caravan camp after taking pictures of the wine worm.

The whole person is nestled in the Yiqing Jiangshan Tower, using all the time and energy to warm and nourish the aperture.

When the true essence is gone, absorb the natural true essence from the primordial stone.

When the true energy is fully restored, continue.

Only Bai Xianyu enters the projection battlefield every night before going to bed to complete the daily task of killing monsters.

for days in a row.

Bai Xianyu was very mentally exhausted in the continuous refining of the aperture and frequent projection battles.

However, there are also advantages, that is, Bai Xianyu's hole water film is not far from becoming a stone film.

With enough resources, B-class qualifications, plus wine worms, and without wasting a lot of real energy to practice Gu worms.Bai Xianyu's practice speed exceeded other people's imagination.

"I can't sleep yet, a lot of true energy has been recovered in the aperture, use up these true energy and sleep!"

Bai Xianyu struggled strongly.

Sit cross-legged and arouse your mind.

Use the dark green true essence in the hole to continuously wash and refine the water film of the hole.

Under the refinement of the dark green true essence, Bai Xianyu's aperture water film became more and more condensed, and his cultivation continued to advance towards a higher level.

One-third, one-tenth, seven-point, four-point, one-point.

Bai Xianyu had no choice but to stop cultivating until the aperture's true essence was exhausted, revealing the stream Gu that had been staying on the bottom of the true essence.

"When the sea is dry, see the stone, and the brilliance is exhausted."

This is the bedtime goal that Bai Xianyu set for herself.

Southern Xinjiang is different from Northern Plains.

Families in southern Xinjiang are built among majestic mountains, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack. In addition, there are countless dangerous places between families, so there are very few clan extermination wars in southern Xinjiang.

As long as he is in the Baijiazhai, Bai Xianyu is at ease, even if his true energy is exhausted, it doesn't matter.

If even Baijiazhai can't protect him, then he can't do anything if he has real energy.

After exhausting her true essence, Bai Xianyu also decided to sleep.

"Depending on the situation, after a few days of refining the aperture, I should be able to impact the aperture light film and raise my cultivation level to a high level."

"This speed, at the level of one revolution, is not much worse than Bai Ningbing!"

Withdrawing her mind, Bai Xianyu began to check the Gu worms on her hand according to the habit before falling asleep.

The Sleeve Frost Gu is attached to the sleeves of the pajamas, like a layer of hoarfrost, and is currently in good condition.

As for the Stream Gu, it lay quietly in the Sea of ​​True Essence, ordinary like a white stone, nothing special, around the Stream Gu was the bronze True Essence that had only recovered a little bit of shallow sea water.

Beside the Stream Gu, there are two silkworm babies with small wings and their bodies are like white jade.

They kept playing around the stream Gu, they were the two wine worms in Bai Xianyu's hands.

Both of them emit white light in the hollow of the white feathers.In the white light, dense wine gas is generated, turning into a pale white wine mist.The dark green true essence slowly recovering in Bai Xianyu's aperture was refined by half of its volume through the wine mist, and turned into the dark green true essence possessed only by rank one high-level Gu masters.

In addition to these four Gu, Bai Xianyu's aperture also has another Gu.This Gu is covered in bronze color, the size of a thumb, shaped like a ball, it is motionless beside the stream Gu.

This Gu is exactly Bronze Relic Gu.

Bai Xianyu's father bought it for her.

Bai Xianyu has no intention of using this Gu worm for the time being.Now she has not been suppressed and does not want to attract attention.I will talk about it when I plan to upgrade my cultivation base to a high level.

At that time, Bai Xianyu will be the peak Gu master of rank one, and he can break through rank two by spending some time in retreat.

The sudden promotion of cultivation to rank two would definitely catch Bai Mang and others by surprise.

Although their suppression is still unavoidable.

But at the second rank, Bai Xianyu's power will be completely different from that of the first rank.

They want to use vicious means to deal with themselves, without the strength of the third rank, it will be very difficult.

And the third turn, but the elders.

The elders of the family attract people's attention, and it is difficult to find proof of their alibi. It is far less easy than a Rank [-] Gu Master.

At that time, Bai Xianyu will be fearless and have the ability to explore the wild.

Taking a last look at the Bronze Relic Gu, Bai Xianyu finally collapsed on the bed due to exhaustion.

When Bai Xianyu woke up, it was already the seventh day.

It's also the last day of the holiday.

On this day, Bai Xianyu has no idea of ​​retreating.

One is to plan to regain energy and deal with the following courses.

The second is to go to the caravan to see at the last time.

After all, the next caravan will come next year.

"Because Jia Jinsheng is not dead, the internal fighting in Jia's family will probably not intensify like in the original book."

"The caravan may not arrive until next May."

"And it is very likely that there is no three-star hole Gu in the original book."

Looking at the fishing boats on the Lijiang River out of the window.

Bai Xianyu's eyes were gloomy, and he couldn't help but think about the psychological impact of being reborn in the old devil's previous life.

"I didn't expect to be reborn in the old devil's previous life!"


Reborn in the old devil's previous life.

Many of Bai Xianyu's schemes failed.

Bai Xianyu planned it long ago.

If he was reborn in the life when the old devil used Spring and Autumn Cicada.

I am the same as the protagonist Gu Yue Fangzheng in a fanbook I have read before, so this is the ancient world.

With the help of Langya land spirit as a springboard, he formulated in advance that Xianyou would inherit the blessed land of the fox fairy, and wait for the old devil to enter the urn in the blessed land of the fox fairy.

Obtain the old devil's memory wealth, steal the old devil's road to success, and embark on his own journey of the devil's way.

But what Bai Xianyu didn't expect was that this time he was reborn in the old devil's previous life.

In the old devil's previous life, even if Bai Xianyu knew the plot, it was useless.

Bai Xianyu can use the Langya land spirit as a springboard to inherit the blessed land of the fox fairy.

But without the memory of the old devil, what Bai Xianyu inherited was a dangerous land waiting for natural destruction under the catastrophe.

Without the old devil's memory, Bai Xianyu would not be able to sell the remnants of Immortal Gu in exchange for Treasure Huangtian's resources.

Without the existence of Star Gate Gu, it also means that Bai Xianyu cannot transfer back and forth from the Five Realms. Once Ding Xianyou is used to transfer from the Fox Immortal Blessed Land to Beiyuan, he will lose the support of the Blessed Land.

There is no old devil's method of blood.

It also means that Bai Xianyu can't use the means of blood to pass the visitor stop monument set up by Juyang Immortal in Wang Ting Fudi.

You cannot pass the visitor stop monument.

Bai Xianyu will not be able to enter the true transmission space, and will not be able to liberate the power of Wang Tingfu's land spirit to fight against Juyang's will.

Without the power of the blessed land and earth spirit, how can Bai Xianyu fight against Ju Yang alone.

And without the support of Bao Huangtian's wealth, Bai Xianyu couldn't resist Mo Yao's will.

It can be said that without Lao Mo, Bai Xianyu would not be able to do many things.

"I don't have the memory of the old devil, so what if I get the Dionysian Tour and the Immortal Tour!"

"It's just two unusable Immortal Gu!"

"Moreover, I might be crushed by the influence of these two Immortal Gus."

There was a trace of sadness in Bai Xianyu's eyes.

Fortunately, Lao Mo's previous life was not without benefits.

In Laomo's previous life, the battle between Gu Yueyi and his senior brother would start later, even if Bai Ningbing blew himself up, it would not necessarily start, which meant safety for Bai Xianyu.

Moreover, without the old devil, Bai Xianyu didn't have to worry about being tricked suddenly when he was fighting against the wolves.

Moreover, without the old devil, Bai Xianyu can also attack the chances of his previous life wantonly, without worrying about suddenly killing an evil star.

In short, there are good and bad.

"Well, it seems that we can only implement the second step of the plan."

Bai Xianyu's second plan is to hide his name, go to the East China Sea to cultivate, quietly accumulate strength, and secretly explore the means to crack Spring Autumn Cicada, so as to prepare for his second life.

There was a trace of unwillingness in Bai Xianyu's eyes, but no matter how unwilling, it could only be so.

Without the old devil's memory, Bai Xianyu would not be able to conquer Zhenyang Tower, and he might not even be able to enter the visitor's stop monument.

Without the ability to plan Ju Yang's True Inheritance and the precious Immortal Gu of Ju Yang's True Inheritance, Bai Xianyu would not be able to quickly shorten the gap in strength with others.

Instead of going to the inheritance to pick up leftovers.

It's better to avoid the focus of God's will, cultivate silently, and accumulate strength for the second life.

(End of this chapter)

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