Chapter 60

In the hot summer, Qingmao Mountain is steaming.

Even Baijiazhai under the shadow of the back mountain can feel the heat of the weather.

Bieqiao ancient store, jumping over the dragon gate.

This is a well-known shop in Baijiazhai in the Bieqiao area that deals in Gu insects.

The boss behind the scenes is a retired family elder, who is said to be 70 years old.

I heard that at his peak, his cultivation was as high as the peak of rank three.

It's just that as he got older, the number of hidden injuries on his body increased, and his cultivation base dropped to the middle rank of the third rank.

Now, he seldom manages the chores in the family, and spends more time enjoying the few remaining lives.

This time after school, Bai Xianyu came here again.

"Uncle shopkeeper, bring me an iron skin Gu!"

The shopkeeper is a 40-year-old Rank Two Gu Master.

He and Bai Xianyu are acquaintances, seeing that Bai Xianyu bought iron skin Gu again, he couldn't help but joked: "I want iron skin Gu again, Thirteen Yaomei, did you fail in refining Gu again this time?"


Bai Xianyu nodded, and said: "Refining Gu is a bit difficult, and it failed again. Uncle, do you still have iron skin Gu here? If you have one, give me one."

It is now late June.

In the past few days since breaking through to rank two, Bai Xianyu practiced scale armor Gu several times, but all ended in failure.

One of them even destroyed a Fish Scale Gu.

This time I was lucky, the fish scale Gu was fine, but suffered a slight injury, and only the iron skin Gu was damaged.

However, although the scale armor Gu was not refined successfully.

However, Bai Xianyu successfully refined the Stream Gu and the Frost Gu into the Ice Blade Gu.

This was Bai Xianyu's rare achievement in recent days.

The shopkeeper took out an iron skin Gu, and kindly reminded: "Sister Thirteen Yao, it is very difficult to refine Gu insects together."

"You are just a newcomer, if possible, I advise you to buy a scale armor Gu and forget it."

"If you buy the materials and refine them by yourself, if you fail a few times, you will waste even more primordial stones."

"Scale armor Gu is not easy to refine, if possible, it's better to buy ready-made ones."

However, Bai Xianyu didn't like Yuanshi very much.

She smiled and said, "Uncle, everything is difficult at the beginning."

"If you don't accumulate Gu refining experience now, when will you accumulate it?"

"As for primordial stones, they are just some necessary consumables on the road of cultivation."

"I want to quickly accumulate Gu refining experience, so I can only continue to consume primeval stones."

"If you are lazy to buy Gu at the first turn, what should you do if you want to refine more difficult Gu in the future?"

"I want to refine a frost demon Gu together."

Rank two cultivation is just the early stage of Gu Master's cultivation.

If possible, Bai Xianyu hoped that most of the Gu worms in his hands were refined by himself.

Seeing Bai Xianyu's firm attitude, the shopkeeper uncle sold the Iron Gu Gu in his hand to Bai Xianyu, and said with a smile, "You have good ambition."

"However, Thirteen Yaomei, if you want to practice the way, I advise you to join the family's training hall or secret hall."

"The refining hall has a lot of opportunities to refine Gu, and the secret hall can consult many secret recipes for refining Gu in Baijiazhai."

"Other people want to join these two halls, and the family may have to be assessed for a while."

"But you are different."

"You are the granddaughter of the late Lord Bai Enpei, the master of the refining hall, and most of your brothers and sisters died for the family. If you want to join these two halls, it should be very easy."

Bai Xianyu's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he said with a smile: "Uncle shopkeeper, thank you, next time I will bring you wine to eat."

"Go! Go! Go!"

The shopkeeper uncle licked his lips, and said: "Drinking is not allowed during working hours. Otherwise, my father will scold me to death!"


Bai Xianyu smiled lightly, and said playfully, "Then I'll send someone to your room!"

After all, Bai Xianyu smiled and turned to leave.

Looking at Bai Xianyu's back, the shopkeeper laughed and cursed: "What a clever little girl."

Leaving the ancient shop, Bai Xianyu walked on the street alone, slowly walking towards home.

Ever since becoming a rank two Gu master.

Bai Xianyu was able to walk the streets alone.

As a rank two Gu master, Bai Xianyu no longer needs Ah San Ah Si's protection.And with the existence of sleeve frost Gu, they don't need their help to carry heavy objects.

It can be said that the degree of freedom has been greatly improved.

As for wanting to get out of the stockade.

Bai Miaocai couldn't stop him either, he just suggested that Bai Xianyu refine the rank two Gu worms he needed.

And Bai Xianyu naturally thought the same way.

Before the combat power is formed, I am determined not to go to the wild.

Walking on the street, Bai Xianyu could hear people around him talking about him from time to time.

"Did you see, she is Bai Xianyu, and it is said that she is already a rank two Gu master."

"The speed of practice is really fast. I have only reached the peak after two years of graduation. She is still in class!"

"Why is her speed so fast? Even the young patriarch can't match her in the school!"

"It is said that her aptitude is close to the first class, and she is assisted by wine worms, and I heard that she also used a bronze relic Gu to improve her cultivation."

"No wonder, I just said how the cultivation speed is so fast."

"It's really shocking to reach the second rank after only four months of enlightenment."

"I remember in my class, even Bai Bingji, a second-class genius, was only a high-ranking class after graduation."

Since becoming a rank two Gu master, Bai Xianyu has become a celebrity in the family.

Almost everyone has heard of Bai Xianyu's name.

After all, most of the Gu masters in Baijiazhai are only Rank [-] or Rank [-].Bai Xianyu's rank two cultivation has surpassed many Gu masters who have already graduated and are still rank one.

Great reputation.

It is comparable to those second-rank masters in the cottage.

Even if some second-rank masters become famous, they may not be as famous as Bai Xianyu.

Listening to the discussions around her, Bai Xianyu calmly walked towards the house.

It's just that Bai Xianyu felt more and more anxious in his heart.

If other teenagers and girls have these reputations, it is inevitable that they will not feel proud.

But Bai Xianyu only felt the danger in it.

Not to mention the jealousy and hatred of other people, Xiongjiazhai and Gu Yue's clan will definitely not watch him grow.

"I'm so famous, maybe people from Gu Yue Clan and Xiong's Village will really murder me."

"There is not much time until the mid-term assessment."

"I must refine the scale armor Gu as soon as possible. If it doesn't work, I can only buy one."

Bai Xianyu had a strong intuition for no reason.

That is, this mid-term assessment is definitely not a simple trial.It is very likely that they will be attacked by the Gu Yue Clan or the Xiong Family Village.

Although this feeling is somewhat inexplicable.

But Bai Xianyu firmly believed in this intuition.

I can have intuition when I gamble on stones, why can't I have the intuition to predict fortune and disaster.

"Sigh, it's a pity that there is no breath restraint Gu, and it's impossible to hide your cultivation."

If Bai Xianyu possessed the Breath Containment Gu, then he could hide his cultivation and practice slowly until he reached rank three before directly revealing the card.

It's a pity that Bai Xianyu didn't.

Moreover, it is easy to explain in one turn.

After all, there are wine worms and bronze relic Gu.

But if it was promoted to the second rank, it would not be easy to explain Bai Xianyu's practice speed so fast.

It's not possible to expose the four-flavored wine worm.

However, no matter what, Bai Xianyu will not slow down her practice speed because she is afraid of being exposed.

"Let's upgrade to the third rank first, if it's really not possible, it's okay to expose the four-flavored wine worm."

This is just the old devil's previous life.

The four-flavored wine worm also couldn't attract the old devil's murderous intentions.

On the contrary, it might give people the illusion that Bai Xianyu is a genius in Dao refining.

This is more conducive to the cultivation of the family.

(End of this chapter)

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