Chapter 63 Precious Light Gu

"Master Gu Master."

"This is the ancestral hunting map of my little family."

A mortal Orion in his 40s was prostrate on the ground.

Tremblingly, he held up a leather map in his hand.

Pass it to a heroic girl in front of her wearing a red warrior uniform and a blood-crying bird mask.

This heroic girl with a capable temperament in a red warrior uniform and a blood-crying bird mask is Bai Xianyu.

Although Bai Xianyu is only fourteen or fifteen years old.

But the identity of the Gu Master, as well as the two brocade-robed warriors with high martial arts skills behind the girl, made Orion dare not even have the slightest thought of resistance in his mind.

Facing the girl's request, Orion, a mortal, tactfully presented the map in his hand.

This map records the specific terrain near the mid-term assessment site.

In addition to the terrain, the content of the map also includes traps and traps laid by hunters up and down the mountain all year round and the distribution of herds.

With this map, it will be much easier for Bai Xianyu to explore the location during the mid-term assessment, and he can also avoid many herds and traps.

Looking at the map, Bai Xianyu asked several times in detail the meaning of the various symbols depicted on the map and the content contained in the lines.

Orion responded to Bai Xianyu's questions one by one.

After understanding the map, Bai Xianyu said: "I will requisition this map first, and return it to you after the assessment. If I gain something, I will not be stingy with rewards."

"It is the honor of the villain to share the worries of the adults!"

Orion said respectfully.

Although he was reluctant to give up the map, he also knew that he could not compete against the Gu Master, and he only hoped that the Gu Master in front of him would leave as soon as possible.

Bai Xianyu could see his fear.

Although the goal has been achieved, Bai Xianyu is not in a hurry to leave.

Under Orion's awe-inspiring eyes, Bai Xianyu said: "Let me ask one last time, are you sure this map is real, and there is no fraud?"

Orion knelt down and respectfully said: "No, no, I swear to God, there is absolutely no problem with this map. This map is the hunting map handed down from my ancestors to this day!"

Orion's forehead touched the ground, and he kept swearing, swearing that this map is a family heirloom.

Seeing Orion's sincere actions, Bai Xianyu laughed and joked, "I hope you didn't lie to me."

Say it.Bai Xianyu activated Baoguang Gu and began to check Orion's house.


Bai Xianyu felt a crisis lingering in her heart all the time, and she didn't dare to relax her mind too much.

How can one listen to one side's words in a matter of life and death.

Compared to Orion, Bai Xianyu trusted the power of Gu worms more.

I saw that under the illumination of the Precious Light Gu, all the items in the Orion's house exuded precious lights of different sizes.

these items.

Whether it's pots and pans, or stools, chairs, tables and cabinets.

The height of Baoguang is far less than one millimeter.

Obviously the value is extremely low, almost insignificant.

As for some broken primordial stones, their precious brilliance can be close to a centimeter in height.

To achieve this, only complete primordial stones will do.

As for the map in Bai Xianyu's hand that was more than one centimeter in height, it was about three or four centimeters high.

Obviously, this map is worth far more than a primeval stone.

Bai Xianyu found a bag of primordial stones from the floor of Orion's house through Baoguang Gu.

This bag of primordial stones emits a six to seven centimeter long light blue precious light under the detection of the precious light Gu.

It is unique in the whole yard.

Bai Xianyu opened the bag and found several primordial stones.


Orion stared blankly at the primordial stone he had hidden on the floor being found by Bai Xianyu.

Seeing Yuanshi being held in Bai Xianyu's hand, Orion, a mortal, was anxious.

Just when he thought the Gu Master was going to plunder.

Something happened to make him happy.

However, Bai Xianyu only weighed the purse and put down his bag of primordial stones.

Obviously there is no intention of looting.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and after his mood relaxed, he also had the leisure to peek at the movements of the Gu Master in front of him.

Gradually, he also saw some tricks.

The Gu worm in Master Gu Master's hand should be able to distinguish the value of items.

The more precious the value, the brighter the light.

However, to understand is to understand, and Orion didn't dare to ask in detail.

It's just that I am more and more in awe of the Gu Master in my heart.

Gu masters even have such methods.

However, he could also see that the Gu Master in front of him should be a good Gu Master.

Otherwise, he would not put down his primordial stone.

The pressure in his heart was relieved, and he was in the mood to look at the strange precious light released by various items in the room like Ah San and Ah Si beside him.

Looking at the strange power of the Baoguang Gu in Bai Xianyu's hand, Orion and Ah San Ah Si behind him were all very surprised.

It just felt like an eye-opener.

After this time, this rare experience will become the stuff of bragging when the three of them drink and chat with relatives and friends in the future.

Bai Xianyu used Baoguang Gu to check it, and after confirming that there was no other map, he felt relieved and said, "You are very honest, Ah San, take out a primordial stone and reward him."

Ah San took out a primordial stone from his pocket and threw it to Orion.

After Orion took it, he looked at it in disbelief.

After confirming that it was the True Essence Stone, Orion exclaimed ecstatically, "Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir, for the reward!"

Bai Xianyu nodded, and continued: "I will return this map to you when I use it up. Afterwards, if I get something from your map, I will give you another reward."

After finishing speaking, Bai Xianyu said: "Three and four, let's go!"

Bai Xianyu put away the map, and led Ah San and Ah Si who led the way to leave this place, looking for the next famous Orion.

There are many hunters in Baijiazhai.

There are also many famous headhunters.

Some hunters are mere mortals, but they can lay traps to hunt tigers and black bears with their experience. These skilled hunters are often called headhunters by their peers.

And Bai Xianyu found these headhunters.

After passing two villages, Bai Xianyu came to another mortal's house.

Only Ah San said: "Miss, the Sun family in front is a famous headhunter nearby."


Bai Xianyu nodded, and said softly: "You two go call the door, and try to explain my purpose clearly."

"Yes, miss!"

Ah San and Ah Si looked at each other, and walked into Headhunter Sun's house together.


Headhunter Sun also knelt down at Bai Xianyu's feet, and dedicated the map in his hand to Bai Xianyu with a respectful face.

Bai Xianyu took the map and made it in the same way.

After asking about the map, he checked the Sun family again with Baoguang Gu.

After confirming that there was no problem, Bai Xianyu went to the next headhunter.

A total of three were found.

After getting almost the same maps, Bai Xianyu went back to Yiqing Jiangshan Building to collect the information of these five maps, and redraw the map using the drawing knowledge learned in school.

With his own drawing skills and the collected information, Bai Xianyu tried his best to draw this map in detail.

Some controversial points.

Bai Xianyu will remark as little as possible.

Soon, a new map with much richer content was completed.

The Baoguang of this map is six or seven centimeters, which is enough to see its value.

Looking at the new map, Bai Xianyu nodded in satisfaction.

"So, the map is complete."

"There are two days left."

"Should I buy another fish scale Gu?"

Although Bai Xianyu is the heir of the White Mansion, there is also a quota for primordial stones. Every time he wants to spend a large sum of primordial stones, he has to apply for it, and each time the maximum is 1000 primal stones.

There is only one chance to apply once every two months.

The Sleeve Frost Gu bought by Yuanshi in March and April.

Yuanshi in May and June bought wine worms and gambling stones.

The remaining primordial stones and the two fish scale Gu and two iron skin Gu bought in July and August are not much left.

A Fish Scale Gu costs 500 yuan stones to buy, but only 400 yuan stones to sell. Should we sacrifice 100 yuan stones for the inexplicable intuition?

(End of this chapter)

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