Chapter 68 Life Is So Fragile

"There are assassins?"

Accompanied by the rapid noise, both Bai Xianyu and Mingzhu were awakened.

Drop off the sleeping bag.

Bai Xianyu and Jin Zhu Yinzhu came together.

Beside Jinzhu and Yinzhu, there are two Gu masters from Baijiazhai.

Both of them are rank two Gu Masters.

One is a young man in his 20s, with fair skin and a clean appearance, exuding the aura of a Rank [-] mid-level Gu Master.

But at this moment, the young Gu Master's face was a little frightened, it was obviously the first time he encountered such a thing.

Fortunately, the life of a Gu master for several years has trained his xinxing well, even knowing that there is some unknown danger in this forest, he can still hold his ground.

As for the other Gu Master, he was a middle-aged man in his 40s.

He is 40 years old, but he doesn't look oily at all. His skin is pale like Baijiazhai's. His body is in good condition and he hasn't gained weight.

Standing beside them, he exuded a calm and capable air of a senior Gu master.

The calm attitude made Jin Zhu Yinzhu and the young Gu master faintly regard him as the leader at this moment.

Seeing Bai Xianyu coming down, the middle-aged Gu Master said: "My name is Bai Zhantan, there are assassins nearby, Bai Shangshu and several Gu Masters near him have all died, the family announces that the assessment is over, you guys Follow me back to the camp and talk!"


Jinzhu and Mingzhu's complexions were a little pale and frightened.

And Bai Xianyu was lucky.

The assassin assassinated Bai Shangshu.

This shows that the assassin is either a political opponent of Bai Gouqin's lineage, or a Gu master from the outer village.

After all, it's an academy assessment, political opponents are impossible, most likely they are Gu masters from the outer village.

Bai Xianyu was very fortunate that she came to participate in the assessment by herself and suddenly brought Yuanyang, a little girl with a strange mask on a whim.

This strange spectrum probably interfered with the assassin to a certain extent, preventing the assassin from finding him.

As for Yinzhu, she frowned and said: "Senior, with the power of the family, haven't you discovered the assassin yet?"

Bai Zhantan said truthfully: "No, the enemy has great lurking methods. There are four Gu masters near Baishangshu. All of them sacrificed without making any movement, and they didn't find out until the shift."

"In short, the assassin this time is very powerful."

"Besides, I heard that this assassin may have the famous Rank [-] Poison Gu Ai Sheng Li, we need to leave as soon as possible."

"Love lives away!"

As soon as the words fell, the expressions of the four girls were all ugly.

Ai Shengli is very well-known, and the fact that it needs the heart of a lover to refine Gu makes many people feel very taboo about this Gu.

Ai Shengli is rumored to be the number one poison Gu in rank two.

In addition to using Gu insects to defend, there are few Healing Gus that can counter this Gu.Even for some Rank [-] detoxification Gu insects, there are many Gu insects who can't do anything about this Gu insect.

Hearing the three words love life and separation.

Bai Xianyu even doubted whether this assassin was Wang Da in the original book.

"The ability of an assassin is similar to that of Wang Da, and his hidden power is very impressive."

Thinking of this, Bai Xianyu immediately activated the scale armor Gu to protect herself, and said: "Senior, the enemy has great lurking ability. If you have defense Gu, you should activate the defense Gu first. If you are attacked by surprise, it will be troublesome. Let's go to the family camp first." They are talking. There are many scouting Gu masters in the camp, and the enemy will not dare to be too arrogant when they get there."

"It makes sense!"

The middle-aged Gu Master glanced at Bai Xianyu approvingly.

I saw his hair growing wildly, wrapped several people together, and said: "Let's go back first!"

Everyone has no objection.

I saw that Yinzhu and the young Gu master also urged their own defensive Gu worms.

Together, the four of them quietly guarded the golden and bright pearls without defense Gu in the center and walked towards the school.

While walking, Jin Zhu said: "Senior, you said that Bai Shangshu died!"


Bai Zhantan nodded, his face a little dignified.

"The enemy this time is no small matter."

"There are four Gu masters near Baishangshu, and many of them are elites with top defensive Gu, but they were assassinated by the enemy without making a fuss. I think this enemy is very likely to be specially trained by the enemy village to kill us. The dead soldier of the top student in the family village."

Speaking of this, Bai Zhantan said to Bai Xianyu: "You may also be the other party's target. However, I didn't expect you to bring Zhang Yipu. The other party is concerned about the Gu masters near you, so it is not good to check closely, but instead let you Dodged a bullet."

He has rich experience and encountered the assassination of his classmates when he was young, so he immediately thought of this possibility.

He looked at Bai Xianyu with a trace of joy in his eyes.

If Bai Xianyu hadn't brought a different spectrum, maybe he would have become the assassination target of a strange Gu master.

Bai Xianyu agreed quite a bit when he heard the words, and said happily: "I just thought it would be cool to bring Zhang Yipu, but I didn't expect to be able to save my life."

Bai Xianyu always thought so.

Your own crisis may come from within the clan.

So he didn't even bring his own genealogy, but deliberately brought the mandarin duck's genealogy.

Unexpectedly, those elders in the clan did not send someone to assassinate him, but the people from the outer village instead.

I made a mistake and made a wrong move, but I also held on to a little life.

Thinking of this, Bai Xianyu couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

The opponent can kill so many Gu masters in a row, the strength must be good, the scale armor Gu is really difficult to give Bai Xianyu a sense of security.

The three Jinzhu sisters beside Bai Xianyu were also very lucky.

Jin Zhu said: "It seems that this strange tree is really life-saving. I will take my golden phoenix with me when I go out in the future. Not only is it beautiful, but it can also hide my identity from strangers."

At this time, the young Gu Master asked curiously: "Bai Xianyu! Is this defensive Gu of yours a scale armor Gu? It looks similar to the rumored scale armor Gu."

He is going to buy a rank two defensive Gu recently, and the scale armor Gu is one of his investigation targets.

Bai Xianyu heard the words and said with a hearty smile: "Brother Huiyan, this little girl is the scale armor Gu. I was lucky to successfully refine it last night."

The young Gu master enviously said: "It's amazing! It's amazing to have mastered two Rank [-] Gus during the school days. I heard that these two Rank [-] Gus were all refined by you. Up to now, except for the natal Gu, I have mastered two Gus. Don't dare to refine Gu worms."

During the chat, he told everyone about his Gu refining experience.

He has been a rank two Gu Master for a year or two.

He had failed twice in refining his natal Gu.

Countless hard-earned resources have been wasted.

Now he doesn't even have the courage to continue the joint training.

Bai Xianyu knew the hardships of refining Gu, and was about to speak, when Jin Zhu said: "Of course it was refined by my family's Xianyu. Shang Shu competed for the first place in Naoshizi's assessment, and by virtue of the scale armor Gu and ice blade Gu, he had already cut down the wild boars all over the mountains with his knife."

Under the protection of the middle-aged Gu Master's long black hair, Jin Zhu boasted loudly and kept advocating Bai Xianyu.

The tone is as arrogant as it is.

He completely forgot to tell Bai Xianyu not to deal with wild boars alone before the assessment.

Hearing this, the young Gu Master couldn't help putting away his contempt from the few people he saw before, and said: "So that's it, you really deserve to be the elite of this year. Unfortunately, I thought you didn't dare to hunt alone, but I didn't expect you to have a big heart. I don’t want to fight for fame, but I feel a little sorry for thinking like that.”

Jin Zhu immediately said happily: "Then why don't you hurry up and apologize now. What kind of eyes did you look at us just now, with a look of contempt on your face, do you think we are all cowards!"

The young Gu master was scolded by Jin Zhu, he sincerely apologized again and again, the four people around couldn't help laughing secretly.

Bai Xianyu's eyes flickered, and he said worriedly: "Senior, you said earlier that Bai Shangshu was assassinated."


The middle-aged Gu Master nodded, and told the tragic death of several people in Baishangshu one by one.

They were all killed by having their hearts pierced.

Bai Shangshu even died on the sleeping bag, apparently in the hands of his opponent while sleeping.

The students carefully cultivated by Baijiazhai are not so close that they can't find them.

It must be that the opponent has an unusually powerful lurking method.

Hearing this, Jin Zhu sighed and said, "I didn't expect the annoying ghost to die like this. I thought he would die at the hands of Xiongjiazhai or Baijiazhai in future battles!"

What is this nonsense!

Yinzhu and Mingzhu rolled their eyes.

However, they didn't say anything, they just looked a little melancholy.

Although they have long been used to seeing life and death, this is the first time they have encountered people around them who died so close to them.

The young Gu master and Bai Zhantan had complicated expressions.

They have heard of Bai Shangshu's name.

With an old background and a second-class qualification, this assessment is even the first, and the future can be said to be extremely bright.

I didn't expect to die here like this.

As for Bai Xianyu, he also felt that it was a pity that Baishangshu died.

The person I originally wanted to blackmail died like this.

What a pity.

Otherwise, in the future, a little talk can squeeze a lot of oil and water from Bai Gouqi's lineage.

However, Bai Xianyu can also understand.

In the original book, there is no famous Gu master in Baijiazhai this year, and it is normal to die here.

If he hadn't crossed over.

I'm afraid that the original body will die here too.

(End of this chapter)

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