Chapter 76 Autumn Water Eyes
Qianxun Waterfall.

A gray-spotted pika bit off a piece of Ganwei with its rodents, picked it up, and ran happily to its nest.

Its lair is on the top of Qianxun Waterfall, and Gan Wei is at the bottom of the cliff.

It is storing food for the winter.

Running back and forth for hundreds of meters just to store a piece of Gan Wei.

Since August, it has been going back and forth hundreds of times every day.

Day by day.

It is now September.

It has stored nearly 28 kilograms of Ganwei grass in the nest, which is almost 180 times its body weight.

below its lair.

There are many gray-spotted pikas like it, doing the same thing.

Among the gray-spotted pikas, there are also younger ones.

There is a young one who has no nesting experience.

It builds its nest in a relatively obvious place.

Unfortunately, its winter food was targeted by others of its kind.

Not all pikas in this world are hardworking.

Being able to plunder the licorice of other pikas will undoubtedly save me a lot of time and energy.

Under the tempering of nature, there will always be a gray spotted pika who will find this shortcut.

It is undoubtedly much easier to steal the same kind of food than to climb the cliff and eat the roots.

But I saw a little guy cleverly looking at the granary built by this young fellow.

Leave while young.

Little Witty immediately ran to Xiaonianqing's chassis.

He picked up the ganweicao stored by Xiaonianqing and ran to his lair.

It has been very experienced in stealing food of the same kind.

Step on the spot, observe, and steal.

A set of processes is extremely proficient.

Of course, there are occasional bad luck.

That is to meet the right master.

Like this time.

Little Witty looked at the young man in front of him with a guilty conscience.

Seeing the little young man screaming angrily, the little wit quickly dropped the ganweicao in his mouth and walked away quickly.

The two little guys chased after each other.

After all, the little witty escaped successfully.

After all, except for the young gray-spotted pika who just started stealing food, most habitual offenders like the little wits will prepare a way to escape before stealing.

Xiao Young returned to the nest very unhappy.

Now, it's going to nest again.

At least the lair cannot be built in such an obvious place.

For gray spotted pika.

Thieves are not alone.

For the same kind, the gray-spotted pika can still chase and beat it violently, but it is difficult for some kind of big guy.

But on the cliff, a gray-spotted pika looked at a blue sheep that was gnawing on its stored food with a painful expression on its face.

It turned out that this blue sheep was lucky enough to find the pile of Ganwei grass it had stored.

This pile of licorice is enough for blue sheep to eat two meals.

Facing the blue sheep, Xiao Qingong looked desperate.

What else can it do?

Go on!

You can't add food to blue sheep.


This time I have to work harder and build at least two more nests.

In this way, even if one nest is found by blue sheep, there are two other nests that can be used as backup granaries.

"Stealing the way, in fact, it exists in nature!"

"Pikas steal food, cuckoos steal houses!"

Below Qianxun Waterfall, Xiaohan Pond.

Bai Xianyu opened her autumn water eyes with a little bit of maple leaf red, and quietly watched the scene on the top of the cliff.

This is the power of Detective Gu Qiushui Gu.

Turn [-] Autumn Water Gu.

It allows Bai Xianyu to see objects within 400 meters clearly, even a fly can be very clear.

Since buying Ice Needle Gu.

Bai Xianyu had already used up all the primordial stones he could receive from the White Mansion this year.

You can only get a subsidy of a dozen primeval stones every week.

Because of lack of money.

Bai Xianyu had no choice but to sell Baoguang Gu, and bought a first-turn wind blade Gu specially used to unravel stones, and continued to practice by selling the Gu worms in the gambling stones.

Fortunately, there is such a place as the black market.

Ever since Bai Xianyu gained experience, he dumped a large amount of Gu he obtained from gambling on stones to the black market.

69 gambling stones are now only 18 yuan left.

Of the 51 gambling stones consumed, Bai Xianyu released a total of eighteen rank one Gus and two rank two Gus.

As for the other 29 gambling stones.

Either it is a stone within a stone, or it is death Gu, dead insects, foreign objects, etc.

Relying on these resources, Bai Xianyu synthesized the Sleeve Frost Gu on hand into Frost Sleeve Gu.

Purchased a Fog Gu.

And spent a lot of money to buy a Qiushui Gu for investigation.

Autumn Water Gu is a rank three Gu worm.

The shape is like a maple leaf, and the pupils will be a little maple leaf red after being activated.

This Gu can greatly improve eyesight.

Although Bai Xianyu's red iron essence couldn't fully tap the potential of this rank three Gu, he could use it to see clearly what happened within 400 meters.

This Gu worm was bought by spending a lot of Bai Xianyu's savings.

Currently, Bai Xianyu already has quite a few Gu worms on hand.

The four-flavored wine worm for practice.

Ice Blade Gu, Ice Needle Gu, and Scale Armor Gu are used for offense and defense.

Wind Blade Gu used to dispel stones.

Qiushui Gu used for investigation.

Frost sleeve Gu used for storage.

It is used to assist the Ice Needle Gu, the Puppet Gu, and the Fog Gu.

Sandpit Gu, Cooking Smoke Gu, and Clear Water Gu are used to construct the ultimate move of Muddy Eye Ash.

Among them, Autumn Water Gu is as high as rank three.

As for Sand Pit Gu, Cooking Smoke Gu, Clear Water Gu, and Wind Blade Gu, they are rank one Gu insects.

As for the other Gu worms, they are all rank two.

At present, the Gu worms on Bai Xianyu's body are almost no weaker than many experienced rank two Gu masters.

All this is due to the cheating methods of the Baifu and Bai Xianyu in betting on stones.

"Steal, alas!"

Bai Xianyu sighed softly, canceling the use of Autumn Water Gu.

In the moment of using Gu, most of the crimson essence possessed by Bai Xianyu has been evaporated.

"Autumn Water Gu is rank three Gu after all."

"Even for the type of rank three Gu that consumes less real energy, it cannot be supported by crimson real energy."

"It's still too early for me to buy this Gu worm."

"It is necessary to raise the cultivation base to the middle rank of the second rank as soon as possible, and with the help of the crimson true essence, it can be used for a little longer."

Taking out the primordial stone, Bai Xianyu took it silently, but his mind was on the sneak attack Gu.

After two or three months, the ingredients needed for Bai Xianyu's secret recipe of sneak attack Gu have been concealed and collected, and now it's time to consider refining sneak attack Gu.

"Refining sneak attack Gu requires a safe place."

"Besides that, there is also the most important Gu material."

As for the location, Bai Xianyu had already thought about it.

That is the Bayberry Ridge that Mingzhu gave her.

That place is close to Baijiazhai, but there are few people going there, it is relatively remote, and it has already passed the season of rich red bayberry, so it can be said that it is inaccessible.

Because of Bai Qi's assassination incident, Baijiazhai has been severely cracked down for a period of time, and Yangmeiling is basically not in danger.

The location is no problem.

It's just that the Gu materials are a bit difficult to handle, and babies are needed.

"If my guess is correct, what Sha Xiao asked Thief to refine is Devil Gu, then it is best for this baby not to be more than two months old."

Stealing a baby less than two months old is definitely not easy.

To gather intelligence, to avoid detection.

Once discovered.

Expulsion from the cottage is considered good.

The risk of refining this kind of magical Gu worm is too great.

However, sneak attack Gu is really delicious.

Rank one emerald green primeval energy can be mobilized, its power is not weak in rank two Gu, and because it belongs to stealth, it can ignore the protection of ordinary defense Gu.

At critical moments, this top grade Gu can save one's life.

Knowing the secret recipe of this top grade Gu, do you want to just give up?
At least Bai Xianyu couldn't bear it.

If Ice Blade Gu and Scale Armor Gu can only be used as a routine method, Ice Needle Gu combined with Puppet Manipulation Gu to create Fog Gu is an upgrade method, and Blurred Eyes is a strange trick that can be used to win by surprise, then Sneak Attack Gu is enough to be called a suppressing weapon. The ace at the bottom of the box.

"It's the end of September now."

"It won't be long before I graduate."

"After graduation, I must go on an adventure in the wild."

"I must have a hole card that is enough to save my life."

Thinking in this way, Bai Xianyu began to conceive where to get this hole card.

In short, the child of a Gu master must not move.

Otherwise, the family will definitely investigate vigorously.

As for mortals, try to screen those people with foreign surnames who do not have a Gu master background.

If possible, it is best to steal the baby from Gu Yue's Village or Xiong's Village.

"It seems that we have to plan well!"

(End of this chapter)

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