Chapter 82

"Yo Yo Yo, I admit defeat, not because you are already a Rank [-] Gu Master, but because I don't want to attack the woman I like, that's all! It's really disgusting!"

"Okay, okay, stop messing around, it's not like you don't know my character!" Holding the funny hand on his chest, Bai Xianyu stared at Jin Zhu with a dead expression on his face and said: "Even if he doesn't surrender It won't be my opponent either. Surrendering will make me lose the chance to avenge Yinzhu!"

Watching the two fight, the joy in Mingzhu's eyes cannot be concealed.

She clicked her tongue twice, and finally chose to maintain a skillful demeanor and said softly: "Xianyu, congratulations, you won the leader!"

"As expected!"

Bai Xianyu smiled, looked back and said: "There is a huge gap between the first rank and the second rank. A scale armor Gu has already made me invincible. Unless they have the hole cards that can leapfrog the battle, they will never be defeated." It can't be my opponent!"

Jin Zhu withdrew her hand with a grin, not being funny, but said: "How can it be possible to leapfrog a trump card in a single turn, Xian Yu, how dare you think about it!"

Yinzhu analyzed: "There shouldn't be such powerful Gu worms in our village. Even if there are, they will probably be hidden by people as a trump card and will not be leaked easily."

"Okay, okay, stop chatting, let's go to the office to get the subsidy. Everyone else has started negotiating with the Gu masters outside. Although we have already found a job, we should act quickly. You know, Xian Yu hasn't decided whether to join the Gu Master team yet!"

Mingzhu interrupted a few people and said: "After receiving the subsidy, we have to go out to have a meal. After that, we will work in different positions. There will be fewer days when we can get together in the future!"

"Let's go!"

Bai Xianyu smiled lightly, took the lead, and led everyone to the teaching office.

At the teaching office, Bai Axiu is here to distribute subsidies and official Gu master costumes based on the results of this assessment.

Needless to say, Gu Master's clothing.

Both men and women are dressed in uniform styles.

Headbands, strong clothes, trousers, leggings, bamboo straw shoes.

Only the belt is different.

Jin Zhu and the others all had blue belts with a bronze medal engraved with the word "one" in the middle.

And Bai Xianyu's is a red belt.

The bronze medal in the middle is a "two" character, which means that Bai Xianyu's cultivation base has already reached the second turn.

As for the subsidy, this is the last time for several of them to receive the subsidy from the school.

Jinzhu and Mingzhu made it to the third round and received 30 yuan stones.

Yinzhu made it to the fourth round and received 40 yuan.

As for Bai Xianyu.

Bai Axiu took out three bulging bags of primordial stones and handed them to Bai Xianyu, saying, "Xianyu, here are your 300 primordial stones. Also, you take this token too. You can go to the family's Water Curtain Cave to pick a rare Gu worm that does not exceed your cultivation level."

"Okay!" Bai Xianyu put away the primordial stone and looked at the token carefully.

This is an exquisite cold jade token, with some jade lotus patterns around it, it is really beautiful.

On the front was written the word "Leader", and on the back were the names and information of Bai Xianyu's graduated Gu Masters.

There are more than 50 names in total.

During the period, Bai Qi, Bai Shangshu and others who had died were included.

Looking at the token, Jin Zhu said enviously, "What a beautiful token!"

"And I can also choose a Rank [-] Treasure Gu from the family collection, I'm really envious!"

Yinzhu said: "This token looks familiar!"

"I remembered, my grandfather also has one, and has been keeping it. It turns out that this is the order of the chief!"

Bai Axiu said: "This is the leader's order, which can only be obtained by every leader of our Baijiazhai. With this token, you can go to the family's secret place to collect Gu worms within three days."

"If you exceed the time, you will not be able to receive it."

"Xianyu, you can still keep this token after you get the Gu worm, it's a commemoration of the first place this year!"

"Number one!" Bai Xianyu put away the token with great emotion, and immediately said affectionately, "Thank you, Aunt Axiu!"

"Hehe!" Bai Axiu chuckled, and said softly, "Xianyu, have you ever thought about going there after graduation?"

"Not yet!" Bai Xianyu shook her head lightly.

In fact, Bai Xianyu already planned to work in the training hall after graduation.

Surviving in the wild, I can take time to hone it slowly in the future.

This time it was the old devil's previous life.

How long will it be before Bai Ningbing blew himself up.

You can wait patiently for the toad caravan two years later, and then you can leave with the old devil.

As for the immortal treasure.

This matter is too ethereal, even if there is information about the treasures of immortals in Baijiazhai, no one in Baijiazhai has discovered it for thousands of years.

Of course, in the final analysis, what Bai Xianyu believed in was his own strength.

Improving Dao refining technology is the real deal.

However, how can everything go as expected.

Bai Axiu smiled and said, "It's not exactly right."

"Xianyu, you don't know something."

"The second-class members of our Baijiazhai. After graduation, the family will train separately."

"This time, the family decided to let you be the patriarch's personal guard."

"You should report to the patriarch first!"

"Being the patriarch's personal guard for a year or two before we talk about it."

"After that, you can choose the direction of development according to your own hobbies."

"You take this ID card first, and report to the patriarch tomorrow morning!"

"Ha, the patriarch's personal guard?" Bai Xianyu was a little confused, holding his ID card, slightly repelled.

Working under the patriarch's nose?Then what secrets do you have!

Others may be happy working alongside the patriarch.

The king's brother-in-law is the third prince, and the prime minister's disciple is the seventh-rank official.

But for Bai Xianyu, it was of no benefit at all.The cultivation of the patriarch is completely dispensable to Bai Xianyu who has a projection battlefield.On the contrary, in order to guard Bai Jiaping, Bai Xianyu had to waste a lot of time in his practice.

As the patriarch's personal guard, many people will entrust him to help with affairs in the future, which will undoubtedly delay a lot of time.

Moreover, there are too many people around the patriarch, and Bai Xianyu has too many things he can't do.

This matter was very inconvenient for Bai Xianyu.

The most important thing is that anyone who is familiar with the original works knows it.

Baijiazhai is a wrecked ship, it will sink sooner or later, even becoming the patriarch is useless!
"Okay, look at your disgusted face! Don't be in the midst of blessings!" Bai Axiu scolded with a smile, and said: "Hurry up, hurry up, I have other things to be busy with!"

Bai Xianyu had no choice but to leave with the three Jinzhu sisters.

Well, there is no need to think about whether to go to the secret hall or the refining hall, just obediently serve as the patriarch's personal guard.

Seeing Bai Xianyu's disgusted expression, Jin Zhu couldn't help being happy, and said, "Xianyu, isn't the patriarch's personal soldier still good? Maybe there is a chance to be personally taught by the patriarch!"

Even though Jin Zhu is very lazy, she also knows that this job is definitely a lucrative job.

Being a soldier for the patriarch is not so much a guard, but a cronies.

Compared to Gu masters who go out to work hard, being a personal guard for the patriarch not only does not need to go out to take risks in the wild, but the salary is also very generous.

The most important thing is to be close to the top of the family's power and be able to make friends with many elders in power in Baijiazhai.

It can almost be said that God has listened to it.

This is definitely the fat difference of the fat difference.

"That's right!" Yin Zhu also said, "Being a patriarch's personal soldier is a fat job that many people can't ask for."

"You know, the selection of the patriarch's personal guards is very strict. You need to reach level two before the age of 23. In addition, you also need to have a very perfect mission history."

"Become the patriarch's personal soldier, even if you don't become the elder in the future, you can become a family official and enjoy the family benefits."

"As far as I know, most students who have just graduated can only get a few yuan stones when they form a group and go outside to complete a task. As for the patriarch's personal soldiers, they only need to guard the patriarch's side, and they can get three hundred yuan a month. Yuan Shi, the treatment is really too bad."

"In one year, the salary alone is worth 600 Yuan stones. Counting the possible rewards, working for a year is enough to replace the Gu on your body with several Rank [-] Gu. This is what many Rank [-] Gu masters dream of. I can't even think of a fat difference!"

"Three thousand and six hundred yuan yuan stone!"

Jin Zhu enviously said: "After our sisters graduate, even if they complete the task of separating the family, they will inherit the family property of four to five thousand yuan stones at most. Xianyu, you can get so many yuan stones after working for two years, what is there to be dissatisfied with?" !"

Seeing that Bai Xianyu was too lazy to talk to the other two women, Mingzhu hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, you two don't talk about Xianyu, let's go outside and have a rub!"

"That's right!" Bai Xianyu nodded and said, "Let's go, let's rub it first and talk."

A few people passed by the playground, only to see Bai Bingji walked over after seeing Bai Xianyu, and said, "Xianyu!"

Bai Xianyu said happily: "Sick brother!"

"Haha!" Bai Bingji smiled slightly with a sick face, and said, "Xianyu, congratulations on winning the leader. By the way, how did the family arrange you?"

"How did Brother Bingji know!" Bai Xianyu showed a trace of doubt, and soon came to a realization, and said with a playful smile: "I even forgot that Brother Bingji is also a second-class aptitude. By the way, Brother Bingji, how did the family cultivate it before your."

Bai Bing said: "I'm ashamed, my family arranged for me to go to the Lishui Wharf to practice and let the Hetu family teach me how to practice. Unfortunately, my health is too poor and I have caught a cold. After only two months of work, I went home and begged my grandfather to arrange for me to temporarily Join a small team to practice, by the way, what about you, Xianyu!"

Bai Xianyu's words made Bai Xianyu's heart even colder.

However, Bai Xianyu didn't show any flaws, with a slightly reserved face, she said embarrassedly: "The family arranged for me to be the patriarch's personal guard! My brother, Jinzhu and I have something to do, so we will leave first!"

After chatting for a few words, Bai Xianyu and Jin Zhu left the place hand in hand.

Bai Bingji watched obsessively behind Sishu.

He reached out his hand to hold Bai Xianyu's back, but he could only watch the beautiful girl's figure fade away.

At this time, a charming woman came over and said, "Cousin, have you seen Xianyu?"

The person who came was Bai Qing'er, Bai Shigong's youngest daughter.

"Sister Qing'er, you actually met Xianyu."

Bai Qing'er smiled lightly, and her red lips parted slightly: "I've had a lot of contact, by the way, I saw Xianyu just now, she's gone, and I want to invite her to join my team to take on the offensive point !"

Bai Bing smiled wryly, and narrated the details one by one.

"So that's it!" Bai Qing'er nodded and said, "It seems that I have to find new members."

(End of this chapter)

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