Chapter 88
Lijiang, No. [-] Yulian production base.

A group of Gu masters led many mortals on a raft to clear the ice floes on the water, and at the same time trimmed the withered lotus leaves in the jade lotus.

The leader of the crowd was a Rank 26 Gu Master around [-] years old.

He is the leader of this group of people, standing in the crowd and constantly giving orders.

"Everyone of you, please be careful. Don't hurt Yulian, otherwise, you will be fined to go swimming in the water."

"Also, don't throw away those withered lotus leaves, not only restaurants will collect them, but these leaves can also be used to feed Gu."

"The fertilization team also took the time to fertilize Yulian as soon as possible. The weather is cold now, and it will freeze again in a short time. Our base is very big. If we don't hurry up, we don't want to finish it today, and we have to go to Liuzhou tomorrow. Where's the base!"

"Our team is in charge of three bases."

"If you don't want to be scolded by the elders, you have to do the work for me quickly!"

Among the crowd, a 16-year-old beautiful girl was wearing a wolf fur coat, standing quietly on the boat, ignoring the wind, snow and frost, urging the Fertile Soil Gu to fatten the jade lotus.

At this time, the leader of the team came over and said with a very friendly smile: "Mingzhu, you are tired, why don't you take a break, I bought some pastries for you, you are a newcomer, just take a look, don't be too tired It’s over, let them do these things.”

The two attendants beside the leader also said in harmony at this moment: "That's right, Mingzhu, take a break! You don't have experience yet, just watch and learn more. It's so cold, your little hands are turning red from the cold, if you If you catch a cold, we will all be worried!"

Mingzhu smiled lightly, and said distantly: "Captain Pheasant, I'm fine. I wanted to take care of the jade lotus for my family when I was in school. I would cherish this opportunity too late! Especially when I feel the jade lotus in the wind and snow. I am so strong, I feel that my heart has also been sublimated!"

Sensing Mingzhu's estrangement, Baishanji forced a smile, forcibly summoned up energy, and continued to show courteousness.

A girl as beautiful as Bai Mingzhu is really rare.

If he misses it, he will definitely regret all sentient beings.

Seeing this, Mingzhu showed a hint of helplessness, but she could only let him wander around.

Fortunately, Mingzhu also has a background.

I'm not afraid of him messing around.

Qingmao Mountain, in the swamp, a team of five Gu masters is digging the ground.

They're collecting sapropel permafrost.

The leader is a female Gu master, exactly Yinzhu's sister, Baizhuzhu.

She looks very similar to the three Yinzhu sisters, but because they are not compatriots, there are still some differences.

Standing beside Yinzhu, she taught her younger sister, a new Gu master, how to identify putrid mud and frozen soil.

"Little sister, putrid permafrost is a common resource that is produced after ice and snow freeze mud. It is very similar to ordinary permafrost, but it is also very easy to distinguish."

"Look, it has a hint of purple in the black, which is not found in other frozen soils. The smell of sapropel frozen soil is very smelly, but it is frozen by ice and snow, so it can't be smelled for a while. It is the food of stinky fat bugs At the same time, it is very fertile and is often mixed in the soil to grow wheat seedlings, vegetables and fruits."

Yinzhu nodded, found a place, dug out the rotting mud and frozen soil, and said, "Sister, look!"

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Pearl admired, and said: "General Gu masters are easy to dig wrong, it's really good that you can remember so quickly!"

Yinzhu smiled lightly, and complimented: "Second sister, you taught me well! Otherwise, how could it be so easy for me to match the knowledge in the textbook with the reality!"

Pearl listened comfortably, and smiled with satisfaction: "By the way, Yinzhu, you have a high-level cultivation. When are you going to apply for a split? I can help you."

Yinzhu smiled wryly and said, "I originally planned to apply for family separation soon, but Jinzhu has caught a cold, so I plan to wait until she recovers, maybe two weeks later!"

"Two weeks later!"

Pearl frowned, and said, "Recently, there are a lot of remnant wolves wandering around the cottage, and the colder the more, the more they will be. If you don't apply recently, you'll have to wait until spring!"

After hearing this, Yin Zhu nodded and said, "I see, thank you, Second Sister."

Pearl laughed, and said: "Yinzhu, I may only be able to guide you for five months at most, and your brother-in-law and I have recently discussed the matter of having a third child, and it may start in March. If you want to divide the family property, you have to speed up." action!"

"The third child!" Yin Zhu said with a giggle, "Second Sister, congratulations!"

"What congratulations!"

There was a happy smile on the corner of Pearl's mouth, but he cursed in his mouth, "It's just an extra debt collector. The two-legged gold swallowing beast is really difficult to raise. I struggled for a long time before I made up my mind to have three babies."


There was a hint of envy in Yinzhu's eyes.

But I was thinking in my heart, I don't know when I will find a satisfactory husband like my brother-in-law.

Baijiazhai, Baihua Pavilion.

A ghostly girl poked her head out and looked around.

Seeing no one, she immediately went back to the bed, took out a straw man from the bottom of the bed and covered it with a quilt.

Then he left Baihua Pavilion sneakily and climbed out from the wall.

Outside the fence.

A handsome young man had been waiting here for a long time, and when he saw the girl coming out, he rushed to meet her.

In the cold winter, the two embraced and kissed each other.

After a long time, the young man said: "Jinzhu, let me ask your father to propose marriage. I sincerely want to marry you."

"I only love you in this life!"

Jin Zhu shook her head and said, "No, Bai Hong."

"You lost to Xianyu in the first round of the final exam last time. My father's impression was really bad."

"Let's talk about it later, when my father forgets!"

Bai Hong recalled the embarrassing incident last time and had to say: "Well, alas, I thought that with the power of a pig, I could make it to the fourth round, but I didn't expect to meet that pervert Bai Xianyu in the first round. There is no way!"

Jin Zhu pursed her lips and smiled lightly, and said: "Then you have to be careful, she is my good sister, if you bully me in the future, I will ask her to help me teach you a lesson."

"How dare you dare!"

Bai Hong smiled softly, and said viciously: "With a beauty like you, if I want to bully, I will bully her on the bed!"

"Still talking about the bed!" Jin Zhu showed a trace of disgust, grabbed Bai Hong viciously, and complained: "The fish maw you made last time smelled too strong. It took me a long time to wash it clean, and I was almost caught That guy Yinzhu found out!"

Bai Hong said badly: "Then are you comfortable?"

"Hmph!" Jin Zhu snorted, grabbed Bai Hong bitterly, and said, "I'm really fascinated by lard, why do I fall in love with you, a little villain with C-level qualifications!"


There was a hint of complacency in Bai Hong's eyes.

No one knew that one of the four golden flowers in the class would be picked by him, a person with no power, ordinary qualifications, and nothing but his face.

However, if it wasn't because he accidentally caught Jin Zhu's handle, he might not be able to coerce Jin Zhu to submit obediently.

"Stop smirking!" Jin Zhu pouted and said, "Hurry up, I'm just pretending to be sick to ask for leave."

"We smoke meat every day there, it's so annoying, let's leave quickly, if we get caught, we will continue to go to work."

Bai Hong laughed and said, "Hey, come with me!"

In Gu Yue's cottage, there is a private room in a certain restaurant.

A handsome young man said coldly to a young Gu master: "Brother Panshi, didn't you promise to help me get the task of separating the family after completing this task? Why did you receive this long-term guarding task again! "

Gu Yue Panshi smiled lightly, and said perfunctorily: "Fang Yuan! You have also noticed that you are unfamiliar with the task! You have taken the wrong mud and frozen soil, and it will take a while to complete the task of dividing the family! I It's also for your own good, after all, it will be very embarrassing if the mission fails!"

"That's right, that's right, Fang Yuan, the team leader is reminding you, Fang Yuan, hurry up and thank Brother Pan Shi!"

"Fang Yuan, what are you doing, you forgot that you forced the slaves, no team would appreciate it, it was the group leader who showed mercy and took you in, what kind of attitude is this!"

Seeing the familiar yet unfamiliar indifferent faces of the team leader's teammates, Fang Yuan smiled coldly, he already understood the reason.

He left without saying a word.

"Cut, what are you dragging, it's just a scumbag, making yourself look like a character!"

"Haha, Brother Panshi, this time we have held Fang Yuan back, what about Dongtu?"

Gu Yue Panshi stretched out three fingers, and said with a smile: "Gu Yue Dongtu promised to give us this amount this time, and promised that we will give priority to supplying our vitality grass if necessary!"

"Hey, 30 yuan stones, if you hold on for ten days, you will get 30 yuan stones. This money is too easy to earn."

Gu Yue Panshi smiled lightly, and said: "Although this kid was expelled from the house by Gu Yue Dongtu, he still has the right to inherit the family property. Gu Yue Dongtu said that as long as we drag him past the age of 16, we can get 200 yuan Shi's reward, this is much easier than doing the task."

"17 years old, darling, I remember that after the age of 16, the division is to fight Gu, Fang Yuan is no more than class C, and his younger brother Gu Yue Fangzheng is class A, and he has reached the second rank recently, Fang Yuan is Not even a penny."

Gu Yue Panshi nodded, and said: "So he is already a dead fish, destined not to be able to get up, we can safely bully him! After doing this, Gu Yue Dongtu owes us a favor, and we will be afraid in the future." Can't buy organic grass!"

A member of the team couldn't bear it and said: "I think Fang Yuan is a good person. The fact that he forced the maid in the fake story is probably designed. Isn't it a bit bad for us to bully him like this!"

"300 yuan yuan stone, you can share 50 yuan!"

Gu Yue Panshi said expressionlessly: "If you don't want it, you don't have to!"

"Yes, why not!"

The man said viciously: "His grandma's, isn't it just delaying time! So what if he plots against Fang Yuan!"

"For primordial stones, conscience is nothing!"

"Hehe!" Gu Yue Panshi grinned and said, "What stupid things are you talking about harming Fang Yuan! We are teammates, members of the same bloodline, how could we harm Fang Yuan! Just don't worry about him completing the task of separating the family alone, I want to polish him for a while longer!"

"That's right, Fang Yuan is our blood relative, dear relatives and friends!"

"It's too early to divide the family now, Fang Yuan is only 16 years old, he still needs to polish it for a while!"

"That's right, young people don't know how to manage their finances. We are also doing it for his own good, and let him practice for a while, so that he won't be ruined by inheriting property!"

Inside the box.

After unifying their thoughts, the four group members sat together happily, eating large pieces of meat and drinking in large bowls.

at the window.

Fang Yuan's immature figure was also far away from the restaurant, under the snowy sky and in the cold wind, his figure gradually moved away.

(End of this chapter)

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