The art of controlling the house

Chapter 542 How old are your friends?

Chapter 542 How old are your friends?

Seeing that Concubine Linjia proposed not to follow her upstairs, Zhang Yu couldn't say anything, but could only follow Tian Chengcheng into the tea restaurant.The one who went in together was naturally the basket of emeralds.It's just that the piece of imperial green is still in Zhang Yu's hand.

The eyes of the others were all fixed on the backs of Zhang Yu and the others. When Zhang Yu and the others were no longer in sight, the people present began to discuss in a low voice.

"It seems that the Meng family is going to take these emeralds..." "That's for sure, how much is it... It hasn't been processed yet, and after the processing is completed, the price will have to double..." "Old Mao, you I seem to know that young man, what is his background?" "It's a friend of mine, what's the matter?" "Since we know each other, the emerald he opened must be sold to you first..." "Hehe...Meng If the family makes a move, I'm afraid it will not be so easy..." "The Meng family's business is also legal.

Of course Zhang Yu couldn't hear the discussion of these people. He and Tian Chengcheng went to the second floor and came to the private room.

"Boss, someone is here." Tian Chengcheng said politely.

The man in the white suit glanced at Zhang Yu, and made a gesture of invitation, "Please sit down."

"Thank you." Zhang Yu smiled slightly, and sat down opposite the man in the white suit.

Tian Chengcheng poured him tea, then stood beside the man in the white suit.

Zhang Yu picked up the teacup, blew on it, took a sip, and praised: "Good tea... really good tea..."

The taste of tea is strong and elegant, and the taste is pleasant. Even Zhang Yu, who doesn't know how to taste tea, knows that it is the best.

"As long as you like it, sir..." The man in the white suit said with a smile, "My name is Meng Tingsen, and I am the shopkeeper of the Meng Family Gambling Stone Workshop. I haven't asked Mr. Gao for his name yet."

"I don't have a high surname. My name is Zhang Yu." Zhang Yu said carelessly.

"It turned out to be Mr. Zhang..." After speaking, Meng Tingsen took a deep breath, as if thinking of something, and did not continue to speak.

Zhang Yu smiled and said, "Boss Meng, it's a pleasure to meet you today. In fact, I've wanted to visit you for a long time, but I'm afraid that you are busy and don't have time to see me."

"Mr. Zhang was joking...It is also an honor for you to know a friend like you...Sir, he said he wanted to see me a long time ago, but I don't know what's going on..." Meng Tingsen said.

"Isn't this the next project of the Office, about the renovation of the Shangwu Road Cultural Square. The Meng family's ancestral hall and gambling stone workshop are here... I was thinking, Boss Meng, do me a favor and cooperate with the demolition work of the Office... ..." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Hahahaha..." Hearing this, Meng Tingsen couldn't help laughing out loud, as if he heard some big joke.

He smiled for a while before saying: "Mr. Zhang can really joke. Who doesn't know that this is the treasured land of geomantic omen of our Meng family...Let us move, how is it possible..."

"I know it's a bit embarrassing, but the Meng family's ancestral hall and Gambling Stone Square don't have to be moved... I will design it well here... As long as the Meng family helps, let others move it... Everyone knows that there are many people here. The residents are all surnamed Meng... Boss Meng said, it is not an easy task..." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Although their surname is Meng, I can't make up their minds for them. Since it is a demolition project, they must be compensated. As long as the compensation is in place, they can move if they want, and I can't control it." Meng Tingsen said.

"If Boss Meng said that, then I can only... the soldiers are in danger..." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Meng Tingsen's voice sank.

"I just made some money by betting on rocks, but I'm afraid this amount of money is not enough for the demolition fund. But... I think I have a lot of experience in betting on stones. If I do it a few more times, I think I can use the demolition funds. Earn it..." Zhang Yu said confidently.

"How dare you!" Hearing this, Meng Tingsen slammed the table and said angrily, "Boy! You think our Meng family is betting on Shifang, how can you let you play wild here!"

"Hehe..." Zhang Yu smiled lightly and said, "So many people downstairs saw me coming up, Boss Meng can't let me come and go... If this is the case, I'm afraid it will have a great impact on the reputation of the Meng family. , who would dare to come here to gamble with stones in the future..."

"If you don't say that, I'll make you confused... By the way, I want 50 million of these emeralds you opened... From now on, don't let me see you again..." Meng Tingsen said coldly.

50 million [-] million!
When I was below, someone calculated the accounts, and according to the price quoted by the middle-aged man, the total of the eight jadeites was 80 million.Others said it was more than [-] million.

Meng Tingsen directly offered 50 million 70 million, which shows that the extra money is naturally imperial green.In other words, he offered the imperial green a price of [-] million.

Meng Tingsen even offered this price, and it was not difficult for Zhang Yu to be sure that the piece of imperial green in his hand would definitely exceed this price.

Zhang Yu smiled disdainfully and said, "Mr. Meng is joking this time. He wants 50 million to take away the jadeite I opened. How is it possible..."

"Then how much do you want?" Meng Tingsen said.

"I won't sell it to you!" Zhang Yu said bluntly.

A flash of anger flashed in Meng Tingsen's eyes for an instant, but then disappeared.He sneered, and said: "Then you are toasting and not eating fine wine... Don't think that I can't do anything to you when so many people see you coming up... I can completely kill you in your name." The jadeites in your hands are being auctioned, so they can taste the sweetness... In this way, as for whether you can go downstairs, no one will care... After all, your behavior can no longer be described as luck, It belongs to smashing people's jobs... For those who break the rules, I have no reason to be polite to you..."

scare!Threatening with all its might!
But Zhang Yu wasn't afraid at all, he just smiled and said, "My friend is waiting for me downstairs, if she doesn't see me go down, she won't give up with you..."

"Who's your friend? I'm the god of gambling in our Meng family's stone workshop!" Meng Tingsen said proudly.

"Then why don't you ask someone to invite her up, or I'll go down and find her up..." Zhang Yu had a flattering look on his face this time.

Meng Tingsen smiled disdainfully and said, "Cheng Cheng, have you seen his friend?"

"I see." Tian Chengcheng said.

"Go and invite people up," Meng Tingsen said.

"Yes, boss." Tian Chengcheng immediately left the room.

Zhang Yu stopped talking, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit one, and drank tea while smoking.

Meng Tingsen glanced out the window, there were still a lot of people gathered outside, and there was no intention of dispersing.He looked at Zhang Yu again, and said that Zhang Yu was not afraid, he seemed to be a little scared; when he said that Zhang Yu was not afraid, it also meant that he was a little bit confident.

After a while, Tian Chengcheng came back, and behind her was a blond woman with a cane and sunglasses.

When Meng Tingsen saw the woman who came in, he was startled immediately, his eyes fell on the woman, and he couldn't stop looking at her.

Zhang Yu got up immediately, came to Fei Linjia's side, and said with a smile: "The leader... still wears sunglasses in the room, can you see clearly..."

(End of this chapter)

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