Chapter 548 Spotlight

"This is Miss' luck! God is helping Miss... Suddenly, such a lucky star appeared..." Catherine said happily.

"He helped me, so naturally I can't treat him badly. Give him the status of Wunan City Councilor as soon as possible." Fei Linjia said.

"This..." Catherine was a little embarrassed, "The number of councilors is fixed, so we can't suddenly add one..."

"Zhang Yu found out that the mine was meritorious, so it's obviously no problem to be a member of parliament. As for the number of people, just find a reason to remove one of the original people." Fei Linjia said lightly.

"Yes... I will find a way to confirm the identity of Mr. Zhang Yu in the shortest possible time..." Catherine said.

Afterwards, Catherine said cautiously, "Would you like to hold a press conference on the Nanmen Mountain mine?"

"After the family surveys tomorrow, it is confirmed that the mine vein is very large, and it must be held."

At this point, Fei Linjia seemed to have thought of something, and said, "That's right, let Zhang Yu also attend the press conference and help him prepare some manuscripts for interviews with reporters."

"Understood." Catherine nodded.


The next day.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the Wunan City Office held a press conference.

When the Office invited the media to come, it was naturally full of people. The large and small media in Wunan City rushed to the auditorium one after another, and the auditorium was full.As for the Office, Chief Concubine Linjia will of course not be present in person. Those in charge of receiving the media are Office Director Tang Min and Press Officer Janice.Both Zhang Yu and Catherine were also present, and Catherine had already handed over a manuscript to Zhang Yu, instructing him on what to say and what not to say.

This was Zhang Yu's first time standing under the spotlight, and just after he sat down, countless reporters started taking pictures with their cameras, "cracking, crackling".

Soon, the press officer Janice announced the good news to everyone, that is, a high-quality copper vein was discovered on Nanmen Mountain.The person who discovered this vein was naturally Mr. Zhang Yu who had just taken over the Route [-] project.Mr. Zhang Yu reported this matter to the Commissioner's Office in time, and after verification, the Route [-] project has been temporarily suspended.

After Janice spoke, it was Tang Min's turn to speak again. He didn't talk much, and it was nothing more than some occasional remarks.

When his argument was over, it was time for reporters to ask questions.

The reporters seemed to have no interest in interviewing Janice and Tang Min, and put all the topics on Zhang Yu, a fresh face.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang, I am a reporter from Wunan Daily. As far as I know, although you are young, you are already the chief consultant of Xiaoding Group and the investment consultant of Wenshi Group. The Juye company you founded seems to be just now. Register. So we are very curious, which university did Mr. Zhang graduate from, and how did he become a consultant for these two group companies? Where did you get the capital to start your business?"

Regarding this question, Catherine seems to have foreseen it a long time ago. In the manuscript for Zhang Yu, there are similar questions, and Zhang Yu is asked to think of the answer in advance.

Zhang Yuping said peacefully: "I am a graduate of Wunan Institute of Architecture. It is the chairman Mr. Xiao Zhendao who appreciates me very much for being able to become the chief consultant of Xiao Ding Group, and thinks that I can bring benefits to their company. Similarly, being able to I became an investment consultant of Wenshi Group because Ms. Wen Ruoxian, the manager of the investment department of Wenshi Group, appreciated me. As for the funds for my start-up, it is mainly due to everyone's help. In addition to me, there are three big bosses in Juye Company. The shareholders, one is the daughter of Xiao Ding Group, Miss Xiao Yueying, the other is the daughter of Wenshi Group, Miss Wen Ruoxian, and the other is Zhang Bao, the owner of the Haihai Seafood Hotel."

"Hello, Mr. Zhang, I'm a reporter from Penguin News. You don't seem to be very young. I don't know when you graduated from Wunan Institute of Architecture?"

"This year." Zhang Yu said directly.


Good guy, as soon as these words came out, there was an uproar at the scene.

"A college student who just graduated this year..." "He graduated from Wunan Institute of Architecture..." " it true or not..." "This is an on-site interview, so there should be no fakes..."...the crowd The reporters all whispered that Zhang Yu's background was too big.

A fresh graduate can work as a consultant in two big companies...

Are you kidding me?
But there were still some people who reacted quickly. A reporter stood up and said, "Mr. Zhang, I am a reporter from Nandu Gossip. I would like to ask, what kind of relationship do you have with the daughter of Xiao Ding Group and the daughter of Wenshi Group?" friendship?"

As expected of a gossip reporter, this is the first thing that comes to mind.

"Friendship." Zhang Yu said directly.

According to the regulations, a reporter can only ask one question. The reporters of Nandu gossip are obviously not very satisfied with this answer, but if they want to continue to ask, they have no chance.

At this moment, another reporter stood up and said, "Mr. Zhang, I am a reporter from Jiangnan Finance and Economics. I would like to ask, what do your parents do?"

"My parents are ordinary farmers. The family has two acres of land. In addition to farming, they also partner with others to grow fruits on the mountain." Zhang Yu said.

"Mr. Zhang, I am a reporter from Pioneer Finance. I would like to ask you, the Nanmenshan Route [-] project has never been taken over by anyone, but once you took over, you discovered a copper mine. I don't know, are you bidding? Did you already discover that Nanmen Mountain is a mine?"

Zhang Yu said with a smile: "Of course not, I also discovered it by chance after I went to the site to investigate after bidding for the project."

"Mr. Zhang, I am a reporter from Wunan Metropolis Daily. I would like to ask you, the Nanmenshan project has been suspended due to the discovery of a mine. How do you plan to proceed with the Shangwu Road Cultural Square project?"

"Of course it is done step by step." Zhang Yu said.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm a reporter from Jiulang News. I want to ask you, since your parents are farmers, you graduated from Wunan Institute of Architecture. It seems that you have nothing to do with finance, investment and other industries. Xiao Ding Group and Wen Shi How did the group hire you as a consultant? How did you and your Bole get to know each other?"

"Speaking of this, it's more of a coincidence. It seems that Chairman Xiao and I are basically chatting. He thinks my ideas are quite insightful, so he decided to hire me..." Zhang Yu said casually.

Many questions are indeed difficult to answer, and can only be avoided.

The reporters were inevitably dissatisfied with some of Zhang Yu's answers, but the rules are the rules, and each person can only ask one question, and no follow-up questions are allowed.

Furthermore, everyone knows that Zhang Yu is now being favored by the government office, and many things are almost the same, so there is no need to study too carefully.

The press conference lasted half an hour, and the reporters' questions were almost all directed at Zhang Yu.

Fortunately, one of them should be a related household. When Zhang Yu's answer was unsatisfactory, he immediately got up and asked Tang Min or Janice, and successfully helped Zhang Yu change the topic.

(End of this chapter)

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