The art of controlling the house

Chapter 550 Chain Reaction

Chapter 550 Chain Reaction
Wenshi Group, inside the chairman's office.

Wen Chang sat behind the boss desk, looking at the computer screen.

On the page, there are news about Zhang Yu's discovery of copper mines and an exclusive interview with Zhang Yu.

After watching it for a while, Wenchang couldn't help but took a deep breath, and said in his heart, "I'm careless..."

He then picked up the mobile phone on the table and dialed his daughter's number.

The phone was connected quickly, and Wen Ruoxian's voice sounded from inside, "Hello, Dad."

"Xiao Xian, where are you now?" Wen Chang asked.

"At home." Wen Ruoxian replied.

"I have something to discuss with you." Wen Chang said.

"What's the matter?" Wen Ruoxian asked.

"That's right... Didn't Zhang Yu work as an investment consultant in our company before... I think it was a bit sloppy to fire him at that time... You see, can you let him come back... Besides, you also come back and continue to be the manager of the investment department ..." When Wen Chang said this, he was somewhat embarrassed.

"Dad, what are you kidding... just now he was fired, and then he was sent back again. Think of him as something, just a display..." Wen Ruoxian said unhappily.

"I know, there's something wrong with me about this, but... you are my daughter after all, you can't help but be with me... I know that the company he established also has your shares in it, and the friendship must be very good." Not long as he comes back, I can give him a raise, the same treatment as Xiao Ding Group..." Wenchang said.

"That's it...then I'll discuss it with him, it's hard to say whether it will work or not..." Wen Ruoxian said in embarrassment.

After all, Zhang Yu spent a lot of money to start the company this time.Obviously, Zhang Yu is more powerful than she imagined.

Wen Ruoxian also saw today's news. She never dreamed that Zhang Yu discovered a copper mine in Nanmen Mountain.This time, Zhang Yu definitely made a great contribution to Fei Linjia, and Fei Linjia also made a great contribution to the Tierwen family. The future prospects will inevitably rise with the tide.

At this moment, who wouldn't want to hug Concubine Lin Jia's thigh.However, you didn't take people seriously before, but now you want to add icing on the cake, maybe they don't care about you.

Zhang Yu can be regarded as a bridge to communicate with the chief. Wen Chang wants Zhang Yu to come back, no doubt he wants to save the country with a curve.

"It doesn't matter if it can be done, it must be done...By the way, didn't you say last time that it was Zhang Yu's intention to prevent Brilliant Group from winning the bid for the design proposal of Hongqiao Pedestrian Street Commercial Plaza...Is that so... "Wen Chang said.

"Yes." Wen Ruoxian replied.

"You tell Zhang Yu, as long as he is willing to come back, I will agree to these conditions." Wen Chang said.

"Okay... I'll do as you said..." Wen Ruoxian said.


Catch the hotel under the sea.

It's not mealtime right now, the waiters are all resting, and there is only one waiter sitting at the front desk.

At this time, the store door opened suddenly, and a group of people ran in from outside and went straight to the front desk.

Seeing this, the waiter cheered up quickly, stood up and said, "Welcome, how many are there?"

"I'm a reporter from Wunan Daily, is your boss Mr. Zhang Bao here? I want to interview him?" "Hello, I'm a reporter from Wunan Gossip. Is Mr. Zhang Bao here? I want to interview him?" ""Hello, I am……"……

The people who came in were not for dinner, they were all reporters.

The mystery of Zhang Yu's body has not been completely uncovered, and the reporters will naturally continue to dig.

They really wanted to interview Wen Ruoxian and Xiao Yueying, but these two people were not so easy to meet.So the reporters quickly thought of Zhang Bao. After all, it was only a seafood restaurant, and it was more convenient to get in and out.

When the waiter heard the other party's identity, he couldn't help being a little confused, and stammered: "We, our boss... are not in the store at this time... we can't come until dinner time..."

"Then can I trouble you to call him..." the reporter from Wunan Daily said.

"Okay..." The waiter didn't dare to neglect, quickly picked up the phone, found Brother Bao's phone number, and dialed it.

As soon as the call was connected, the waiter said, "Boss, I'm Jiao Hong... A lot of reporters came to the store just now, saying, saying they want to interview you... Okay, okay, I'll ask them..."

The waiter looked at the reporter and said, "Our boss wants to ask everyone, what do you want to interview..."

"I heard that Juye Company was jointly established by Mr. Zhang Bao and Mr. Zhang Yu. Now Mr. Zhang Yu has discovered a copper mine in Nanmen Mountain where Route [-] is located...I want to interview Mr. Zhang Bao about this aspect and learn about Mr. Zhang Bao..." said a reporter from Wunan Daily.

"Me too..." "Me too..."... the other reporters said one after another.

The waiter immediately relayed the other party's words to Zhang Bao on the phone. After he got a clear instruction, he said: "Our boss said that he has some urgent matters at hand and can't come back immediately. If you are not in a hurry, you can join us Let’s have some food first in the hotel, all of them are treated by our boss, he said to order casually..."

A group of reporters looked at each other. It was not time for dinner yet, and they all had lunch. Whether the time was right or not, they were not hungry.

But Zhang Bao said so, people can't come back immediately, so they can't just run away.That being the case, they can also feel that Zhang Bao is quite open when they have dinner at night.

"Okay..." "Okay..." "Then let's sit down for a while and wait slowly..." "Is there any tea..."

"Yes, yes, everything..." The waiter agreed, and called the waiter who was resting behind to come and receive him.

Good tea, good cigarettes and so on are all on the table. After all, the boss has confessed that the hospitality must be treated well and not neglected.

In fact, Zhang Bao is fine now, just lying down and resting at home.

When he heard that so many reporters came to interview him, he was very excited. He really wanted to be famous.But he is not a fool, and soon realized that things are not that simple.Facing the questions from the reporters, how should I answer, what can I say and what can't I say?

So, instead of going right away, he decided to prepare for his homework first.

After Zhang Bao hung up the phone, he immediately dialed Zhang Yu's phone number, told Zhang Yu about this, and asked Zhang Yu what he said when facing the interview.Zhang Yu's answer is that you must keep a low profile, especially about my question, you can't say everything.For example, it is absolutely forbidden to tell you about Feng Shui.

Zhang Yu asked Zhang Bao to read the news about the discovery of copper mines on the Internet and learn from it.

Zhang Bao kept agreeing, and then found the news to check.Zhang Bao was surprised when he saw that Zhang Yu had found a copper mine in Nanmen Mountain.

According to rumors, the Route [-] project will lose money.He just invested in Zhang Yu because he believed in Zhang Yu.Now that the copper mine is discovered and the project is suspended, the so-called loss of money naturally does not exist, and Zhang Yu must have made contributions to the chief executive, and it will definitely benefit in the future.This time, it almost reached the thigh.

Even if he understood it, he went in, and he didn't set off right away, but called Juefu Mao again.

(End of this chapter)

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