Chapter 566 Disguise
After dinner, Zhang Yu asked Su Ying for leave, left the house, and went to Xiao Yueying's residence to instruct her to play the piano.

This meeting, Xiao Yueying has obviously improved compared to the last time, she has been able to play "Guan Shanyue" very proficiently.The sound of the piano is melodious, like the sounds of nature.

However, when playing complex pieces, there are still flaws.The problem is still the same as before, the fingering will be a little stiff, and occasionally it will go out of tune.

In fact, this is quite rare. After all, it takes at least half a year to change the previous playing method and become proficient in another playing method.Xiao Yueying had no choice but to leave too little time, she had signed up for this Guqin Music Festival, and there were only five days left before the competition.

It was not difficult to see that Xiao Yueying put in a lot of effort for the competition, and her face was a little haggard. She probably spent all her time playing the piano except for eating and sleeping.

Zhang Yu also doesn't have the ability to guide from the side, this is a personal matter for the master to lead in and practice.What Zhang Yu can do is to encourage.

Until eleven o'clock in the evening, Zhang Yu felt that it was getting late, and he couldn't say that he would not return home at night.So, he bid farewell to Xiao Yueying, Xiao Yueying was naturally unwilling to let him go, Zhang Yu insisted again and again, and finally left.

There must be a limit to everything, especially since I really can't teach Xiao Yueying anything.If you are still single, it doesn't matter if you sleep here, but you are not single.

Leaving Xiao Yueying's house, Zhang Yu drove all the way home.When the car came to Huanghua Lane, there was a traffic jam.

It is no wonder that the nightlife in Wunan City is relatively rich.Especially Huanghua Lane here, it is simply a bar street.Discos, bars, and KTVs gather together, making it an absolute red-light district.

There are not only private cars parked on both sides of the road, but also many taxis. Needless to say, it is lively in summer nights.Driving on the road was slow, while Zhang Yu was waiting, he suddenly saw four people getting out of a black Nissan SUV.

These are three men and one woman. One of the three men is tall, with a full face and tattoos on his exposed arms; the other is of medium build and is a one-eyed dragon;Seeing this person, Zhang Yu immediately felt familiar...

Look at another woman, with purple-red wavy hair, wearing black boots, black leather shorts, and a black vest with a black waistcoat on top.She has a curvaceous figure and a dark red lip gloss on her mouth.Normally, Zhang Yu would not know a woman dressed like this, but Zhang Yu was still familiar with this woman.

After a little hesitation, Zhang Yu recognized it, isn't this—Ni Ni!
Immediately afterwards, he realized, who is the gentle man, isn't it Wu Xiangwang!
"Fuck..." Zhang Yu secretly called out, what kind of situation is this?Two cops with two not-so-good guys.Moreover, looking at the appearance of Ni Ni and Wu Xiangwang, it is obvious that they have been carefully dressed, if they are not familiar with people, they will never recognize them.


Zhang Yu immediately realized that Yao Chenggang had said before that there was another contact person of the arms group named Heizi, who often haunted the bar street of Huanghua Lane.

Ni Ni and Wu Xiangwang's arrival this time is not because of this, is it?
While pondering, he watched Ni Ni and the four of them turn around and walk into a bar, the name of the bar was "Wealthy Bar".

"Ni Ni and Wu Xiangwang are going to carry out the mission. What are the two people beside them doing? They are also soldiers... It doesn't look like... This mission is probably not easy..."

Zhang Yu muttered in his heart, and the horn of "Dididi" sounded from behind.

He came back to his senses immediately, and when he was staring at Ni Ni, his feet were on the brakes.The car didn't move, the car in front had already driven a certain distance, and the car behind was naturally in a hurry.

Zhang Yu quickly released the brake and drove forward.Just in front of him, a taxi pulled up the customer and drove away from the side of the road.Zhang Yu took advantage of the situation to park the car at this location, then got out of the car and walked towards the wealthy bar.

After walking a few steps, Zhang Yu's heart skipped a beat. Ni Ni and Wu Xiangwang both went there in disguise, so it would be wrong to just go in like this.

Looking around, there is a "special clothing store" on the side of the road.When you come to the door of the store, it is not difficult to see that there are all kinds of weird clothes hanging inside, as well as non-mainstream accessories and various masks.

In the store, someone is picking out masks or something.These days, people play all kinds of things, and they can wear whatever they want.

Zhang Yu's heart moved, and he entered the store.After looking around, I quickly fell in love with a set of beggar clothes and a Shamat wig.

He immediately went into the dressing room to change his clothes, put on a wig, and looked in the mirror. He was completely different from his usual self.There were several holes in the beggar's trousers, and the vest on his body brought out his figure, which was better than that of a swimmer.Coupled with the red killer wig, it is obvious that he is a bum who likes sports.

After leaving the dressing room, Zhang Yu bought another pair of piercing-free earrings and clipped them to his ears.Tonight can be regarded as a debauchery.

When he was checking out, he immediately noticed that a few girls in the store's costumes were staring at him.See what this means, I am very satisfied with his appearance.

Zhang Yu didn't stay for long, then left, threw his clothes into the car, and went straight to the rich bar.

Entering the bar, it was a lively scene, the music was surging, and a group of very revealingly dressed hot girls were dancing vigorously.

The waiter quickly came to Zhang Yu's side and asked who Zhang Yu was. Zhang Yu didn't say he was looking for someone, but only one person.The waiter led him to a small seat for at most two people, and then showed him the wine list.

Although Zhang Yu came here by car, he also knew that he had to order something. Otherwise, why would he come here alone?
He ordered a dozen beers and a fruit plate.The bar usually checks out first. After paying, the waiter quickly delivered what he ordered, and then disappeared.

How could Zhang Yu be in the mood to drink, so he used his eyes to find Ni Ni and Wu Xiangwang.

After a while, Zhang Yu found the location of the four of them, which was in a deck on the right front.There were no empty seats around the booth, but Ni Ni and the others had ordered a lot of wine at their table. The four of them were drinking and looking around, seemingly looking for someone.

After about 1 minutes, a young man in fancy clothes came to their booth, and he didn't know what to say. All four of them turned their heads and looked up the back side, then stood up, and left with the young man. .

Zhang Yu couldn't help but turn his head to look at the four of them, hoping that it was on the second floor of the bar, and all of them were private rooms.Along the window of the private room, you can see the performance below.

The four of Ni Ni walked back with the young people, as if they were about to go up to the private room on the second floor.

Zhang Yu wanted to follow up to have a look, but he didn't know the rules here, and he was worried that he would spoil Ni Ni's mission by scaring the snake away.

At this stall, a girl's voice sounded beside him, "Little brother, come to drink alone..."

(End of this chapter)

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