Chapter 570

Wula Zongcai nodded slightly, and said, "Heizi, how is the situation at the joint? What does the other party want to buy?"

"The other party wants to buy [-] submachine guns, [-] pistols, [-] rounds of ammunition, four howitzers, and [-] rounds of shells." Brother Hei said.

"This guy has a lot of appetite... But for me, it's just drizzle..." Wula Zongcai smiled, and said again: "How is the other party's background investigation?"

"The other party came here under the name of Tu Tianlong, but judging from the accompanying people, the woman named Hua Duojiao has a big problem, and she doesn't look like the original product at all. I think her skill is very similar to the note .” Brother Hei said seriously.

"Tiaozi..." Wula Zongcai took a deep breath and said, "Are you sure?"

"When there is a high probability..." Brother Hei said.

"Then what do you say?" Ula Zongcai asked.

"Yao Chenggang, who bought a gun from us, was killed, and the crow was killed again. I always feel that the wind direction is wrong, and it is very likely that he was targeted by the cops. My idea is that it is better to avoid the limelight. Don’t do business…” Hei Ge said.

"Now Tiaozi is getting more and more daring, and he doesn't even look at Lord Ma, and dares to attack me..." Ula Zongcai showed disdain on his face, and said: "If you don't do it, you don't do it." , but those who dare to challenge me, I have no reason not to give them some color... According to the rules, your people should be following these people..."

"Yes." Brother Hei nodded.

"Ask to see where they settled down, and whether they have returned to the Public Security Department. If they did not return to the Public Security Department, but deliberately went to settle somewhere, let someone kill them." Wu Lazongcai said.

"Yes, boss." Brother Hei immediately agreed.


Just at this moment, Brother Hei's phone vibrated in his pocket.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and answered it immediately, "Hey... what... What a waste, how can you lose someone... Okay, I know, let's talk about it later..."

After hanging up the phone, Brother Hei bowed his head and said, "Boss, the person in charge of watching them called. He said yes, the other party went to Xianghe Dumpling Restaurant to buy a lot of dumplings and left, and then followed him for a certain distance, making people... ... ran away ... did not follow ..."

"Waste! You are too good-for-nothing!" Ula Zongcai said angrily.

Brother Hei said cautiously: "The opponent's anti-reconnaissance ability is very strong... However, it is somewhat unreasonable..."

"How?" Ula Zongcai asked.

"Normally, if the other party wants to prove their identity, even if they find someone following them, they will deliberately ask our people to follow them to determine their whereabouts. And these people have actually thrown my people away... It can be seen Be very careful... This makes me doubt their identities again... I don't know, whether it is the note, or the real Tu Tianlong..." Brother Hei said uncertainly.

"Can't be sure again?" Ula Zongcai's face was gloomy.

"It's really hard to be sure... because their behavior really doesn't look like tiaozi... But, no matter whether they are tiaozi or Tu Tianlong, I think this business can't be done..." Hei Ge said.

"It can't be done..." Wula Zongcai shook his head and said, "I think this business must be done..."

"Uh..." Brother Hei froze for a moment, as if he didn't understand Wula Zongcai's routine.After all, be careful when sailing for thousands of years. When you encounter such unreliable customers, it is better to avoid them.

"It's very simple, the so-called catching thieves and stealing dirt, catching traitors and making a pair! If the other party is Tu Tianlong, then give them the money. If it's a note, they will definitely do it, and then I will kill them!" Wula Zongcai said .

"No... Boss, is this inappropriate... If the other party is a cop, it must be a policeman... Killing so many policemen is a big case..." Brother Hei said worriedly.

"What about the big case? You have to find the murderer, right? If you can't find the murderer, who knows who did it?" Wu Lazongcai said disapprovingly.

"The boss is right...but...but some people on the road, even if they don't say it, they know in their hearts that the ammunition comes from the arsenal..." Brother Hei said timidly.

"Made!" Ula Zongcai glared at Brother Hei, and said angrily: "There will be ammunition flowing out of the arsenal, why don't I know! Check the accounts if you have the ability to see if there are any shortages! I also said that the ammunition It came out of the dungeon!"

"Yes yes yes... Those people are actually just guessing..." Brother Hei said tremblingly.

"I also know that it takes ten thousand years to be careful. But there must be a degree in everything. If there is someone who doesn't know good and bad, and bullies too much, my Wula family will never be polite to him! Or that, if the other party You are really soldiers, just kill them all!" Wu La Zongcai said fiercely.

"Understood!" Brother Hei bit his head and nodded, and then said: "But if they are policemen, they will definitely set up an ambush. There are so many people... I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with..."

"What's so many people? I'll send someone to help you, and I'm sure I can solve all those notes... Also, the location is your choice. Do you have to choose a place that is easy to be ambushed by the notes..." Wula Zongcai said Then, he stretched out his hand and nodded his head, "Use your brain more... We decide the time and place, haven't you seen the kidnapping TV or movie... Even the kidnappers know it, it's not true, don't fall for the trap the ambush..."

"I understand, I understand, I know what to do..." Brother Hei nodded repeatedly.

"Go and make a detailed plan, and then I will arrange it here." Ula Zongcai said.

"Yes, boss."

Brother Hei agreed and left immediately.

After he left, Ula Zongcai raised his head and muttered coldly, "The copper mine I got was robbed... Now I'm thinking about arms again. I think you don't put our Ula family in the right place. In my eyes... this time, I'm going to make some noise in Wunan... Tsk tsk, a major arms trafficking case happened in Wunan, and so many soldiers died, the law and order is so bad... The higher authorities must solve the case within a deadline, your concubine Linjia I can't sit still on my buttocks, I guess someone from the Public Security Department has to throw the black yarn..."


Noble bar.

Zhang Yu, Yang Pan, Xiaomei, Tingting, and Xiaoman were all drinking and singing in the private room.

Zhang Yu peeked at the door from time to time, and naturally saw Brother Hei leading people away.Immediately afterwards, he saw Ni Ni and Wu Xiangwang leaving.

Seeing that the person left, Zhang Yu reckoned that the connection should be settled.

It seems that nothing is going on right now, but it doesn't seem too good to just leave.After all, I somehow led Yang Pan to walk in the corridor before, if I leave early now, will it be suspicious.What's more, Yang Pan knew a guy under Brother Hei's subordinates, and this guy said he would come over later, if he didn't see him then, he would definitely ask Yang Pan.

Can't go!
Zhang Yu made up his mind. Not only could he not leave, but if Wang Lin came over, he should make friends with him. Maybe he could get some news about the arms group.

(End of this chapter)

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